A Pampered Wife


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With the hard part done I began searching for a shopping assistant. This was challenging as well since I was a guy and didn't know the first thing about it. The general shopping area would have to be near a nice hotel and be anchored around the spa location. When I fumbled around a starting point I decided to call the salon back and ask for additional help. The person I had spoken to named Lacey said she would make a call to a fashion friend of hers and have her call me. This worked out great and after a twenty minute conversation it was set. I would have the Limo pick her up and bring her back to the salon about the time the pampering was done then the two of them could have a quick tea lunch and head to the mall.

I hadn't noticed until Wednesday but Maria's car was backed in and she had added the blue ribbon to her antennae meaning I had ten days to pull this off. She occasionally waved to me in passing but never came near me the over the next week. On the day of the pampering I made sure to be up early and outside doing the lawn by the time the limo arrived. I wanted her to see the surprised look on my face as the car pulled up to retrieve her. This was purely for effect.

Just as scheduled the large black car arrived and Maria snuck out quickly to get into the back door being held open by the driver. She attempted to hide an overnight bag from my view but it was almost impossible with her having to navigate down a couple of steps from her front door. As the limo pulled away I made sure I was in position to wave to her like I would on any normal occasion. She was looking at me but had an embarrassed face showing.

With the day now started I finished up my lawn and showered. I had some running around of my own to do to prepare for this evening. The limo driver sent me a text when Maria had been dropped off at the salon and said he would wait a couple hours before heading over to pick up the shopping assistant. I was imagining what it would look like to see Maria getting pampered and smiled. She was already a pretty woman to me who had just not been afforded the time or money to make herself beautiful on a daily basis. That was going to change. I wanted her to recapture that feeling of being special if only to herself for today. What potentially happened later would be icing on the cake.

Items were being checked off of Maria's itinerary and as noon approached her hair had been styled, her nails had been completed and she was in the process of getting her make-up done. She was as giddy as can be as items she chose were being added to her bag one at a time. She had her new shampoo, conditioner, two different colors of nail polish along with brushes and sponges, and was now adding some facial products. Every other moment of excitement was interrupted with the question of who did this for her? The salon would be unable to answer that for her since I kept my identity hidden from them as well and sent them a cashier's check after agreeing on a price.

"Wow, you look amazing!" She heard as she stood in front of the floor length mirror.

Maria turned to find a young girl about twenty two or so who had walked up behind her and was admiring her new look. This girl looked like she was a model/designer who had obviously spent some time of her own in front of a mirror today and Maria was very impressed. Jess had been recommended by the staff at the salon and therefore was known and able to walk right in without a fuss.

"Hi, I am Jess. I am going to take you to lunch and then out shopping for some outfits."

As she reached for Maria's bag with her left hand she offered her right hand for her to shake. This young girl was graceful and warm with a welcoming smile making Maria very anxious to spend some time with her. The girls in the salon gathered around her as she was getting ready to leave but all claimed ignorance when Maria once again tried to find out who the generous donor of her day was.

"Come on we have a car waiting for us out front." Jess said while pulling her along through the salon.

A girl can get used to this she thought as they traveled through traffic in route to an upscale hotel and mall nearby. The hotel was a large decorated Victorian like castle which included a couple of majestic grand stairwells. The architecture made this a never ending photo opportunity for its guests. The tea room was fully bathed in extravagant linens and china sets rounding out a storybook setting for this event. When Maria was shown to her table she was embarrassed at the extent of attention this day was wrapping her up in. She and Jess sat at the table taking in the surroundings and admiring the china tea set on their table.

Jess added some compliments in between her suggestions for outfits and made Maria feel like a queen. She wondered what it would be like to live like this all of the time. Chad had kept a tight leash on their finances in the past and although he always had money to splurge on things, he had convinced her she was unattractive and unworthy of the things that she desired. Many of the girls she worked with at the casino had impeccable hair and dressed nice but Maria felt out of their league and chose not to compete with the fashion war they had going on. It was easier to just go along with the plain Maria moniker and remain anonymous.

The stop at the hotel for tea was additional time for the two girls to get together and talk about what each of them had in mind for a dinner gown. Jess mentioned that she had a laptop, camera, and tripod in the car for photos when Maria was dressed and ready for dinner. Minute by minute the excitement grew as they finished their tea and finger cookies before heading back out to the car and down the street.

I had watched them leave and in just a short moment of limited viewing I found Maria's hair and makeup to be everything I had pictured. As much as I would have liked to have followed them around the mall I had work to do upstairs. The evening's plan included two adjoining rooms one for her and one for my preparations. Hers would be left untouched for now with the exception of an ice bucket and bottle of a rose wine. In addition I had a large soft blanket, some oils, candles, an MP3 player, and a couple of face masks, one was a sleep mask without holes for Maria which would be left in my room for now. I also had a couple more envelopes to put together for her.

The first envelope would be given to her by the front desk staff when she arrived back from shopping. It included the room key and dinner instructions for later. The times were not set in stone except that I had asked Jess to return her to the hotel no later than six. They were to get her dressed, photographed, and down to the lounge for dinner by seven. The wine was to share between the two women.

The second envelope was for after dinner. This envelope included the final offerings of the evening. The first set of ribbons were red and green as before only these were to be slid under the door when the time came. If she accepted the offer of the full massage she was to use the green ribbon after she had put on her evening wear and mask. While she was down eating I would put the large oversized towel on her bed sideways and set the oil and candles in the room. My dream was that after a couple glasses of wine and the continuous pampering of the day she would like to relax and receive a massage from me. Only she would not know it was me because of her mask.

An additional set of ribbons were for her during the massage. If she wanted the masseuse to continue or explore more, she was to raise the green ribbon. If at any time she wanted him to stop she would raise the red ribbon. No words were to be spoken according to the instructions that were provided. I used some BS excuse that any verbal acknowledgment or visual stimulation took from the experience and was highly discouraged. I had found a soft green ribbon with a fur edge that would be unmistakable in comparison to the almost cardboard like red ribbon. But it would be clear if she chose the red ribbon I would stop and leave the room.

When I was comfortable that everything was ready at the front desk and in both rooms I went and took a shower in my adjoining room. As tempting as it was to take care of my excitement I preferred waiting for my opportunities later. If she falls to the wine and the seductive massage, I would be glad that I waited.

Jess knew the drill when she arrived back at the hotel. She had Maria go to the desk to retrieve the envelope with instructions and the keys while she held the purchases in the air. Maria started to read when Jess said to go to the room first and that she would have time to read once settled in. Being careful not to mess up her hair, Jess helped Maria prepare to dress in her evening gown. A light knock on the door let Jess know the limo driver had brought the camera, tripod, and laptop up to the suite. Under the gap in the door I could see the flash go off every few seconds as Maria assembled her look for the evening. I heard Jess tell her to ignore the camera and act natural. Pictures were taken near the bed, the floor length mirror for affect, and finally in various poses in the living area of the suite. The Victorian furniture made for some incredible photos when matched with the exquisite evening gown.

The hour for preparation passed quickly for Maria who was startled when she was told it was time to descend down to the restaurant. Even though she would be dining alone, she was still very nervous to walk through the hotel. The plan was to take the elevators down to the second floor allowing Maria to display her gown and her grace as she took one step at a time down one of the grand stairways all within the focus of Jess and her camera.

As she came down the stairway Maria was captured in a princess like aura complete with the crowd of onlookers and other guests watching. If being pampered in a Salon all day was an incredible feeling, being the center of attention was causing her heart to miss beats and she became fearful of passing out until she reached the outstretched hand of Jess at the bottom. More photos were taken in the large lobby including her sitting on a rustic masonry bench in front of a waterfall.

"Good evening Sir, I present Ms. Maria who will be sitting for dinner tonight." Jess said to the Maître D.

He reached for her hand and began to lead her to a private table where the staff was able to give her their undivided attention. The chair was held and a large embroidered lap napkin was placed as he sat her closer to the table. Maria was told that because of her beautiful appearance she could expect to be approached by men but was to refuse all advances for the evening.

I had chosen a chicken dish complete with light white sauce and sautéed vegetables as the entre for her using the knowledge that she always preferred chicken over steak at any of the neighborhood get togethers. The raspberry vinaigrette dressing on the salad sounded like a wise choice and was used to lead off the dinner. Maria would choose a desert from the tray when the meal was complete.

As she ate the staff tended to every care she had. When Maria wiped her lips with the cloth napkin to capture the salad dressing a staff member immediately took and replaced her napkin. Her water was refilled every other sip she took and each place setting was replaced in between courses.

In the meantime I was upstairs getting nervous. The pinnacle of this whole event was to take place soon. I heard some noise in the room next door which I assumed was Jess setting the camera back on the tripod. Temptation to just run into the room to see the photos was strong but I kept telling myself to wait. It would be worth it in the end. When Jess left I set the room up the way I wanted it. The candles were lit, the light was dimmed, I found her new pink negligee that had been selected earlier and laid it out across the large towel with some pink carnations resting on it. Next to it was another set of instructions on parchment paper with calligraphy joined by the ribbons. In approximately thirty minutes I could expect to find either a red or green ribbon slid under the common door into my room.

My heartbeat was increasing as I waited for sounds to originate from the room next door. I heard the door cypher as she used the room key to enter and I froze. At this time Maria would have seen the layout on her bed, the candles, and the heated oils that awaited her if she chose a massage. The instructions informed her to remove her clothing and redress wearing the new outfit she had selected earlier with Jess. If she chose this route the green ribbon would be used to slide under the door right as she prepared to lay down and don the sleeping mask. The instructions were clear about the use of the mask and also the fact that the masseuse would be wearing one as well. When the masseuse was working if he stopped and held his hands over any part of her he was seeking permission to go further and she was to take the green furry ribbon and use it as a signal to continue. If at any time she wanted him to stop the red ribbon should be used and he would leave the room. She read all of this before stepping into the changing area.

In my room all I heard was silence. I didn't know what she was thinking or if she would choose not to continue but there were no ribbons yet under the door. Surely she would have made up her minds by now I thought. And if the answer was no a red ribbon would have already been slid under the door that joined our two rooms. Of course I couldn't be sure. If she chose green she could be changing, or she could be sitting on the end of the bed in confusion. There was also a slight chance that she would just grab her overnight bag and leave but I hadn't heard the sound of her door opening and closing. I waited until she had been in the room for twenty minutes before I began to pace back and forth from the door to the window in the bedroom portion of my suite. On my last trip near the door I heard it. It sounded like the shower was running. That would at least mean she had removed her formal gown. I returned to the window to kill time while she was showering and when I returned to the doorway a few minutes later the green ribbon was under the door opening. My heart jumped a thousand feet in the air it seemed.

The room was aglow in the flickering light of just a few scented candles when I walked in. The overhead lights were all off with the exception of a sliver of light escaping from beneath the closed bathroom door. I had not expected or instructed her to light the aromatherapy candles but was pleasantly surprised as I walked through the suite and into the bedroom. Earlier I had placed a soft foam mat on the bed and covered it with a large fluffy towel for her comfort. Maria now lay on the bed in front of me and had not dressed in the negligee but rather laid there face down under a towel that covered her behind only. The rest of her sexy legs and back were exposed for the session. Maria had the sleep mask on and was listening to the soft music as I approached her side. It was apparent from seeing her up close again that the rough period she had recently gone through lessened her appetite and she had lost some of the extra weight she had carried. This had gone unnoticed by me until this very moment. I quickly retrieved the tripod and camera and set the mode to video and started recording. The placement was up alongside the pillows facing down across the bed to where she laid.

Unaware of my presence Maria jumped when she felt my light touch make a trail from her neck down her spine. She settled back down and laid with her hands clutching both the green furry ribbon and the red ribbon along her sides. Now that I had touched her I had to continue. It was a pleasure just to see her but I am sure we both wanted more at this point. Before I used any of the warming oils I used my dry hands to rearrange her hair gently massaging her scalp as I did so and making sure I did not disturb the location of the eye mask. The light touch to her hair had already caused Maria to make a sound that was somewhere between a moan and a purr. I trailed my fingers lightly around her neck from her throat back to just under her ears on both sides. She positioned herself sideways along the end of the bed with her face in the pillowed cradle as instructed.

The massage started with me using my palms to slowly apply oil from the top of her bottom and lower back up towards her shoulders using light friction. I would softly glide my hands back down to the small of her back and start back up with each sequence using a little added pressure. I could feel the warmth increasing in her back muscles and was pleased to hear her moan softly in between slow deep breaths. Her neck and shoulders were tight from nervousness or anxiety and took about ten minutes of slow methodical movements with the palms of my hands before she lost the tension in the muscles. Once I had her completely relaxed I used small circular hand motions to work the areas in her back then began using percussive strokes which brought her to making a long drawn out purring sound as I lightly tapped in an attempt to cover her whole back. Finishing her back with stimulation from my fingertips walking up and down I had my eyes focused on the shape of her legs from the back of calves up to her thighs and then the flesh that was disappearing under her towel. It would only be a minute or two before I was at her feet. I brought my fingers back down to her lower back and using my thumbs pressed in small circles getting closer to her glutes in doing so. I could see her tighten her cheeks in anticipation but I used a lot of will power to stay out from under the towel she had placed across her bottom. It almost felt like she was lifting up slightly to increase the pressure which I allowed for a minute or so and stopping to get more oil on my hands and move to her feet.

As soon as I touch her behind he left leg she pulled her legs tight together. I am not sure how much of the leg massage was therapeutic for her since I got lost in a trance of running my hands up and down the back or her legs for a few minutes. Snapping back out of my daze I then used both hands on one leg at a time which allowed me to run my fingers to the outside and inside of the leg as I applied pressure. With a pleasant surprise she slowly parted her legs an inch or two allowing me to travel up further stopping mid-thigh to prolong her pleasure. When her legs were adequately warmed up and she expected me to go further as she added to the gap between her legs I drew back down to her feet and started on her souls. She jumped with a ticklish response at first so I adjusted the pressure to be less ticklish and rubbed her feet real good before picking one up to do her toes and the tops. This motion allowed me to move her foot and rest it on my shoulder as I reached for the other one. Maria had to move her knees farther apart in this position which was intended on my part and exposed her little star and the fur lined pussy below it. If she could only see the smile I had on my face when I saw she didn't shave her sexy mound.

The foot massage would have lasted forever allowing me to see her exposed but I am pretty sure at this point we both wanted more. Maybe not the same thing yet, but we both wanted more. The feet were placed back down on the bed and I went back to rubbing oil on the backs of her legs. This time she didn't expect me to go up as high as I did when my thumbs reached all of the way to her crack as I ran them up the back of her thighs sliding down in between as I did so. She let out a gasp but did not change the position of her legs which to me was an OK to continue exploring that area. I had my hands on the outside of hips drawing them into her inner thighs slowly making sure I occasionally bumped into her sex. There was no mistaking it, she had spread her legs even more. When I noticed this my hands stopped right below her ass cheeks as I stared. It was at this point I had forgotten my own instructions which were that if I stopped she was to signal for me to continue using the green ribbon or stop completely using the red ribbon.