A Proper Scottish Wife Ch. 15


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After they left, Teárlag said, "I should come here more often. I've never been entertained so differently and so thoroughly as I've been since arriving here."

"It's not usually like this," Ailene said, smiling.

"Aye, I would hope not. I'm sure I would faint too, of exhaustion. Trying to keep up with everything since my arrival has my head spinning. Can I ask a question?"

"About what?"

"Why concern yourself with Lady McTavish slapping a maid? I know you say you're being just to the servants, and you help ensure their loyalty and devotion, but why bother. They have no other place to go; nowhere to turn. Anywhere else is just as bad. Why concern yourself for justice for servants at all?"

"It's been this way for many years. Jamison Cameron was a man of varied interests and he read the works of Voltaire, men named Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson in the American colonies, economic treatises by Adam Smith, sundry discourses on slavery and indentured servitude. He believed there was a better way to manage and treat people. What developed here at Cameron Keep is the result of various changes he made as a result of his study. I admit my family was much the same as you describe yourself, but the results of his changes are remarkable. We do much better than our neighbors on the same quality of land, despite taking less from our tenants. They are asked to tithe to their Laird only. They keep the rest. They are happier, wealthier, and though we take a smaller share, we receive more. Ten percent of wealthy, productive people is better than any amount from poorer. We provided for McTavish's people when he could not, despite his grasping for every farthing and starving them all."

Their conversation ended when Frang returned with the water, followed shortly by Stuart and Thorburn. Ailene dipped the cloth in water and wringing it out, set it on Isobel's brow. She repeated this step a few more times before Isobel opened her eyes. She saw five pairs of eyes staring down at her and realized she wasn't waking from sleep.

"I feel I've been dreaming, more a nightmare, really," Isobel said. "What happened?"

"You fainted, dear," Ailene replied.

Isobel felt the burning sensation from the spanking on her ass. "It wasn't a dream, was it? I'm pregnant."

"I'm afraid so," Ailene said.

Huge tears started rolling down her cheeks to the bed below.

"It's not as bad as you may think, dear Isobel," Ailene said. "We're all here to support you."

"I thought I was done with that man forever. Now I'm carrying his child. How could it be any worse?"

Stuart said, "It's only his if you're not married to another man when the bairn is born."

"What do you mean?" Isobel asked.

"A child is presumed to be the child of the man you're married to when it's born."

"I'll marry you, Isobel. I'll claim the child as my own," Frang said.

"Brother," Thorburn said, "are you sure you want to do that? Tis an awful responsibility to raise another man's child."

"It may not even be McTavish's child, Frang," Ailene added. "Isobel said her husband shared her with other men including one the day before the card game."

"Each of our Mother's, save Thorburn's, helped raise children not her own, and did a marvelous job of it. If they could lavish their love on another woman's child, I can do the same for another man's."

"I appreciate your offer, Frang. I really do, but you know how I feel about sharing a bed with another man or marrying a gambler. I'm unsure I should change my mind because I'm carrying a child now."

"When is the child due?" Frang asked.

"If our suppositions are correct, the bairn should be born in January, around the end of the month. It could be earlier if the conception occurred before," Ailene said.

"I'd like a few minutes to speak to Isobel alone, please," Frang said.

He waited until they all left her room, then sat beside Isobel, holding her hand.

"I know the reasons you don't want to marry again and I'm sorry for all you've gone through in your life. However you feel about men and marriage after the life you've led, you don't want to be raising a child on your own. On top of that, it's possible McTavish could claim the child as his and take it away from you. I am willing to make the following offer to you. If you marry me, I will not expect you to share my bed unless or until you are ready to do so. As far as gambling is concerned, I vow to you I won't do anything to risk the safety or comfort of you or the child ever."

"You would forgo all sexual relations with me while we're married? Why would you do that?"

"I admire you, Isobel, more than you know. I'm attracted to you. I have never felt about another what I feel for you. Your strength, your beauty, your kindness and consideration all commend you to me. I've only known you for seven weeks but feel I've known you forever. I believe you might come to love me. I'm willing to wait a long time for you to realize how much I care for you and for you to return my love. It's the gambler in me." He smiled down at her.

"And if I never change my mind? If I'm unwilling to ever enter your bed? What then? Will you forgo sex forever?"

"If after two years, you are still unwilling to seek my bed, I will take other lovers. I promise to be discrete and protect your reputation as best I can. I will continue to support you and the child."

"Frang, are you certain? It's a lot to ask of you," Isobel said.

"You're not asking it of me, I'm asking it of you. It's a risk I'm willing to take because I could not ask for a better wife if you find it in your heart to love me. You're a woman of passion and fire and beauty, and to be with you, I would dare much."

"Then I say yes, you foolish man. I will marry you."

She lifted his hands to her lips and kissed them. "Thank you."

"Thank you, Isobel. I will ensure you never have reason to regret your decision."

Frang called the others back to the room and informed them of the news. Thorburn and Stuart clasped Frang on the shoulders.

Ailene climbed onto the bed with Isobel and gave her a huge hug. "Welcome to the family, sister."

Even Teárlag congratulated the couple. More news Blackthorne will be mad at hearing, she thought. I hope he doesn't take it out on me.

"When shall we have the wedding?" Stuart asked.

"I would suggest we announce the wedding tonight at the Festival and have the ceremony tomorrow," Ailene said. "Most of our friends and family are already here, save for Bjarkë. Our guests can spend the night and join us for the ceremony tomorrow. The Keep is as clean and decorative as it can be for the Festival. Isobel can wear my wedding dress. We can modify it to fit her. We have enough food for a feast. I think it would be wonderful!"

Frang looked at Isobel. "Does this meet with your approval?"

"Why not? You're all mad. I might as well be as crazy as the rest of you."

Frang hugged Isobel.

"Come on, Isobel. You must try on the wedding dress now so we can begin immediate alterations." She pulled Isobel up off the bed. "Stuart, inform the cook that we're having a wedding tomorrow and to plan accordingly. Move people, we have a wedding to plan."

Isobel and Ailene rushed out of the room and Stuart left to inform the cook of the changes to be made for the wedding. Thorburn, Frang and Teárlag were left looking at each other.

"If you need more room for guests tonight," Teárlag said, "feel free to move my things into your room, Thorburn. I planned to spend the night there anyway."

"Are you not worried in the slightest for your reputation, Lady Mackintosh?" He asked.

"A good reputation is so exceedingly dull, don't you think? My reputation is already tarnished beyond redemption, Thorburn. Knowing you are the one fertilizing my field could do nothing but enhance it."

Thorburn stood, speechless. Teárlag smiled and took Frang's arm.

"Give me a tour of the rest of the Keep, Frang, except your brother's room. I'll let him show me his room later." They left, arm in arm, Frang expostulating on the different parts of the Keep.

Thorburn shook his head in wonder. He'd never known a Lady as forward as Teárlag. He'd best keep that in mind or he would find very few decisions left to be made. The servants had set up her room near his. It wouldn't be much of a problem to move it himself. In a matter of minutes, the matter was dealt with. Thorburn's cock began to swell at the thought of spending the night with Teárlag.


"Try this on," Ailene said, handing Isobel her wedding dress. "You're taller than I am, but we can lower the hem. We may have to take in the seams as you're thinner, but we should be able to get everything done by tomorrow afternoon."

"Ailene, this is beautiful. I didn't have a gown so lovely when I got married. Are you sure you want to alter it? You may never be able to wear it again."

"When would I ever be able to wear it? I don't plan on getting married again. I've found my husband. We've had our ups and downs, but he is the best man I could imagine for myself. Go on. Put it on."

Isobel removed her clothing and put on the dress, a dove gray brocade with white lace sleeves. Ailene started tucking, pinning and measuring. She checked the bottom hem to see how much the dress could be lowered.

"You look beautiful. Frang will die when he sees you in this dress. He wasn't here for our wedding so he's never seen it."

"Do you think I'm doing the right thing, Ailene?"

"What do you mean? Don't you love Frang, even a little bit?"

"I care for him I suppose; certainly more than I cared for my first husband, but I'm afraid more like a brother or good friend. I still dread sharing Frang's bed, or any mans, for that matter. He's agreed to wait until I'm ready before claiming his marital rights, but I worry I'll never change my mind. If it were just me, I'd refuse him, but I must think of the child now. As a gambler, he says he's willing to take the risk I'll eventually love him. He imagines the reward worth the risk. But I feel I'm cheating him. He could make a much better match with a woman far more eager to share herself with him. It seems selfish."

Isobel took the pins out of her mouth and pondered the question.

"He's convinced you to take this step?"


"I suppose it is a risk on his part. If he's willing to hazard a chance at happiness with you, it would seem his prerogative to do so. He is kind, attractive, attentive (and a great lover, though Ailene could not say it aloud), and I imagine he has other qualities which commend him as a husband. He must believe he can win your heart."

"He is all those things. He's been very generous with me. I shall try to open my heart to him."

"It seems all he is asking of you is to try. Most marriages, at least among the gentry, are arranged. Oftentimes, the couples don't know each other when their vows are taken. I didn't know Stuart very well when we were married. Tis fortunate I find him so compatible to me. Despite our lack of knowledge and love in most cases, we manage to adjust. Sometimes we find love as a result, as I did. You know Frang better than I knew Stuart. You've a head start on most of us."

Ailene went back to work pinning and adjusting. In a few minutes, it was done. She had Isobel remove the dress and put on her other things. They went to the well lit sewing room where Jinny and two others were finishing the red brocade Festival dress.

Jinny saw them enter and called them over to see the repair she'd made to her tear.

"It's a wonderful job, Jinny. You can't even tell it was torn," Isobel said. "Thank you."

"You're welcome, Lady McTavish. I'm sorry I tore it."

"Would you like to make it up to her, Jinny?" Ailene asked.

"Yes. What can I do?"

"Lady McTavish is going to be marrying Lord Frang tomorrow. We'll need to alter this dress before the ceremony tomorrow. I've pinned it already. Do you think you can have it ready by two tomorrow afternoon?

"Let me see it, please." Jinny looked it over carefully, noting the changes which needed to occur. "Aye. This can be ready by then. You'll be marrying Lord Frang then, Lady McTavish? That's wonderful. He looks like a man who knows how to take care of a woman between the sheets, he does. Many's the lasses hoped to topple into bed with him, begging your pardon, but he were a righteous man who never took advantage."

Isobel smiled. "I heard he did all right with the ladies while he was in France."

"Sowing his oats, no doubt, but he's been more serious and less frivolous since his return. Appears he's ready to settle down now he's found the one for him. I'm glad it's your Ladyship. You've been more than kind. I'm sorry for what happened this morning. I hope the strappin' weren't too bad."

"Less than it might have been if not for your merciful request. I will also apologize again. It seems my short temper this morning was due to an unexpected pregnancy."

"Your Ladyship! You're with child? Is it Lord Frang?" Jinny asked.

"No. Unfortunately, it's a byproduct of my last marriage. One final insult visited on me by Abner McTavish."

"Nothing you were hoping for then. Does Lord Frang know?"

"Aye. He's agreed to raise it as his own," Isobel answered. "A kind gesture on his part."

"That it is, your Ladyship. Tis a fine family, all raised right by Lord Jamison and his wives. You couldn't do wrong with any of the brothers, nice lads all, they were."

"I hope so, Jinny, I hope so. Thank you for altering this dress for me."

"It's no trouble. I'm happy to do it."

Isobel and Ailene left to make other preparations. Their work had doubled, both the festival tonight and the marriage ceremony tomorrow would take all the time they could spare. Ailene met with the cook to discuss the menu for tomorrow, the one for the Festival having been decided days before. More stores were removed from the storeroom to prepare for the wedding feast. Isobel asked Thorburn for armed escorts to accompany house maids sent to gather summer flowers for the wedding. As each guest arrived, they were asked if they could stay for the upcoming nuptials. Most of them agreed that they would stay so more rooms were prepared for guests. Others, of lower status would be given cots or mats to sleep on in the great hall. They all needed to be aired. A priest attending to bless the guests for St. John the Baptists Day, which coincided with the Midsummer Festival, was told of his secondary duties in performing the ceremony. While reluctant to perform the marriage without bans being read, he understood the need for haste given the brides status as a mother after being made aware her forthcoming birth was the result of a previous legitimate union, now lawfully annulled.

The majority of the guests started arriving around four, and all three brothers and Ailene, as the Lady of the House, tried to greet each one as they arrived. Servants led them to their rooms to refresh or rest if they had their own, or to another room set up to wipe the dust off and partake of hot tea, cold water or warm beer to their individual taste. The great hall had a fire roaring with a roast pig cooking and a multitude of tables set up on planks to accommodate all the guests. Wood for a bonfire was set up outside to light after the dancing. Flowers were set aside for many of the maidens as it was still believed by many you would dream of your future husband if you put flowers under your pillow on this night. It promised to be a spectacular festival.


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AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

Isobel took the arm of Lady McTavish, um, can’t take her own arm, should have said Aileen not Isobel.

Horseman68Horseman68about 6 years ago
Just Outstanding.

Another great chapter in this exceptional historical story. So well done.

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