A Porn Star is Born?


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"That's exactly what I was hoping for. Now Julie, if you want to go ahead and please say yes, there are some formalities to complete.

We have a contract, I think you know, it's £1000 for a spread, £1500 if you're the Centrefold, that OK?" Andy finished.

"More than OK, that's my Winter break in Morocco, with all the Cocktails I can drink."

"Normally, we control the Copy write. We use the Photos as often as we want, paying a fee each time. I imagine, given your circumstances, you would want a veto on any repeats, am I right?"

Julie nodded again and Andy completed the Pro Forma contract and signed it, passing it to Julie.

"Please read it, it's quite short, see I've crossed out the bit about repeat usage of the photos, without your consent."

He passed her the paper, she thought for a short moment and signed.

"Now you're a classy intelligent lady, I can see that, so we want a classy shoot.

I think we'll use Joe Allan, one of our outside Contractors, he's one of the best. I've thought of a location, there is a very upmarket Flat we can hire, nice furniture, balcony looking over the road, very nice. I will get him to contact you and arrange a time for the shoot. It is usually half a day, but I'd allow for a full day.

Does that seem a plan?" He finished.

"Just fine, ask him to text not phone, I don't answer the phone at work, then I'll phone him back.

If that's all, I'll be heading home. I'm very grateful thanks."

Julie got up to leave.

"You might want to dress first. We are very informal here, but you'd get some strange looks, not to mention frostbite, on the street."

They both laughed and Julie started dressing, watched appreciatively, by Andy.

"Not meaning to pry, but Geoff says you have no Boyfriend, what a waste."

Julie finished dressing and before she left, said,

"Thanks kind Sir."

He walked her out of the closed office and watched her walking down the street. That's what we need, he thought, more real women with class and intelligence. Not the usual vacuous Bimbo teenagers, with great bodies, but only a couple of brain cells to rub together. He just new Julie would attract real interest and push up sales, that was the name of the game.

As she made her way home, the reality of what she had done, broke through her euphoria. If the Senior Nursing team found out about the magazine, there would be a lot of explaining to do, even if GOS didn't get connected in any way.

When she got home, Julie put on some food to warm in the Microwave and telephoned Geoff.

"Sorry to trouble you, are you free to talk for a few moments...

Great, well I went to see Andy, aren't you proud of me? They were very complimentary as it happens. A bit fixated on my Breasts, but that's ok, they are my finest point."

"That's good news Julie, I trust them to treat you fairly. They'll answer to me if they don't." Geoff replied.

"You are really kind, you know that."

"Not at all, I owe you, as you know. Just one thing, I have never been to a shoot, but I know they get pretty sexually charged. Posing naked for a Camera, really turns girls on. Try and keep a lid on it, or you may do something you might regret."

"You mean I might rape the Cameraman," Julie giggled.

"I'm sure he'd be very grateful if you did, but just be careful and keep me up to date with how it goes."

"OK Sir, message received and understood, I'll try and be good, or at least careful, if I'm not good."

She rang off and collected her meal and a glass of wine, sitting down in front of the TV.

The next few days were taken up with work, as usual. She almost forgot about the Shoot, till a text arrived from Joe a few days later. When she'd finished work and got home, she phoned the number.

"Hello Joe, this is Julie, thanks for getting back to me."

"No problem, that's what they pay me for. Well the magazine seem very keen to get you in their pages, so we mustn't disappoint them.

When do you have a day off work? I don't know what work is, but I know you work shifts." A friendly voice replied.

"Well I'm off next Wednesday and Thursday, could you manage either of them?"

"Thursday works for me, can we meet at Flat 4, 33 Cadogan street, at about 9am. I'll send a text to confirm the address.

Andy wants a classy shoot, the Flat is very upmarket. It will be just me and my assistant there. Have you a smart skirt and white blouse, with killer lingerie underneath?"

"I've got a nice new white strapless Basque, quite low cut, with skimpy pants and white holdup stockings," She finished.

"Stop it, you're getting me excited. Seriously, that sounds perfect. Are you happy doing your own hair and make up? I thought quite restrained cosmetics and you're hair up, at least to start with." He finished.

"That all sounds fine. I have to admit, I'm a bit nervous. This is my first, probably my last, time."

"Relax, I don't bite, not unless you ask me to.

I'll see you next Thursday then. If something comes up at work, give me a call. or earlier, if you have a question."

They rang off and Julie sat still on the sofa, gripping her mobile. Well, she was committed now, time to put up, or shut up.

The day of the shoot came up so quickly. Julie woke early to shower and wash her hair. After drying and putting up her hair, she decided on some light body oil, then put on the Basque, admiring back and front views. She leant forward, her nipples were barely covered, Still that was the point, she supposed. Next she slipped on the pants. She had already given herself a drastic shave, as requested. The stockings, she left until she arrived at the Flat, in case they got laddered on the way. With a last look in the mirror, she slipped on the black skirt and pretty white blouse, then her overcoat. It would have to do, she thought.

Julie arrived a few minutes early and waited outside, shivering a little; her bare legs were icy cold.

The door opened and a friendly face welcomed her in, it was Joe.

"I saw you outside, catching your death."

He was'nt a very impressive specimen, short, quite over weight, a few days of grey stubble and glasses, but he seemed very friendly. Julie followed him up to the second floor and into the Flat.

"Gorgeous isn't it, this is how the rich folks live."

Julie thought, you're not wrong there. It was elegantly furnished with expensive modern furniture. There was a double window, closed at the moment, on to a Balcony.

"The kettles on, do you want a Cuppa, milk sugar?"

"Just milk, thanks."

"Sorry, I should have said, this is Jeffrey, my Assistant."

Julie shook hands with a, skinny, odd looking young man. When Joe came back with the tea, they all sat for a getting to know you chat.

"Just to explain, we'll start with you fully dressed. You brought Stockings didn't you?" Joe said.

Julie nodded , got them out and pulled up her tight skirt as best she could, to pull them on. The two men looked at each other and smiled.

"I can see today is'nt going to be a hardship Girl.

As I said, we start fully dressed and we end up not. I want you to imagine your Lover has come in. Look at the Camera as if it was him. I'll give you suggestions, but please go with the flow, do what you feel is right. We will stop you and ask to hold a pose, whilst we make a few shots. It's not rocket science, I'm sure you'll get it. If you want to imagine someone particular, not us two of course, it'll get you in the mood. Believe me, the Camera can tell if you mean it.

Shall we give it a go?" Joe finished.

Julie went over to the Sofa, sat down, with her legs drawn up, head bent, glasses on, reading a sheaf of papers. She stayed there a few minutes, whilst Joe moved around, snapping and Jeffrey held the lights.

She looked up to the right, with an intense regard, a slight smile on her lips. Joe moved round to capture the look.

"Perfect, you're making this easy love, just keep it coming. I want that English coolness, but smouldering underneath, just as you are."

Julie put her head down towards her blouse, but raised her eyes to her imaginary Lover. Then she lent forward on the sofa and slowly undid the blouse and cuffs, letting it fall open, revealing her deep cleavage. Joe was taking photos all the time, asking her to hold still from time to time.

She gave the Camera a big smile, stood up and reached behind to undo her skirt, letting it slowly fall to the floor. Turning round, she bent forward to show her Ass, half covered by the Pants, smiling over her shoulder at the Camera. She stood up and pushed the blouse off first her right, then her left, shoulder, slowly letting it fall to the floor. Standing, legs a little apart, hands on her hips, still smiling over her shoulder.

It was a deeply erotic pose and Joe asked her to stand still. Her expression though, it said this is for you, only for you, enjoy. She was a natural, Joe thought, an incredibly sexy mature woman, in her prime.

When he let her continue, Julie stayed in that position and stretched out the sides of her pants, before squatting forward slightly and pushing them off her hips, then stepped out of them. Standing again, her hands on her hips, bare assed, she blew a kiss over her shoulder, just inspired.

When John had finished his shots, Julie turned and coyly raised the bottom of the Basque, hinting at her trimmed bush and pubic mound. When that shot was taken, she turned and put one knee up on the sofa, leaving the other stretched on the floor, showing the strained muscles of her thigh, sweeping up to her bare Ass. She then bought both knees up, spread out on the sofa, sitting between them. She turned around again, looking back, raised her hands to her hair and began pulling out the pins, then shook her hair out, over her shoulder. She waited again, till Joe had finished, then moved to sit astride the arm of the sofa, she fell forward onto the chair, revealing her pudenda for the first time. Now her hair hung over her face as she looked back, laughing now.

Joe noted that Julie was obviously getting more aroused. Her laugh was natural, deep and throaty. There was a slight flush to her cheeks and dilated pupils. It was obvious to the Camera too.

"Do you want a break Julie," He asked.

"No, no, I'll lose the mood, we must carry on," She pleaded.

Next she climbed off the chair and leaned against the frame of the Balcony window, one arm above her head, looking out. When he'd finished, Julie threw open the window, she was feeling so hot. Slowly walking out, she leaned over the metal railings, looking down into the street. Another wonderful picture, her body framed by the window and bathed in the Autumn light. Joe couldn't remember a shoot like it. He had nothing to do, just follow her momentum as she became more and more turned on.

Julie turned round, her Ass against the cold railings. She slowly walked back in, a predatory look on her face, looking like a big cat hunting for a meal. When she was well in the room, looking down at the Basque, then back up, her head bent, she reached up to the front clasps. This all happened slowly, so Joe captured each movement. He didn't stop her now, to keep the feeling of movement.

Biting her lip, Julie slowly unhooked the garment, half way down, exposing most of her Breasts. Turning again, she unhooked the rest of the Basque and it fell yo the floor, quite naked now, except for stockings and high heels. She put one hand over her Tits and the other, her groin. Laughing, she moved back to face the camera again, her disordered hair over her face. Inch by inch she raised her hands above her head, reaching up on tiptoes, her legs slightly apart. The front view, now completely exposed, was magnificent, her breasts were drawn high by her raised arms, her stomach flattened and below that, her Labia, fully in view, framed by hair and her thighs.

When Joe had finished, Julie moved slowly to the sofa, looking back and crooking her finger, for the Camera to follow. When she reached it, she knelt on the sofa again, but bent her chest right down, leaving her Ass in the air. Next she turned on her back, drawing her legs up to her chest, raising one thigh up to expose a gaping vagina, she was wet now, her lips glistening with juices.

Next Julie turned on her back, putting one leg spread on the floor and the other bent and dropped out as far as she could, on the sofa. She couldn't have opened herself more if she tried and her cunt was clear between the spread lips. It was her expression though, an intense stare, a frown, at the Camera, a pretty pink flush on her cheeks and a slight sheen of sweat.

Joe was pretty immune to female beauty during a shoot, but he was caught up in Julie's passion, trying to stop the camera shake. This was going to be a legendary session, he just knew it. The only regret, not to be the cause of her lustful stare. It seemed to him, that Julie was about to burst, painfully hanging on the edge of an orgasm.

Finally, Julie slipped off the couch onto the floor on her spread knees, then she leant back with her hands over her head and pushed her body right off the floor, in an arc. This girl was a gymnast, it made for a great final picture.

Julie breathed out and pulled herself back up onto the sofa, leaning on the arm,

"Well I've run out of ideas Joe, will that do?

Oh, I see it seems to have hit the spot," She covered her mouth and giggled at the red faces and tented Jeans of both men.

"Sorry about that gents," She giggled again and crooked her finger at Joe.

He gave Jeffrey the Camera and moved to stand beside her. He wasn't very attractive, with his stubble and beer belly, but that swelling held some promise. Julie looked in his eyes and gently reached up a hand to cup his groin, he shivered.

With a great effort of will, he croaked,

"Now look Julie, that was a brilliant shoot, the very best, you have no idea how good it is going to look, but, I'm a professional, I have a reputation and a suspicious wife."

He groaned as she gently rubbed his erection,

"I'm sorry, I know, it's shameful of me, but have you any idea how turned on I am, how long since I had a man, any man, between my legs."

Joe gave a resigned sigh and said, "Do you want photos, just for you of course."

"Oh yes please,"

Joe nodded to Jeffrey who moved closer, as Julie undid the jeans and pushed down the zip, reaching in to pull out his Cock,

"Mmm, that's a really a nice one," She said, her words stopped as she slid his seven, thick inches, into her open mouth and down her throat. She held him by the base, then sucked and licked hard, pulling in and out.

"Oh my goodness, my word, where did you learn that," Joe groaned, then again louder, as Julie pulled his hands onto her Tits, encouraging him to maul them.

"You can come in my mouth if you like, but you'd better be able to fuck me afterwards."

Almost immediately, he started curling up in spasms, as he jetted into her mouth, over her face and onto her Tits. Julie laughed in sheer delight as she licked and sucked his cock to drain the last cum. Then she fell back into the chair, still laughing, her face and body streaked with it.

She looked at the boy,

"Oh Jeffrey this isn't fair is it, give the Camera to Joe and come to Moma."

Leaning forward, she pulled down his jeans and pulled out another nice stiffy. She hardly sucked him in before he gasped and came in her mouth, holding her head firmly. She swallowed most of his cum, some trickled out onto her lips.

"Well short and sweet, but that tasted nice. Now time out, I need a drink, can you look for any booze, whilst I clean up a bit."

She jumped off the couch and gave them both a wet French Kiss, before heading for he Bathroom.

By the time she got back, there was a large Gin and Tonic waiting for her, she fell into the middle of the sofa.

"Oh thanks, you're a life saver."

After taking a big gulp, she smiled and they started an amiable conversation, about the Flat, the Shoot, nothing in particular. She put her glass down and said,

"Now gents, difficult as it may be to believe, I haven't had a man, or woman for that matter, for over three months and I really need a good seeing to. You two are going to give it to me and we shall part as friends.

You are going to nail me, I want to be begging for mercy, crying, I want to be unable to sit down for a week. Now are we clear about that."

"Yes Julie," they both said, a little alarmed now.

"Now I realise you might need some help to start your engine and Julie has the answer."

Very slightly inebriated, she waved a bottle of Baby Oil, she had found in the Bathroom. Undoing the bottle, she poured a generous dollop on both Tits, massaging it well in. She could see they were getting interested all ready.

"Now, I have found a quick Tit Fuck between these babies, never fails to get a man perky again."

She put the bottle down, sat forward on the edge of the couch and put her hands behind her to give support, thrusting out her perfect appendages. She gave them both a big, encouraging smile.

"So Gentlemen, enjoy."

They had already set the Camera on a tripod, to take pictures every 10 seconds, automatically. Jeffrey approached her semi erect and pushed her Tits around his Cock, pumping between them and grinning, stupidly. He made sure he was at angle, for the camera to see clearly. Joe became impatient and pushed his erection into Julie's mouth, which she sucked enthusiastically. After a while, he pulled Jeffrey away and sunk into her cleavage, gripping her Tits hard around his cock. He pumped vigorously and Julie licked the tip, when it appeared.

He pulled away and pushed Julie flat, then lifted her legs off the floor and over his shoulders. When he pushed down in her Vagina, he squashed her, bent double under him. She was so keyed up, that she came on the first penetration, groaned and nearly threw him off as her legs went into spasm. He held her firmly till she'd finished, then withdrew and plunged to the hilt, using his body weight, slowly, but with great force. Her breath was expelled in a groan, with each thrust. She couldn't remember being penetrated with such delicious force and soon climaxed again. While she was still shuddering, Joe withdrew, before he came, and held her in the same position for Jeff. He attacked her with the same enthusiasm. He was in heaven, he'd never had such a beautiful women and probably never would again. His pleasure grew as he gave her another orgasm, then another.

They carried on, turn and turnabout, three times, till Julie had forgotten how many orgasms she had experienced. Then Joe stopped to catch his breath, panting and sweating, grinning at the other man. He let her legs down and Julie lay slumped on the Sofa, her legs splayed out on the floor. She seemed hardly conscious, lost in Post coital bliss, breathing hard, a flush spreading onto her chest, sweating too.

"You wanted to beg and this isn't going to do it, you're enjoying yourself to much girl. Should be ashamed of yourself."

Joe looked at her in mock severity and she grinned.

He pulled her up roughly,

"Come on, get the camera Jeff," Pulling her on tottering legs round behind the sofa.

He pushed her face first flat against the wall, then pulled her hands down, to spread her own buttocks. He had bought the baby oil and started coating his erection.

"Oh no you don't, you're not doing that," She said.

He looked at Jeff to prime him with the camera and slapped her Ass hard, grinning at the lens, there was another click.

"You said we could do what we wanted and to stop only if you begged, so beg," Joe finished.

She shook her head as he moved her hands back to spread the cheeks, He positioned himself at her anus with his right hand, his left pushing her hard against the wall, then pushed forward. Her her head fell back, a grimace of pain on her face. Jeff took several shots of her expression and the penis pushing into her poor anus. The sphincter surrendered to the relentless pressure and now she started groaning, tears running down her cheeks.