A Picture = K Words In College Ch. 05


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My sister just lay there, still taking long breaths. Then she murmured:

"It was never like that. I don't what happened, just didn't want to stop."

"Um-hmm. It sure wasn't like any time before."

"Hmm? Wednesday night, when I could again, we did it a couple of times – more than twice. We couldn't wait to take turns – both at once."

"Both at once, more than a couple of times?" I asked.

She nodded on my arm with a chuckle, replying:

"Yeah, after the first time each, well, we just did it again, and then again, just didn't want to stop."

"Oh, and with your fingers too, now?"

"Oh yeah. Maybe that was why. She certainly didn't hesitate to use hers."

"It didn't sound like she would, when we were talking about owing your something, that at least what you both do would be a little better."

"It was, very wet faces. Oh, we have to remember to clean up your desk and the floor. When I slipped of it, I stepped in a puddle."

"Yeah. Puddle from both of us; I watched you drooling. It wasn't like that with Elsa, in case you were wondering."

"Hm-hmm! I know, didn't have to wonder; she told all, at least, I think she did."

"It wasn't like that."

"But she wants to again."

"If she does, can't deny that I do too."

"Hmm! I'm just your sister; can't tell you that you can't with her."

"Best f-ing sister I have."

"Only one, but best f-ing brother, too."

"F-ed out; I came twice, not sure about the third time."

"Thanks for sticking in there."

We both snickered. She rolled towards me, lying half on me with her arm around me and her thigh drawn up over my legs. She chuckled softly and said:

"Only problem is that I don't know how we can spend the rest of the afternoon."

"Hm-hmm! We could get up and go to the science museum. She would like that."

"She wouldn't believe us, but I'm not going to tell her what happened."

"Just a mild version, and that we did everything she and I did?"

"Something like that. You want her to know that you two could maybe do more?"

"If she did with you? But no, just have to wait till your period in January and see what happens."

"Oh! You've already been planning?"

"Guess we both just thought that's when we might again."

"Hmm? Boticello's Venus, I quess you would."

"Thanks for telling me that she looks that good."

"Maybe I shouldn't have, but doesn't she?

"You did; your right: she does. And if you can't – your period?

"I can't stop her, if she wants to, then. At least, you don't look like Adonis or Mars."

"Hm-hmm! She only complained that I don't have hair on my chest like her dad."

"If that's only where she saw hair on him?"

We snickered again, and her hand slid down to my pubic hairs – just that far. We chuckled. Her fingers scratched in them. Then she chuckled again, and her fingers found my now soft, small cock and very loose sack. As they gathered up my balls, I felt that she was peeling my sack from my thighs. When her fingers cupped around under my balls, she snorted softly and murmured: "Sticky."

"Um-hmm, you know why, and why we don't know what else we can do."

"I guess not. I just like to hold them."

"Hmm? Hm-hmm! Probably not just mine?"

"Probably. Why not, if you let Elsa hold yours too?"

Her fingers jostled them in her hand. I agreed:

"I did, but you wanted her to, wanted me to let her."

"Um-hmm. Oh? Did Tim say anything about us, all three of us?"

"No, thank goodness. Don't want to know what he might be thinking, however. Oh, I told him he could meet you at dinner, like Elsa did."

"After knowing what we've been doing all afternoon?"

"His question too. Told him not to think about it. And we haven't been doing it all afternoon."

"Same thing, already done so much that it doesn't make any difference. And you want him to meet me?"

"Just thought it fair, after all I had to tell him. He's seen us together, knew Elsa wasn't you."

"And I'm suppose to know what else he said?"

"Don't you think about it either."

"Hmm? Try not to, since you've told him we'll be at dinner."

I nodded and rubbed her back, and she fondled my balls and cock. Then I had a new idea:

"Ha! We can tell him that we had a fight about Elsa and just went to the museum."

"And he would believe it? Oh? And he could think that your ... f-ing sister – 'kissing cousin' – might be more available?"

"You want him to?"

"Almost sounded like he wanted to, to have a cousin like me. Elsa said he was nice."

"He is, and tactful."

"You want to set up your sister with your roommate?"

"Isn't that what you did?"

"This is crazy!"

"What you got Elsa and me to say. No, I wasn't really suggested that."

"Hmm! Like your story for Elsa to tell me wasn't suggesting what you two might do?"

"It wasn't, really! I was more – at least, very – surprised when she got in bed in just her panties."

"Lucky you, and lucky her! I don't like the story about our having a fight over Elsa."

"We haven't had one since before 'you know when'. And we don't fight over Elsa, just both love what we can do with her," I replied.

"And she with us. Forget the story about a fight. Guess I'll just have to meet him, but we won't forget to straighten up the room."

That left it open about how we were going to spend the rest of the afternoon. She fondled me a little, with no effect, her fingers not suggesting that they expected a response. Then her thighs twitched, and she murmured:

"We can do that; I have to go. Shower."

When she mentioned that, I then also felt the urge to have to pee, and a shower was also something nice we could do together, especially the way I knew she expected the shower would start. She was already rolling back, not waiting for my agreement. She smirked at me, waiting for me to stand up. I nodded and returned her smirk, but wondering if she knew that it would taste a lot stronger than the times we had done it after a couple of beers. I did, having tasted my own once in the shower alone. Had she too? Had she and Elsa done this too? My sister had said that she had to go; I could taste hers first and warn her. Would it still taste a little like before, after all her little orgasms?

"You go first," I said, when we were in the shower, dropping to my knees.

"Going to be more yellow," she replied, smirking down at me.

It was, of course, as I expected, and tasted stronger, but not offensive – not for me, anyway. I tried to gulp it down without closing my mouth and then licked her pussy, pleased to find traces of the way it tasted when I had been licking it before. I had grasped her ass, and she had hummed. When I stood up, she smirked again and dropped down, glancing up at me. I licked my lips and said:

"More yellow, tastes even better, well, more."

She shrugged and looked down at my cock and held it up. I relaxed, and my stream started, also more yellow. She caught it with her mouth. Were we very strange, wanting to do this, I wondered, but there was no question that we both wanted to. I had, and she was, her open mouth an inch from my cock. Then it was in her mouth, as she swallowed the last time, holding it more firmly for a moment. Her lips pushed my foreskin back, and her tongue explore. I knew it could find traces of our fucking – hers and mine.

Her eyes looked up at me, as her tongue swirled around the soft head of my cock again, the corners of her lips rising in smile. She drew her head back, and I helped her stand up again. With a wry smile, she remarked:

"You're right: maybe not better, but I wanted to. Elsa and I haven't done that yet."

"Just peed on each other?"


"Want me to teach her that too?"

"Don't know if she's that raunchy."

"If she likes fingers?"

"Hmm! Maybe? You'll have to find out."

As we started our shower, I replied:

"I'm pretty sure Tim isn't."

"You really want us to? Oh! I shouldn't have said that!"

I snickered with a grin, nodding, and agreed:

"You shouldn't have! Just let's me think that you might want to."

"Oh, fuck! Shit!"

I was washing her breasts. Then she shrugged with wry smile and remarked:

"And I haven't even met him yet."

"Elsa and I hadn't either, when you started telling us that we should."

"You shouldn't have made me say that, now, before I have to meet him. Maybe I don't like him, or he doesn't like me."

"After all he knows about you? He'd have to think you're attractive."

"Oh shit! That too! Probably think I'm oversexed."

"Hm-hmm! If he knew what you told me on the way here?"

"Worse, what we then did!"

"I won't tell him anything – unless he asks."

"You'd better fucking not! Wash my pussy."

I began to with a snicker and replied:

"Maybe I should wash your mouth – those words."

"Maybe, but you wanted Elsa to use them."

"She wanted to; I just liked that she did."

"More liked the way she demonstrated what they mean."

"Oh, I had to tell her that I wanted to see her pussy, before she sat on my face."

"Hmm! Isn't it pretty! But she didn't mind."

"Almost as pretty as yours."

"Just 'almost,' I hope?"

"The prettiest one I could imagine at that moment."

"I said 'wash my pussy,' not do that."

"Oh! Sorry! It felt like it wanted me to."

"Don't tell me; it's mine; I know how it feels."

"Then wash my cock, instead."

She did, and my cock began to like how she did. We both chuckled softly and washed each other's asshole.

I had been thinking that I could be only resigned to trying to do anything more, if my sister wanted to, recalling how insistent she could be. That had always been a problem when we were younger, my one year older sister always getting her way. Since we had started having sex with each other, it had been very easy to acquiesce to her. If she wanted it – any way she wanted it – I did too, not always sure I could, but I had. But now, if she thought my cock could again after all we had done? It had felt like her pussy could want to. Could my cock too, again?!

The way she was washing it, her soaping hand making it stiffer, began to let me forget about being resigned to doing anything she wanted. The way her other fingers were rubbing certainly wasn't suggesting that she didn't want to arouse me; they were. And my fingers were rubbing her asshole the same way. They knew that I was changing my mind? My cock definitely had changed its.

The shower had rinsed the soap off us. My sister hummed and squeezed my cock and murmured:

"It can. I want to sit on it. Don't dry; it might forget."

My insistent big sister! But now I also didn't want it to forget, just hoped it wouldn't before we were in bed together again. She turned off the water with her other hand, and we rushed back to my bed, dripping wet. Had I nodded agreement to her suggestion? It didn't matter; I was flat on my back, and my cock was standing up, and she was straddling me, grasping it again and pulling it back to find her pussy.

Maybe loving couples exchange terms of endearment when they start to fuck. We were just fucking siblings. We loved each other in our way, but not like that, loved to feel cock in pussy. We both moaned with sighs, as my cock slid into her pussy, slowly, our moaning sighs continuing until it was all the way in her, her hips resting on mine. Then she muttered:

"I love it."

I didn't ask if she loved my cock or just loved to feel it in her – pretty much the same thing. I loved her pussy the same way, and my cock now did too. Could a cock not love to be in a pussy, any pussy; or a pussy not love any cock in it? We looked at each other, smiling slightly. I replied softly:

"I do too," not caring how she understood it.

"It could," she murmured and began to rock her hips.

My cock didn't just "could," it was delighted with the way she moved on it, moved it in her pussy. This was her idea. She didn't have to insist, but I was just going to let her do anything she wanted. It was going to be good for me too, for my cock. It was being, her rocking, circling hips making it twitch and feel her pussy's clutches. This was the perfect sequel to our so aggressive and long first fuck. After it now, could maybe my cock enjoy this longer than ever before this way. Would her pussy also want to?

I felt a drop of water on my stomach, and another – from her nipples. I wiped more water from them with a chuckle and grin and remarked:

"You're already dripping," liking my reference to her drooling after we had fucked, and liking the light humor of my remark. She did too, grinning, then replying:

"But not like I want to."

She gave my a cock a better churn in her pussy. We both moaned with smiles. God, we loved to fuck! Maybe I shouldn't have said anything, not if I wanted this to continue for much longer; she hummed with a nod and another churn, and reached down and began to rub herself.

Was it going to be like that again, her making us both come, and then dropping down on me and wanting to really fuck, riding up and down on my cock? She thought she could come again? Of course, she could, but I too? Other guys, like Tim, had a problem about coming too soon. I had one about having to come too often, at least with my oversexed – her word – sister.

I fondled her breasts, squeezed and twisted her nipples. Her hips had stilled, but the knuckles of her eager fingers were rubbing in my hair, making her pussy clutch my cock, making it surge. I changed my mind about wanting this to last a long time. If she could quickly have her orgasm this way, we could start to fuck before I had mine and then have it. And if that wasn't enough for her, there was a better chance that my cock would still be stiff enough to help her.

She was moaning with a concentrated expression on her face, her eyes closed. Then her hips began to twitch, and she gasped and groaned, and I felt her pussy flood my cock – and I hadn't come yet! Had I ever before hoped that I wouldn't come and been thankful that I hadn't? I was now. And now, would she want to again?

She gasped again and moaned, her hips and fingers still, but her pussy squeezed my cock again. I just held her breasts and sighed. She moaned again, and I sighed, but only once before she started to drop down over me and demanded softly: "Now fuck!"

Just as I had anticipated; I knew her too fucking well! We fucking knew each other too well! Not "too well," just as fucking good as could be!

I quickly wet my finger in my mouth. She nodded with hum, waiting for me to reach down to her ass. When my hand was out of the way, she dropped down flat on me, now waiting for my finger to find her asshole. She nodded, holding her hips still, waiting. Her asshole and pussy tightened a couple of time, before I could wiggle my finger tip in her, eliciting another moan and nod. It had never slipped in so quickly.

She moaned again and began to fuck me. The brief pause, despite the milder clutches of her pussy, had let my cock recover a little. We fucked, our hips slapping together, my finger fucking too. We were both breathing hard with moans, at first, more from our exertion than from arousal. But then we began to share pulsing moans of arousal. Fuck! Her pussy and asshole were clutching harder and faster, and my cock was throbbing. Fuck! Come with me, I thought, gasping, or just come and then let me; or make me come first, and I won't stop fucking until you do.

We did, so close together that that didn't matter. I didn't have to force myself to keep fucking any longer than I wanted to, any longer than my cock wanted to. She collapsed on me, but quickly extend her legs, and my cock slipped out. I remembered Elsa's having a cramp after we had fucked like that. My sister – my f-ing sister – had too much experience to let that happen. For sure, there was no reason to keep my cock in her pussy; we weren't going to do anything more, especially not the way my cock had flopped down.

We lay there, she heavy on me, our stomachs rising and falling against each other. It was a minute or two before she murmured, not raising her head from my should:

"Anyone ever tell you that you fuck good?"

"Other than you, if you have?"

"Have I? You do."

"You too, at least from my limited experience."

"Ours, both."

"Um-hmm. Hmm? I don't think Elsa said so, I just hope she thought so. Have to ask her yourself."

"Hmm! 'Does my brother fuck good?' I know you did, even on a scale that her first time wouldn't be on."

"You do too, even on a scale that includes her."

"Hm-hmm! And I have an idea of how good she is."

"Very!" I replied.

We chuckled, and she raised her head and kissed me. Well, it wasn't really a kiss; she thrust her tongue in my mouth, more suggesting what Elsa's did in her pussy, why she had an idea how good Elsa could be. I sucked and chuckled. When she retrieved her tongue, I asked:

"Like that, that good in your pussy?"

"Um-hmm, but you'll never know."

"Better than I do?"

"Not when I know that you're then going to fuck me."

"Not again! I'm not!"

"I don't want to either."

"That's a relief. So what are we going to do until dinner?"

"Oooh! And I have to meet Tim."

"Hm-hmm! Maybe he can tell you fuck good, if you let him."

"You really want me to?"

"He'll be like Elsa, have to think so."

"You really want us to? You haven't suggested anything to him?!"

"No! Hm-hmm! Not yet, but if you keep saying that."

"You're as bad as me!"

"Elsa and I thought it was a good idea; just took us a while to realize that it was."

"'Realize' is the right word, put it into action."

"We did. So what are we going to do now."

"Take a long walk and not talk about it. Let me forget what Tim knows."

"University museum?"

"If they're no nudes."

"Not sure, not Boticelli's Venus. Haven't been there yet; maybe some Madonna's with breasts like yours, well, only one probably."

"If you don't say anything," my sister replied, and we got up.

My bed was wet, but we had dried off. We chuckled as we cleaned up the traces of our fucking on my desk and remade my bed. As we were dressing, I remembered that she hadn't been wearing a bra. I snickered and said:

No bra, you weren't expecting that you would meet Tim."

"Oh shit! I sure wasn't!"

"Elsa left hers off."

"I know, surprised me a little, but my nipples pop out more than hers do."

"Very nicely," I replied; they had.

"And you want him to see them?"

"Not if you don't. Hm-hmm! I can try to tape them down with Scotch tape."

We both laughed. She replied:

"Just don't say anything to make them."

"Who, me? I won't, but will be watching to see if they do."

"Hmm? As long as you don't stare and make him look."

"I won't, just don't let them."

"As if I could, if he looked.

Had I already talked her into wanting to sleep with Tim, I wondered. I thought I had been just joking about the possibility, but if she didn't think it was a joke ...? We left the room and started our walk to the museum. I was pretty sure that there would be nude paintings, but I had agreed not to say anything about them, well, not about her; nothing wrong with indicating that I liked them.

I had been right, just humming appreciatively when we saw the first one. My sister gave me a frown, but then nodded. When we found the next one, she didn't frown, just glancing to see my smile. We enjoyed a couple more like that. Then we were looking at a large sketch by Ingres of an attractive nude. He had even included her pubic hair. I murmured:

"I like her."

"Mine are bigger," she whispered, much to my surprise.

Her breasts were bigger, not that my sister had to tell me, but if she had? No one was near us; I whispered back:

"They are, but the rest of her's like you, there too," hoping she understood that I was referring to their attractive little patches of pubic hair.