A Perfect Love

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Stephanie is in love with her boss.
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Chapter One

The first time Stephanie saw Jason Beaumont was the first day she started work at Beaumont's Department Store. As a fresh faced kid right out of college she'd had trouble finding work with her choice of career. There weren't many jobs in the small town of Blumly, Texas for an artist. She had tried as a last resort to finding a job as an art teacher but the problem with that was that she hadn't studied to be a teacher and didn't have the certification required by state law to teach. So she'd applied to work at the same place where her sisters worked and that had been her first year at Beaumont's Department Store.

Stephanie still remembered coming to work and sitting at her desk when he called her in to take dictation. From the moment she walked in to his office and sat down she'd been so nervous she'd thought she'd faint. Struggling to keep calm she readied herself to take dictation and then he turned his chair around to face her and time seemed to stop. Her heart started to beat faster and it was hard to breath. That was the first day she had been knocked for a loop. Standing before her was the most mouthwatering guy, what her sister would call a definite hunk. Tall, dark haired with sexy brown eyes he seemed to look like he would be just as comfortable in ranch wearing jeans and t-shirt as he was in business suit. For the first time in her life her body had not seemed like her own reacting in ways it had never before reacted even with her collage boyfriend. Jason of course hadn't known she was alive.

* * *

Since that day two years ago Stephanie's lust for Jason had progressed to love. Spending days working side by side she had gotten to know him and learned that beneath that handsome exterior was a man who worked hard, cared deeply for his family and had been hurt by a woman in the past. This was one of the reason's that she felt that he would not involve himself in a committed relationship. Instead he seemed to pursue brief flings with model type women so that he could avoid emotional attachment. She was frankly tired of watching this for the past two years and ashamed to admit that she would love to be in the place of one of those women even if it was for a short time. Love was such a bitch.

* * *

It had been a long hard day at work. One of the shipments of designer dresses had been lost and the person responsible for the inventory just happened to be out on vacation. This was the reason why Stephanie had just spent all day Sunday working at a job that wasn't hers. Tracking down missing inventory was not part of her job description. She was the secretary to Jason Beaumont heir to the Beaumont department store empire. Tall, handsome, blonde Jason Beaumont who turned her legs to jelly and made those secret places on her body throb and get all wet. She had worked for him for two years and in that time she had fallen in love with the man. Unfortunately, he never seemed to take notice of her as a woman. To him she was a worker drone, an extension of the store, and that was all.

Grabbing her cell phone she made a call to her boss to apprise him of the situation. Come on, come on answer.


"Hi, Jason, it's me Stephanie. I'm just leaving the store."

"Did you find the dresses?"

"Yes, someone stored them with another shipment."

"Good. I'm sorry I couldn't help you, but I was trying to track down the person responsible for this mix up. It' turns out that the woman met someone on her cruise and won't be coming back to work. You'll have to let human resources know that we'll need to hire someone new."

"I'll take care of it tomorrow morning." Stephanie carefully maneuvered her care through the streets one handed. She disliked talking on the cell phone while driving and tried to avoid if possible. "I'll see you tomorrow, ok. I'm almost home, I'm tired, and I'll I want is to rest right now."

"Aren't you coming to ball tonight?"

"What ball?" Finally, Stephanie pulled into the parking lot of her apartment complex. Let him think she had forgotten about the ball. It would her plan succeed.

"The Annual Beaumont Department Store Ball, it's tonight. All the employees will be there."

"Oh God, with the whole missing dresses episode I completely forgot. Sighing, Stephanie remembered last year's ball and the awkwardness of watching Jason escort a beautiful, leggy model to the ball. She had spent the entire time standing in a corner feeling miserable. "I don't think I'm going to go."

"Very well, I'll see you Monday morning at work."

* * *

Stephanie inserted the key in the door and wearily let herself inside her small apartment. With its one bedroom, one bathroom, tiny kitchen and almost non-existent living room it was all she could afford on her salary. She wasn't a big fan of living outside of her means and had no credit cards. Debt at least was one thing she didn't have to worry about. Besides her apartment might be on the small side but she had decorated in a simple and elegant style. The earth tones were soothing and the furniture was comfortable. Overall the small apartment was cozy and comfortable.

Upon entering Stephanie dropped her keys and purse on the small table near the entrance and made her way to the bedroom to grab a pair of jeans and t-shirt so that she could go take a bath.

"Where have you been?" Grace asked, they had planned to meet earlier in Stephanie's apartment and she couldn't understand why Stephanie arrived so late. "It's five in the evening. I've been waiting for hours"

"There was a problem and I had to go to work." Stephanie explained.

"On a Sunday?" Grace looked at her tired sister. "The man takes advantage of you. I don't know if you should go through with this crazy plan you have."

"It's not a crazy plan." Ok, it was a crazy plan, but she wasn't about to admit to any one. She was just sick and tired of having the man she loved treat as nothing more than drone and see him going out with a bunch of women who never lasted more than a week or two. It was humiliating to admit that she was going to resort to such devious actions just to be with him, but if a night was all she could get then she would have to be happy with that. "Did you bring it?"

"Yes, I did. I haven't looked at it yet but Amanda said that it was what you asked for. A dress that would get Jason's attention" Grace handed a cream colored gift box to Stephanie. She had a feeling that Stephanie would regret her actions later but who was she to say anything. At least Stephanie had the courage to go after what she wanted. She herself could never do something so daring. "Amanda's bringing the rest of the stuff."

"I don't know." Stephanie Clark long time mousy secretary to Jason Beaumont, the sexiest man alive in her opinion, stood there mortified staring at the most beautiful dress. The strapless floor length nearly transparent silver dress had a slit up the side that would show her legs when she moved. It would shimmer as she danced across the dance floor. "I can't wear a dress like that to the ball. It's just not me. "

"You told Amanda to get a dress that would get Jason's attention. Well this is it."

"You're right. It's beautiful." Stephanie held the dress up and watched it shimmer. "I'm just nervous. I've never worn anything so daring."

"The dress will look beautiful on you."

* * *

"I'm here." Amanda struggled to get inside the apartment while holding on to an assortment of shopping bags. " Help me out."

Each of the other sister's grabbed some bags and they all made their way to Stephanie's bedroom.

" Wow, I didn't think it took thins much stuff to get ready to go to the ball." The pile of bags nearly concealed the bed there were placed on. "We can't be wearing that many clothes. Why so many bags?"

"I had to get some additional supplies." Amanda smiled, she greatly approved of Stephanie's plan. It was time she stopped mooning after her boss and get his hot body into bed. Her sister deserved to be happy and Jason needed someone like her sister to love him. And if she could help it they would both get what they deserved. "I had to get my dress and another for Grace. Plus we needed new lingerie and shoes to complete our outfits. We are going to a Ball and need to look our best from head to toe."

"I already brought my dress." Grace explained.

"The ugly black dress that I saw in your closet?" Amanda knew exactly the dress Grace was talking about and wasn't about to let her go to the Ball in a dress fit for her grandmother. She didn't just have plans for Stephanie and Jason, but also for Grace. Although her sister didn't realize it Amanda knew Grace had a major thing for Jason's right hand man and vice president Michael White. Tonight was the night both sisters would get their hearts desire. "You can't wear such a thing to the Ball."

"What do you mean?" Grace shuddered at the sort of dress her sister would want her to wear and was glad she had brought a nice conservative black dress. She might enjoy thinking about wearing something beautiful and sexy but that wasn't her style and she wasn't brave like Stephanie. If she wore a dress like that she would end up feeling like a fool. "Of course I can wear it."

"Fine." Amanda knew when to give up. Let her sister find out for herself that the dress was unsuitable. "Stephanie these are for you and these are mine."

Stephanie opened a bag filled with beautiful shiny silver silk underwear and pulled a pair of silver strap heels. "They're beautiful. What are you wearing?"

Amanda revealed a floor length bright red spaghetti strap gown and a pair of red high heels and to complete the outfit her sister brought out a red corset, thong, garter, and silk stockings. Amada was a great believer in lingerie. According to her an outfit was not complete unless a woman had the proper lingerie. She was forever giving Grace and Stephanie gifts of lingerie. To Amanda cotton underwear were forbidden. "Do you like my dress?"

Stephanie smiled at her sister. Most redheads would be afraid to wear red but Amanda wasn't afraid of anything and she would no doubt look beautiful. "Absolutely."

* * *

Grace placed her dress, shoes, and accessories on a corner of the bed. Amanda had taken a shower and dressed first. She was currently7 sitting at the vanity table fixing her hair and makeup. Grace took advantage of Stephanie taking a shower to gather her things and as soon as Stephanie finished she would go and shower so that she could get ready. She laid her dress on the bed and that's when she noticed it. A discoloration about three inches wide stood out on the black dress. That hadn't been there when she took the dress to the cleaners, she was sure of it, it looked like a bleach stain. Grace felt a rising panic and her stomach clenched as she struggled to breath. What was she going to do? There wasn't enough time to go out and buy a dress.

"Grace?" Amanda looked at her sister gasping for breath. " What's wrong? Breath."

"The dress is ruined." Oh no, Grace thought, she'd spent the last week looking forward to the Ball and now she wouldn't be able to go. " What will I do?"

"Calm down, Grace." Amanda had no idea Grace would react this way and she felt guilty for her part in ruining the dress, but it had been necessary to her plan and she only hoped that Grace would forgive her if everything went according to plan. "You're worrying for nothing. You're going to wear the dress I brought for you."

"No, I just won't go."

"Yes, you will. You loving going to the annual ball and this year will be even better than the last because it's masquerade. You told me how you thought it would be fun."

Stephanie entered the room wearing her robe and looked at her sister's. "I'm finished Grace the bathroom is all yours."

Amanda pushed Grace towards the bathroom. "Go on, take a shower, you can see the dress when you come out."

"What's wrong with Grace?" Stephanie asked, her sister had looked a little pale and out of it.

"Her dress is ruined."

"The one you brought?"

"No, the one she had chosen to wear tonight."

"The ugly black one she wore to your birthday party."


"Hmm, I wondered what could have happened to the dress." Stephanie looked at Amanda. "Grace is usually so careful with her belongings. It doesn't make sense she wouldn't have noticed something wrong with her dress before now."

"Yes, strange isn't it?"

* * *

Stephanie pulled out several tiny pieces of silver lingerie out of the bag she carried and gulped. The miniscule thong was like nothing she had ever worn before, she was strictly a Hanes her way girl, unlike Amanda cotton underwear was just fine with her. The more comfortable she was the better, but tonight required drastic measures.

Stephanie slipped on the silver strapless bra that she would have never chosen herself and the accompanying silver thong that showed more than it hid. Suddenly she realized why Amanda had convinced her to get a bikini wax two days ago. The tiny thong barely covered her. Some nude thigh high stockings were then slid up her legs and the silver dress was slipped on and fastened. She looked in the floor length mirror and had to admit she looked great in the dress, but her hair and make up were badly in need of help.

"Let me fix your hair and makeup. Sit down." Amanda pushed her toward the vanity and mixed some mousse in her hair, brushing it, and fixed it in an upswept hairstyle leaving a few strands lose. She then took a curling iron and created several lose corkscrew curls with the strands and finally she took several pins with decorative crystals on one end and inserted then in her hair. "There now let me do the makeup. Close your eyes."

Stephanie felt brush strokes on her face as the make up was applied and finally she knew Amanda was almost finished when she felt the lipstick being applied.

"Ok, done."

Stephanie opened her eyes and looked in the mirror and gasped. She looked completely different.

* * *

Stephanie couldn't believe how she looked but she was more amazed at how Grace looked. After much discussion Amanda had convinced Grace to wear the clothes she had brought for her. Grace looked beautiful in a cream colored gown, with her hair slightly curled and falling down her back, the contrast of raven colored tresses and creamy white gown made her sister look innocent and sexy in an elegant sophisticated kind of way. The three of them looked spectacular and she couldn't wait to the Ball.

* * *

Chapter Two

The three sisters arrived at the Beaumont's mansion that evening. Stephanie in a shimmering silver dress, Amanda in a fire engine red gown, and Grace in a cream colored confection that enhanced her beauty.

"Everyone is beautifully dressed." Grace commented, her fingers nervously twitching over the folds or her dress. "It was brilliant of Jason to make it a masquerade Ball this year."

"Yes." Amanda looked at all the people dancing. "I think the masks add an air of mystery."

"Well, at least people won't be shocked to see me dressed this way." Stephanie was thankful for the small mask that covered the top part of her face. It helped her to feel a little less vulnerable and exposed. Hopefully, no one would figure out the woman in the silver dress was plain, conservative Stephanie Clark."

"I think I'm going to go to the ladies room to freshen up." Amanda had a plan to follow and she would see it through to the end. Across the room stood the very man she was looking for. Everyone in the family knew of Stephanie's feeling for her boss, but only she knew about Grace's feelings for Jason Beaumont's right hand man. It was time she set the stage for Michael and Amanda's rendezvous, a little surprise she had cooked up for Grace, and then she'd see about helping Stephanie. "Grace, why don't you come with me? Some of your lipstick has come of."

"Ok." Grace followed Amanda towards the bathroom.

* * *

Stephanie walked towards the refreshment table and took a drink to give her courage. She would find her sisters later. Picking up a glass of champagne she turned to look at the crowd while slowly sipping her drink.

She noticed her boss across the room talking with the vice president of the store Michael White and another man she had never seen before. Even with masks on Stephanie could easily tell Jason and Michael apart from the other men attending the Ball. That must be because she worked with them for the past two years. Looking at them she realized that tonight could be a special night. If she could ignore her fears and risk it. Tonight all her fantasies could come true. She could do this. All she had to do was slowly sip her drink and look calm. No one would know she was a bundle of nerves inside.

It was a night for unexpected things. The first had been her new look and now she was trying to convince herself to do the most unexpected thing of all. She was seriously going to seducing her boss. Having sex with him was something she had only fantasized about. She wasn't completely clueless about sex after all she'd had a couple of boyfriends in college. But this was different. Jason turned her on like none of her previous boyfriends ever had. Since the day she first started working for him Stephanie had been completely attracted. She sat at her desk typing away her body aching and pulsing, her panties moist from the juices brought about by her excitement and unexpected arousal.

It took all her ability to pretend nothing happened, especially when she was called into Jason's office to take dictation. Her hands trembled with every minute that passed, shocked at feeling herself getting wetter and wetter. It had gotten so bad she had to take a spare change of underwear with her to work everyday. So far Jonathan hadn't noticed anything was wrong, but why should he, it wasn't as if he actually looked at her or noticed anything about her. He thought of her as a tool that helped him do his work like a desk or computer.

But tonight she would change that. With a new confidence Stephanie Clark resolved that tonight she would make all her fantasies come true. Jason might never love her like she loved him, but at least she would have one night to remember.

* * *

Jason Beaumont stood near a corner talking with his friend Michael White and a distant cousin Dr. Nick Jones. The Annual Beaumont Department Store Ball looked to be a success. It had been a stroke of genius to make it a masquerade Ball this year. All of the employees seemed to be having fun. Some of them danced across the floor in all their finery and other served themselves food from the buffet.

Looking up he noticed a beautiful woman standing near the refreshment table casually sipping a drink. She shimmered in her silver dress. Her beauty took his breath away and quickly excusing himself from his companions he went to meet the enchanting creature.

"Excuse me, would you care to dance?" Usually restrained and focused on his career Jason rarely paid attention to woman in general and when he did the relationship usually didn't extend beyond a brief, casual affair. The one exception had been a two year engagement to a woman he had developed affection and love for and that his family had deemed as a suitable wife. At first the relationship seemed ideal until he found out his fiancé wasn't a great believer in fidelity in a relationship. His brief engagement soured him on the experience and he had immersed himself in work to escape the pain of a failed relationship and memories of betrayel. It was still painful for him to think of that time. Coming home to see his fiancée and her lover in his bed had been the most shocking and painful experience of his life. And now after such a long time this woman affected has no other woman had since then.

It was strange that this particular woman should attract him. She was a brunette and he usually didn't date brunettes. He preferred blondes, but this woman seemed to have an air of mystery surrounding her and even though her face was covered by a mask she had an innocent type of beauty. He took the opportunity to look her over form head to toe. His gaze stopped at her feet. her nails were painted in a He loved a woman in high heels.