A Proper Scottish Wife Ch. 18


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Before her climax could end, Thorburn was between her legs and pushing his cock deep, so deep; filling her up, stretching her wide and she cried out again. His plundering cock rocked in concert with the contractions in her cunt, resonating; sympathetic vibrations building on her own, extending her orgasm past any normal ending, and still she throbbed. She felt his organ pulse and his seed erupted into her womb, creating a soupy mess squishing out past his prick plugging her sheath. He fell to the side, pulling her on top of him, and still her slit spasmed around him.

Teárlag may have passed out. She didn't know, other than she couldn't remember anything past his collapsing turn until his flaccid cock had exited her body. He lay there, breathing heavily, holding her slim form against himself, hard and unyielding.

"My Lord Cameron," she whispered, panting, "I've never felt anything so extraordinary in my life. I did not realize. My God, I didn't realize what you were doing. It seemed a torment to be so frustrated, but you were making something amazing, something I could never feel without the intervening frustration." She stretched up to kiss him. "I'll not soon forget this morning."

"Good. Something for us to part on. I wish to thank you for coming; attending the Festival and the wedding. I enjoyed your company a great deal. I'll miss our nights together. I cannot begin to tell you how much I look forward to my next trip to Dervaig. You do have time to break fast with us, don't you?"

"Of course. I'm willing to face the music once again."

"What music?"

"My screaming. I'm sure your family will never let me hear the end of it. There will be incessant teasing which I must learn to bear if I will be that loud every time unless I learn to stuff the bed linens in my mouth as Ailene does. I hope the Lord Mayor wasn't here again last night."

"No," Thorburn laughed. "He informed me he had to leave after the meal yesterday."

"If you could send my maid up here to help me pack, I can join you shortly."

"Of course."


Isobel approached Ailene, eating with Frang and Stuart, as she entered the kitchen.

"Could you please look at this," holding out her hand, her bite marks still visible.

Ailene got up and led Isobel towards her herbal room and her store of medical supplies.

"Did Frang do this?" Ailene asked, concerned, when they were away from the men.

"Nay, the imprint is mine. I would have screamed like Teárlag this morning if not for this hand in my mouth."

"You lay with Frang last night? Was he as good as I thought he would be?"

"Not entirely. He did not enter me but showed me it was possible to give pleasure without fucking me. He used his tongue on me. I've never experienced anything like it."

"Isn't it incredible?" Ailene asked, giggling. "When Stuart did it on my wedding night, I near melted. My mother informed me of much to be expected of men after marriage, but never that. I was shocked when he did it."

"So all the Cameron men are familiar with this activity?"

"To the best of my knowledge," Ailene said, though she knew it with certainty. "What else is causing Teárlag to scream like that?"

"How did they learn it?" Isobel asked. "No other man I was forced to abide did such, not even McTavish."

"I asked Stuart about it and he said his father recommended it to all of them as they grew up. Jamison said it was a way to please a woman without risk of bastards to care for. They were encouraged to seek out women who would gratify them with their mouths and to give pleasure the same way."

Ailene led Isobel into her herbal room where various herbs were dried, oils extracted, measured and mixed. She looked for a particular salve and gave it to Isobel.

"This is a mixture of sassafras, onion and garlic oils, honey and wild marjoram. It does not smell particularly good and the honey makes it sticky, so wrap it after applying or it will get on everything. It helps prevent swelling, pustules, and reduces pain. I would give you something only for pain except your teeth penetrated the skin."

Ailene used a small spoon to spread it on the bite marks and wrapped it in a clean bandage, tying it off.

"Take this with you," Ailene said. "Continue to use it until the skin heals."

"Have you anything for the treatment of pregnancy sickness?"

"You could try some chamomile tea, or teas made from the mint families, peppermint or spearmint. Red raspberry may have some calming effects on nausea. If none of those work, you can try a little Tormentil." She handed Isobel a packet of dried plant. "I would use the others before trying this. I'm sure the teas won't harm the bairn. The good news is, your sickness seems to be confined to the morning and it very seldom lasts past three months, so you should be feeling better in little more than another month."

"Thank you, Ailene for this. Perhaps you could give me some other advice. I would like to consummate my marriage with Frang, but I remain terrified. It was always painful for me. Though I now suspect it was due to the brutality and indifference of McTavish and the others he forced on me, I'm still afraid. Is there anything you could suggest to help."

"I could give you some Valerian root which helps reduce anxiety, but it is dangerous to use, and I would not recommend it while you're with child. Let me think."

Ailene sat down and pondered the question, wanting to provide Isobel with something to ease her terror. Suddenly, a wild idea occurred to her.

"Tie him down!" She blurted.


"Tie Frang down. Then you're in control. He can only do what you choose to do; when and how much. The control of the situation is with you, not Frang."

Isobel continued to stare at her with a dumbfounded look upon her face.

Ailene explained, "After I received my strapping; one night Stuart tied me to the bed. He told me that seeing me while I was strapped, lying there naked and helpless had been very arousing to him. He fucked me hard afterward. He did not want to strap me again, but believed seeing me helpless before him would have the same effect. So he tied me to the bed and had his way with me."

"He did not hurt you?"

"My God, nay. Surrendering control to him was wonderful. He pleasured me well, even after he released me. I was helpless to stop him. I endured the most delightful orgasms."

"I cannot let Frang tie me. I would fear all he could do to me."

"He would not tie you; you would reverse the process and tie him to the bed. He could not do anything at all to you. He would be helpless, not you. You would be fully in control. You would decide what occurred and when and how hard and how long. If anything was painful, you would stop. If anything felt good, you would continue. It would not be up to him. All of the control would be in your hands. If anything could reduce your anxiety of the act, it would be this."

Isobel considered this quaint notion for awhile. She recalled the feeling of control she'd had last night as Frang lay there without moving as she'd stroked him.

"Aye, it might work. We need go no further than I can tolerate. I think I may try this thing. You don't think Frang would have a problem with it?"

"Not if it gives him what he wants."

"Thank you for your suggestion. It would never have occurred to me."

"It would not have occurred to me either if Stuart had not tied me down. If it works, both of you may thank him."

Isobel laughed, suddenly free of fear. "If it works, I shall bow down and kiss his feet."

"I suspect it would be something else he would prefer you kiss," Ailene laughed with her, "but I'd appreciate if it's only his feet you kiss."

"I have one other favor I would ask of you, my dear sister," Isobel said.

"You have but to ask."

"Would you, Stuart and Thorburn release Jinny and her husband to our service? I would like to make her my head housekeeper and Frang could use another good man on the training grounds."

Ailene was as surprised as Teárlag had been with this request. "You would request this even though she was responsible for your strapping?"

"She was not responsible; I was. It was I who struck her against your rules. She was up half the night getting my wedding dress altered. She is a hard worker, responsible, attentive to her duties. She has leadership qualities I've noticed with the other seamstresses. She is ready for such responsibility and you have Muiríol. I do not fully trust the housekeeper McTavish left behind. I'm afraid she might spy for him, although we always got along well. However, she is old enough I can replace her without dishonoring her and engendering her enmity."

"Aye, we will release Jinny and her husband if that is what you desire."

Isobel hugged Ailene, whispering, "I cannot thank you enough for your friendship and your kindness, dear sister. I only wish I'd a family as loving and caring as you've been to me. I shall miss you so much."

"We're not so far away we cannot see each other often. I shall have to come check on you and the progress of the baby. And I'm sure we will meet and go to Dervaig together on market days. Your holdings make us all stronger."

"I'm sorry I took you from your breakfast. Let's go back to the kitchen," Isobel said.

"I was nearly done anyway. It was no matter."

Arm in arm, they went back to join the others.


Soon after Isobel and Ailene left to fix Isobel's hand, Stuart asked Frang how his marital night went.

"We made a good start," Frang said. "Better than I might have expected."

"Ailene said you would allow Isobel to proceed at her own pace due to her previous life."

"Aye. I've promised her I'd never force her to do something she's not ready for."

"Was she able to do anything?"

"We kissed last night. It was all I asked of her. We slept lying together last night. I held her from behind. This morning she stroked me to climax and to show her that many things were possible to man and wife, I licked her to orgasm. Tis the reason she needed Ailene to look at her hand this morning. She bit it to keep from screaming like Teárlag the last two mornings."

"She bit her hand to keep from screaming?" Teárlag asked, entering the kitchen with Thorburn.

"Aye. Apparently her own hand is worth not having the entire Keep know she's receiving pleasure," laughed Frang and Teárlag had the grace to blush.

"I'll have you know I hold your brother entirely responsible," Teárlag said. "Before meeting him, I didn't know a woman could feel so much ecstasy she would need to howl."

"You hear that, Thorburn. You're responsible for waking up the entire household before dawn breaks," Stuart said. "Quit doing whatever it is you're doing."

"Nay, Thorburn," Teárlag laughed. "Do not stop. Never stop. Instead, I must learn to bite my linens as Ailene does."

"Or your hand as Isobel does," Frang said.

"It was our last night together," Thorburn said. "I thought something special was called for."

"It must have been very special indeed," Stuart said. "I've never heard a woman scream so long nor so loud unless she was being tortured."

"That's exactly what he was doing, Stuart, torturing me. Never have I been so tortured. Six times he brought me to the brink of my climax without allowing my release. When he finally did on the seventh, not only was it unexpected, my body was so overwrought I think I swooned."

"I've never heard of this technique, Thorburn; perhaps I shall have to try it on Ailene tonight," Stuart said.

"Try what on me?" Ailene asked, reentering the kitchen.

"I was just explaining to Stuart how Thorburn tormented me this morning, causing me to howl so," Teárlag said.

"Since it in no wise sounded like a scream of pain, I might be willing to be tormented so," Ailene replied.

"Aye," Teárlag replied. "At first you will hate him for torturing you, but in the end, you will find yourself howling as I did unless you gag yourself with your bedclothes."

"That may be worth it," Ailene said, glancing at Stuart. "Have you learned enough of this torture or must you consult further with your brother?"

"I think I know enough to carry it off," Stuart said laughing, "but if Teárlag is leaving today, perhaps Thorburn could demonstrate the technique personally."

"Only if you don't think you're man enough to carry it off yourself," Ailene responded archly. "I expect my husband to know all there is to know about giving his wife pleasure. Any lack on his part, might give me cause to consider if I've married the right person."

"Wait a minute," Teárlag protested, "this one is mine." She patted Thorburn on the shoulder. "Any inability on the part of the husband to please his wife is because the wife failed to properly train him."

They all broke into laughter, even Frang and Isobel who hadn't been part of the conversation. All were aware how much Ailene doted on Stuart and would not trade him for another man, no matter the cause. Isobel shared a glance with Frang. She wondered if they might someday be sharing a similar jest. She hoped Ailene's suggestion would allow her to get past her fear of another man and lead to the love and good natured taunting they were all enjoying. She put her hand on Frang's shoulder and he reached up and squeezed her hand, seeming to know what she was thinking. Maybe he did. She was sure he would be happy to join in their ribaldry if he could.

Frang stood up, saying, "We need to get ready to leave. It's time to see what's gone on in my absence. I'm still learning to be a Laird. Can you be ready to go in two hours, Isobel?"

"Yes, husband. Ailene, could you please let Jinny know you're allowing her to come with Frang and I and ask her to get ready? If it would take her more than two hours, I suppose we could arrange for her to make the change on the next market day. Would that be next Saturday?"

The men looked at one another, then nodded as one, Thorburn saying, "Aye. That would work."

"I'll let her know," Ailene said.

"I'll tell all the men going with us to get ready," Frang said. "Would it be possible for me to keep Bjarkë for a few more weeks, brother, until we've got ours trained up a bit more?"

"Aye. He's expecting to go back."

"I must get ready to go as well," Teárlag said. "I'm to visit my remaining family in Tobermory. It's a lengthy journey and I really should be going soon."

"I'll make sure your servants are informed and your horse and carriage made ready," Thorburn said. "I'll come visit you on Saturday next."

"Thank you, Thorburn. I look forward to your visit with great pleasure."

"Will you wake up the whole town of Dervaig as you did the Keep this morning, Lady Mackintosh?" Stuart asked.

"You will have to come to Dervaig to find out, Stuart. You shall have to tell me if you were successful in making Ailene howl as I did," Teárlag replied, laughing. "Or if you needed Thorburn's help."

Isobel laughed with them all and said, "It is evident you can withstand good natured teasing and dish it back as well as you can take it."

"Well I figure with this family, if you've got a thin skin, you won't last long," she replied. "It seems they'll give you the shirt off their backs, but make fun of you as they do."

"So true," Ailene said. "They are nothing more than fun loving louts, but lovable and honorable nonetheless." She laid a kiss on Stuart's cheek.

They broke up, Ailene to speak to Jinny, Frang to the men, Isobel to begin packing, Stuart to the training grounds, Teárlag to Thorburn's room to await her servants, and Thorburn to inform her servants to attend to her and get her carriage ready to go.

Ailene found Jinny in the sewing room, busily working on some guardsmen clothes.

"Jinny, Isobel has spoken to me about you taking service with Frang and her at Lady Luck along with your husband. Is this something you wish to do?"

"Aye, mistress. It would be a huge step for me and I'd like the opportunity to prove myself as head housekeeper. I am deeply indebted to you, Stuart and Thorburn, ma'am, but I would like to do this if you don't mind."

"I don't mind, Jinny. Your a valued member of my staff and I shall miss you greatly, but I understand how much this would mean to you and your husband. Frang has said you should be ready in two hours, or if you cannot make that, we can arrange for you to join them next market day on Saturday."

"My goodness, I thought they might be here another day. I don't think I can be ready in two hours. Has anyone spoken to my husband yet?"

"Stuart should be telling to him as we speak. It's no problem if you're not ready now. They will be riding on horseback today. On Saturday, you could ride a cart or wagon which may be more comfortable for you."

"My thanks to you, Lady Cameron for letting me go. Tis the only bad part of leaving, the friends and loved ones we leave behind. I consider you one of those."

"As I reminded Isobel, they are not far away. I consider it my responsibility to check in on her during the course of her pregnancy. We shall see each other fairly often, I'm sure."

"Please convey my thanks to Lady Isobel and let her know we will be joining them on Saturday. By your leave, Lady, I must speak to my husband."

"Of course. I'll see you later then."

Ailene went to Frang's room and saw Isobel engaged in packing for their return. They would be carrying more than they arrived with. Isobel was holding up a white garment of stunning beauty, folding it to pack away.

"What's that, Isobel?"

Isobel turned and saw Ailene at the door looking at the garment in her hands.

"It's a night gown made of silk," Isobel said. "Teárlag gave it to me yesterday as a wedding gift. She said it helps fire up the husbands to do their duty. I could not wear it last night. I wasn't prepared for Frang to consummate our marriage."

"May I see it?"

"Of course," Teárlag said, handing it over.

Ailene shook it out and held it up to the light.

"It's so light and thin. I can see why she believes husbands would like it."

"You should have seen it on me. It revealed more than it hid. I felt more naked in it."

"Made of silk, you say?"

"Aye. Teárlag said it's very expensive material," Isobel said. "I've heard of the material, but never seen nor touched it."

"I saw some in Edinburgh once. It was not so sheer as this. It's lovely. Are you planning on using it?"

"When I've determined to go ahead with your plan. I'm not sure when."

"Would you like me to help you pack?"



"You're carriage is ready to leave anytime you are, Teárlag."

"We're almost done packing."

"It wouldn't take so long to pack if you didn't bring so much."

"Then I couldn't look so beautiful for you."

"When you're dressed in nothing is when you're most beautiful to me," Thorburn said.

"I can't go naked while attending weddings and Festivals. Well, I could, but if you're worried about my reputation, it would be gone forever if I did that."

"Let me get started on bringing your things to your carriage," he said.

"Those two trunks are ready, Lord Cameron."

He picked them up and carried them out of the Keep. Despite the number of trunks and valises Teárlag had, she was still one person with several servants aiding and ready to go before Frang and Isobel. Stuart, Ailene and Thorburn were present to see her off. Teárlag thanked Ailene for inviting her and all of them for their hospitality.

"I had a delightful time while I was here," she said.

"A fact which you made known to all each morning," Stuart teased. "Usually it's the roosters waking us, but you can have the job if you wish."

Ailene struck Stuart on the arm, "Don't be rude to our guest."

Teárlag laughed. "He's merely stating a fact, Ailene. Don't be hard on the boy. He knows I can take it. Maybe you can craft a muzzle for me, Stuart, for my next visit. That way, your brother can have his way with me without me waking the household."