A Night to Remember


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Over the ensuing weeks Josh and Vanessa spent almost every weekend together. When summer came she moved in with him. Before she did so she told Josh about her father and mother to include the summer she had spent with her mother before starting college which also included the night she, Barbara and Jake had spent together. Vanessa was terribly afraid of what his reaction would be but knew they were headed down a road that demanded complete honesty between them. She should have known she had nothing to fear; Josh found the story incredibly humorous.

"When my mom was alive...when my sister and I were growing up we used to giggle conspiratorially about mom and dad's sex life. As we grew older they were both disarmingly candid about it. It probably has a lot to do with why we grew up without any hang-ups in that department. Before mom got sick they couldn't keep their hands off each other. I always knew my dad had good taste in women; mom was a very beautiful, vivacious and sexual being...not at all unlike your mother. One of us needs to tell my dad that the cat is out of the bag. That would be my job."

"Josh, your dad and I talked briefly about it last time we were there; he doesn't like secrets. I think he wanted to be sure that you and I were really serious but he's wanted to tell you...just didn't know how to broach the subject. Speaking of hang-ups...with my history with my father I should have a whole bunch of them. I don't. Aren't you curious about that?"

"I knew you'd tell me when the time was right."

"I don't hate my father; mom does and I guess she has every right. Was he an obsessively over controlling and over protective father? Sure, but so are lots of parents; I probably would not have excelled academically the way I did without his discipline. It's different being a kid in that environment than being the man's wife. Was my mother at the other extreme? Only as it pertained to sex, nudity and such. There's no question that she was over compensating for dad when I'd be with her. Thanks to mom I got a pretty thorough sexual education at a reasonably young age; when I talk to other girls at college I realize how damn lucky I am. I'm not ashamed of my body; I'm certainly not ashamed that I enjoy sex."

"I don't think mom and dad ever went to a nudist resort but neither of them was self conscious about being naked."

"Any young woman who says she's not had a 'bi-curious' moment is lying to herself. Well, I've been there, done that and have the tee shirt to prove it. My first---and only---bi experience with a woman was with my mother. Incest issues aside she introduced me to that aspect of human sexuality in a very loving way and allowed me to go my own way. Mom is not a swinger; she always wanted one man to love her and fuck her brains out. Sex is supposed to be fun and uninhibited. Frank Perry could never see that. Let me get one other issue off the table and then we're done with this---unless you need to talk more---and then it's time for you to fuck me."

"If I must."

"Look, that night with your dad...he was a virtual stranger...no strings and no attachments. We never expected to see him again. 'It never happened again---not that I wouldn't have screwed your dad in a heartbeat but he fell for mom in a big way and in spite of how exciting that night was for all three of us he just didn't feel right about a return engagement and I respect him immensely for it. Over the last year he's become more like a father than anything and I love him to death. I think mom and I came to the realization that our carnal activities that summer were over the top. No regrets and what's done is done but there was no way it was ever going to happen again. So if you've got visions of the four of us getting naked and fucking our brains out...don't hold your breath."

"I'm sure you mother is lot's of fun in the sack but I've got all the woman I can handle---or ever want to handle---right here beside me."

"A very good answer, young Josh! One last thought: your father is a very talented lover. It would appear that he passed his expertise down to his offspring in his DNA and that off spring has refined and improved on what was very close to perfection. I love you Josh; you turn me on like no man I've ever imagined. You push all my buttons; you thrill and surprise me every time. I never want another man...to have sex with another man. Definitely even more important is the fact that I love being with you in or out of the sack."

"I've never spent time with any woman---anyone---who makes me smile the way you do. I love you baby."

"Show me."

One has to believe that Barbara and Jake would have been very proud of how well adjusted their children were and what special young adults they had become. Vanessa went back to school at the end of the summer. After her sophomore year she moved back in with Josh and transferred to a university nearby. Josh asked Vanessa to marry him; she said yes but wanted to wait until she graduated---which would occur in under four years from when she had started college. They told their respective parents the good news on one of their frequent visits to Jake's house. Neither of them was particularly surprised and certainly neither was displeased.

The odd relationship between Jake and Barbara had evolved ever so slightly as the relationship between their children had flourished. Josh had told his father that he knew about the "night". Jake and Barbara were relieved that the big secret was finally out in the open.

After the kids had left, Barbara and Jake cuddled together following another of their marathon sessions that had left them both delightfully spent. Barbara smiled as she felt the remnants of Jake's cum slip from her slippery slot and reveled in the feeling of safety and comfort that his arms always provided. She loved everything about this wonderful man; he would make a wonderful husband...but could she ever again be a man's wife? She wasn't getting any younger; she had come to miss him terribly when he wasn't there with her. He'd been so damned patient...he loved her.

"I wonder how the kids would feel about a double wedding?"

"Are you proposing to me Ms. Perry?" Jake said, more than a little startled by her overture.

"I know that's typically a male role but you know full well that I'm a modern, liberated woman."

"I think they would be absolutely ecstatic."

"Okay, let me try this more directly. Do you really...no...will you marry me Jake?"

"The answer is and always was yes."

"Okay, that's good. Some minor details. I want to keep working. The company doesn't want to lose me and has agreed to let me move here. We have a lot of new projects on the table in this part of the state and there's nothing I can't handle electronically---from a home office. The travel will be decidedly local and the hours significantly shorter. I want to buy a house here."

"A new house for us to live in?"

"No! I love this house; I fell in love with you in this house. I'm thinking an investment property, possibly an upscale duplex---one half of which is always there for me if things..."

"Get suffocating?"

"Uh, huh. I want my own bank accounts; I'll certainly contribute financially but...and a pre-nup. A pretty simple one, actually. What's mine is mine and what's yours is yours and anything we acquire together we split down the middle if it doesn't work out."

"Sounds very reasonable."

"I'm terrified of marriage---you know that. Married people get lazy...the sex goes to hell...they fight about stupid shit...take each other for granted."

"Can I add a few things to the agreement?"

"Sure...I guess."

"Okay, first, when we're not having guests or cooking food that spatters we don't wear any clothing. You suck my cock first thing every morning...before or after I devour your delightful little cunt. You ensure that you come home at least three days a week---not counting weekends---and we fuck. We make love at least once each night and, oh yeah, do we need to include the periodic and always wonderfully nasty ass fuck in there?"

"Does that include me fucking you in the ass?"

"Not something I every thought I'd be into but you've completely changed my perspective in that area. 'Only seems fair."

"I wasn't sure how you'd respond the first time I suggested it. Most men would find it terribly...unmanly."

"I suppose but the fact that it turns you on so much to don that strap on and fuck me in the ass...turns me on like nothing I could have imagined. When I feel your bushy little mound against my ass...your warm breath and mouth on my back...your hands on my cock... Plus, I know what always follows and if you remember it was that amazing ass of yours that started this whole relationship."

"One more thing; in spite of 'that night' we leave our kids out of our sexual exploits...I just think that would be healthier. I mean on one hand I'm sure I'd enjoy fucking Josh and I know you'd love to screw Vanessa again but..."

"I sense that they have little interests in fucking a couple of old farts like us."

"No cheating; I don't cheat...I know you never did when your wife was alive..."

"Goes without question."

"Damn, old man! I thought you were completely fucked out! You're hard again?"

"You started it."

"Let's go out on the deck; it's warm tonight. Fuck me like you did that first time on the cushions...since Vanessa is not here to help, start in my pussy...and then cum in my ass...just for old time's sake."

The couple scampered out to the deck and Barbara quickly assumed the same position she had that night; she squealed and giggled as he slapped her full and perfect rump. She came first as she almost always did. "In my ass...cum in my ass...let me feel you in my ass...ohhh! That's right...deeper...faster...now just cum for me baby...you're close...yesssss!"

They cuddled together in post coital bliss. "I love you, Josh. I've avoided saying it...tried to stay protected but I truly love you."

"I'll never hurt you baby."

"I know that now."

The kids were ecstatic about the concept of a double wedding---and a double honeymoon. They found a remote island in the Caribbean with two sumptuous cottages which would be stocked with food for the week. The wedding was small and intimate but spectacular in its elegance.

During the honeymoon the two couples got together for most of their meals; when not together neither couple donned clothing. By dinner of the second day both woman had dispensed with tops; by breakfast the next morning they wore simple thongs; the men wore little more. By that evening---it was Barbara who initiated it and Vanessa quickly followed suit---all four were completely naked. The two couples also became completely indiscreet and each couple got more than a glimpse of the others' sexual activities. Jake and Barbara brushed up against the subject one evening as they cuddled together in the warm Caribbean air.

"I know we decided it would be unhealthy...should we...how do we broach that subject with our kids...would you be okay with it?" Barbara asked. Little did they know that their children were having a similar discussion.

When it happened there really wasn't any discussion. Somehow the four of them had decided that it would be okay. As often happens the two women started the ball rolling and in spite of their misgivings the two men gave in quickly. Jake and Josh were both comfortable enough with their own sexuality not to be uncomfortable in the same bed together with the two woman they both loved but the encounter was decidedly heterosexual as far as Josh and Jake were concerned. The two couples were in full sight and touch with each other switched back and forth several times.

As they all recovered and giggled together, Barbara spoke. "I want to make love to my daughter one more time...baby?" Vanessa nodded. "You guys okay with that?" They nodded. Hell, what normal male isn't turned on watching two beautiful women make love? "Gentlemen, feel free to join us." Barbara intoned. Josh had a plan.

"I want your ass, baby." Josh whispered in Vanessa's ear. "It yours...always." Josh got on his back and the lovely Vanessa squatted over him, inserting his long cock deep inside her rectum, then laid back against his strong young body. Barbara assumed her position between her daughter's thighs alternately eating her sweet young pussy and licking Josh's sack. Jake kissed Vanessa's face and breasts before moving on to that object which had first enticed him. Barbara's full rump was perfectly presented and Jake took no time in sinking his rock hard organ into her well lubed little muscle.

Over the days that followed there were myriad iterations of that first night when the barrier had been broken. As the two couples drove back from the airport to Jake and Barbara's house, Vanessa raised the issue on everyone's mind. "Do we leave it on the island?"

Barbara chimed in. "If it happens again it happens. A simple rule: no fucking each other's spouses unless we're all together...that would feel like cheating. If we're all together...in the same room...no pairing off and going to another room... and we're all comfortable with it...but not like a plan...spontaneous."

"It's getting late; you guys aren't driving home tonight---are you?"

"I was hoping to wangle an invitation to stay over!" Josh said. Later Jake and his son would talk about what had transpired.

"Are you sure you're right with this, son?"

"I will admit I wasn't sure at first but then I remembered a discussion we once had. You told me that no matter how good the pussy is at home, men are pigs and they always are thinking about the grass on the other side of the fence. I know you thought about it and I still don't know how you avoided the temptation when mom was alive."

"I loved your mother; I came damn close a few times. It never got past a little grope, fondle and kissing..."

"I don't want to make you uncomfortable dad, but bluntly as astounding as Vanessa is in the sack, Barbara is a completely different and mind blowing partner."

"Now that we're laying our cards on the table, fucking your twenty-one year old wife at my ripe old age is like visiting the fountain of youth."

"Are we rationalizing that all of this is good for or respective marriages?"

"Probably a little bit; there are certainly hazards. I think our wives would be okay whichever way we go; I suspect they're having a very similar discussion this very instant. We probably need to get together and have a mature discussion about where we go from here."

They did so; the rule they agreed on was simple. If any one of the four of them ever became uncomfortable it ended. With the air clear and everyone on the same page they prepared dinner together and then retired to the master bedroom.

It's been twenty years and Jake at seventy doesn't look much older than he did at fifty and Barbara has matured with grace. Vanessa is an even more striking woman in her early forties than she was at nineteen. Jake and Josh are often mistaken for brothers. A substantial addition was added to Jake and Barbara's house in the form of an attached guest house nearly the size of the main home and more than adequate to accommodate their two children. Jake and Barbara are typical doting grand parents. A third addition was added to provide space for the business which Jake and Josh came up with and in which Barbara and Vanessa are intimately involved. They all work from home. The children will soon be going off to college and will need to be told about their parent unique living arrangement. Both parents and grand parents will be surprised to discover that the very bright children figured it out years ago and came to the realization that it contributed directly to the stable home environment which too many of their peers did not enjoy.

The adults are discreet and careful and only get together to fuck when the kids are in school, camp or asleep. The secret passageway between the two master suites facilitates the nightly trysts. The children discovered it years earlier. Having just reached the age of consent both are involved in their own sexual discovery...together. They often wonder if they will ever be invited into the inner sanctum. With the impatience of youth they decide to invite themselves to the initial consternation of their elders. Ultimately a carpenter is called to construct and much large bed in each of the master bedrooms...one large enough for six.

What ever happened to Frank Perry? Does anyone really give a damn?

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Old_LionOld_Lion9 months ago

Yup. It's been said but I'll repeat NOT ROMANCE.

Astride story is the other end of the spectrum especially with the sex cornucopia you wrote.

Rancher46Rancher46over 3 years ago

Great tale, with a some what happily ever after. Gets 5 stars from me. Well done Dinsmore!!

rightbankrightbankalmost 8 years ago
that was fun

I can seewhere more than one button was pushed with this story. Likewise it could have been submitted in more than one category. Understanding full well doing so might blow the "mind" of the Lit computer it would be interesting to see what would happen if this carried multiple attributions: i.e. group, exhibition, erotic, incest, anal, mature, and yes, even romance.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
a very interesting romp and enlightening read

I actually didn't have any problems with the adults relationships; after all they all had planned for it not to happen, things changed and it just did. As to the grandchildren; it wasn't expected but they instigated it.

The last few paragraphs got confusing because it came across as though the writer was looking into a crystal ball; but it swapped back & forth between past / present tense.

I'm not into Anal (doesn't effect my judgement). However when Barb mentioned penetrating Jake it threw me because it was in past tense. I'm a guy and have never really considered being on the receiving end. I'm not sure what will happen if I meet a woman who wants it herself, or wants to try it on me. NOTE: I'm not necessarily against it "yet"; but I most definitely do not expect any woman to do something that I myself won't "like receive anal, light bondage, golden showers, etc...".

I had to re-read the piece about the house additions and accomodating their two children to realize that they were Josh & Vanessa's "son & daughter?"; the way it was worded it came across first that the kids were Barb & Jake's - then you mentioned that they were doting grandparents, so a little bit sloppy there.

I went back through trying to figure out what happened to Jake's other child? Was it a girl? SO; what's up? As far as I can tell he / she was never mentioned after the conversation in the checkout line when he said that his "children" had grown up and moved out. Why would the other child just disappear? That doesn't make any sense at all!



AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
If this is hot romance...

...then I'm Marylin Monroe and Albert Einstein's love child.

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