A Professor Living Dangerously Pt. 01


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"Ugghhh...don't!" she cried out as loudly as she dared.

He had found her breast and it felt like he had sucked half of it into his mouth, but in her awkward position, she struggled to break free. The man feasted on her firm orbs, moving between the two, while she felt a mixture of anger, confusion, and shame. She kept telling him to stop, still hoping to avoid a scene, but he ignored all her pleas.

"Ayyyeeee!" she cried in pain as the man bit her small bud.

Her reaction had been so strong that she was now away from his mouth, although he still had a firm grip on her wrists. She saw him staring at her with a dangerous smile as he pulled her back, and, too late, she realized he had closed his legs forcing her to straddle him until he had her ass on his knees. When he spread his legs, it made her open and she felt the material of the g-string stretching tightly over her mound.

"I want to see that shaved pussy," Javier said, looking towards her g-string.

"Fuck you. Let me go," Kat replied, now both angry and scared.

"Not till you show it," He demanded.

"I can't. You have my hands," she replied, hoping that somehow if he released her, she could get away.

Quickly the man's hands changed position. One went to the small of her back and the other to a spot between her shoulder blades. She realized she was still under his control and knew that either she had to scream for help or do what he asked. If she screamed for help, she worried that Little Sam would make her leave. She weighed this against the sordid request that the fat jerk was demanding, and with a deep sigh, she lowered her hand, found the edge of the material and pulled it slightly to the side until her smooth slit came into view.

"You look ready to fuck," Javier said, staring at her with a hungry look.

"Let me go," Kat replied while trying again to wiggle free.

When Javier released her, it was so unexpected she almost fell off him backward. She got her balance and while she was gathering her things, she saw him flip a bill onto the chair and walk off.

"Kat, you're up next. Kat," she heard the DJ announce.

It couldn't have come at a worse time and she thought about giving up, but somehow forced herself to the stage. Fortunately, this time it all seemed to go by quickly, and although she felt like she was just going through the motions, several men came forward to tip her. When it was over, she decided she needed a break and headed towards the dressing room.

"Hey... Here you go," Roland called out when she passed the bar while pushing a drink towards her.

"Thanks," she said to him with a disappointed look, as she still remembered what he had done in Sam's office.

She found a stool at the far end of the vanity and silently sipped her drink, contemplating all that had occurred, while various girls came and went. Was all this worth it just for some damn job she wondered? Maybe she had become too focused and lost perspective. These thoughts and her husband's warnings ran through her brain repeatedly as she sat alone.

"Hi!" she heard a squeaky voice call out and looking up she saw a thin blonde that couldn't have been over nineteen.

There were tattoos on one arm, her abdomen, and her leg and her skin looked pasty like she got little sun. Katherine had seen her several times before when she had been waitressing, but they had never spoken.

"Hi," she responded, doing her best to smile.

"It's a good night," the girl remarked.

"Yes, I suppose," Kat answered.

"I thought you were a waitress. I didn't know you danced," she continued.

"My first time," the young wife told her with a shrug.

"Really, well you looked really good and the men liked you. I think you got them all going so all of us had a good night," the girl stated, and her words actually buoyed Katherine's spirits a little.

"What's your name?" Kat asked.

"I go by Ginger," she announced.

"Well, Ginger, thanks for the kind words," she told her.

They continued talking for about thirty minutes, with little being about the club. Finally, the girl said that she needed to go back to work and left Katherine to finish her drink. Two more dances she thought to herself and I get to live to fight another day. Tipping the glass back until it was empty, she rose and started back.

As soon as she emerged, she realized that she may have made a mistake. The previously filled room now held only a smattering of men, and it looked like there were more dancers than customers.

"Where did everybody go?" Kat asked Roland when she returned the glass.

"Always clears out at the same time on Saturdays. Where have you been?" he asked.

"I needed a break," she answered.

"How many dances have you done?" Roland asked.

"Eight," she told him.

"Uh oh. You better get to work then. Sam isn't fucking around," Roland responded, with a concerned look.

"What do I do?" she asked, noticing his look and now getting worried.

"Hustle like the rest of the girls. It's not long until closing," he replied.

Kat knew what he meant, but didn't relish the thought of trying to sell herself. She could see that the other girls were already working the floor hard, although with little success. It seemed like the men in the room were already engaged or had shut things down for the night. Still, it had to be done, so with a deep breath, she joined the others.

There were four tables occupied without girls so Kat summoned her courage and started the circuit, but in each case, she was turned down. Two were nice about it while the others didn't even bother to make eye contact. She found it disrespectful, but like the others, she had to deal with it.

She found a spot off to the side and watched the scene while contemplating what to do. A few minutes later, she saw a dancer leave a table occupied by a solo man, and as she walked away, the man looked right at Kat with an extended stare. However, just as she was about to try her luck, she saw another girl, who was closer, reach him. Kat looked on as the man spoke to her for several seconds before the girl moved away. Once again, the man's eyes landed on her so she made her way over.

"Would you like some company?" she asked, in her most charming voice.

"Well, I was thinking about leaving," he replied, but he also flashed a broad smile.

Kat could tell he was probably in his late thirties and was dressed better than most patrons. He looked a little out of place like he belonged in the trendier environs of the city.

"Can't you stay a little longer?" she asked, with a pouty face.

"Okay, well maybe for a bit," he said and motioned for her to sit.

A waitress came up and asked if anyone needed a drink and the man looked towards her and raised his eyebrows. Kat nodded and told the girl what she wanted and soon she returned with their orders.

"What's your name?" she asked.

"Jason. What's yours?' he replied.

"Kat," she informed him.

"Are you new here? You really don't look like you belong. I would expect to find you in a downtown club, but not here," the man asked.

"I've been a waitress for a while, but it's my first night dancing," she informed him.

They chatted more and Jason killed his drink, waved the waitress over and ordered them both another even though Kat's was half full.

"I don't come here very often. Got to be in the right mood," he explained, after downing half his drink in one go.

"What do you mean?" Kat asked.

"The clubs downtown have better-looking girls, but here things are wilder," he explained, and then said, "Drink up. You're falling behind."

Hoping to maneuver him into buying the last two dances from her, Kat finished her first drink and took a sip on the second before replying, "Would you like a dance?"

"Not now, maybe later," he said curtly.

Disappointed, she took another sip and looked around the room to see it was even emptier than it had been just a while ago. She had a sinking feeling it would be Jason or the wrath of Little Sam she would be dealing with. The nervousness brought on by this dilemma led to her quickly finishing the second drink.

"Another?" she said, raising her eyebrow and looking at him hoping to keep him around until she could muster a plan.

Jason ordered again and they chatted more. She actually found him easy to talk to and he seemed educated although he fended off personal questions. There was no ring on his finger, so she thought he was likely divorced based on his looks and easy mannerisms.

"What do you do here that's wild?" Kat asked.

She knew it was dangerous turf, but she was getting desperate as time went by.

"Depends on the girl, but let's just say that most here are accommodating," he replied.

"Have you had some dances tonight?" she asked.

"Oh yeah, I was just about to leave when you came over," he said with a chuckle.

"Don't you want some more," Kat asked demurely and placed her hand on Jason's leg.

It was the first overt act from her all night and it made her feel strange.

"I like the experienced girls. Sorry," he replied.

"You won't know unless you try," Kat responded while stroking his leg as she knew she was all-in.

"Let me see your tits," he demanded after a few seconds of silence, and knowing it was likely a test, she quickly removed her top.

"Lovely... Lovely, and all real," he said, as he gazed at them.

"Let me dance for you," she said to him, leaning close and speaking softly.

"Finish your drink," he replied with just enough gruffness that Kat thought they were through.

A minute later, Jason reached over and took a breast in his hand and gently lifted as if he were weighing her flesh, and then lightly squeezed. Kat, although nervous, forced herself to maintain eye contact until he finally spoke.

"I'll try one, but don't disappoint me," he said.

"How would I disappoint you?" she asked.

"By saying no," he answered locking his eyes into hers.

Outside, Kat did her best to maintain an air of confidence. Inside, she felt like she might pass out from nervousness. She could feel her heartbeat in her ears, and her vision seemed fuzzy as she led him on wobbly legs towards the back room. She picked a table in the corner with the least light which seemed to please Jason. After a minute of sipping the remains of their cocktails, Jason told her it was time with a nod of his head.

Knowing she had no room for error, she immediately took her top off and moved close to him letting her hands and occasionally her breasts wander across his body. All night long, she had been doing the opposite, trying to get through the ordeals quickly. Now, she was truly a titty dancer, trying to please her customer and earn his favors. She was between his spread legs, with her shins against the chair, leaning forward so her breasts were near his face when he made his first demand.

"Pull your thong down to your knees," he instructed, which made her body shiver from the decadence of the request.

After only a moment's hesitation, her hands pushed the strings over her hips and she slid the tiny garment down until it was wrapped around her knees. Kat never quit moving, swaying in time to the music, and a broad smile appeared on the man's face.

"That's a sweet looking pussy," Jason said in a voice that let her know he was excited. He watched for several more seconds, and then spoke, again, "Turn around and bend over."

Kat knew what she was being asked to do and the view she would be offering, but having no choice can be empowering and she used it as justification for her actions.

"This pussy is soaking wet," he announced when she had thrust it back so it was only inches from his face.

With her hands around her calves, she even wiggled her hips some, feeling naughty, but also strangely excited.

"Ahhhh...mmm..." she whined when she felt his fingers tracing the outline of her sex. They stayed in that special place between leg and vagina she found so sensitive, teasing her, but not touching her prize.

Then, he took her by her hips and pulled her back onto his crotch. One hand continued to tease her groin while the other went to her breasts and found her nipples.

"Wiggle your ass. Find my cock and hump it," he commanded.

Kat tried to do what he demanded and did contact what she thought was his cock, but the rough texture of his pants against her uncovered pussy caused her to tilt her hips, so it was mostly her ass he felt. When the song ended, Jason released his hold allowing her to stand and pull her g-string back into place. She realized she was breathing hard from exertion and her own arousal, and turning to face the man, Kat saw he was slumped in the chair with a smile on his face.

"You are a find," he said.

"Ready for another dance?" she asked with a smile.

"Sure, go ahead," he answered.

He had been doubtful this beautiful, first-time dancer would be any fun, but she had proved him completely wrong.

Kat started again, happy that she had achieved the dance requirement that Little Sam had demanded, and when Jason kissed then sucked her nipples, she didn't try to stop him. She could now see the light at the end of the tunnel and as soon as the song ended, she would declare victory and head for the safety of home.

Like before, Jason pulled her ass into his crotch and told her to use her ass to rub his dick. However, this time, his fingers weren't content to just tease along the sides of her pussy and he deftly snaked beneath the fabric of her g-string and landed them on her drenched slit. She wiggled, trying to break the contact, but his fingers were insistent and eventually, he located her clit.

"Uhhh..." she gasped when he touched her swollen nub.

"Damn. You are ready!" he exclaimed.

Kat's motions against his cock became more pronounced as she tried to avoid his fingers and bring his attention to his own pleasure. It partially worked, but she still felt a growing fire that radiated down her thighs. Fortunately, she made it to the end of the song and with a deep breath pulled away.

"Next song we are going to have some fun," he declared.

"Another time. I need to go," Kat said, leaving him stunned as she gathered her things and took her money.

After talking to Roland and getting him to confirm that she had done ten dances, she quickly changed then left for home. On the way, still feeling the drinks, she thought about the night and the drastic departure it had become from her normal life. Inside, her brain was a vacillating battle between humiliation and excitement. Eight hours ago, being groped by strangers for money was something she would have found ludicrous. Now, she was a real titty bar dancer with all the connotations that went with it. Her humiliation she understood, as it was in keeping with her nature. Her other actions and reactions troubled her as she couldn't deny that her body had become aroused and that she had felt excitement from the hungry stares of the men. Also, she knew that in several instances she had done more than was required just to be naughty. She realized she wouldn't solve the issue on the way home in the filthy cab, so she set it aside and concentrated on how to deal with her husband. After considering all angles, she decided it was best to hide what had occurred, rationalizing that it had been necessary and Jeff would never understand.

It was 2:05 AM when she opened the door to a quiet house. Katherine tiptoed to the bathroom and undressed down to her thong then slipped on a t-shirt, went to the bedroom and silently crawled between the sheets. She had just put her head on the pillow when she felt her husband's hand grab her waist and pull her to him.

"My God Katherine, I can really smell the club on you," Jeff said, sounding completely awake.

"Same as before," she answered, trying to deflect him.

"This is the worst it's been," he countered.

He slid his hand beneath her t-shirt and began gently fondling her breasts. Although her husband was just one of many that had touched her there that evening, knowing she no longer had to keep her guard up brought forth both a nice feeling of acceptance along with a surge of pent up need. She pushed her chest against his hand while moaning to signal her state.

"Tell me what happened," her husband demanded.

Jeff had been waiting all evening to ask the question, although his concerns about his reactions had convinced him to temper the tone. It had been sheer torture waiting alone on a Saturday night, thinking about what his beautiful wife was doing or being subjected to in the low-end club. He had tried to work then met a buddy for a beer before finally returning home, sitting and waiting until he finally fell asleep well past midnight. It was only the movement of the bed that had alerted him she had arrived, and now that she was in his arms, he struggled to hide his excitement.

From the previous nights, Katherine knew where her husband's thoughts were going. She knew he wanted to hear vivid descriptions about all the men she encountered along with details about how she was touched. Of course, he thought it was only light incidental touches while she was waitressing and had no idea what she had truly experienced. She wondered how he would react if he knew. Would he be appalled or become even more excited?

"It was like the other nights," she lied.

"Did anyone touch your legs? Your butt?" her husband asked, as the movement of his hand became more deliberate.

"Some," she answered and felt him flinch.

Then, his hands were pulling at her clothes until she was naked, and seconds later, he had shucked his boxers.

"Tell me details. Who touched your ass?" her husband demanded, as he fondled her breasts.

"Just a man," she told him, feeling her own excitement build.

"Old? Young? Big? Small?" he shot back at her quickly.

"Late thirties and average," she answered, thinking of Jason.

"Come on honey tell me. Do I have to pull out every single word?" he replied in frustration.

"He looked like he was almost forty and was average looking and he put his hand on my butt when I was taking his order," she replied in a seductive voice.

"That's it?" Jeff asked as a hand moved between her legs.

"He squeezed my butt, and when I was bent over, I think he saw my nipples," she responded, purposefully teasing him.

"Damn!" he exclaimed, surprised by her words and her wet pussy that he had just discovered.

"Oh Jeff..." she whined.

Somehow, her husband's fondling and interest in the club brought back her arousal. The excitement she had felt all night that she didn't understand and scared her was there, but now she had a way, a legitimate way to achieve relief and she immediately tried to pull her husband onto her body. He needed little encouragement and rolled over her as Katherine's hand went to his dick and guided it to her wet opening.

"God you feel good," Jeff declared with a heavy groan as he felt her heat.

"Oh...oh Jeff..." she whimpered, then took his head in her hands and pulled him down for a kiss.

He ground against her in a slow, circular motion while she looked at him through half-closed eyes. The smell of the club on her body acted as an intoxicant that brought visions to Jeff's head of her among a hungry pack of wolves.

"Did he touch you more?" he suddenly asked.

"Later he did," she said, getting into the excitement she was bringing to her husband.

The reality was far more explicit but she wasn't prepared to share it with him, yet. She would at some point, but first, she needed to sort things in her own head.

"Where?" Jeff asked, with his dick so hard that it hurt.

"On my leg," she replied, whispering this time.

"On your knee?" he asked.

His slow grinding was working against his wife's engorged clit and she was building quickly. It felt magical and she wanted desperately to release.