A Picture Is Worth 1000 Words Ch. 04


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"But first time with a girl holding it?"

"Of course! It's going to be all over the place, big splotches on my shirt, and I know they leave yellow stains. Had to rinse them out of my shorts."

"Hm-hmm! Oh! I'm almost naked, you can come on me."

"But do you know that I will and want that?"

"Probably not. If you don't want them on your shirt, you'll have move so that they land on me."

"Hmm? Great idea, but I'm pretty sure that solution will not occur to me."

"Hm-hm-hmm! I don't know about all this, and my hand is enjoying too much what it's doing."

"It sure is! And my cock is too."

"So splotches and yellow stains on your shirt?"

"Aren't you going to be leaking on the sofa."

"I hope so! Better, more than you'll be expecting, if you dared to rub your finger in my pussy."

"And if I didn't, just rubbed where it made you moan so much?"

"Then too, just there."

"Fuck! This is going to be a mess!"

"Oooh! You could do that and then wouldn't have worry about stains on your shirt."

"I'm not even daring to think about that, well, enough to think about rubbers."

"But you don't have one, and I don't either, of course."

"So we're not going to do that."

"But we will, the next time, and you will have rubbers."

"The next time? I'm about to come all over my shirt. You're about to make me."

"Hm-hmm! If I knew what I do now, well, not just my hand would be on your cock."

"But you don't know, and I sure don't, don't believe what little I have heard about girls' doing that."

"It's going to have to be on your shirt. Hope your mom has gone to bed and doesn't miss your shirt in the laundry, before you can rinse out the stains."

"Splat, splat, splat! Too late."

"Just three splats?

"And dribbles, on my chinos!"

"Hm-hmmm! You've got a real fucking problem!"

"Because we didn't."


"And you?"

"Pleased, proud that I made you come, but frustrated as hell."

"I didn't do enough, do it right?"

"Not that time, but in bed that night, while I do, I decide that I can tell you what to do better."

"Oh, that's good! Especially that you want to give me a second chance."

"Hm-hmm! But only one! This other guy has been trying to get in my pants, without my encouraging him, but I really like you. So you get a second chance; I don't think he will need one."

"Oh! Competition, you're two-timing?"

"Not really, like I said, but I really want it now, want to stop being a virgin, like most of the girls in my class."

"Most of them virgins, or most of them don't want to be?"

"Probably both!"

We laughed and drank. The timer rang, and we sat down and ate. I asked her about day at work, and she told me that it hadn't been very interesting, just a lot of books returned on the weekend to be returned to their proper place in the shelves. It occurred to me to ask what kind of other books were on the shelf where "The Joy of Sex" belonged. She chuckled and admitted that she had looked, that she had found some decades old books for the engaged woman. Then she had looked in thick volume: "Ideal Marriage: Its Physiology and Technique." That had looked very "helpful," but "The Joy of Sex" with its pictures seemed easier to read.

"Read?" I asked with a smirk. She grinned, shaking her head, replying:

"You said it before: 'a picture is worth a thousand words'."

"Hm-hmm! Have to count the pictures to figure out how long a book would have to be to put in all in words."

We laughed and drank. She smirked and said:

"Besides, even if that book told all that, we would probably still being reading the first chapter."

"Not even that; I would have gone to the pool and left you to read the book by yourself."

"You're right. With that book, I would never have suggested our reading it together."

"My good luck!"

"Mine too!"

We drank to that and finished our meal. After we had cleaned up, we agreed to watch TV again, sitting on the towel on the sofa. This time, we immediately were closer, my arm around her, fingers cupped around her breast, and she had her hand in my lap, just gathering up my soft cock and balls with her fingers, nothing arousing. Just familiar, I thought, since we knew we would be like that sooner or later, so why not immediately. It stayed that way, just touching it each so familiarly. Probably we were going to do something in bed, but that could wait, and it was nice that we could sit like that without wanting to do more.

Then the phone rang, surprising us. Vicky sprang up to answer it:

"Oh, hi Mom. . . . Yes, we're home, just watch TV"

I turned it down.

"Oh! . . . That's nice. . . . We were planning to call you tomorrow and wish you bon voyage. . . . Yeah, everything is fine here, and thank you for planning our meals. . . . Of course, Mom! . . . You both have a great time. . . . No, we won't have any parties here."

She turned and gave me a grin. I nodded, appreciating that her nipples only then popped out, liking that they hadn't before from standing naked while talking to our mother.

"Yeah, I hope it's a good play. . . . Nice that you called, since we would have been disappointed, if we hadn't been able to. . . . And love to you both, too, also from Milt."

She hung up and shrugged with a smile, her nipples relaxed. When she joined me again, our hands back where they had been, she said:

"They're going to a play tomorrow night. You understood the rest. Were we planning to have any parties?"

"I didn't think so, but if she thinks we could be."

"Fourth of July? The big BYO open house?"

"Do we have to keep our clothes on?"

"Oooh! Hadn't thought of that. Hm-hmm! 'Just leave your clothes in our rooms and put your bottles in the fridge.'"

We laughed at her facetious suggestion, fondling each other. I reached over around her and also fondled her other breast for a moment. She hummed and fondled my cock, but then let it slip from her hand and just massaged my balls. We had lost the thread of the plot of the TV program, enjoying now more what our hands were doing. My cock, that she had made swell, rose slightly, but she just let it, her thumb resting around its base, even when my fingers couldn't resist rubbing her nipple. She just hummed in appreciation. After a moment, she said:

"I know what I would like to do, to try, not tonight."

"Tomorrow, before your period?"

"Oh yeah!" Forgot about it."

"What?" I asked, squeezing her aroused nipple, liking that she seemed to have an idea for something we hadn't done.

She fondled my balls, letting her thumb rub up and make my cock wag. Then she replied:

"I want to sit on you again, and see if we can make each other come with just our fingers."

"There and there?"

"Um-hmm, yours not just rubbing."

"But yours, like in the kitchen?"


"Mmmm! And if we can't, we'd know what else we could do."

"Um-hmmmm! Have to wait to see if we can."

"If your pussy can make us?"

"Sometimes you're pretty astute."

We both snickered and fondled, her fingers sliding up and encircling my cock. I asked:

"And if you want to save that for tomorrow? Hm-hmm! Want to think about it all day in the library?"

"Now that you suggest it."

We chuckled, fondling. I asked:

"Any nice young men come in the library?"

"Hm-hmm! Oh yes! I let my skirt hike up when I squat to put books on the bottom shelves."

"I'd better check tomorrow that you wear your panties."

"Just kidding; I'm not that kind of librarian."

"I'll check, anyway."

"Ever go without shorts?"

"No, not yet, but I bet it would feel good, hanging all loose."

"It isn't now."

Her hand demonstrated that my cock wasn't, and we both chuckled softly, and my fingers squeezed her breast. I remarked:

"I was really suggesting what you want to do tonight."

"I know, but then you asked that too. Actually, the only young men who come in the library - not 'come' like that! – are nerdie teenagers."

"Girls' younger brothers. Bet they would like to look just as much."

"But I've got my own younger brother. Hm-hmm! Used to think sometimes that he was nerdie."

"Too nerdie to think of spying on his sister?"

"Had to show him everything."

"Good thing that you didn't, when he was too young to know what to do."

"And when I didn't."

We chuckled and fondled each other, exchanging hums, anticipating, confirming that we were going to do more, teasing each other a little by not suggesting what. This sure wasn't anything like whatever I had imagined being with a girlfriend would be, but she was my sister, and God knows - better leave Him out of it! - I never imagined I would be with her like this. She surprised my by taking her hand off my cock and sliding it down to fondle my balls. Just as well, she had been arousing it too much. As she massaged them, she murmured:

"Oh, you did that. You didn't mind ... licking there?"

"You asked me to. No. I guess I liked it, since I did."

"That's good. I mean, since I asked you."

"Maybe I kind of already wanted to. We both knew it would feel good, and it liked it."

"It sure did!"

"Felt like I expected, like when it wants my finger in it."

"Hmm? Wanting your tongue in it?"

"Just too tight."

"Just as well."

"Um-hmm. The best part was that I didn't have to lick you where you fingers were and could catch all your juice in my mouth."

"Hmmm! You like that, like I like when you come."

"Not more than I do!"

"Maybe we should do that again, like last night. If we took turns again, we might want to do it all over again, like in the kitchen."

"Oooh, I don't know if I could stand that."

"Me neither."

Her hand slid back up and around my cock. I squeezed her breast, We got up, and I turned off the TV. She picked up the towel, and we went to our parents' bedroom.

"Doesn't anyone make beds around here?" she remarked, as we continued to the bathroom.

While she was sitting on the toilet, she smirked slightly and remarked:

"Usually, I just go in the shower in the morning."

"You too?" I replied with snort.

She grinned and replied: Tomorrow."

There was still something new we could do, I thought, as I held my cock down to aim and went. After we washed, we returned to the unmade bed, and enjoyed a nice, relaxed sixty-nine. We almost dozed off with our heads on each other's thigh, perfect pillows. I was roused, when she extended her leg from under my head and murmured:

"If I wake up this way, I'll just want to do it again."

"Nothing wrong with that," I replied, but moved around so that we could sleep with my arm around her. When I held her breast, she nodded and said:

"Remember to suck them tomorrow, while we're doing that."

"Of course; haven't sucked them often enough."

"Can't have your mouth everywhere at once."

We said goodnight, and were silent. Before I fell asleep, I was thinking that three time in the evening was enough. I had to give up on trying to count how many times we had on Saturday and Sunday. That reminded me of one of those bits of information that get passed around as a joke, that Martin Luther had answered someone's question, advising that a couple – married, of course – should do it twice a week. I fell asleep wondering if that was more or less than the questioner had expected, then wondering if Luther had thought he was recommending more or less than the norm.

When I woke up in the morning, we were lying apart. I immediately knew that we were in our parents' bed, and the light through the window showed that it was still quite early. That was good, since the alarm clock hadn't been set. Would we want to do anything before we got up? Not with my morning woodie, after going to the bathroom? Then I remembered that we going to go in the shower. How did her stream look, straight down, arched out? She knew. Was she expecting that it would splash on my feet, even higher up? I chuckled; mine could go anywhere I pointed it. How high up on her, if she wanted that? Would she want to point it, herself? I chuckled again, but too much thinking about; I felt the urge to have to go.

"What are you chuckling about? Good morning."

Her hand touched me, and she rolled closer, as I replied:

"Good morning. I've got to go, and then remembered that we're going to in the shower."

"Um-hmm. I have to, too, now that you've mentioned it."

"If you want to?"

"It was my suggestion."

We flung back the covers and got up. I was again delighted with the view of my naked sister, hoping she felt the same way, when she glanced at me and my wagging cock. We hesitated a moment, exchanging slightly wry smiles before we stepped in the shower. I realized that I wasn't going to be able to go immediately, and that when I could, my cock was still going to be somewhere near the horizontal. She gave me a brief grin. It faded, and she murmured:

"It's going to be on you."

It was, splashing on my knee, all warm. She snickered and twisted her hips, her stream on my other leg. So that's the way a girl's stream arched out, I thought. Then my own did, almost to my surprise, since I hadn't forced it to, like I did when I was aiming at the toilet bowl and trying to go. She was even more surprised, when she suddenly felt it between her belly button and pubic hair. She snorted with a smirk, nodding, as she looked down at it, then murmuring:

"Could have thought so, with it looking like that."

For a few moments, my stream was just as strong, but my cock was relaxing, and it was splashing in her hair. She watched it, just chuckled, glancing up quickly with another smirk, and then watching it die down. Hers had already. We both shrugged with wry smiles.

"Saving water," she remarked, and turned on the shower.

We didn't save water under the shower; it was too much fun to wash each other. When we stepped out of the shower, my cock looked more aroused than it had with been with my woodie. When I reached for my towel, she hummed and commanded:

"Sit down; I want to suck it."

Obedient little brother, I turned down the seat on the toilet and did. She grabbed my towel and hers and dropped them on the floor to kneel on. I murmured:

"You can do that tomorrow."

"But not what else I want to do."

"Here? Like that, already?"

"Not 'like that', just do it."

"Oh?" I murmured, as she began to suck my cock.

One doesn't argue with a girl who wants to do that, especially not with my insistent older sister, and never when it was already feeling so good. Did she want to make me come in her mouth and then again in her pussy? That seemed unfair: twice for me but just once for her, even if she was wanting to have an additional fuck before she couldn't during her period. Whatever she wanted!

She didn't want me to come in her mouth. Oh, she did; when she rose up and straddled my legs, she murmured:

"Almost couldn't stop."

I nodded. Her hand was already guiding my cock to her opening. She sank down on it, as we both moaned. Her vagina felt as tight as it had the first time, but we knew it wanted and could have my cock slide all the way in it in one swift move. It surged, and it squeezed: my cock and her pussy, of course. We moaned, looking at each other with aroused expressions, and let that happen again.

God, we were good at this! Don't have to tell Him, He's omniscient, regardless of what He thinks about the two of us fucking.

She leaned back, glancing down at her aroused nipples. I held her, letting her lean further back, and sucked them, licked and nibbled and sucked them. I moaned, when I felt my cock surge in the clutch of her pussy, and she moaned. I was beginning to think that we were going to do it "like that," have our orgasms – mine, at least – without doing more. Then she drew us closer, forcing my face up from her breasts, and began to fuck, riding up and down on my cock. My hands slid down and under her ass and helped.

I could only hope that she had started because she knew that she would come; I wasn't going to be able to control my pending orgasm. When I had to begin to groan, I hoped that increased her arousal. It sounded like it.

"Fuck! Come!" I blurted out and grunted and did, feeling my cock spurting in her pussy. Good girl! She gasped, and her clutching pussy flooded my cock and hair, as she whimpered and growled. Fuck! We had done it!

She sat, heavy on my thighs, as we both sighed with long moans, feeling in her the aftershocks of our orgasms. We embraced and waited till our breathing returned to normal. Finally, she spoke:

"I just had to. Tomorrow and then, you know."

"Um-hmm," I agreed, and offered my mouth for a kiss.

It was a good one, maybe not good enough to make her pussy squeeze my cock, but it did, and it slipped out. We chuckled, and she stood up, still straddling me. Her pussy dripped on me, and we chuckled slightly again. She stepped back and picked up our towels and wiped her pussy and then my cock and what had dripped on me. With mild smiles, we left the bathroom. I said that I would make the bed, and she went to start making breakfast, still naked.

While I remade the bed, I thought that it was nice that we were both still nude, that it was convenient that I didn't have to worry about my work clothes being dirty, and that we apparently were comfortable with just getting dressed as the last thing before leaving the house.

We had gotten up early enough that we had plenty of time for breakfast and cleaning up. Getting dressed was really the last thing. When we about to, she smiled and said:

"Kiss now, better with nothing on."

It was, our hands all over each other, our hips rocking up together. When we separated, she looked down at my swollen cock and grinned, remarking:

"Something for me to think about all day."

"For me too, but don't wet your panties."

"Hm-hm-hmm! Maybe."

We put on our clothes, she going to her room to put on something else, and left for work.

At lunchtime, when I went to the men's room, about to go, I remembered our remarks and went in a stall and took off my shorts, stuffing them in a pocket. During my work in the afternoon, it really did feel good to feel my cock and balls moving freely in my pants, and they were swing loose. A couple of times, I thought too much about how Vicky and I would spend the evening, and my cock wasn't swinging. After work, on the way home, it also wasn't, not at all as I turned off the sidewalk, and there was nothing in the mail box. Mail box, "male box?" Her "box," pussy for my male ...? Well, whatever a male put in a girl's "box." What was she going to think about my not having my shorts on and my cock looking like it was? And how was she going to be, still in her clothes?

I opened the door. She didn't greet me. I closed the door and took a couple of steps before I could look in the living room.

Damn! Fuck! Some better expletive! She was lying stretched out on the sofa with nothing on, with her arms behind her head. My cock wasn't going to relax. Yeah, there was a painting of woman lying like that, the first painting I saw in a book on art that showed pubic hair, not like those classical paintings, where something hides it, her hand in some paintings. Who was the artist? Did he fuck her, if she let him paint her in that pose? I wasn't a painter, but I didn't have to ask myself if my sister wanted to let me fuck her, especially not, if she wanted me to see her that way the moment I entered the house.

At least, she was blushing. Yeah we had talked about it's being funny if just one of us was naked. Funny wasn't the word for it! She was smiling a little sheepishly with her red face, and her thighs twitched, and my cock did. Who was the artist? She must know that she was miming the pose of that model. Girls in painting were supposed just to look "nude," not "naked," and especially not smile like that. What was the word: lasciviously. Had she smiled like that before, or I had only now connected that word with the way she was smiling?