A Normal Weekend with Katie Ann


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I stood, hands on hips, watching the clouds roiling late in the day, feeling the barometer dropping. Time to go home.

After washing up, I dozed in the study, feet propped up, Cat in my lap. The phone trilled, Kate with tentative reception, back soon.

A light rain was beginning as I made up a skillet of cornbread and started work on my concoction of roasted vegetables. Cat came through the cat door semi soaked and very unhappy. I turned on the space heater in the corner for her to dry out and resumed my tasks.

Soon, I saw the flash of headlights and Katie Ann's car coming up the drive. The rain had just stopped, water still dripping from the eaves.

We kissed when she came in. "How was the wedding?"

"It went well. A girl came from Franklin to sing, she did fine." She sat, pulling off her pumps. "How 'bout a beer for a tired traveler?" She kissed my neck as I pulled the out cornbread. "I'm going to go get out of my 'churchies' as you call them.

I was sitting on the old porch couch watching the rainstorm mutter off, beer in hand when Katie Ann returned. She wore jeans that complimented her full bottom, a sheer top under an unbuttoned blouse. I admired her unbound soft orbs as I handed her her beer.

"I know, I know. I've been bound up all day and my girls just need to be loose for awhile, that OK hon?" She raised her arm, running her hand through my hair. "Mmmm. Good to be ho- uh, back. Gosh, let me go call the moving truck already!" Laughing and blushing at the same time, she.

I laughed with her for a second, then looked down at my beer.

"Something wrong? I didn't upset you did I? OH, I'm SO sorry!"

I was shaking my head, raising my hands, laughing anew. "Hold up, hold up, it's all good. I was thinking though, you might like to leave some comfies here, maybe a toothbrush. I'd give you a door key, but I don't use it, it's here somewhere.." I grinned at her as she clambered into my lap, facing me on the couch. "After all, comfies are normal, right?"

"Oh, you SWEET man. I'm going to lay one on you!"

Her soft lips brushed mine at first, then a tiny nip on my lower lip. "You been bit Big'un."

I nibbled her back. "Two can chew, little tiger.."

"Oooh. I like that. Little Tiger huh? Never knew a NORMAL girl could be called that. Makes me dangerous, huh?"

Another kiss, more than a brush. Then another with parted lips. "Mmm. Little Tiger likes this." She squeezed my shoulders, breasts rising and falling under the flimsy undershirt. "Another please." Passion began to intrude. A lover's kiss will do that. It was doing it to me.

We broke for air. "I need to tell you something." She straightened my collar.

"You're so formal for one so normal."

"You're being silly, no, listen to me. That night in the car when we accidentally kissed? Uh-uh, not an accident. That was an example of Tiger timing, Growl!" She giggled, "I've been wanting to kiss you for a long time, hon, long time."

"You serious? I mean, you've always been friendly, but being married, I had no idea..."

That's 'cause you're a man, you old dope. Men are always the last to know when it comes to stuff like this." She shifted around. "There. My ankle was in a bind. Am I too heavy on you? I just thought..."

" No, I'm in terrible pain, but kissing makes it feel better. Maybe two, then I should get the cornbread out of the skillet..."

Her lips covered mine once again, making conversation less possible. I wasn't complaining. I couldn't tell which kiss we were on, but if the first part of the kiss was hot, the second part was absolutely scorching. I was sideways in my pants, (ouch), and my hands were full of her full breasts.

"We're not being normal again." She pulled her undershirt out of her waistband. "You want to kiss them for a minute, Hmmm?"

With some difficulty, I pulled the shirt over her magnificent chest and began my worship. She cradled my head, muttering softly to me. She sighed as I took a swollen nipple into my mouth, teething the tip just so, then sucking all I could get into my mouth.

"Oh yes, hon. Kiss my girls, kiss them, now here kiss this one, suck, oh! Yes...Yes."

Her hand found my distension. Unzipping me, she loosed my manhood, then jacked it slowly as she cradled my head. Because of the previous night, I felt my imminence approaching rapidly, her arousal was evident too and her sex talk in my ear was so compelling! The timer had been going off for I don't know how long. Had she been wearing a skirt, this would have been over. Her hips were undulating on my lap, unconscious fuck me now motions.

I couldn't get my breath and my warning lights were flashing red. My God!!

I covered her swollen from sucking/ loving/ worshiped breasts, gasping, "It's dinner! Normal time, OK?"

Reluctantly, she climbed off. I rushed to the stove. The chicken broth had steamed off, veggies stuck to the boiler, not good.

"I SHOULD get a PICTURE of this! Here's you with your THING sticking straight out over the kitchen stove. PRICELESS!"

I don't know what kind of look I had on my face just then. It must have been unusual. I tried to put myself away, feeling very foolish.

She sat down. "Uh-uh, Come here, I'll make it better."

I put the boiler on a trivet and walked over, not knowing what 'better' would be.

She pulled me to her waiting lips, holding my shaft while she circled the head with her tongue. "Mmmm." Kate looked up, brown eyes soft and wet. "Now see, isn't this better?"

"I ruined dinner," I breathed.

"Um Humm."

"I know you can't, (Oh my God!) talk right now, but I didn't have a backup plan."

"Mmmph, Mmm Hmm!"

"Unless you want a high protein snack, you'd best start being...uh, being (gasp) NORMAL!"

She pulled up, licking my rim, being Terrible Little Tiger. "I'll take you out. Can you survive?"

The Rebel House was busy, but it was nearby. We shared a table with two other couples, one of which we knew from Chamber meetings. The fare was excellent. We still got veggie plates, but my cornbread would have been better.

Katie Ann had driven and after dinner took us up Mountain Top Rd. I'd not been up there at night, ever, and as we turned into the graveled pull off, I marveled at the scene below us. We got out, avoiding puddles from the rain and walked to the edge to look out.

The mountains loomed as darker shapes in the night, interspersed with the lights of towns and villages shimmering in the mists. There was lightning streaking across the skies north of us, heading for the Carolinas. It was utterly silent, save the wind blowing in our ears, flurrying the wet grass at road's edge.

I put my arm around her and we stood wordlessly for a little while. We could make out lights in houses across the valleys and perched on hillsides, seeing them wink off as bedtime approached. We hugged and gently kissed one another, reluctantly leaving the eyrie of our chaste tryst, feeling the impending thunder far away.

At the Farm

Driving back to my home, we, (maybe she) decided to go to the farm. She rinsed out my mess in the kitchen while I got up an overnight and left out food for Cat.

It was late getting in, later getting to Katie Ann's. To top it off, a tree branch had pushed through a window in the living room. The storm must have been harder on her side of the county. I worked outside with a bow saw, getting the branch out, then coming in to tape over the damage for the interim. There was glass all in and on a settee and under the couch. We picked up what we could see and went to bed.

Her rooster decided reveille was about ten after seven. Kate later remarked that we were lucky, earlier was the norm. But just then we laid there in her antique sleigh feather bed. The window was raised and we could hear the hens squabbling outside. A car went by, tires ticking over the asphalt patched concrete. The first rays of the sun reflected off her dresser mirror, shining on Kate's necklaces hanging off one edge.

"Used to, the cows would start mooing. I'd know Ray was up and out just from that. I'd get up, tie my hair back in a bun, go down and start making breakfast. He'd come in in his socks, we'd pray and then eat while we listened to Sunrise Service."

I raised up on one elbow to look at her. Her gaze never wavered from a spot on the ceiling.

"After he made deacon, he didn't let me cut my hair for sixteen years. Do you know how heavy hair can be? Or how long it takes to wash? My bosoms were always big, big enough for a backache, then the hair pulling my head back. I got to having bad headaches and I finally told him I was cutting my hair off. I didn't see that he was making physical sacrifices!"

I covered her hand with mine and had the sense to be still.

"That was five years ago. I came home with a pageboy. Ray got really upset. I asked him if he was going to smite me just to look good for his imaginary friend. He got very red and trembled so much that he couldn't speak. I left to buy groceries. When I got home, Ray had moved my belongings to the spare room. I slept there to the end." She breathed in deeply, letting it out through pursed lips.

"After that, I didn't go to church. On Sundays, I did first chores while he went to church without his breakfast. I was D-U-N DONE with the shalt-nots and their ilk. I decided to have my own life and cast my own shadow. One of the people I met along the way was you and I thought about you a lot, until Ray got sick. By then my business was getting going and I had my hands full with this farm. Our thresher was broken and they came for the big John Deere after I missed the note a few times. Chemo ain't cheap."

She turned her head and smiled at me. "God I DO rattle on, don't I?"

I shook my head, stunned by her narrative.

"OK, not much left. Ray suffered quietly, in pain for a year before he let on. I'd see him wince when he went to tie his shoes and he couldn't finish his plate anymore. And I thought about what I'd said to him, the physical sacrifice thing and I felt guilty. But that's past, period. So when I called you last week and we talked about being normal, that's really true in a big way. I'm not sure what that is. You're the second lover I've ever had and I'm excited about that. But I've needed someone to talk to for the longest time, a guy friend, just to share and laugh with too."

I smelled coffee wafting into the room. "Yeah, well, let's go into town and I'll introduce you around, maybe we'll find you the right guy, huh?"

That was good for a laugh, one of those had to be there things.

"Oh God, I get SO dramatic, just PUT me on the STAGE!"

"You couldn't move your hands, that's the problem."

"I KNOW, tie me up and I'll be quiet."

"That could be arranged..."

"Silly. Lets get up. I'll even drink coffee with you."

Fixing the Farmhouse

After breakfast, we got the glass cleaned up and I went to Blairsville Hardware and got glass cut, bought putty and glazier points, came back and fixed the window. To say it in words seems like it took twelve and a half minutes. In reality, it was past lunch when I was satisfied with the work. Kate was just getting back from the village after some errands. I was hauling the tree branch around the corner of the house as she was getting out of her car. She looked cute in her pleated red skirt, ruffled blouse and tan sweater ensemble.

Katie Ann leaned back against her car, smiling, "You know, I can think of more chores for you when you get caught up, mister."

I grinned back, "Depends on what you charge me to do things around here.'

"Go on, you big dope! Lets have a picnic. Sound good?"

"Grounds are mighty wet just yet."

"Hmm. I know! We'll climb up in the loft. You can see out for miles. I've got bread, wine and cheese!"

It was a perfect day to be outside. A little cirrus was heading over the vista amidst a deep blue sky. A pale half moon was visible to the west. A hawk circled high, soaring the updrafts, his call faint but clear. An occasional car swept by and yellow butterflies fluttered along the fences and the wild flowers.

We took the well worn path around behind the smokehouse, edging through the people gate and into the barnyard. Kate hadn't changed, except to put on her sneakers. She carried an old quilted blanket, while I had the wicker basket. I could hear the wine gurgling in the bottle with each stride and I wondered what cheese she had chosen.

We entered the hay barn leaving the door wide open to dispel the gloom. Dust motes danced in the sun's rays and I saw a dozen stalls, long unused for mules and horses. She pointed to a rough ladder nailed to the wall. "You go up first. I'll pass things up. Oh, and watch for critters."

I complied, wondering which critters, climbing into the gloom, unbroken save the sunshine coming through the cracks. She passed up the vittles and such and joined my, wiping a wisp from her face. "Let's open the door." She went over to the wall and pulled a rope, then pushed a four square door open. This was the door used when the conveyor brought the bales up.

It also gave a spectacular view. Katie Ann's fields lay before us, and further, a wall of oaks and hemlocks shielding another farmhouse and barn. A soft breeze blew through as we admired the tremendous mountains rearing up only a dozen miles away, cloud shadows stealing along their wooded slopes. We stood silently, admiring.

Doves cooed back in the recesses of the barn as I moved some bales around to form a sitting/eating area. Kate threw out the blanket and opened the basket.

Her soft smile, little puffs of auburn hair about her face. "Shall we dine? You do the cork."

"I've never picnicked in a barn. I love the view, both inside and out."

She looked up at the roof. "Yes it IS a well built barn, (a sly wink there) post and beam you know." She looked back at the neatly stacked hay bales. Wistfully, "You know, I stacked those. That's been nearly three years now. Anyway, let's eat!"

We ate and drank, a delicious red complimenting the cheese. We watched a squirrel do a tightrope act on the power line over to the well, wagering if he'd make it or not. Kate went and stood by the opened door, framed by the sky and mountains. The wind gently ruffled her hair, other than that, silence.

Quietly, "I think I've had enough 'normal' for now." She sat down beside me, a throaty laugh. "Do you know why I made you go up the ladder first?"

"Something about critters and passing the food up..."

Kate nodding along, "Yes, that's right. But if I'D gone up first," pushing me down on the blanket, "You have seen ALL of me under my skirt!" Contrived innocence. "Not that I was PLANNING anything, nope, not me!" She hovered over me on all fours and kissed me gently, but deeply.

My hand slid up her thigh, encountering nothing until I was stroking her delightful round bottom. She tasted of wine as she held my shoulders, still above me, her hair tumbling down making a private place for us to kiss and explore, knowing our building passion would not go unresolved. Not this time. She took in my tongue, nibbling, licking, as my hand invaded between her warm thighs and began stroking her luxuriant fur, so soft, long, and downy. She made a deep sound in her throat, almost a purr. I unbuttoned her blouse with my other hand. Her bra had lace along the top, dainty and demure.

A murmur. "It unclasps in the front."

The final tiny hook finally released, unburdening Katie Ann's fullness.

"Ahhh." Then, she breathed, "Would you like dessert?"

I nodded, thinking of how Kate's nipples responded to my kisses.

"I'm thinking kinda naughty, is that OK?"

Before I could answer, she rose up, the bales under us crackling as she unsnapped her skirt, tossing it aside. She advanced up my prone form until her sex was presented, her breasts looming above. She shucked the rest of her garments aside, the glow of her nudity, her musky smell in my nose making me achingly hard. She reached above her to a beam, her soft orbs rising pleasingly with her arms, nipples already aroused from our play.

My hands flew to hold them as I took a tentative lick, attempting to part the thick hair. She undulated slightly, wetness on my chin, another purr from above. Her outer lips were thick and firm. I licked her furrow, mining the wetness from her entrance to open her little wings up to the base of her nubbin, retreating as she reacted. Katie Ann rocked her hips, riding my tongue back and forth, back and forth. Stilling herself, she reached back to my khakis, tracing my aroused outline.

Her stillness put her pearl between my lips. I drew her in, pushing the hood back with my tongue and unleashing a flurry of tiny licks, fast and unrelenting.

"Oh. Oh yes! Oh yes!"

A scream in her throat, a journey commenced. Her thighs tightened, aureoles crinkling, nipples hard in my palms, furtive hip movements helping the climb. Her brown eyes were wide and sightless, staring at the source of her mounting pleasure, nostrils flared. Both hands held the rail above her, breasts now firm and swollen with unmitigated lust, breath coming in bursts, pushing her pussy into my mouth, her clit a spear leading her torment.

She fought off the ending, raising back, making me tongue off her soaked entrance, trembling from want, her gasps loud and desperate, chest heaving, neck flushed.

"Don't stop, no, just KEEP GOING! Don't want it to stop. Tease me, more, more, YES!"

My hands now held her sex, pushing, then pulling apart her intimates, to tickle and toy. Her matted fur was against my nose as I succeeded in bringing my fingers to her entrance, inserting while licking her cleft to distract her. She bucked anyway, her muscles grasping my entering fingers. Again I sucked her swollen clit after it's brief respite, shocking her to push her off the edge. Her whole ass trembled as I squeezed it in my lips rapidly licking just the tip feather gently.

Katie Ann drew her breath in fully, chest rising. "NO. Not YET!!" and threw herself off me, muttering, gathering her thoughts.

I stood, removing my clothes. She watched, tracing lazy circles on her mound, dipping down an tapping, making herself jump. Wordlessly, I laid back down, my manhood across my belly.

She took me in hand, exploring as she gave me a searing kiss. I held her whole sex in my hand, palm at her pubis, fingers just entering her.

in a low voice/half whisper, "I'm so hot! I want to suck you, but I'll come. I want to fuck you but I'll come. I don't want it over. I've needed a man so long." More softly, "So long..."

I moved over her, hearing the doves still cooing in the shadows. I could smell the hay, the alfalfa, hear the rustling as we mated, ever so slowly. Her eyes widened at my entry, taking me in inch by inch. She kept her breath steady as I stroked almost all the way out, then in to the hilt. Her fingernails started digging in to me, a growl in her throat as we kissed, her biting my tongue.

"Take me. Take all of it, so deep, please, please, so deep, oh you beautiful man, pleasure me, don't stop, slow down or I'll come, want to be with you, yes, I want to feel you come in me and come hard, my pussy's yours, take all of it and fuck me, don't stop, I'm going to come, can you HURRY? Don't wait, blow in me, NOW, oh for the love of GOD, I'M COMING!"

Her sex talk took me up and over. Plowing her sex so deeply and feeling her pinging begin, her wetness, her wantonness, unabashed and unashamed, to share it with me forced my arrival, my seed beginning even before sensation arrived, being taken, emptying me as her own whirlwind enveloped her, her cries joining mine in her release, the liberation total, clenching me within as she frantically kissed me between gasps. Her hair plastered to her forehead, she hunched upwards, riding the long wave, raking my shoulders until at last the furies subsided.