A Proper Scottish Wife Ch. 17


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"I suppose I should be ashamed," Teárlag said, "but when you feel that good, don't you think the world should know?"

"I shall ask the Lord Mayor when he rises." Ailene replied.

"My goodness. I see the man nearly every day. How ever shall I face him? I thought I'd be facing only you lot."

The maid returned with the cushion and Teárlag gratefully placed it beneath her bum.

"We placed him in your old room once you vacated it," Ailene said. "He retired before you did, so he may think it was one of us. I won't disabuse him of the notion should he inquire. At least I'm married."

"I wouldn't mind the old man thinking I could make you scream like that," Stuart said. "It would greatly improve my reputation amongst the men in town."

"I'll remember the next time I need to bite my covers, Stuart. Mayhap, I'll scream loud as Teárlag so your manly reputation will be enhanced further," Ailene smiled at him. "Perhaps tonight?"

"If I've recovered sufficiently," Stuart replied. "Your sudden desire to have a child near wore me out last night."

Isobel asked, "You wish to bear a child as well?"

"It's time," Ailene replied. "The night felt so magical, I was sure any child born of a union last night would be special. I'm afraid I was most demanding last night. Think of it. If we both have children now, they will have each other to play with."

"You weren't the only one," Thorburn said, "Teárlag apparently thought magic was in the air as well."

"The magic was in the bed beside me, not the air, sir," she answered archly. "Twas you I could not get enough of." She patted him on the cheek.

"Forgive me for changing the subject," Isobel said, "but Ailene, could you serve as my Maid of Honor?"

"I would be delighted to, sister."

"I suppose I should be making similar decisions," Frang said. "Thorburn, could you be my Best Man?"

"While I'd be honored to do so, I've already promised to give the bride away. It's what we spoke of this morning."

"It's what I get for being so tardy in my decisions. Stuart, can you be my Best Man?"

"Aye, brother. I'll stand beside you."

"One last thing, Ailene," Isobel asked. "Might I borrow the use of a maid to help me today."

"Of course."

"I'm not a maid, but if it would please you, Lady Isobel, I would like to assist today," Teárlag said. "I know Ailene has a thousand other things to do today, as do you all. I would merely be in the way unless I can help in some way."

"Thank you, Teárlag. I'm honored to accept your assistance. I suppose we should get started. I'm going to check on the progress of the dress. Will you be coming?"

"Aye, that I will. It seems best to stand anyway." They all laughed.

Everyone went about the business of the day.

Stuart called Frang aside and asked him to follow to his room. They went up the stairs and into Stuart's room.

"What is it, Stuart?"

"Have you a ring to give Isobel?"

"Nay, I didn't know I was getting married until yesterday."

Stuart dug around in a drawer in the clothes cabinet, finally pulling out a ring.

"Do you recognize it?"

"Nay, it's a lovely ring though. Who's was it?"

"Father said it was your mother's ring. Why don't you give it to Isobel?"

"Is that an Emerald?"

"Father was not that wealthy. It's a green garnet, but I think it would go well with Isobel's coloring. By all rights, it's yours. I merely took possession after Father died."

"You think Isobel will like it?"

"I think she'll love it, more so because she doesn't expect it. She knows you've not had time to get one."

"Hold onto it for me. Give it to me during the ceremony. It's beautiful. Thank you, brother."

"No need to thank me, Frang. As I said, it's rightfully yours. I also have Brynhildr's ring if Thorburn should get married. It's got a red stone."

"Do you think Thorburn will wed the widow Mackintosh?" Frang asked.

"I don't know. I thought Thorburn would marry much later, and maybe a younger lass. But he's clearly fascinated by Teárlag. She's an unusual woman, unlike any I've known. She's extremely forthright."

"She's certainly not a woman of convention. Some things she said this morning; most unorthodox."

"I like her," Stuart said. "She's funny."


Isobel and Teárlag went to check on the status of the dress first. Jinny diligently toiled on the garment and she happily showed Isobel how far she'd come.

"It should be done well ahead of time, Lady Isobel."

"Jinny, I knew how long this would take to get done. Have you been working on this all night?"

"Not all night, Lady. I did get up early this morning so I could get an early start. I want to make sure it's ready, you know, to make up for tearing your dress yesterday and your strapping."

"I earned that strapping, Jinny. I knew the rules and broke them. It wasn't your fault. It was an accident. You even had the dress repaired and ready for the Festival. You didn't have to go without sleep for me."

"Maybe not, my Lady. But you pregnant and with the baby and all and me so clumsy. Tis a shame someone as fine as yourself should get a strapping. Lady Ailene is a fine mistress, I'd not complain in the slightest about the Cameron's, but you've taken so much time to demonstrate how fine needlework can be. I've learned things no one's ever shared before. My work is twice the quality and less time with what you've shown me. I cannot thank you enough."

"I didn't blame you, Jinny. You're an apt student and take what you've learned to heart. When you've finished, please put the dress in my room. That way, it will be there when I need to put it on."

"Of course, Lady Isobel."

Isobel thought a moment.

"Jinny, may I ask you something?"

"Yes, Lady Isobel?"

"I'm going to need a head housekeeper at Lady Luck Farm. Is this a position you would like to undertake? I would have to check with Ailene and Stuart, of course, make sure they don't need you here. But I won't ask them unless it's something you want to do. Shall I ask them, Jinny?"

"You don't mean it, Lady Isobel? Me, head housekeeper?"

"Absolutely. You are very diligent and eager to perform your duties well. I think you'd do very well in the position. Some people don't want the responsibility, but if you do, I'd be lucky to have you."

"I would like that very much, Lady Isobel."

"Do you have a husband, Jinny?"

"I do. He's one of Thorburn's men-at-arms."

"I shall inquire about him as well. Your position comes with a room, and board of course. Your husband is welcome to come with you. He would do much the same for Frang as Thorburn. Frang will need good men to support him. He won't have any problem leaving, will he?"

"As long as he can stay with one of the Cameron's, he'll have no problem. Oh, Lady, thank you."

"Don't thank me until after I've spoken to the Cameron's. They may need you here."

"Aye, Lady. Just to be considered is more than I expect."

They left to address their other tasks.

"Would you really take on someone who earned you punishment?" Teárlag asked as they walked.

"What I said to her was true. I earned the strapping. She didn't force me to strike her. I did it of my own volition. She is a very hard worker. She must have gotten up at three last night to have that much of the dress done; the morning after a festival that went past midnight last night. She didn't deserve to be struck. It was an accident and I overreacted. Believe me, I know what it's like to be beaten upon the whims of another without justification. It shouldn't have happened."

"So you agree with the Cameron's way of doing things?"

"I'm still getting used to it. All but Stuart and Ailene are probably getting used to it as they've lived with it the longest. I know I don't agree with the way McTavish did things. He treated everyone poorly. When I told the Cameron's McTavish would let people starve, once he knew he was leaving, they didn't allow it to happen. They could have; they had no obligation to do so. They chose to help. Not only did they choose to help, they had the wherewithal to provide. Food, cloth, whatever was needed. It's clear to me their way of doing things is very successful. More successful than McTavish's way. Their methods appear more humane than what others do, more like the priests tell us we should be and not how they are. I've no problem with it thus far, despite the momentary pain and embarrassment I suffered yesterday. To be truthful, the pain of the punishment was less than being bared in front of you and Ailene."

"I'm sorry for the shame you experienced. I was so surprised by what happened, I had to see for myself. I could not believe that Thorburn was allowing himself to be punished."

"It was a noble and kind gesture on his part, was it not?" Isobel asked. "To share my punishment with me?"

"You know he did it on purpose?" Teárlag asked.

"Not immediately. I figured it out fairly quickly, before he'd taken all ten strokes."

"You didn't say anything."

"It was not my part to make less of his gift. I thanked him for it this morning."

Isobel started going through the flowers picked yesterday. She decided to go with pale blues, light purples and violets for her bouquet to mesh with the pale gray of her dress. She chose Crocus, Violets, Foxglove, for the bouquet; and for the chapel, mixtures of yellow and blue flowers, Forget-Me-Nots, Scottish Bluebells, Mountain Avens for the blue blooms and Broom, Daffodils, Buttercups and Primrose for the yellows. Teárlag helped tie the stems together for the various arrangements. It took several hours. Isobel nodded in satisfaction when she observed the results of her efforts.

"I'm finally feeling I can eat something. Join me for lunch and and then we need to work on my hair," Isobel said.

"Of course."

Teárlag had decided Isobel would be a fairly good source of information about them. She had lived with them for several weeks and was going to marry Frang today. She knew more about them than Teárlag could learn in a few days. It was the reason she'd volunteered to assist with the wedding today. It gave her opportunity to ask about them. Probe what their weaknesses may be.

After a quick meal, they went up to Isobel's room with a quick stop for some of Teárlag's things in Thorburn's room. Isobel removed her heavy dress and sat down in her light shift in front of the mirror. Teárlag stood behind her and started running her hands through her hair, piling it first on top, then the sides, the back, looking to see where the most pleasing combination doing the most for Isobel's face occurred.

"Your hair is lovely. Very long, thick and healthy. I see a couple of interesting possibilities. If you don't mind a suggestion, I would like to put your hair up in some intricate braids with some curls here on the sides." She indicated where with her fingers on the side of her face. "You don't normally wear it that way and the difference may be a nice touch from the usual."

"Would we have time to change it if I'm not fond of it?"

"To something simple, yes. We could not do another intricate design."

"Let's try it then."

"I don't want you looking until I'm done. Turn around so you're not facing the mirror."

Isobel did as she asked and Teárlag began braiding. While working she kept up a continuous stream of questions, asking first about her early life, her marriage to McTavish and gradually working to the present and the Cameron's.

"You've lived with the Cameron's for several weeks now. What do you think of them?" Teárlag asked.

"They are the best people I've ever known. More family than my own. I believe any one of them would gladly give their life for yours if you were their friend. They are loyal, hardworking, kind and considerate. I could not ask for more than I received."

"I heard you say when Frang first suggested marriage about having problems sharing a bed with another man. What was that about?"

"You are aware of how McTavish treated me?" Isobel asked.

"I am."

"It left me reluctant to share another man's bed. I'm not fully sure I can completely trust another man," Isobel said. "Frang has given me no reason to doubt him, but I'm afraid I'll flinch at his touch. It is not fair to him, who has done nothing to ever harm me and treated me always with respect and affection, but I'm afraid. I've undergone so much brutality. McTavish seemed kind when he courted me, but turned into an animal after our marriage. Was it unique to him or do all men change after marriage? Frang offers to let me come to him at my own pace, that he won't force himself upon me, but I wish him more than I feel I can give. I'm damaged goods. Pregnant, afraid of his touch, yet he has treated me like a queen."

"And it bothers you he gambles like McTavish?"

"Aye, was McTavish the way he was because he was a poor gambler or was it his nature? I find it hard to separate the two. Frang wins often when he gambles, so he has little reason to change, but I wonder if he should hit a streak of bad luck. Will he whore me to settle his debts? Will he become angry and bitter and find fault with me? Will he blame me for his luck; begin beating me? If he should turn into McTavish, I would kill myself. I could not tolerate it again, yet I will have a child now. What would I do then?"

"I see your dilemma," Teárlag commiserated. "All your experiences argue against marriage to Frang, but you must trust him based upon his behavior and what you know of his family and how they treat others."

"Yes. I worry both he is not the man I believe him to be, or that he is and I shall disappoint him because of my damage. I don't deserve the one, and he doesn't deserve the other. I have explained my fears to him. That I may not be able to be the wife he merits. He says it's the gambler in him which causes him to risk it. He thinks if I can find it in my heart to love him, he could not ask for more in a wife."

"I understand. I suppose I would agree with him. You will be a wonderful mother and a good wife if you can let go of your fear. So you go through this strictly because of the bairn."

"It's definitely forced the issue."

"I don't know them as well or as long as you do, but my experiences with Thorburn show me he's a very considerate, understanding and gentle lover, notwithstanding my need for a cushion this morning." They both laughed. "He is much better than either of my husbands. He ensured the pleasure I received was equal to his own. It was no accident I cried out as I did this morning. Never have I experienced such ecstasy. If Frang is half the man his brother is, he will make you forget McTavish ever existed and crave to enter his bed as I crave Thorburn's. For what it means to you, both Ailene and Frang volunteered to take punishment with you yesterday before it was decided Thorburn was the better choice," Teárlag said. "It is obvious they all love you and would do anything they can for you. I envy you; to know they all care so much for you. I would happily surrender all I have to know what you have."

Teárlag's hands became still as she imagined what it would mean to live a life with Thorburn, as opposed to the mess she found herself in now, facing an uncertain future of brutality with Blackthorne. If anything, it would be worse than the one Isobel experienced with McTavish, only with more money. Isobel put her hand up and squeezed Teárlag's hand and she heard her start to sob behind her.

"What's the matter, Teárlag? Have I said something to upset you?"

"Pay me no mind," Teárlag sniffed. "I always cry at weddings. I'm almost finished. Give me a few more minutes and you can look."

Isobel felt Teárlag's hands begin work again. They remained silent save for a couple of suppressed sobs as Teárlag began recovering from the pitiful fate she imagined for herself.

The tears were surprising to Isobel. Teárlag didn't strike her as someone who cried at weddings; more likely to laugh than cry. There must be something else bothering her, although she was reluctant to speak of it. Could she be envying her marriage to Frang? Or maybe she hoped Thorburn would offer himself and it was not going well. Unless she chose to speak of it, Isobel would never know. She could offer her support.

"If you wish to speak to someone about what bothers you, I would be happy to listen."

"Nay, it's nothing really."

"You don't seem the type to cry at weddings, if you don't mind my saying so."

Teárlag laughed a little between the tears, wiping at her eyes. "Nay, I suppose not. I can't discuss it though I appreciate your offer to listen. This is not the time nor the place."

"If you change your mind, I am ready to listen at any time."

"Thank you. I'm done now. Would you like to look?"


"Turn and face the mirror."

Isobel stood and faced the mirror. It was as if a magician and come in and waved a wand over her head. Teárlag had done several loose braids which she'd wrapped and piled and pinned upon the top of her head. It gave her another two inches in height. Two small tight braids were on either side of her head.

"It's beautiful," Isobel said, touching it lightly, afraid it might topple down.

"It's pinned well," Teárlag said. "It won't fall down before the wedding." She touched the braids framing Isobel's face. "If you unbraid these just before the ceremony, it will leave loose curls."

Isobel hugged Teárlag. "Thank you for this."

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in," Isobel said.

Jinny entered with the wedding dress, stopping when she saw Isobel.

"Your Ladyship. Your hair looks wonderful. Lord Frang will melt when he sees it. I've finished the dress. I can help you put it on if you wish?"

"Nay, thank you, Jinny. Lady Mackintosh is assisting me today. I shall be okay. Leave the dress on the bed. I'll put it on shortly. I appreciate your hard work, Jinny. Will you be at the wedding?"

"Wild horses could not keep me away, Lady."

"I'll see you then."

Jinny left and Isobel began going through her shifts to find the nicest one to go under the dress. Finding one of better quality with some embroidered flowers on the bodice, she took it out.

"I suppose I should find a pretty night gown to sleep in," Isobel said. "I'll be in Frang's room tonight."

"I brought something from my room I wish to give you as a wedding present," Teárlag said. "It will be a little shorter than intended since I'm shorter than you, but we're similar otherwise, and I don't suppose something shorter will matter much for night clothes."

She removed something from some wrappings and handed it to Isobel. Isobel was surprised it was so light. She held it up and it was white and semi-sheer and so soft and smooth. Isobel had never felt material so slick.

"What is it? I've never seen anything like it."

"It's silk, from China."

"This is silk? I've heard it's ridiculously expensive."

"It is."

"Teárlag! How can I accept it? Something so expensive. We hardly know one another."

"I have ridiculous amounts of money. What I'm short of, is friends. I have nothing else to give you and it would honor me greatly if you'd accept this."

"May I try it on?" Isobel asked.

"It's yours if you'll accept it. Please try it on."

Isobel removed her shift and slipped the night gown over her head. It was like water sliding over her bare skin; so light and glossy. She felt her nipples harden as the material caressed her breasts. She looked in the mirror.

"My God, it clings to me like a second skin. You can see my nipples, my hair; it's like I'm naked."

"That's the intended affect. It does wonders for the male parts; both hiding and revealing. Frang will appreciate it."

"If I want him to give me time to approach him, this may be the wrong thing to wear tonight. It would be like waving a red flag before a bull."

Teárlag laughed. "It's been known to have that influence. You don't need to wear it tonight. Save it for when you're ready to enter his bed. If you wear it then, he'll know for sure you're seeking his attentions. Something more modest tonight might be better."