A Nightmare Reborn Ch. 03


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"We can lose these now," he told her and unbuttoned her jeans. Lori lifted her hips up and Will slid them off along with her panties. He tossed the clothes into the corner and touched her creamy white thighs, admiring her naked body. He lowered his face down to her clean-shaven sex and inhaled her.

Will licked her lips slowly, teasing her as he varied the pressure and twist of his tongue against her. He let his tongue gently slip into her pussy, tasting the sweet nectar of her inner sex. Lori moaned a little and shifted as he teased, and he could see her playing with her nipples, pulling and teasing them. He began exploring every fold, every inch of her vagina with his tongue until his reach could go no further. His chin was dripping with her fluids as her wetness slowly dribbled down his neck.

"I love you so much," he murmured into her pussy and rested her soft thighs on his shoulders. He started on her clit, flicking it and rubbing it with his tongue, gently attacking it and making her moan loudly.

"I love you too, baby," she moaned as she pulled at her nipples and bit her lower lip, "Fuck yes, just like that."

Will wasn't sure how long he spent down there, and truth be told he didn't really care. He enjoyed eating her out almost as much as she did. Her moans and whimpering, her desperate "yes's" were causing his cock to become like a piece of tempered steel as he ate her out. Finally, with a scream that echoed throughout the hotel room, she orgasmed hard and scooted her self across the bed as her body was wracked with a powerful orgasm. A flood of her cum splashed Will's mouth as she screamed, her hands grasping the blankets and mattress so hard that her veins popped out, her muscles flexing in shock.

"Yes baby, yes," she whispered, pulling Will to her as he worked his pants off. His cock slid against her wetness as he kissed her breasts, licking them and suckling them.

"Fuck me," she said as she pulled his face to hers, "Fuck me."

As Will positioned himself against his wife and began pressing to enter her, there was the sudden blare of sirens. The room lit up with blue and red lights and Will nearly fell off the bed as an air horn sounded. He looked at Lori, their eyes wide and completely shocked as they lay there on the bed naked and profoundly upset they had been disturbed.

"What the fuck?" Will grunted and hurried over to the window. He pulled the drapes open slightly as to not give the world a view of him nude. He saw not only an ambulance in the parking lot two stories down but also across the street there was a police car with its lights flashing. He looked down the street and could see another police cruiser go speeding by, it's lights flashing and siren wailing. He felt a familiar dread forming in the pit of his stomach as he looked further over and saw flashing points of red and blue light several blocks away.

"Lori," he said, "Come look at this."

Lori wrapped the blanket around herself and walked over to the window. She said, "Oh my God, what happened?"

"There are police, ambulances and even fire trucks out there," Will said quietly, "All over town."

"Jesus," Lori swallowed and put her hand on his shoulder, "I hope no one is hurt."

Will looked down at the parking lot again and after a few minutes saw the paramedics pulling out a long gurney from the front entrance. The body was wrapped from head to toe in a white sheet, and they both didn't a need a doctor to tell them the large stains on the sheet were blood. Huge crimson spots had soaked the sheet and Lori thought of that night her mother was butchered in that house on Elm Street. The sheets looked not all that dissimilar from when the paramedics had carted her mother's body away.

Lori took a deep breath.

"Could mean anything," Will said unconvincingly.

"We both know what it means," Lori shook her head.

Another vehicle pulled into the parking lot, swerving with no regard for those working in the area. The white van had multiple broadcast and reception arrays bolted to the top of it as it screeched to a halt and men with cameras hopped out. Will shut the curtains and went to the television. He turned it on and flipped through the channels until he found the local station.

"...now live to the Springwood Inn where Kate Hunt has the latest on this bizarre event," the newscaster reported as the volume and picture blurred and then came into focus. Lori joined Will as they sat on the edge of the bed and watched the television.

The image switched to the familiar setting of the Inn and the ambulance they had just seen outside. Paramedics ran around in the background behind the petite newswoman holding the large microphone. She brushed her short red hair out her face and looked into the camera, "Good evening. I am standing in the reception area of the Springwood Inn as the body of yet another victim who died tonight under strange and unexplained circumstances is being taken away. Authorities have not yet commented on amazing details of this event as reportedly thirty young people died in their sleep tonight."

"No," Lori said flatly, her lips numb and fingers cold.

"Shit," Will shook his head.

"As strange as this phenomenon has been," Kate Hunt reported as the camera caught a glimpse of the body being wheeled and prepared for the ambulance ride behind her, "The most puzzling aspect has been the grisly condition of the bodies. Early reports from the crime scenes seem to indicate that a straight razor or knife was used in all the killings while the children slept. All of the victims so far appear to be from the graduating class at Springwood High, scheduled for commence this next month..."

Lori looked away, unable to watch the screen. She hugged the blanket close to her body as a chill gripped her spine and shook her. She knew it wasn't over. In her heart, she'd known that Freddy Krueger wasn't dead and that he'd come back. And she was right.

"You okay, Lori?" Will hugged her.

"No I'm not," she whispered into his shoulder.

Will tried to smile, "Me neither."

"... behind me is the body of young member of the Springwood Inn janitorial staff," the reported motioned to the bloody mess on the gurney as it was loaded into the ambulance, "No names have been released yet, but the Springwood Police Department has asked that every parent check their children immediately and wake them up. This is Kate Hunt, channel seven news Springwood."

"Thirty kids?" Will turned the set off, stunned, "How did he get so many all at once?"

Lori looked at him, her eyes glimmering in the soft lamplight, "Jason?"

"I hope not," Will laughed nervously, his fear betraying him, "If that fucking goalie is back then we have more problems than I thought."

"Either way, we gotta do something."

Will turned to her, reaching for his discarded pants. He hated it when she got like this. He shook his head and said, "Lori, the only thing we're going to do is get the righteous fuck out of here before Krueger realizes we're in town."

"How can you say that?"

"I can say it because if he's pissed at anyone right now, it's us," Will motioned his finger between the two of them to drive the point home, "Let's just get the hell out of here now while we can."

Lori looked at him in disbelief. "Will, these people need our help. We can't just turn our backs on them."

"No no," Will shook his head again and knelt down in front of her, holding her hands. He said softly, "This isn't about you saving lives. This is about you facing your fears like Dr. Loomis told you to do..."

Lori wasn't beyond being honest with her husband, and she knew that even if she had wanted to, she couldn't have lied to him. She said, "Yes, Will, okay? Yes. I need to find some closure."

"You cut his head off, Lori," Will exclaimed, "How much more closure do you need? What are you looking for? An apology?"

She pulled Will to her and stroked his face, looking into his dark eyes with her own and trying to say everything she couldn't. She knew that staying in Springwood was a risk, but she also knew that she was tired of living in constant fear of Freddy Krueger. She was tired of wondering if when she went to sleep it would be for the last time or not. She needed to know he was dead, buried and gone. She needed to move on with her life, with their life together.

"Will," she hugged him close and stroked the back of his neck as he returned the embrace, "I'm tired of being afraid. I can't live like this anymore, and neither can you. Let's face this and be done with it."

Will shut his eyes. He wished he could have shut his ears too, but the damage was done. As scared as he was to stay here with Krueger and maybe Jason on the loose too, he knew in his heart she was right. He asked himself if he could live with her being so edgy and fearful of a ghost all the time. He could see the strain on their marriage already from this problem, and he couldn't deny that he and Lori both needed to deal with it.

"You can go if you want," Lori told him, her voice cracking a little, "But I have to stay."

Will kissed her neck, "Staying here and picking a fight with Freddy Krueger is insane, but doing it alone is just fucking stupid. You're not going anywhere without me."

Lori kissed will passionately and thankfully. "We're doing the right thing," she whispered, "We're doing the right thing."

"You might feel different if we get killed," Will said dismally.

"We beat him once," she said, "We can beat him again."

"We beat him with an assist from Jason," Will reminded her and turned to show her the scar on his back from where the hockey-masked killer had sliced him, "And I don't think he'll be interested in a rematch on our behalf.


Mary Stilfreeze, or rather the body of Mary Stilfreeze, walked the silent halls of the Westin Hills Institution, so far undiscovered and quietly looking for her secret destination. She passed several nurses stations and tilted her face away as she went, not eager to draw any unnecessary attention. Well, at least not yet anyway. Her face was twitching, the muscles involuntarily reacting the alien presence of Freddy Krueger in her system. He was like a disease firmly planted her mind, using her body to navigate the real world.

Through Mary's eyes, Freddy looked down at the flesh covering his arms. Mary's skin was beginning to deteriorate already, becoming soft and mushy to the touch. He could feel his own anatomy growing inside her, absorbing her tissues, blood and bone to create a new body for himself. He struggled to keep his balance as Mary's body reacted violently to his control of her.

If there was anything left of Mary inside, even Freddy couldn't see it anymore. He believed she had died screaming and cursing his name as he fed himself to her in the nightmare. Her fear had been delicious, if a little too aged for his preferences. He likened it to the difference between fresh milk and old milk. You could survive on old milk if you had to for a little while, but you can live a long time on milk fresh off the tit. Mary was curdling a bit in her old age, but still spry enough to keep him going.

He finally arrived at the supply room on the third floor and swiped the passkey that had once belonged to a nurse named Angela. Mary's fingers were clumsy and damn near uncooperative as he fumbled with the pass for a moment and then finally was able to grip it and slide it through the lock. The door chimed and the small light on the locking mechanism flashed green. The door unbolted and opened.

"Fucking technology," Freddy growled and closed the door behind him.

He looked up at the vast rows of unopened medicines and drugs, all in clearly marked non-descript cardboard boxes. Freddy walked Mary's body over to the shelves and began looking. A light sweat broke out on Mary's face as he searched for the specific drug that he hated more than any other. He noticed that as he checked the boxes and cabinets, Mary's fingers were leaving wet prints all over everything as her skin slowly broke down. Finally he came upon a long row of neatly stacked boxes marked in bold letters with the word, "HYPNOCYL."

"It's been a long time," Freddy smiled and raised Mary's hand into the air. His blades unsheathed from her fingertips in a wet splash of clear funk and blood.

"Let's level the playing field."

Freddy went to work.


Three police cruisers had formed a barricade across the road that led out of Springwood and to the freeway heading south. Sean and Don had parked their cruiser in the middle of the street sideways while Officers Trent and Briggs met their bumper at an angel on the rear end and Officers Ramirez and Ford mimicked on the other bumper. Their lights were brightly flashing in through the early morning as the three o'clock hour came nigh. All six men stood confidently by their cruisers and waited for anyone trying to get in or out.

"This shit is insane," Briggs commented as he warmed his hands by cupping them and blowing into them.

"Sheriff Williams wanted the road blocks up and ready," Trent said and patted his portly stomach.

"What the fuck is the deal here, guys?" Sean looked up from the hood of his cruiser. Don stood back a little and remained quiet while Trent and Briggs exchanged a pained look. Sean still couldn't get the image of that van wreck or the dead body that had been impaled on the mile marker out on Saxon Avenue, and as the crazy reports of sudden teen murders multiplied all at once in the span of an hour and they were suddenly on roadblock detail, he found he had a few questions.

"You haven't told him?" Ramirez asked Don, his Hispanic accent a borderline racial slur in Sean's opinion.

Don looked up and Sean was surprised, even hurt when he shook his head no.

"What don't I know?" Sean glared at his friend.

Don swallowed hard and looked away.

"Come on Don," Ford called from the seat of his car as he checked his sidearm and slapped a magazine in, "We don't want another Stubbs."

"Who the fuck is Stubbs?"

Trent stepped forward and looked at Sean, "Deputy Paul Stubbs. He transferred in two years ago about a month before all that shit went down at the silo and on Elm Street. Sheriff didn't clue him in on some of the town secrets and when those secrets came back to bite us in the ass, Stubbs got himself killed."

"What the fuck are you talking about, Trent?" Sean shook his head and then looked to Don, "What is going on here. Why are we out here? Why aren't we tearing the city up looking for the assholes who did this?"

Don sighed, "I should have told you when you first got here, Sean. You see Springwood has a past that we've all tried to bury since, well, since the seventies."

"Let me guess," Sean glared, "Disco."

"Fred Krueger," Don said evenly, "The Springwood Slasher."

Sean frowned, "Never heard of him."

"You wouldn't have," Briggs spoke up and looked at him, "He's been dead for almost twenty-five years."

Sean looked at them, still not understanding what they were driving at. Don spoke up again, "He killed a bunch of local kids, mostly girls before he got caught by one of our own, Lieutenant Thompson. Ford there is related to him on his mother's side."

Ford tipped his hat politely.

"They took him in, but he got out on a technicality and walked. Thompson and the town's folk trapped Krueger in his boiler room and burned the fucker alive. That was in 1980."

Sean took a deep drag on his smoke and let it jet out of his nostrils, "And that's why we have this road block up?"

"No," Ramirez chimed in sarcastically, "We're out here because if Freddy was the one who did this tonight, then God knows who or what else is going to come waltzing into to town."

"What?" Sean looked at him incredulously, "He's dead."

"He is but he isn't," Don corrected him, "He comes back now and then."

Sean stared his partner in the eyes, "I'm talking about reality here, Don. That poor bastard we took to the station tonight, that was real. Are you fucking crazy?"

"No," Don said, his voice filled with the beginnings of fear, "But I wish I were in this case."

"Please," Sean laughed and took another drag, "What do I look like?"

"This shit is serious, Renaud," Briggs said gravely.

Sean looked them with a crooked smile, ready for the big punch line and laugh at his expense. But the looks on their faces cast a doubt over things and made him wonder if they were telling the truth.

"There's more you need to know, Sean," Don put his hand on his partners shoulder.

"Okay," Sean shrugged amiably and faced his friend, saying, "Tell me."

Don looked at the others and then began, "He comes to our children in their dreams..."


From the bushes that framed the north end of the cornfield, Jason Voorhees waited silently, watching the police talk. He heard every word they said and completely understood them, and yet he did not care. The scent of the dream killer was in the air, the town was rank with it and Jason knew he was close. Jason's cold dead eyes watched them carefully as he waited for the moment to strike.

He grasped the handle of his machete and held it tight with his left hand. The fingers on his right hand had yet to grow back fully. The regeneration of his body was such a long, slow process that he was barely aware of while it was happening. It was part of his gift, of his special strength. His body would not allow him to die. At first, it was just to seek out vengeance against those who took his mother. But as time passed, and the rage did not subside, he realized he must punish not just the guilty, but all those who would violate his sacred ground around the lake. He would live forever to kill those who would violate the memory of his mother.

Jason didn't know how to verbalize this, but on the concept he was crystal clear. All would pay for what happened to him and his mother.

He thought of the dream killer again. He remembered the man holding his mother's severed head as water surrounded him.

Jason felt his anger rock his body as he stood up to his full height, towering in the night and machete brought to bear.


"This is bullshit," Sean laughed, "You guys been watching "Tales from the Dark Side" or what?"

"Hey, fuck you," Briggs pointed at him. Sean recoiled back at the pain in the officer's voice, "My son was out at the fucking silo when it happened. He came home in two pieces, so you tell me... is that bull shit?"

"Look man," Sean said diplomatically, "All I'm saying is once a guy is dead, he's dead. It was probably some copy cat nut fuck who idolized Krueger and this Jason guy."

"Normally, I'd agree," Don said, "But I helped scrape what was left of Stubbs off the floor at Westin Hills. In Springwood, death doesn't mean much. Not here."

"Guys, I respect ya all. I really do, but come on."

"Ignorant prick," Briggs said under his breath.

"Excuse me?" Sean snapped his around and glared.

Briggs stood up and walked over to Sean as everyone stood back a little. Briggs stood only a foot away, thumbs hooked on his belt as he looked Sean in the eye and said, "Ignorant... prick."

"Offensive... asshole," Sean replied sarcastically and added, "You looking for a fight? Cause this isn't the time for your bullshit, Briggs."

"We're telling you the truth," Briggs snarled and tapped Sean on the chest, shoving him back a little, and "If you end up dead by morning don't say we didn't warn you."

Sean cocked his head, "That a threat?"

"It's the damn truth, you fucking ni-" Briggs stopped himself and stood back, still scowling as Don stood between the policemen.

"What's that?" Sean glared at Briggs, his eyes wide as Don placed a hand on his shoulder, "What were you gonna say there, you fucking slice of Wonderbread?"

"Okay knock it off," Don shouted and spun to face Briggs, "We don't need this shit, you got it?"