A Pinch of Love

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Sabrina always adds her secret sauce when serving her crush.
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Author's note: Hey, I'm back! Sorry for the long break. Expect more stories not too long after this one.

Also, if you don't like the concept of cum in food, do not read further!


For most people Mondays were the low point of the week. For Sabrina they were something to look forward to. People would always point out to her how strange it was that she was always in such a cheery mood every Sunday night, as that was the same time that most other people spent being miserable about having to go to work or school the morning after. But not Sabrina. She had been luckier than most.

She had never revealed the true reason for her excitement to start off every week by waking up at five in the morning, then an hour later showing up all alone at the locked doors of the darkened café where she worked. This was her routine from Monday to Friday, and throughout those days she always had to wait until seven a.m. for another employee to show up, giving her one hour of alone time each day. Well, excluding the company of any of the few customers that might show up during that time, of course... Excludinghim...

Using the mirror in the back of one of the pastry display cabinets, Sabrina bent over to give herself one last checkup before opening up for the day. Like every Monday morning, she had spent more time getting her hair and makeup on point than she was willing to admit, but the results it gave were undeniable. She fluttered her eyelashes and raised her thinned-out eyebrows, the carefully groomed, pitch-black strands perfectly enhancing her caramel, latina skin. Though she would have liked to ditch the café's mandatory baby blue sun visor cap, at least it didn't obstruct the loose ponytail sticking out of the back of her head. And the rest of the similarly colored outfit did quite well in hugging her tight, limber body, giving any lucky onlookers an idea of what hid beyond the fabric despite the only visible skin being that of her slim arms.

After pouting her cherry-red lips and blowing herself a kiss in the mirror, she stood up and grabbed the keys to the café door off the counter. Looking around to make sure that everything was in order, she made her way over to the entrance and unlocked the door, her heart beating faster and faster with each second ticking away until her inevitable encounter. Now all she had to do was wait. Though if past experiences were anything to go by, she didn't have to wait very long...


Cody stretched his thin little arms above his head and let out a long yawn. The asphalt underneath him was damp, reflecting the dim light from the street lamps far above, and not a single trace of human activity could be detected in the small apartment buildings around him. Nevertheless, his mood stayed as bright as ever in the oppressive darkness of the early morning sky.

He was almost there. In the edge of the suburbs where he lived there weren't a whole lot of things to see or do, but one little establishment stood out to him. At the same early hour of every Monday and Tuesday he would stop by the little café not too far from the highway and have breakfast, preparing himself for the long day of sophomore year college classes ahead.

Like a beacon of comfort past the dreary buildings and the empty park on the right hand side of the street, he could see the light of his destination leaking out onto the cold, dark surroundings. Turning the corner of the large, wooden fence surrounding the park next to it, a smile spread out on his lips as he gazed upon the café's cozy atmosphere within its windows. He could almost feel the warmth reaching out to embrace him, pulling him in to grant him the energy he needed to make it through any challenges school life might present to him.

Stepping up to the door and swinging it open, the familiar sound of the bell ringing above him and the smell of freshly baked bread immediately had him feeling at home. He took a deep breath, filling his nose with a teaser of what he would be having served in front of him before long. Like always, he expected nothing short of perfection in the food that he would receive, and one glance at the person behind the counter made it clear that he would have his expectations met.

Since two months back she had been the one to take his orders every time he came in, and she hadnever disappointed him. Not only was the food that she prepared always perfect, but the glowing smile on her beautiful face that she greeted him with was half the pleasure of going there. In fact, her smile might have been the very best part of his visits.

Sabrina was her name, if the memory of the little tag on her blue shirt served Cody correctly. A tall, latina girl around his age, with facial features of a model and a personality that defied any preconceived notion one might have that girls like her are always self-absorbed bimbos. She was the type of girl that always made him feel special whenever he ordered his breakfast, even though he knew that it was common practice for employees in her line of work to always fake a happy demeanor when treating customers. With that said, even if such was the case with her, the degree to which she was able to pull it off was commendable to say the least.

Trying his best to tone down the smile on his face, Cody walked up to the counter. "Hi!" he said, having to look up to gain eye contact with the girl, seeing as she stood a good half foot taller than him.

"Hello and welcome!" Sabrina exclaimed in response. "Let me guess: The usual?"

"The usual," Cody said, already taking the wallet out of his back pocket. Fishing up a bill, he handed it over to Sabrina and had it playfully snatched out of his hand before he knew it.

"Coming right up!" she beamed. She opened the cash register and took out a few coins as change, holding them up in the air above the counter for the boy to grab.

"Thank you," Cody replied, reaching for the coins. As per usual, Sabrina didn't merely drop the coins into his hand, but instead went as far as to rub their palms together in a strange, slightly awkward manner as she let go of the change. It did make him a bit uncomfortable, but he figured that it was just her way of being polite, like a way of acting familiar with her customers by not shying away from physical contact.

"Thankyou," she purred, keeping her eyes on Cody as she turned and headed towards the door leading back to the storage to get the ingredients required.

Cody shot her as friendly a smile as he could muster, still unable to place Sabrina's odd behavior after his many interactions with her. Not that he disliked it in any way; he just didn't know how to respond to it. And hey, as long as she was happy and friendly, that was all that mattered. Furthermore, as far as he knew she was all alone during these early hours, so perhaps she was just a bit extra happy to see another person's face.

Thinking nothing more of it for the time being, Cody went to sit down at the same table as always, located in the corner of the café. He sighed as he put his backpack on the floor next to him and looked around the cozy, brown interior, the various light fixtures on the walls and in the ceiling set to a perfect level of brightness that neither hurt one's tired eyes nor made the place dim and gloomy. A faint, calm tune of music could be heard from a speaker somewhere, setting a nice mood for any groggy customers that might show up before sunrise. Cody closed his eyes and slid further down his chair, the only thing that could make the start of his week any better being the delicious breakfast that he was soon to be presented with.

Out of all the various cafés, fast food restaurants, convenience stores and gas stations he had gone to for quick, cheap meals to start off his school days with, none of them were as good as this one. Every meal he had ever had there, even prior to settling on his usual order, had been great, but their scrambled eggs were out of this world. How it was even possible to achieve such intense flavors from such a simple dish was downright mind-boggling.

At first Cody thought the secret lay in the café's recipe, but the few times anyone other than this Sabrina had prepared it for him proved otherwise. She was the only one able to blow his mind with how delicious it was every time he ate it. Even disregarding the perfectly creamy texture, it had this strange flavor that, while hard to place, worked wonders. A hint of sweetness and bitterness that cut through the mild, buttery flavor one would expect from scrambled eggs. In due time he might finally learn the secret behind it...


Sabrina quietly hummed to herself as she picked out the various assortment of items needed for the order she was making. Most of what the café had to offer consisted of what was visible at the counter, such as pre-wrapped sandwiches and other things that were already prepared for consumption, but they also had a stovetop that allowed for cooking a few quick and simple breakfast dishes. "The usual" that Cody had ordered was one of those things. Scrambled eggs served with grilled tomatoes and mushrooms, and a cream cheese bagel to go with it. His go-to drink to down all this with was a large cup of mocha, thoroughly heaped with cream and chocolate shavings. It was thanks to signing his coffee cup that she knew his name.

The sight of her almost maniacally gathering up the many ingredients in her arms would have had one worry that she was stressed out of her mind, but such was not the case. What she was working with was nothing but happiness. All of the excitement that had been building up during the weekend was about to come to a rather explosive climax before long.

Like every time he came by, Cody's image was immediately ingrained into Sabrina's mind anew. This time it was a skin-tight, long-sleeved, black shirt with white lettering on the front that covered his flat chest and slim waistline, and a pair of almost equally tight, gray short shorts that hugged his perky little bubble-butt and smooth thighs. Indeed, despite the cold morning hours during which he would visit, Cody was clearly more interested in looking good than shielding his frail little body with a jacket or hoodie.

Why a cute boy like him would ever dress like that and expect to be left alone was a mystery to Sabrina. The thought that he actually wanted people to behold his beautiful form had often crossed her mind, and that is exactly the sentiment that her mind would travel to as a justification for her own lecherous gazes. Though regardless of his clothing she would probably have fawned over him just from seeing his adorable face, with his little up-turned nose, complete with a piercing above his right nostril, and the light-brown curls of hair tickling his slender neck and shoulders. Not to mention that smile of his... He couldn't hope to match the intensity of the one Sabrina would greet him with, but seeing the corners of his pink, soft lips turn upwards as he looked at her with his amber eyes nonetheless made her heart throb every time.

At last, she set down the carton of eggs by the rest of the ingredients on the table in front of her, making sure that everything was present. Eggs, cream, salt, pepper, chives, butter, tomatoes, mushrooms... Other than the bagel and coffee that she would prepare on the side, all the things required to make a plate of delicious scrambled eggs were all in front of her. With the exception of her one, secret ingredient that was located elsewhere...


Though well rested, Cody felt almost ready to fall asleep where he sat. All the songs that played were well suited as lullabies, and the seating of his chair was nice and soft against his little boy-butt. He crossed his arms tightly around himself and rubbed them against the black fabric of his shirt, massaging his smooth, creamy skin underneath. Freshly showered and moisturized, his own soft touch almost drew out an adorable little moan from him; such was the extent of his comfort.

... Of course, the moment slowly but surely had to be ruined by something. Namely, his bladder. He had been so eager for breakfast that morning that he hadn't even taken the time to pee, and now that decision was getting in the way of his otherwise perfect start of the day.

Letting out a groan, he rose from his slumped position, rubbed his eyes and stood up, then looked around for a restroom. To his surprise and annoyance he couldn't see one. The fact that he hadn't noticed that during any of his previous visits was strange, but it was stranger yet that the café would lack a restroom when it was so well designed and outfitted in every other regard. They had a ramp for handicapped people to enter, and even offered special menus with braille writing to anyone in need.

Well, there must at the very least have been at least one restroom for the employees, right? Perhaps Cody could just peek into the staff room and ask Sabrina if he could use it real quick. She was always so happy and bubbly, so he couldn't even imagine that she would refuse him such a basic request. Besides, he was more than just another customer by now.

Still looking around to see if he somehow missed a restroom door somewhere, Cody slowly made his way to the entrance to the staff room. He gave the door a knock and waited a few seconds for a response, but none came. He knocked again, a little harder, but went unheard a second time. While he didn't want to just barge in, it seemed like that was the only way he could go about it. And hey, the fact that he had knocked first meant that at least he hadn't been rude about it.

Pushing down the door handle and carefully cracking the door open, Cody took a peek inside, seeing no trace of Sabrina among the shelves and refrigerators in the large storage room, but perhaps hearing one. Though it was faint, he thought he could hear her voice emanating from somewhere further in, seemingly the break room. Her being in a phone call was the most likely explanation. Regardless, Cody wasn't too keen on holding in his pee any longer than necessary.

He entered and made his way towards the sound, trying to make out exactly what he was hearing. If it were words they must have been spoken in another language, seeing as how he still had no clue what to make of it even as he was nearing its source beyond the door on the far side of the storage. However, the closer he got, the more clear it became to him that it sounded less like speech and more like... whimpers? Had Sabrina gotten hurt? Perhaps she had burnt herself on the stovetop, or poured boiling water on herself?

Suddenly in a state of alarm, Cody hurried up to the door and pressed down the handle. Though he tried his best not to make any unnecessary noise, he swung the door wide open in one fell swoop, figuring that the possibility of helping out an injured person in distress would be a good enough excuse for entering the break room as a non-employee... But what he was met with, while indeed a whimpering Sabrina, was a sight so unexpected that his eyes nearly popped out of his head.

He remained unnoticed, with the beautiful latina's ponytail and blue-clad back turned to him from across the room... as well as her bubbly, brown asscheeks and slim legs, the work-pants she wore earlier now dropped to her ankles. In front of her was a table that she was leaning on with one hand, and spread out on top of it were the ingredients for Cody's scrambled eggs. Her other hand was... doing something that looked an awful lot like something normally done by men...

The muffled whimpers that had kept Cody's presence concealed continued uninterrupted as he stood there in shock, watching whatever Sabrina was doing from behind. Up close it sounded more like moans of the sexual kind, seemingly held back by the collar of her shirt stuffed into her mouth. That is, until her teeth suddenly let go of the collar and let her voice flow free.

"Mm, Cody, baby..." she moaned, throwing her head back.

Cody felt a blush washing over his face and a shudder go down his spine. Sabrina's words were still hard to decipher, but there was no doubt about what she had just uttered. He couldn't believe it at first, but it was clear that she was masturbating, thinking of him of all people... But he still couldn't wrap his head around why the movement of her hand looked unfit for a woman.

Then, things took an unexpected turn. Sabrina's moans suddenly came out with shorter intervals and greater volume, and the hand that she used to hold on to the table reached out to pick up a large glass bowl. She spread her legs as much as she could with her pants around her ankles, held down the bowl in front of her crotch and leaned forward over the table... and that's when Cody understood.

Her right hand finally came into view above the bowl she was holding with her left one, only it was holding a long, thick cock that she was forcibly angling downwards. With her legs spread, the two fat balls at its base were visible as well, hanging low and heavy, their smooth surface seeming to undulate as if churning up a big batch of seed. As her hand started moving faster and faster until its movement started to blur, Sabrina went on to direct the tip of her cock into the bowl.

Cody had come just in time to get a perfect view of the fruits of Sabrina's labor. It began with her balls tightening up, quickly followed by a thick spurt of cum being unleashed into the bowl, hitting its glass bottom with an audible thud. Rope after rope of equally voluminous amounts followed, Sabrina's moans unable to drown out the splashing noise of her cum beginning to form a little pool in the bowl. With both horror and awe on his face, Cody covered his wide open mouth with his hand as he continued to watch her drawn-out orgasm, every fibre of his being telling him to quietly turn around and head back.

At last, the deranged noises of pleasure pouring out of Sabrina's mouth started to die out along with her cumshot. She let out a few last dribbles into the bowl and sighed, her chest resting against the counter while her legs quivered in her afterglow, their smooth surface slick with sweat.

After having watched in silence for what seemed like an eternity, Cody finally realized that all Sabrina had to do to notice him was turn her head slightly towards him where she lay. With that, he began backing out of the room, carefully bringing the door with him and letting it shut quietly. Once out in the large storage room, he remained still for a while, in complete disbelief of what he had just witnessed, his heart beating like crazy and his breath close to hyperventilating levels.

Gulping, he finally managed to make his legs get a move on. He turned around and returned to the seating area with quiet but hurried steps, the shock on his face still very much present, and the view of Sabrina's huge cock getting stroked being replayed over and over again in his mind. His calm demeanor from earlier was gone as he sat back down in his chair, with stiff muscles and sweat soaking into his tight-fitting clothing.

He had so many questions, although why on earth Sabrina had a cock was actually quite far down on the list. What exactly she had been doing in there was more relevant at the moment. Why had she been masturbating in the break room? Why would she ejaculate into a bowl? Why do it when she should have been busy preparing Cody's scrambled eggs...?

Truth be told it wasn't hard to work out the answers to his questions on his own, but he didn't want to believe the only logical conclusion he could arrive at. The ingredients on the table in front of her; the bowl that had gathered her cum; the odd, but exciting flavor that was unique to the scrambled eggs she had served in the past... There was no doubt about it...