A Post Divorce Celebration


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"Why don't we take this to the bedroom?" he whispered as he rolled from between my thighs.

We rolled into sitting positions on the couch and took a few seconds to catch our breath. Our eyes met and we both grinned, he pulled my face to his for a little kiss before getting to his feet. I grabbed the towel from under us as he led me towards the bedroom. It was a fine bed, wide with turned back covers waiting for us. I waited for Nick to lie down before straddling his thighs leaving his cock hovering near my navel. I took it in hand and gave it some attention as it was beginning wilt from lack of attention. I again marvelled at its size as it quickly became erect. Sliding backwards I took it into my mouth and suckled on the head as I looked up into his face.

"You're fucking good at that." he offered. "Thought you might've been out of practice."

"Like riding a bike, once learnt never forgotten. Anyway, it's a bit big to suck for long, I'll get lock jaw."

"No chance of deep throat then?"

I laughed and slapped his thick shaft on my cheek, "Not a shit show, not with this thing."

Moving upwards and letting Nick's shaft fall against his navel, I straddled him and positioned my pussy lips over his shaft. I began sliding back and forth running my slit along his shaft. It felt good when the bulbous head flicked over my clitoris and I adjusted my movements to capture it. Nick's hand cupped my breasts and fondled them then pulled me down so we could kiss.

We stayed like this for a few minutes kissing and caressing, my ample lubrication assisting his cock sliding through my lips. Nick eased me back a bit so his cock could enter me again; I lifted my left leg and reached down to guide it nicely in. I sighed with pleasure as he filled me and began to ride him slowly.

I grinned down at him and squeezed his shaft tightly as I could with my pussy, "Geeez, you've got a nice cock.

Nick laughed, "It's the best one I've got and you can play with it whenever you like."

I wasn't thinking about the future. I was thinking about now and how much I'd missed sex, for it had been too long to go without. My mind drifted briefly about my ex-husband, the man I had once loved so much. The sex back then had been good, very good in fact. But sex with Nick was good too. I had now been with two men, their bodies and love making techniques quite different.

While there was little emotional attachment to Nick, I was comfortable giving myself to him and enjoying the sex immensely. Men just don't realise it's no little thing for a woman to open her legs and let a man slide a cock deep into their body. As I wasn't interested in entering a new relationship, how would I feel about doing the same with other men? I had already known Nick for some time, and it wasn't like bedding a stranger.

My attention returned to Nick as I felt the first stirrings of another orgasm. Bracing my legs tightly against Nick's thighs and my hands on the bed, I began working into a nice rhythm. My strokes were long taking his full length from the head to the base but taking care not to drop his cock from my pussy. My fingers found my clitoris and began to massage it in a small circular motion.

I looked down at Nick through lustful eyes, "I've never cum this way before."

Nick placed his big hands around my waist and guided me up and down. My pleasure mounted as I quickened my pace, our bodies slapping noisily together. Thankfully, Nick kept still and I could judge my movements to perfection. My second orgasm was exquisite in its arrival and I cried out loudly as it flowed through my eager body. Thankfully my ejaculation was minimal and only the increased sloshing of my lubrication making it noticeable.

Nick waited for a short time before rolling me onto my back and rode me gently for a few seconds, then slipping back out of me he knelt between my widespread thighs. I grinned as his hungry eyes took in my well battered pussy and felt no embarrassment at my most un-lady like pose. My attention turned to his erection which hung heavily between his thighs. It was shiny with juices and a gooey tidemark of white sat at the base of the shaft.

"What a waste." he commented.

"What do you mean by that?" I replied indignantly.

He smiled. "Well, best piece of pussy I've had for years. Great body, nice tight pussy and you sure know how to fuck. And for the last couple of years it's been going to waste. That's a tragedy, almost a crime really."

I snapped my legs closed ruining his view, "I'm not exactly sure that's a compliment. Anyway, I've been off men for awhile, divorce does that to a woman."

"And now?" he asked taking his cock and stroking it suggestively at me."

I grinned and opened my legs again, "And now, I'm ready to be fucked."

Nick pulled a face at my choice of words, "How about making love?"

I shook my head, "Nope, I don't wanna make love, I just wanna FUCK. Now I'm free to FUCK you and anyone else I wanna FUCK."

Nick laughed as he stretched out beside me and I rolled towards him, I opened my thighs allowing his cock to nestle between them. We cuddled and kissed for a few seconds.

"And here I thought you were a lady." he muttered between kisses.

"Only when I've got my clothes on." I replied. "When they're off I'm no lady."

He laughed, "I'll remember that."

It was nice being in the arms of a man again. I savoured the kissing and caressing, and feeling his warm cock hardening between my thighs was nice too. I knew the night wasn't over just yet. Eventually Nick rolled me onto my back and I parted my legs encouraging him to mount me. Reaching down, I guided his cock into my pussy and pushed up taking his full length in one easy stroke. I moaned as he stretched my pussy, wrapping my legs around him I held him there as we kissed passionately.

Nick began to ride me with long slow strokes and slowly built up speed, I knew his orgasm was on its way.

"I want you to cum inside." I whispered.

He replied with a kiss.

I love the feeling of man cumming in me, the warmth and wetness betraying their final act. My mind drifted for an instant to my ex-husband, the man I had loved and was going to spend the rest of my life with. The man who used to fill my pussy with cum and my mind with love, only now my pussy was going to be filled by another, and just for lust. I forced my emotions away from my past and turned my attention to Nick. I rolled my buttocks up to meet his every thrust, I hugged kissed and caressed him as he rode me unmercifully.

By this time, my pussy was starting become a bit sore from his attentions and I was relieved when he slowed down and cried out signally he was about to cum. I squeezed my pussy tight as I could on his thick shaft as his warm cum flooded me, the slapping of our bodies and the additional lubrication of his cum making a hell of a noise. I held Nick tight as his orgasm ebbed and he slowly began to relax. Our lips met and we kissed passionately until his wilting cock fell from my pussy and I could feel his cum leaking from me.

"Better get the towel or I'll make a mess on your sheets."

"Don't care."

Spoken like a true man I thought to myself. After a short time Nick rolled off me and lay beside me, then snuggled in.

"Mmmm, that was nice." I offered.

"Thought you'd better know I faked my orgasm." Nick said.

I chuckled and slid two fingers through my pussy, scooping up as much cum as I could, I deposited it on his chest and rubbed it in.

"Explain that." I suggested.

We both laughed and settled into a nice post orgasmic doze in a tangle of arms and legs.

"How are you feeling now?" he asked. "This was hell of a big step for you."

I thought about it for a few seconds. "Well, the sex was great. I don't feel guilty cause I really like you, so I'm kind of alright about it I suppose. I'd forgotten how good sex is and how much I've missed it. I know that I'm not going to deprive myself for that long again, that for sure. On the other side of it, I don't want another serious relationship for awhile. So my problem is how I'm going to get lots of sex without a relationship and not be a slut."

Nick leaned closer and gave me a peck on the cheek, "I'll be your fuck buddy if you want. You ring and I'll come over and sort out your needs. I won't charge much either."

He got a tweaked nipple for the last comment, although having a fuck buddy wasn't a bad idea I thought to myself. But I wanted to explore my sexuality a bit too, not that I was going to confess that to Nick. Some things need to remain private I reminded myself as I drifted off to sleep in the arms of my fine lover.

I woke early in the morning, not wanting to wake Nick I crawled from the bed and had a quick shower. Afterwards I slipped on my top and panties, the prospect of wearing tight jeans over my still sensitive and swollen pussy was not a favourable proposition and I wisely left them off. I would have left my panties off too but I wanted to retain a little modesty, especially as my top wasn't quite long enough to cover all my bits. It was to prove a big mistake.

A very nude Nick appeared in the kitchen as I was finishing making coffees. I laughed at his nudity and then ignored it as we chatted and adding the milk and sugars.

"I'd help, but I can't." Nick commented a few seconds later.

I gazed down to where Nick was sporting a very large erection which he jammed against the kitchen cupboard.

"See, I can't reach the bench."

I chuckled, "I'm sorry to have to inform you; that while you have a very big cock, in certainly ain't longer than your arms."

"Such insolence from the lesser sex." he said humorously while seizing me.

I yelled as he slid me over his shoulder and carried me into the lounge where he deposited me unceremoniously on the couch. I struggled as he forced himself between my legs and slid his face between my thighs. I stopped struggling and began giggling as his course stubble tickled me which was soon replaced by a warm tongue. I felt myself warm to his advances and opened my legs as he kissed and licked his way up my thighs.

He teased me working his way all around my panties but not over my pussy. I felt my breathing slow as my arousal rise and I waited in anticipation for him to find my special place. Not wanting to be teased again, I raised my legs over his head and removed my panties; taking his face in my hands I lowered it right onto my waiting pussy. I sighed as he kissed my lips tenderly for a few seconds, and wriggled as his tongue dissected my slit for the first time.

"Take it easy with your stubble." I asked. "It's like sandpaper and I'm still tender down there no thanks to you."

But I pulled my knees up to my chest exposing myself fully to my lover. Again he demonstrated fine pussy licking skills and he slowly brought towards a small but shuddering orgasm which was all I was capable after the night before. He then slowly slipped his rock hard cock into me. I locked my legs around him and pulled him in tight, ignoring my pussy juices over his face, I kissed him passionately as he worked his cock back and forth inside me. As much as it felt good, my pussy soon began to tell me it had enough of being thrashed after such a long time without a cock.

"I can't do this." I said to Nick. "You've worn my pussy out."

Nick smiled and slowly withdrew his cock.

Taking it in hand I gave it a squeeze and grinned, "There's more than one way to skin a cat. Won't be a minute."

I got up from the couch and got a warmed facecloth from the bathroom. Guiding Nick to the couch, I knelt before him and took his thick shaft in hand and wiped it clean. Disposing of the facecloth, I then lowered my face to his cock.

I slowly kissed and fondled his cock, his deep sighs betraying his pleasure.

I suckled on the head and licked the eye as I stroked him and fondled his tight balls. I teased him as he had teased me minutes before and then when I had teased him enough, I got down to work.

Dribbling saliva onto his shaft, I took the head of his fine cock into my mouth. My hand settled into a nice slow rhythm as I suckled the head with my tongue working the eye. I slowly built up speed drawing Nick towards orgasm. I kept stroking his shaft when I lifted my mouth from the head to give my jaw a rest but used my tongue to keep up the momentum.

"Christ you're good at this." he managed to wheeze.

I placed my spare hand on his thigh to keep him from pushing too deep into my mouth as his excitement mounted, and with exquisite precision I lifted my mouth just as his orgasm arrived. His first long line of cum caught me squarely on the face and the second on the chin, the rest dropping onto my breasts.

I kept stroking until his orgasm subsided and wiped the cum from the head. I then lowered my mouth over the head and suckled hard with my tongue tormenting the eye. Nick wriggled moaned in a mixture of pain like ecstasy, but ignoring the bitter taste of his cum I kept working his cock until it wilted.

"How was that?" I inquired while slapping his now floppy cock on my chin.

He looked at me through glazed eyes and laughed, "Best blow job I've ever had."

"I'll take that as a compliment."

"And so you should."

We later showered together and I allowed Nick to kiss me all over as he dried me with a warm towel. Spending the rest of the day together was great, and now the sex thing was out of the way we got to know each other a little better.

Nick and I ended up in bed a number of times over the next few weeks, and while I liked him more than a lot I didn't want a long term serious relationship. He was okay when I told him I might date other guys, and surprisingly he encouraged me to go out there and have a good time.

Over the next few months I played the dating game but allowing only two men to have sex with me. Both were condomed and very much a disappointment after Nick, which only encouraged me back into his bed. As he suggested on our first night, we came to a fuck buddy agreement where could use each other's bodies at whim but without commitment. I still went out on an occasional date with other guys but there was never enough attraction to bed them, and so spent a lot of my free time with girlfriends. My friend Claire who had once dated Nick was very keen to hear all the sordid details and was very good at extracting little details out of me over time. She wasn't jealous as she had a new man in her life, and was just being naughty and nosy.

Nick and I were talking one night after another of our satisfying romps and were discussing what I really wanted out of sex. What I wanted was to explore the experiences that I had missed out on as a young woman before I met my husband.

"So now you've had a few guys, what else would you like to do?" he asked.

"Only four." I replied indignantly. "I can still count them on one hand."

"What about a really hung man or a black man?"

"Na, not interested in big, yours is big enough." I replied. "Not sure about a black man. It would have to be that I fancied him, not just because he was black."

What about other things, threesomes or foursomes?"

I thought about it for a few seconds, "Dunno about that, have you done it?"

"Sure, a few threesomes and foursomes, really good fun. Foursome was with two girls and two guys. Threesomes were with two guys and a girl. You can join in for a bit and then just watch for awhile. Never done it with two girls, like to though."

I dunno about doing it another girl and a guy." I commented. "Two couples would get a bit complicated. Being with two guys might be interesting. Just so long as it stayed confidential between the three of us."

And so that little conversation created some interest and Nick offered to find another man to join us in bed. At first I was reluctant but we started looking at amateur porn sites on the web and I was surprised how many people were into group sex, and even willing to film it for others to watch. I have to admit that the thought of it was exciting and the fact that Nick was willing to share me made it kind of easier. Just try it once Nick suggested, and if you don't like at least you've lived the experienced. I told Nick that I would think about it for a while, but for the time being I was content with just him.

But as time went on my interest slowly matured and I eventually admitted to Nick that I might do it if he found someone I was comfortable with. He grinned mischievously, what I didn't know was he already had someone in mind. It just goes to show how conniving men are.


Authors note: I've got a nice little threesome scenario in mind as a sequel. Please comment if you wish me to share it with you.

Regards Bazzza

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BfreetorunBfreetorunover 10 years ago
Sure, bring it on.

This in itself was a good story. It would be nice if she and Nick got romantic later, I love happy endings.

The NavigatorThe Navigatoralmost 13 years ago

Bazzza, you did an excellent job of getting into the head of a woman. Not many men can do that successfully. Excellent story line, well presented. Looking forward to the next chapter.

You have long been one of my favorite authors. Your "The Tale of Ugly and Christmas" and "Just a Hick Town Guitar Player" are two of my favorite stories and I've read them each several times.

Don't be a stranger. We've missed your participation here.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Good story

We actually have a single woman who joins us every so often for sex. She is single and also see's other people, but she likes the security of being with us when we go to sex clubs with her.

Your story is quite accurate as regards a woman's feelings as she looks for sexual fun after being married then splitting up (as happened with our friend).

Hopefully you will write more.

J & S

mitchawamitchawaalmost 13 years ago

Well not entirely realistic due to frequency, but aside from that it's exactly the way it happens. Well written, good character development, nice plot leading to at least one more story.

Keep writing and keep us entertained.

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