A Proper Scottish Wife Ch. 22


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His fingers began rubbing either side of her turgid nubbin, peaking from her red, downy folds, reveling in his touch. Frang could feel her legs twitching beside his as she approached her crest.

Suddenly, she grabbed the hand inflaming her desire to end it's movement in her slickened slit and gave a contented sigh as she succumbed to her pleasure, his fingers growing wetter as her liquid flowed forth from her core. When her spasms eased, she glanced around again to see if her orgasm was noticed, then wiped his fingers and her cunt with one of her petty coats.

"Your saddle will stink of me," Isobel said. "Everyone will know I climaxed on our ride. They will think me a brazen whore."

"Not that brazen," Frang chuckled. "You barely made a sound and nobody is paying attention. I shall cherish the scent of this saddle. It will give me many pleasant memories on long boring rides."

"I'm sorry I can't return the favor. Are you sure you don't want a room at the inn?"

"My cock will shrink of it's own accord without further stimulation. I can wait until this evening to plumb your depths once again."

Isobel gave a little shiver. "Good, because I'm not sure it was enough to satisfy me for the day."

"Not even with way you began your day?"

"Not even then. I blame you. You've made me your wanton slut. I can't get enough. I need to make up for all I missed while married to McTavish."

"The poor bastard didn't even know what a gem he had, Isobel. I can't believe he was so oblivious to his real treasure."

"I'm fortunate you recognized it in the skinny, cowed creature you found." She leaned back for another kiss.


Ailene was so happy to see Stuart, she smothered him in kisses after climbing onto his cart. Stuart didn't mind; he had missed his wife as much as she missed him. He paid only as much attention to the road as was required to stay on it, even then, his wheels left the ruts a few times as he returned her attentions.

"I've missed you so much, Stuart," she said, taking a break from her canoodling to speak. "Did you miss me?"

"You know I did," he whispered back. "All you have to do is run your hand up my leg to see how much."

Ailene did after checking to see if anyone were paying attention, finding a firm cock awaiting her. "Mmmm. Is this for me?"

"No one else, my love. I'd take you into the woods and have my way with you if we weren't in a hurry."

"I'd let you. I wouldn't even care if anyone saw us going into the bushes and heard my screams of satisfaction if it meant having you in me."

"Don't tempt me, wife. You're dealing with a desperate man. It's been too long since I plunged my cock into you."

"If it were just us, I could find some way to relieve you, Stuart. I could sit in your lap, or use my mouth. I get shivers just thinking about it."

"Well, it's not just us. It's us and about 70 others and I don't think they'd appreciate stopping to take care of our mutual needs."

"I suggest we get a room at the inn and use the afternoon to become reacquainted. Otherwise it might be three weeks before we see each other," Ailene said, cupping his balls quickly before her hand came out from under his kilt.

"Oh, aye, that's a proposal I can get behind whole hearted," Stuart said. "I'll meet you there as soon as you're done with the magistrate. Thorburn's put me in charge of selling everything while you're speaking to him. How is your training going?"

Ailene showed him the callouses on her hand. "Very well. Frang says he's showed me all he can and from here on out, it's just a question of practice, both against him and Bjarkë primarily to work me against other weapons, the claymore, the Viking short sword, axes and such. I'm getting first touch on him about 25% of the time."

"First touch?" Stuart asked. "What's that?"

"I stab him first before he sticks me. It doesn't always mean I get off scot free. Sometimes he stabs me right after, but when I started, I couldn't lay a blade on him at all."

"Thorburn never did, so I'd say you're doing well."

"I'm working hard, seven or eight hours a day. Isobel and I help drill the newer students for the first couple hours, then Frang works with Isobel and I alone until lunch. Afterwards, I spend the next four hours with Frang alone, back and forth, attack and defend. The first day I was exhausted and could hardly move when we'd finished. It's getting much easier now. I'm building strength and endurance. I wonder what you'll think when you see me naked. I've lost some weight and an inch or so off my waist. My hands are much rougher now. I hope you won't mind they've lost their softness."

"As long as you don't grip too hard, I'm sure I can live with the changes," Stuart laughed. "Knowing you can defend yourself, it's a small price to pay." He kissed her nose.

Ailene put her hands around his left arm and hugged him to her. "Isobel said something strange this morning," she said after awhile.

"What might that be?" Stuart asked.

"I was telling them how lonely I was in my room by myself, without you there. It's especially bad because I hear them every night and most mornings, coupling, and it makes me miss you more. Isobel said if I became too lonesome, I could join her and Frang in their bed after they'd had sex. They'd put their clothes back on and knock on the wall and I could come in there. Isobel would sleep between Frang and I. She said his hand wanders at night. I have to admit, it was tempting."

"How so?" Stuart asked.

"A big part of what I miss is a warm body beside me and the comfort of loving arms around me. The lack of sex is bad enough but I miss the closeness of being with another person at night."

"What's stopping you?" Stuart asked. "Given what I've asked you to abide in the past, this would be nothing. I'd not care, especially if we're not talking about sex."

"We've guards posted outside our bedrooms now, protecting us in our sleep. If I went to their room, everyone would assume I was engaging in adultery or worse. Not just with Frang, but with Isobel as well. You were careful to protect my reputation in the past. This would ruin it."

Stuart nodded thoughtfully. "Aye, I'm sure it would. Servants tend to be gossip mongers anyway. It would likely spread around Lady Luck, then the Keep, and probably the rest of Mull before it's over."

Some time went by, Stuart considering the situation as he drove the cart.

"Is it something you'd like to do," Stuart asked, "if you weren't concerned for your reputation?"

"Sometimes. Not every night. There are times where I miss you more than others where it would be a comfort to be with someone else."

"I see. If you could guess how often, what would you guess?"

"Once or twice a week, I imagine. No more."

Stuart said no more about it and Ailene figured he was as concerned about the potential damage to her reputation as she was.


The slow, plodding of Frang's horse was relaxing enough Isobel could nod off, secure in his grip around her waist. Frang whispered for her to wake up as they rode to the edge of Dervaig.

"Mr. Craig and I are going to deliver our goods," Frang said. "After which I will seek the gambling hall. I'd really like you to join me."

"Aye, husband. I'll come with you. Let me tell the others where I shall be."

Isobel told everyone where she was going before disappearing with Frang and Mr. Craig. She asked Thorburn if he planned on seeing Teárlag while he was in town.

"Definitely. I've not heard her squeal for awhile. I miss the sound of it."

"Men!" Isobel said. "Don't you ever think about anything except the sounds a woman makes when you're fucking."

Thorburn laughed, "Not too much, to be honest."

"Of course you don't."


Stuart left to handle the sale of the Keeps items. Thorburn, Ailene and the guard who had found Màiri went looking for the Magistrate. He was an unctuous little man who made them wait for several minutes before seeing them.

"What are you here for?" he demanded when all three of them trooped into his office.

"We're reporting a crime, torture and murder," Thorburn replied. "Of a wee slip of a girl maid who used to be in our employ but was let go for thieving."

"If she was a thief, why do you care what happened to her?" The magistrate asked.

"Because no woman should have to go through the torment this one did, no matter what her crimes were," Ailene said angrily. "What happened was a crime not only to her, but all humanity. Come and look at her body yourself."

"You have her with you? Why?"

"Because you might not have believed us if we just told you," Thorburn said. "I can scarce believe what was done to her myself despite the evidence of my eyes."

"Was she dead when you found her?"

"Nay. This man found her while on guard duty. She was awake when he found her, but passed out as soon as she realized she was back on Keep property. He brought her in, Ailene tried treating her. She didn't regain consciousness until just before she died. She was tortured near to death and died due to her injuries. A blind man could see it. Come look at her," Thorburn said.

"Show me the body then."

They led him outside to the cart in which her body lie. Thorburn pulled back the sheet and the magistrate gagged, both from her appearance and the stench of putrefaction setting in. He turned away.

"Cover her up please."

"You should take a real good look at her to see what the bastard did to her," Ailene said.

"Watch your language, young lady! What bastard?" He asked.

"Blackthorne," Thorburn replied.

"How do you know it was Blackthorne? What evidence do you have?"

"Before she died, she stated it was Blackthorne," Ailene said. "What more evidence do you need? Isn't there some kind of dying declaration considered to be sufficient proof of guilt?"

"If it was witnessed by a magistrate. How many people heard this declaration?"

"Just me. Everyone else had gone to bed by then."

"So it was just you, no other witnesses, not even a man."

"What does being a man have to do with it?" Ailene asked. "Do they hear better than a woman?"

"According to Scottish law, the declaration must be witnessed by two men or a magistrate to be valid evidence of anything. You have no other proof Blackthorne committed the crime than your word?"

"I would think the word of Lady Cameron would be good enough to at least question him," Thorburn said. "It's not like she's a criminal or known liar."

"Not against a man of Blackthorne's wealth and prominence. It would take substantially more than the word of a woman in a family with a known animosity against Blackthorne. I don't think so."

Ailene pulled the sheet back again. "Look at her. Look at her please!" He glanced quckly and looked away. "Look at what was done to her, and you say we can't get justice for this?"

"No, I'm sorry. Not without more proof. As of now this is an unfortunate, mysterious death by person or persons unknown."

Ailene wanted to say more, but Thorburn pulled her aside. "He won't do anything. It's pointless to argue further. Let's go."


When Ailene met with Stuart again, she was steaming mad; outraged there would be no justice for Màiri. Stuart could see she was angry, but unsure of the reason why.

"What did the magistrate say?" Stuart asked.

"That lily-livered, oily, ignorant, two faced, pimply, rat visaged, slithering, dung beetle of a man doesn't even deserve to be a magistrate!" Ailene fumed. "He's pond scum! A detestable, spineless, weasel unworthy of being a Scot, let alone a magistrate!"

"I assume it didn't go well, then?"

"Go well!" Ailene ranted, "the fucking cow turd isn't even going to question Blackthorne. He's too fucking 'wealthy and prominent' to question based solely on the word of a woman. Maybe if it was two men who heard Màiri's dying declaration, they could give it some credence, but not based on the word of a woman from a family with a 'known animosity' to Blackthorne. As if we created the animosity. As if the attack by an inordinate and highly trained group of bandits was anything other than a move by Blackthorne. We didn't attack ourselves. We didn't kill our own men. It's unbelievable what goes for justice if you're rich and powerful like Blackthorne. That crime will never be solved either as long as you don't even dare question the man."

"Don't give yourself apoplexy, Ailene. We know Blackthorne is well protected and it's going to take something major to bring him to justice. We'll need to develop more in the way of evidence to trip him up."

"He'd have to be standing over the dead body before they'll even investigate the man," Ailene argued. "There might be evidence she was at Blackthorne Manor if they'd only look. He took some of her fingers; he cut off her fucking breasts, for God's sake. Unless he fed it to his pigs, it might still be there. Somebody, a servant or someone had to have heard her screams. If they don't question them, how will anyone know? It's not right."

"I know lass. You're right. It's not fair or just. But we can't change what is right now. We'll have to find some other way to bring him to justice." Stuart pulled her into his arms and held her tight.

Ailene's breathing slowed as she slowly calmed down in his loving embrace. Suddenly, she pushed him off her and taking his hand, started dragging him in the direction of the Inn.

"Dear heart, where are we going?" Stuart said, struggling to keep up with her fast paced stride.

"We're taking a room at the Inn for a few hours. I've not had you inside me for most of a week and I'm desperate to feel you there. I'll not let my anger with the magistrate spoil the little time I have with you."

Stuart stepped up the pace, as eager to get there as Ailene was. When they arrived, Isobel spotted the innkeeper keeping an eye on the guests in the common room.

She marched up to him and said, "A key to your best room, and hurry," in her most confident and commanding voice.

He grabbed a key and handed it to her before he'd even thought about it. Ailene took the key from his hand and started up the stairs, Stuart in tow.

"Excuse me, you need to check in," he stuttered as they were halfway up the stairs.

"We'll settle up with you in a couple hours, sir, and if you hear any strange noises coming from the room, ignore them," Ailene said, still leading Stuart up the stairs.

Stuart shrugged his shoulders at the bewildered innkeeper and said, "We haven't seen each other for a week, you understand."

"My wife and I used to be like that," he mused, but only to himself, they were already gone and he heard a door slamming and locking behind them.

As soon as Ailene locked the door, she pushed Stuart onto the bed and lifted his kilt. Apparently, the short walk to the Inn was enough time for him to become interested, but his cock still needed a bit of encouragement. Her mouth quickly descended on his shaft and enveloped it in the warm wetness up to the root. Ailene loved the sensation of him swelling in her mouth and within seconds, his cock reached it's full length and girth. She briefly considered finishing him off in her mouth, but her own need demanded he fill her now. Pulling up her own skirts, she settled herself over his manhood and gave a pleased sigh as his prick found her slit and she sank down on him, immeasurably happy with the sense of fullness and completion she experienced when Stuart was fully inside her. She found a rhythm which would result in her release and settled into it.

"Ohhh, Stuart. I've needed you so badly," Ailene panted, giving her hips a little backward thrust each time she felt him reach his deepest point of penetration.

"I couldn't tell," Stuart gasped, the massaging of her velvety smoothness so sublime on his cock.

Ailene laughed, the clasping of her cunt as she did so even stronger. Stuart felt himself getting closer to climaxing. His balls were beginning to rise to begin their pumping.

"I'm close," Stuart said, short of breath. "If you're not ready, just keep going. I don't think I'll lose my hardness right away."

"Mmmm, aye. I'll keep going as long as it takes, but it won't take long," Ailene whispered back.

Stuart let go and felt a weeks worth of pent up seed jet from the head of his cock in rapid fire spurts, Ailene moaning louder as she felt the sudden flood of wetness swamp her tunnel and begin to leak out around Stuart's shaft. The pulsing of his prick was enough to send her over the top and she shivered in delight as the feelings of release coursed through her body. Her hands were clenched in his shirt as she succumbed to the pleasure centered in her sheath. When the palpitations ended, she lowered her body down to rest on Stuart's chest.

"Now we got our immediate need out of the way," Stuart whispered, "we can take a little time with the second."

"Aye. We can even get undressed so I can feel your skin against mine."

"And look upon your breasts, and nibble on your nipples."

Ailene shivered. The thought of Stuart touching her breasts was so inviting right now. They were sensitized from her recent orgasm and even the idea of his lips caressing them was enough to give her chills. She got off of him and began undressing, folding and laying her clothes aside. Stuart followed and off came his kilt, socks, boots and shirt until he stood naked in front of her, his cock half hard still waiting for the merest touch to begin again.

When Ailene was fully naked, she glanced down at herself, her slimmer body and twirled in front of him. "What do you think of the newer me?" She asked.

Stuart whistled low. "You look mighty fine, wife; good enough to eat for certain. A wee bit thinner and more wiry, but awful tempting to a man starved for you."

Ailene flung herself at him and smothered his face in kisses, plastering her body against his, pleased to feel his cock stirring again between her legs.

"Good enough to eat, heh. I believe I'll hold you to that. It's been long enough since I felt your mouth on me." She rubbed herself against him, feeling his chest hairs tickling her breasts.

Stuart picked her up and tossed her on the bed, her arms and legs flying everywhere when she landed. He eyed her damp curls and glistening folds and licked his lips in randy invitation. "Aye, I'll happily have a taste of that if you're offering."

She reached down between her legs and lewdly spread herself for him, causing her delicate nub to peak from between her folds in open summons. "Taste me. Taste us, my husband. I ache for your touch."

Stuart accepted and soon his lips were locked around her clitoris as he tongued the tip while two of his fingers invaded the sanctuary of her sheath.

Ailene gasped in delight. "I give you permission to stop after I've cum...Mmmm...twice, no three times, my Lord."

He didn't reply, his mouth being otherwise engaged, but acknowledged her command with a long swipe of his tongue up her slit from his busy fingers to her erect button. His left arm went below her leg and snaked up her body until he could caress her firm breasts. Ailene sighed in satisfaction, his facile tongue doing wonderful things for her libido. With his fingers working their magic rubbing along the upper ridges inside her cunt and his lips and tongue masterfully caressing her clit, she climaxed twice fairly quickly. When he felt the last of her contractions the second time, he moved over her on the bed and presented his thick cock for her own mouth to admit. She opened her throat and allowed him to fuck her mouth as he would her cunt, dipping deep into her throat as she bathed it with her tongue, though never coming down hard on her face.

Ailene reached around his legs and fondled his balls, rolling the ovals inside her hands. She could tell he enjoyed her ministrations as his prick seemed to swell a little more. She surrendered to her third orgasm with contended sighs, all she could manage with his cock filling her mouth. Stuart's pace picked up and she felt his balls contract within his sack and knew she was about to receive his creamy offering. His cock swelled even further and she sucked deeply on his stalk, pulling the semen from his body in a desire to please him as he'd please her, offering her throat for his pleasure. Four or five heavy spurts of his cum filled her mouth to near overflowing, and she frantically swallowed to contain it, the next few pulses tapering to a more manageable amount which she rolled around her tongue in quiet contemplation, savoring the taste of him. When his tremors ceased, Stuart rolled off of her, but Ailene followed to gently bathe his shrinking cock and clean him off before releasing him with a sigh.