A Pleasant Little War


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In practice, during the occupation, there could be movement between the two compounds, but the losers would be subservient to the winners for that entire time. It was made clear that no modern devices except the rifles and sidearms were allowed within a mile and a half of the compounds until after the raids ended. No communication devices or anything similar. In general, there was nothing new to surprise anyone on either side, but this discussion removed any possibility of confusion about the rules.

The only weapons allowed were the dye shooting rifles and sidearms and a simulated dagger. This device looked like the hilt of a knife with no blade, but when pushed against someone, discharged a small amount of dye. Beyond these the only thing allowed was using a hand over a mouth to stop any noise of surprise. The rules made it clear that when struck by a dye packet or the dagger, the victim must be quiet, but it was realized that in the case of surprise this might not be possible.

I met several young women on both sides and I will say our interest in each other seemed to be mutual. I also noticed that Ellen spent a little time with a couple of different Macnab men, joking, laughing and, I'm sure, teasing them about what she was going to do when she won. They were equally vocal in describing their own plans should they win. Such interchange certainly wasn't limited to Ellen. I saw a number of men and women doing similar things and even had a couple of the Macnab women make some interesting suggestions to me. I even managed a few in exchange.

As it neared dark, things were packed up and everyone prepared to return to their own area with promises to see each other in a few days or so.

Later at Ronald's house we four ate dinner together and again had some wine and conversation afterwards. The previous night, as Ellen had said was very likely, Mary had come to my room and we had as an exciting a night as Ellen and I did the day before. I wondered if one of them might want to repeat such activities tonight, but as we were ready to separate for the night, Ellen quietly said to me, "I think you should probably just sleep tonight. Not that I wouldn't want to play again, but tomorrow we are both going to need our rest. Believe me, you don't want to go on a raid with a lack of sleep." Then she gave me another of her hot kisses and left for her own house.

Mary had overheard our conversation and quietly added, "I'll second everything Ellen said. I know I'm not planning on going on the raid, but I also know you're going to need your rest." She started to turn away and then turned back and added, "But don't think I won't be trying to wear you out in the future." Then she also gave me a hot kiss while her husband looked on smiling. This place was definitely going to take a little adjustment, but I had decided I was quite happy to adjust.

No one slept really late but no one had felt compelled to rise with the dawn either. After breakfast Ronald led us over to another building which appeared to be usable as an assembly or meeting room large enough to hold the entire population of the Grant area. Younger children were moved to a separate room where some of the older kids would keep and eye on them. Everyone else, including a number of older children still too young to go on the raid, remained. Ronald and a couple of other men outlined the strategy they were planning to use.

"Raids can begin any time after midnight tonight. Naturally it would seem that starting immediately might be an advantage. However, everyone knows that so I would think they might be expecting it. Instead they are more likely to assume we'd wait until near dawn or even later assuming their defenders would be tired by that time."

He stopped for a second and turned towards me, surprising me by saying, "Jon, what did they teach us was the most important thing about ground infiltrations?"

Almost automatically, I answered, "To be where the enemy is not expecting you to be."

"Right! What we're planning is to do the unexpected. Or maybe I should say, the unexpected expected. We'll hit them just after midnight. Oh, they will probably have some guards out, but most likely on the southern side. After all, it's a lot harder to come in from the higher foothills to the north. We're going to send in a small party from the south but the main raid will come from the north. I do know some passes and reasonable access from the hills and hopefully they won't be expecting that."

Someone asked, "Won't the southern party likely get caught?"

Ronald laughed. "Very likely. However, didn't some general a long time ago say, 'To make omelettes you have to break eggs.'? Seriously, since no one really gets hurt, and everyone on the winning side wins, that's not a real problem. Besides, they might get lucky and get all the way through. Anyway, in case the Macnabs are thinking along similar lines, we'll have some of you who aren't going on the raid out on guard here."

Finally, everyone had their assignments and the meeting broke up with the suggestion that everyone take a good nap and we'd meet at 2300 for transport over to the staging areas.

Two hours before midnight I joined the other fourteen members of the raiding party. There were three vehicles. One would carry the four members of the southern distraction party and the other two would transport the eleven of us remaining to the northern staging site. The southern group consisted of three men and one woman. Our party had Ellen and two other women along with eight men, myself included. We boarded the vehicles and in a short time were set down in a clearing up in the forested foothills.

There was still an hour to go until midnight so everyone just quietly talked or had a small snack and drink. All were dressed as they had been for the joint meeting the previous day. That is, the Grant tartan. However, because the Macnab tartan is also largely red and green, we wore the Grant Hunting Tartan which is a blue and green. For that matter, this choice made it much easier to disappear into the shadows. There were plenty of these as both moons were mostly obscured by clouds.

As I have said, both men and women wore kilts and plain shirts. I was standing a bit aside, talking with Ellen, when I decided to tease her a bit. "I've always heard what Sctos don't wear beneath their kilts, but, tell me, it that true for women, too?"

Ellen gave a quiet laugh. "Ah, then you must know that a good Scot will never tell." Then she leaned over and her hot breath washed the scant inch between her lovely lips and my ear as she whispered, "We can't tell, but you could check for yourself."

Suddenly this question became much more interesting than the raid itself. I glanced around and saw there was no one close by. My hand moved below her knee to the back of her left leg and slowly slid upwards. She made no move to halt it's progress and by the time it reached the top of the kilt, it had encountered nothing but her bare backside. For a second I held it there, cupping her smooth ass, and then let it slide out again.

She leaned over and again whispered in my ear, "Answer your question?" Numbly, I just nodded. Then she said, "Now since you are not a true Scot yourself, have you adapted correctly to wearing the kilt?"

I managed to whisper back, "Why don't you find out for yourself?"

She smiled and in a second I found her hot hand moving up the back of my own leg. It, too, encountered no obstacle. For a second she squeezed my own ass and then let her hand start back down once more, but making a small side detour between my legs for just a second. When she had retrieved her hand she again whispered. "OK, we'd better quit this or we may be too distracted to do our jobs. Not to mention you might have a hard time crawling along, face down, with something sticking that far out."

I took a deep breath and replied, "I guess you're right. But maybe we can compare fashion notes again sometime in the near future."

She whispered back, "Count on it."

We then let ourselves calm back down and spoke of other topics until it was finally time that we could start our infiltration.

We had to move a mile and a half, downhill through thick forest. Ronald and another man led the way, pointing out nearly hidden paths. Forty-five minutes later we stopped at a small clearing. Here it had been decided we would split up, Ronald taking one group straight ahead, another man, Sean, leading a party on the right and Ellen leading a group on the left. The other two groups each had four members while Ellen had me and another man, Tom.

From this point on we would have to be even more quiet. It would have surprised no one is we encountered a guard. We moved ahead, sometimes crouching and slowly advancing, sometimes lying prone and crawling or slithering across the ground. Ellen and I stayed nearly together but Tom dropped back some ten yards or so to act as a rear guard.

We were within sight of the central buildings of the Macnab camp when we saw two men standing and looking around. We all froze, lying motionless for several seconds as they spoke quietly to each other. Then one of them moved off to our left, leaving the other man where he was.

Using signs, Ellen pointed to me and then to the standing man. She then pointed to herself and indicated she was going for the man who had walked off. Turning slightly she signed to Tom to follow her. She looked at me and raised her finger to her lips. I nodded acknowledgment. She, and I think Tom, started to move off to the left. She was good at this. I couldn't hear a sound as she moved away.

I looked towards where the sentry was still standing, now and then looking around. He was probably some twenty meters away from me. I had practiced with the rifle and side arm over the last few days and knew I could probably easily hit him from here. However, I also knew that he would most likely cry out from surprise if I did so. Could I get close enough to prevent that? Well, I had been taught just this kind of thing in my basic training. While my military career was mostly acting as a programmer, I still engaged in actual combat games several times a year. Everyone in the military, even technical specialists, is first a soldier.

OK, I should be able to do it and, unlike a real war, if I messed up I wouldn't be killed. I began to slowly and silently make my way towards the lone guard, always trying to be aware if there were any others nearby. There was a small ravine which led along side the man and I used this to get within two meters of him. Then I had to wait because he was faced so that surely he would see me if I made a sudden move.

After nearly a minute of this waiting I was almost ready to use my sidearm and hope he wouldn't make enough noise to alert any others. Then suddenly there was a slight sound off to my left a distance. Probably Ellen or her man. He heard it also and turned to face that way. This was the chance I needed and I sprang forward, my left hand circling to clasp across his mouth and the other hand bringing the fake dagger directly against his front. As I had been taught, I angled what would have been the blade upwards under his ribs and the dye made a spot on his shirt front.

He was definitely startled but regained his composure quickly and relaxed. I lowered my hands and he quietly said, "Damn! You are good. Well, you got me, so who are you?"

I let go and he turned to face me. "Jon Morgan. I should add I'm pleased we meet like this instead of the other way around."

He gave a small, quiet laugh. "I expect so. You really are quite good at this."

Just then I heard movement off to my left and when I looked that way I saw Ellen, Tom and another man in the Macnab plaid - and a dye spot - approaching. "I quietly said I see you got him. I got mine so I suppose we should now keep going."

Ellen came up beside me and my man turned and suddenly said, "That won't be necessary. Hi, Ellen."

"Hi, Alex. Did Jon really get you?"

"Sure did. I never heard him and was totally surprised when he put that dagger against me. I guess you've won. Must be the easiest victory anyone's had for some time."

Surprised I looked from Ellen back to the man I had "captured." "Alex Macnab!" I sputtered. "Really?"

He laughed. "Yes it is. You've done rather well for you first time out, Jon."

Ellen spoke again. "What are you doing out here, Alex? I though you'd be organizing your own raid."

"Well, I sort of was. We thought you might come in this way and I have my guys spread across the north side. I was hoping to get Ronald on his way in. I guess I just wasn't watching close enough. Well, shall we let the others know?"

Ellen was shaking her head back and forth. "Sure. Want to go first?"

He smiled and raised a whistle to his lips. A long, sharp, loud tone pierced the night. A couple of seconds later, Ellen used her own whistle to produce a similar, but different, tone,. These two were shortly followed by other whistles as the word spread. With that, we all headed towards a big assembly building in the center of the Macnab compound. Forty minutes later both our party and most of the Macnab population were gathered there. Drinks and some warm food were provided and when everyone had settled, Alex described what had happened, once again saying how good I was at this kind of thing. I felt that I had been lucky more than anything else and said so several times.

No one seemed terribly upset that we had won. I was coming to see it wasn't winning that was so important, but the game itself. Besides, both sides loved the aftermath. The Grant compound was commed and notified of the results so their guards could stand down. Then Alex and Ronald made arrangements with the people on both sides about who would be staying here and who would be going to the Grant compound. The whole gathering was rather like the social occasion of the picnic two days before except that now both sides were looking forward to the coming activities with members of the other group. Oh, the losing side might have been happier to have won and be in charge but no one felt any serious disappointment.

It was arranged that I would occupy Alex's house, as I had defeated him personally. He would be going over to be under control of Mary. Ronald would, at least for now, take another house here in the Macnab area. I saw Ellen talking with the same two men she had been flirting with at the picnic and now I heard that she was drafting them to be her personal servants, at least for the near future. I could tell they were probably looking quite forward to this role. Having spent one night with Ellen, I wasn't in the least surprised.

I saw Ronald with his arms around two women and when I asked Ellen she informed me they were the wife and daughter of William Macnab, a co-owner with Alex. Ellen also introduced me to the two men she had selected. "Jon, meet James and Jim. Since they both have the same name I'll have to find some other way to tell them apart." She looked from one to the other. Then smiling, added, "Or maybe not." She then told me that James was brother to Alex and that she would be staying in his house which was next to Alex's own where I would be.

The party - for that is what it was - carried on through the dawn and on into the early afternoon. Some of the Macnab people departed for the Grant area and some from our area arrived here. Some time about 1900 a dinner was provided. By 2200 everyone was showing signs of being a bit tired and things began to break up.

Among those I had met were Alex's twin daughters, Janet and Jane. Not identical twins, however. Janet had light brown hair and blue eyes and Jane was a blonde with hazel eyes. Both were about the same height, five foot, five, and looked a lot alike. I couldn't tell their age and asked.

Almost pouting, Janet replied, "We just turned eighteen five days before the raid. That meant that according to the rules we couldn't participate in the action until next year. Bad timing. We both really wanted to go along."

Jane said, "Well, next year we can and if it happens to be against the Grants, don't count on winning so easily."

Eighteen? They looked a little younger, but that was eighteen Highland. No matter their age, they were definitely very attractive women. Well, if they came next year I'd definitely have to try and capture them.

We had talked for a while and when things started to break up, the came over to me and Jane said, "Since you'll be staying here as our master, we'll show you up to your room."

I smiled back and teased, "Thank you. I'm sure you'll be very good servants."

"Either very good or very bad," Janet cryptically put in. Then each took one of my hands and led me upstairs.

The room was even larger than Ronald's. There were four large windows, almost a wall of glass, looking out at the foothills and beyond them, the high mountains. There was, of course, an elaborate bath through a door. In this room was a shower, as the expression goes, "large enough to hold a dance". In addition there was a sunken tub which could easily seat four. Back in the main bedroom was a huge four poster bed. A very serious four poster bed. The columns at the head and foot were at least six inches through and everything about this looked completely solid. And huge. I think it must have been two meters wide and almost three long.

I turned from looking around this palatial accommodation and saw that although the door was closed, the two girls were still inside. I looked from one to the other and said, "Thank you. This room looks wonderful."

They both smiled but made no move to leave. Then Janet said, "Master, we have been designated as your official bed warmers."

These two obviously liked to tease. "Two servants to see that my bed is warm? Just who designated you for that task?"

The twins glanced at each other and together replied, "We did." Before I could say anything else they both reached and tugged as something and their shirts opened completely. A second later they had shed their kilts and everything else and stood there completely nude. Completely. Not even pubic hair. I think I just stared, probably with my mouth open.

They both came directly up to me and began to remove my own shirt and kilt. Before they managed that I was able to say, "Hold on a second. Are you to allowed to do this? I mean, you said you weren't old enough to join the raid."

Jane seriously replied, "No, we couldn't go on the raid, but there's no reason we can't do this. You do know our customs here, don't you, Mr. Morgan?"

I looked from one to the other. Ronald, Mary and Ellen had all assured me that there was nothing wrong with sex play with girls who were eighteen. In fact, they had indicated that on Highland kids started such play with each other many years younger. I also knew it certainly wasn't unusual for women to initiate sex play. Still, I certainly hadn't expected this.

Still looking from one to the other I finally managed to say, "You're sure this is all right?"

Both nodded emphatically. Then Janet said, "Dad knows we're going to play with whoever is staying here. If the Macnabs had won he was even going to bring in a guy for us. Seriously, Mr. Morgan, it's not like we're virgins or anything. I mean, we've done this for years." Then, with just a trace of concern asked, "You do want us to, don't you?"

I finally looked down where my kilt was poking out several inches. "Certainly, if it's all right." I looked at them again and down at the bulge of my rampant member and back up at them. "Doesn't it look like it?"

The gave a laugh and then both moved to complete what they had started and in another few seconds I was as bare as they. Well, not quite. I still had hair there.