A Note to His Teacher Ch. 03


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I did believe her, whether that was a good idea or not.

"I never was spanked at school, much less caned," Terry began, "because this was a very progressive community, and no one would've tolerated any spanking at any level. But when I turned 18, my closest friend, with whom I'd been friends for just about forever, told me that she had been spanked by her mom for the first time on that birthday. I already had gotten interested in spanking, so my ears lit up. She grinned and suggested that I do something that would get me spanked by her mother.

"'You can tell her that you slipped some liquor out of my parents' cabinet and that you feel you deserve to be punished for that but don't want to tell your parents because they'll go off the handle,' my friend Jan said. 'I'll tell my mom that you told me you'd be ok with her spanking you so you could feel you got what you deserved but preferred that to having to fess up at home.'"

"Jan told her mom and for the first time in my life, I was over someone's lap about to be spanked," Terry continued. "Her mom told me that I'd behaved very badly, and she had agreed to Jan's request for me that I be spanked by her. She added that this would be between us. I said I was very appreciative of her being willing to spank me and that I'd learn from this."

"She rucked up my skirt and yanked down my panties straight off," Terry told me. "She spanked hard, and my bottom was very red when she was finished. She also did what would be done with Jan and had me stand in the corner with panties down for a while, which wasn't too long but seemed endless. I also was definitely aware that Jan's brother or anyone might have come in at any time while I was standing bare-assed in the corner.

"I think it was a very good learning experience," she concluded. "It actually increased my interest in spanking since now I knew just what it felt like to get whacked on my fanny."

After we finished dining, we arranged to get together over the next weekend. I said maybe we could take in a movie on campus or in Palo Alto. Terry liked that idea but added that she'd like to have me come back to her room at some point. She had this conspiratorial look on her face, so I grinned and asked her what kinds of activities she had in mind.

"I'd like to cane you, Jack," she said very plainly, "especially since you've had the cane before, and I'd like to get a chance to indulge myself.

"Terry, I already like you a lot," I ventured, "and you've seen that I'm willing to engage with you on this stuff--to a degree. I don't expect that there are all that many people who are into this to the extent that they would go for it, so maybe we can take this a bit more slowly. The weekend is fine and yes, I'll find it 'interesting' (in the Chinese sense) to see how being caned by you compares to those times I got it from my teachers after I turned 18."

"Jack," she responded coolly, "I like you a lot too, and I appreciate your willingness to indulge me to the extent you already have. I have a feeling that you are not cut out to be a steady sub, but you also seem ready to play and I think this turns both of us on. So yes, thanks."

I took the lead in giving her a hug, and then a deep kiss. She responded by making it a French kiss and after that, we both had huge smiles. I asked her how she'd feel about a little more of a weekend, such as heading down to Santa Cruz. Terry smiled and said she thought that would be wonderful. I told her I'd make some arrangements and she grinned at me. I realized then that I was in this for real.

When I picked her up on Saturday morning, Terry had a small overnight bag and I had packed a similarly sized gym bag. Both of us were wearing shorts and colorful tees. She wore sandals and I had moccasins on. I was mildly turned on by Terry's wearing what looked like a cute lacy bra that was nicely visible through her tee. Not so her panties, assuming she was wearing any.

We headed south down to Los Gatos and headed out on the road over the ridge. I knew a good place for brunch, and we were there early enough so it was not already packed. It was nice to linger over brunch and we only had one round of mimosas, so we were far from being sloshed. It was good to walk around and enjoy being on the beach.

It looked like a nice day to get wet in the ocean, because by this time of year, it had warmed up. I mentioned that I did have a swimsuit on under my shorts; Terry giggled and said she did, too: a two-piece. So that was what she was wearing, that looked like a bra. It also answered my unspoken question about her panties.

We stowed our stuff in the trunk of my car and then went out on the beach. There were already some people there and some were even in the water. We got wet and then camped on the blanket I had brought from the car. I didn't try to fool around with Terry then, even though there weren't very many people anywhere near where we were lying.

Later, after feeling the effects of the sun, although we had lavished sunscreen on all our exposed parts, we slowly walked back across the sand to the car. Once there, it was a very short drive to the Best Western, which turned out to be a nice one, complete with a sizeable pool.

In our room, Terry suggested we shower. I gathered she meant together, which was certainly fine by me.

"Let's take this slowly," she warned. "So, no funny business in the shower. I'd like you to soap me up and I'll do the same for you." This was definitely a girl who knew how to take charge in more ways than one.

"Yes, ma'am," I answered with a grin and as I was shedding my swimsuit and shorts, she gave me what really was a playful slap across my butt. I say playful because I knew how she could really hit if she were so inclined and in her domme mode.

I couldn't help eyeing her as she undressed quickly. Terry had a nice figure, with perky tits and a nice, reddish, well-trimmed bush at which I tried not to gape. It's always good to learn that a girl's hair color is her real color. In the shower, I proceeded to use the liquid soap to get her whole body well covered and my hand only passed once through her legs. I did have to linger a bit longer on her breasts but there was no objection raised. I think she liked what I'd been doing.

She then made sure that I was soaped all over. Terry spent a bit more time making sure my cock and balls were well covered with suds. We each washed our own hair and rinsed that first, then splashed the rest of our bodies. I stepped out, handed Terry a big soft towel (I'd asked for extras) and as she dried herself before leaving the shower, I applied another towel to my own frame. She then had to dry her hair.

I shouldn't have been surprised when Terry first sat herself on the toilet and proceeded to let go with a loud pee stream. I was pleased that she just went ahead and performed this vital function without any fuss or making me get out. I asked her if I could go too, aiming between her legs into the bowl. She smiled but said yes and I aimed my cock so I wouldn't hit her pussy with the pee stream. She wiped herself the way girls do, and then she used part of the paper to wipe the tip of my cock.

It was already late afternoon, but we weren't even beginning to feel hungry after that late brunch. Terry said it would be nice to get under the covers for a little while. I concurred and I let her go into the bed first. Then I climbed in and took her in my arms. We kissed and pressed into one another. She giggled when she felt my hard-on and softly petted it. I told her she had better take it easy on that or I'd blow much too soon.

She laughed and I began running my fingers down her labia and pushed a little bit into her vaginal opening. This turned out to be enough to get her wet immediately--I think she was already wet--and now I lightly touched her clit, which I couldn't see but was hard and probably had expanded. She reacted by moving her hips and her bottom. Then she told me to rub her down her slit, not on her clit. I figured it was extra sensitive.

She then whispered in my ear that she was ready. I asked her if I should use a condom. She said no, she was on the pill. She lay back and spread her legs wider and used her hands to guide me inside her vagina. It felt warm, tight, and velvety--just wonderful. I started moving in and out very slowly, hoping to rouse her fully. She seemed to like what I was doing because she clasped her hands around my waist and then clamped her legs around me which allowed me to push slowly further inside her.

This was already one of the best times I'd ever had in bed. It was so warm and loving that I hesitate to call it fucking, although fucking we were. I teased Terry's tits until her nipples became harder and pointy. Then I sucked on them and rested my head in her cleavage.

I knew I'd have to do my darndest not to cum too soon. I could tell that she was aroused but had no idea when she was likely to hit her orgasm. While we were joined, she just reached down and touched her clit. It must have been very sensitive by now because I felt her inside press on me and she was now definitely in orgasm or a series of orgasms. This was enough to get me off and I spurted inside her and felt it lasting for a lot longer than I'd ever experienced.

We soon were lying with our arms around each other. "That was nice, Jack, thanks," she said softly, and I kissed her lightly, too. "Hold me and give me a real kiss," she added, and I complied. She was nice to hold, and the deep kissing was terrific.

After a while, she got up and absented herself, presumably to do what women do in the bathroom after sex. When she returned, I went into the bathroom, peed, and used a washcloth to clean myself off and a towel on my torso after I had lightly washed myself off.

By the time I emerged, Terry had her tee and shorts back on, this time clearly without a bra. I put my tee back on and some boxers followed by my shorts and moccs. We walked out onto the street and saw what looked like an Italian restaurant nearby. We glanced at the menu in the window, saw that it wasn't too heavy a menu, and it looked fine.

I was pleased that we seemed to have plenty to talk about after only a couple of weeks of classes. We both had lots of reading to do, so I agreed that we'd head back the next morning before the roads got crowded. We were both tired, although we didn't eat a whole lot at dinner and passed on having wine. I did ask her if she wanted some, but she nodded no.

It was nice to walk around as it got closer to sunset. Now, there were more people on the street and there was a movie house showing "All About Eve," which neither of us had ever seen. We went in and not surprisingly, enjoyed it as we expanded our horizons. There were so many fantastic performances: Bette Davis, George Sanders, and yes, Thelma Ritter. I better not forget that Marilyn Monroe had a small part, too.

We both walked out of the theater feeling exhausted. It had been a great day and I felt Terry and I had grown closer. Maybe I was getting to know her better and would be able to determine how kinky she really was. I knew that my own high school was an anomaly today--even if the spanking and stuff only applied to the people who had turned 18.

We arrived back at our room which was decorated nicely if plainly, very decent for what I'd paid. Terry sat on a desk chair in her tee and shorts and smiled as she told me it was now time for me to pay the price for my naughtiness. I protested that I'd arranged this whole getaway for our mutual enjoyment.

Terry laughed and said I knew that I needed to acknowledge that this was merely what is sometimes called a "maintenance" punishment. She said that meant that she felt I need to be disciplined on a regular basis to be able to relate to her as my dominant partner.

I replied that I was willing to submit to her because I found myself even more attracted to her when she exercised her dominant personality. I emphasized that I was not putting myself in a position of judging her or asserting any claim on my part to decide how she should exercise authority over my behavior.

Terry then said that she regarded my last statement as confirming my submission to her and that if that were so, she loved me all the more for making it. I found myself in love with her, not just for saying what she did, but for her marvelous combination of loving dominance and delightful company.

"In that case," she then stated rather forcefully but in mild tones, "I want you to drop your shorts and boxers and get up on all fours on the bed." I did what she asked and was now totally exposed with her having a direct view of my anus and my cock and balls, with my shorts down at my ankles. Terry immediately started to spank me. After a few warm-up spanks which became stronger and more stinging, she stopped and I knew I was now about to renew my acquaintance with the cane.

I realized that this had aroused me so that my cock was now fully erect. It was comfortable being so controlled by her, knowing that she would decide how to make use of my cock now.

She spanked me more with her hairbrush and it really started to be painful. I knew my behind was getting more deeply red. She reached under me and patted my cock on its shaft and her touches got a little firmer, as if to warn me that she might truly punish me there if she thought I needed that discipline.

Now she reached into her traveling bag and pulled out a small thin cane. "You will now be caned, Jack" was all she said. She stood behind me, placed the cane across my bottom, right in the middle, drew it back, and flicked it to deliver a stinging stroke right across that middle area, just across the upper part of my anal divide.

She reached down into my crack below where the cane had struck and ran her finger through it, over my anus and then my taint until she was using her nail to stimulate my scrotum as it lightly moved along its middle until it teased my shaft as it moved up and ended at the opening on the glans.

Holding her fingers on my sensitive tip, she remarked that in future, I would always be asking her permission whenever I was about to cum, whether inside her pussy or anywhere else. She donned a plastic glove on her left hand and slowly inserted her forefinger into my anal opening. When her finger moved into my rectum, I was even more highly aroused since she had stimulated my prostate.

I was then embarrassed when I felt her finger encounter what must have been the tip of an incipient bowel movement inside me. But then she removed that gloved finger and held it under my nose. I saw a light coating of brown where it had picked up some fecal traces from the walls of my rectum as well as what she had picked up from feeling my movement in there. I was of course embarrassed to see that on her finger and know that it was my anal passage that had soiled her finger, even if gloved.

She held it under my nose, and I smelled the definite odor of my shit. "I assume you will need to make a doody soon, yes?" she asked as if I were a far younger person.

I admitted that it seemed like I would need to defecate fairly soon. She did not respond to this except I realized she would be determining when I would be permitted to evacuate my bowels.

She again placed the cane on my bottom, this time slightly lower. She drew it back and fired a stronger stroke. Now she followed a pattern of inflicting a stroke and then pausing for what seemed like an age but was probably no more than 30 seconds between strokes. As she moved her target down my bottom, I felt much more sting as she entered the sensitive area between my bottom and thigh.

Almost on my thigh, she then gave me two quick strokes with the cane, which brought the total to seven. I was now hurting after receiving those cane strokes over my spanked bottom. Terry now told me to stand, kiss the cane, and thank her for disciplining me.

"You can also thank my cane for disciplining you," she added brightly. "Its name is Miss Tenderizer." I duly kissed the cane, and then thanked Terry and Miss Tenderizer for disciplining me so effectively.

Terry then smiled and sat down, telling me to lay across her lap now. For a moment, I was afraid that I would be spanked some more, but she put some cream from a jar she had on the desk on her fingertips and softly rubbed it across my striped and sore bottom. It felt soothing and good, especially when after covering my bottom with the cream, she pushed her forefinger with some cream into my anus.

She now had me lie on the bed on my back. Then she slipped her shorts and panties off and mounted me, using one hand to support herself over me and the other to guide my erection right into her very wet cunt. Once I was inside her, she lifted herself up almost off my cock and then came back down as she engulfed it in her vagina. I was now the submissive partner in our sex.

I was finding that I liked her doing the fucking. She told me to keep my hands at my sides as she moved up and down on my stiff rod. I told myself how much I was enjoying this experience, if not the spanking and caning. During the caning, I did recall my receiving the stinging strokes from Lauren Kaden and Lucy Benton. Terry was amazingly more adept at punishing my bottom with the cane than they had been.

I felt closer to her now than I had at any time before this. She was my age, was my classmate, and we were feeling a lot of affection which we expressed in some kissing during our fucking. I felt her reaching a climax so I asked her if I could cum. She smilingly told me that she hoped I would. I was imagining her caning me as we screwed. Soon, I erupted inside her. She told me I could grasp her around her waist, and this made me feel even closer to her.

She took herself off my cock and moved over to lie down next to me. She petted my cock as it softened, although her touches almost revived my erection. She hugged me tight, having slipped off her top so that I was pressing into her bared breasts.

"Jack," she now said, "this has turned out so much better than I ever could have imagined. Do you feel that you can be happy submitting to me?" I answered that I was falling in love with her, and that I hoped she felt something similar for me, and that I was happy with her being in charge.

I asked her how this compared with her successful domination of her mother. She smiled and answered that although she loved her mother and felt that her taking charge of her mother provided an authority that was needed, both by her mother and her, she felt very differently about me. She said she could love me because I recognized that she had a need to be in charge, not as a public matter that would humiliate me but between us, and especially in bed.

"Our sex has been marvelous already, and we still are just getting to know each other," she observed. We were both now truly exhausted, and we put on tees and panties, yes, she handed me a pair of panties, shiny white ones, that fit me when I pulled them up. I felt a bit silly having them on, but soon I grew accustomed to their comfort, compared even to my boxers.

If I weren't so tired, my mind would have continued to race as it contemplated all the incredible things that had happened that day. We woke up in time to go down for the breakfast provided by the hotel, and then went back to the room where Terry invited me to shed my shorts and panties (yes, I still had them on under my shorts) and after she lay down on her back, beckoned me with her finger.

I mounted her, played with her tits, and then licked her split as she became ever wetter. She then nodded to me that it was time for me to get my cock inside her again. I moved in, felt the warmth and wetness in her cunt, and began to thrust in and out. She came quickly, enjoying what were clearly a series of orgasms, as I again was able to cum deeply inside her.