A Proper Scottish Wife Ch. 24


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"Oooh, husband. I cum."

"I'll not be far behind, love. It's wonderful."

She rolled the spongy balls inside the hairy pouch, gently encouraging his own release as he continued pumping inside her. She noticed an increased energy to his thrusts and felt his cock swell within her moments before she felt a hot gush of liquid filling her womb. Continuing to rock on his spurting shaft, clasping tightly with her inner muscles to milk every drop of his creamy discharge from his balls.

"Ugh," he grunted. "Tis indescribable to feel your cunt cling to my cock so."

"It's beyond words on my side as well, Stuart. There's so much joy and pleasure to be found in it. My heart swells when I feel you cum in me. It's a merging beyond measure. More than the sensations themselves, tis a whole ocean of feeling wells up in me."

Stuarts prick began to shrink and he turned her and pulled her down in his arms. "Lie beside me, wife. Rest with me and wake me at sunset. By then I should be inclined and able to couple with you again."

"Don't you need me to pack your meals?"

"Thorburn's arranging for food so no one will realize we're leaving. Frang and Isobel will take care of it."

"Then I'll stay with you husband. Rest now." Ailene smoothed the hair over his forehead and pulled him to her bosom. Her heart beat strong and steady in his ear until he fell asleep.

Ailene rested, though unable to sleep as he did. She watched him, his breathing deep and peaceful, his arms about her. "Be careful, Stuart," Ailene whispered under her breath. "May God watch over you and keep you in the palm of his hand. Be silent and invisible and let no harm befall you. Come back to me."

She woke him just before sunset, their lovemaking slower and more languid the second time around. They petted each other, stroking and caressing, memorizing the moment, locking it inside their hearts. When Stuart finally rose from the bed, having shared his seed once more, Ailene watched as he dressed. He found his darkest clothing. Having no shirts but light colored, he put on a dark green coat over what he had. It would help with the night chill as well. He girdled his sword about his waist and grabbed his bow and a quiver full of arrows. There was a soft tap on the door. Ailene covered herself and Stuart let Thorburn in.

"Are you ready, Stuart?"

"Aye, but for one thing."

Stuart went to Ailene and gave her soft kiss. "Look after yourself, lass." She pulled him close and whispered, "You're precious to me. Don't let anything happen to you, husband."

"Bjarkë will stay here until we return," Thorburn whispered. "He'll send word to Lady Luck Farm should anything happen."

"Take good care of my husband, Thorburn. I want him returned to me in good shape."

"I'll do my best to keep him safe, Ailene."

"Your best is all I ask," Ailene said. "Your best is the best I know."

"Will we be leaving by the postern gate, Thorburn?" Stuart asked.

"Nay, brother. The postern will be watched as well and we don't know if our own guards are fully trustworthy. Have you never snuck out of the Keep to visit a lass outside it's walls?"

"Can't say I have."

"Perhaps I was a bit more wayward than you," Thorburn said. "I did it fairly often."

He took a quick glance outside the door and seeing no one but Bjarkë who waited outside, he led Stuart in the opposite direction from the stairs. Bjarkë had a long rope and he followed. Reaching a window on a wall close to the woods, Thorburn took the rope and tied one end to a decorative crenelation in the window and lowered the other end to the ground.

"Go down the rope and wait for me in the shadows at the bottom," Thorburn ordered.

Stuart did as instructed and shortly after he reached the ground, Thorburn crouched beside him. The rope disappeared back up the wall and the window closed. They swung by where Frang had left the food, then Thorburn led him into the woods, pausing next to a patch of bare ground.

"Rub some of this dirt on your face and any other skin," Thorburn said, doing the same as he spoke. "It makes us harder to spot."

Stuart rubbed himself dark and when they were finished he could barely see Thorburn standing right beside him.

"Lead the way, brother," Thorburn said. "You know your way better than I do."

Stuart picked up his bow and gliding through the Stygian darkness, headed for Achnadrish with Thorburn trailing behind.


It took five hours to reach the hill overlooking Achnadrish from the West, the last two to traverse the final three miles. The closer they got, the slower Thorburn wanted to move to be sure they didn't expose themselves to any possible watchers. When Stuart got them near, Thorburn started leading, creeping at a pace which allowed him to stop often and search the surrounding area. When they reached a hill with a good view of the razed town, Thorburn stopped.

"This is the spot," Thorburn said, his voice pitched low. "Good view of the surrounding area and any possible guard posts of Blackthorne's to protect his tunnel. We'll see if we can spot any guard posts tonight, look again tomorrow in the daylight when Teárlag comes; see if anybody sticks their head out. If they're doing their job, they should peek out when her carriage shows up. Once we know where they are, it gives us a path to the tunnel to avoid the watchers."

"We going to sneak around some more?"

"Nay. Best we don't move. We'll look around, see if we spot any lights. It's a dark night and we should detect any fires for warmth, and sounds will carry well. You look on the right side of the village; I'll look to the left. Then, we'll take turns sleeping until daylight. Maybe we'll be lucky enough to see them change the guards."

Stuart stared into the darkness of his sector for the longest time not seeing anything, when he noticed the strangest flicker. If he'd blinked, he'd have missed it. He narrowed his focus on the area where he'd seen it. Nothing. Maybe his eyes were playing tricks on him. He was about to look away, when he saw it again.

"I think I saw something," Stuart whispered. "A brief flash of light."

"Aye? Where's that, brother?"

"Look where I'm pointing. You may have to watch for awhile. It happens quickly and goes away fast."

Thorburn looked in the indicated direction and did not see anything, but he trusted Stuart and kept his eye on the spot. After several minutes of watching, he finally saw it too.

"There! Did you see it?" Stuart said.

"Aye. There's something there all right."

"What is it? It happens so fast."

Thorburn pondered for awhile, eventually seeing the flash again.

"I think I know what it is," he finally said. "They've hung blankets or something in the windows of one of the houses left standing and they've a fire inside. Every once in awhile, someone will take a peek out and we'll see light as they move the blanket to see out the window."

"What can they see in some a brief time? They're eyes won't have adjusted to the dark yet."

"No they stay at the window, watching. The blanket is big enough to cover the watcher. We only see a light when someone else moves to the window. They have to move it enough to get under it before it drops again. They switch to stay alert. Good eye, brother. Mark the location in your head. We'll have another look when it's light through the scouting glass. Why don't you nap for an hour, then we'll switch. I'll wake you if I see anything useful."

Stuart lowered himself to the ground, shifted around to find a comfortable spot, closed his eyes, and it seemed as soon as they were closed, Thorburn was shaking him awake. Stuart sat up and Thorburn lay down. When Stuart woke him, it was getting close to dawn, there was a glow in the Eastern sky not present in the West. Thorburn told him to sleep again. Thorburn shook him awake a half hour later after the sun was up.

"They're changing the watch," Thorburn said. "Keep an eye on the village to see where they go, but don't forget to look in the woods as well. All the guard may not be in the remains of the town. I'll look from the town toward the North, and you look from the town to the South."

"Will we be using the scouting glass?" Stuart asked, immediately checking his sector for movement.

"Too risky at the moment. The sun's in front of us and it may reflect off the glass and be seen by someone below. We'll wait until the sun is moving behind us."

"I didn't know it was so complicated to be a scout."

"Aye. I've learned from practical experience. I was about the spring the most brilliant ambush and took one last look through the glass and someone spotted the flash. They shouted out to their fellows and immediately, the whole party was alert. The ambush lost the element of surprise, much to my disgust. We still managed to beat them. We were too experienced and they were too green, but I lost more men than I needed to that day. Now, I pay attention to where the sun is before I use it."

Stuart saw two men go into a house in the same general location as the flash last night, and two others leave. Another two went towards a copse of trees south of the town. No others left, so either they were staying or the watch only went into the trees during the day. It might mean they had to avoid fewer watchmen during the night. They tried to be stealthy, not marching down the road or anything, but it was hard to avoid being seen if you had to move. A disadvantage to tearing most of the buildings down; it left a lot of open space to be navigated.

Thorburn said, "I saw two go behind the shell of a building on the north side of the town and two others come up on this same ridge we're on about a half mile to our north. What did you see?"

"Two go into the building we saw the light from last night, replacing two; and two others go into a small copse on the south. Nobody left the trees. I was thinking the one building is the only post they man at night."

"We'll check the next time they change guards," Thorburn said. "You can sleep again until something else happens. I'll wake you in an hour."

Stuart lay down to nap, putting his hands behind his head. Thorburn pulled out the map Teárlag provided.

"How does it look?" Stuart asked. "Is it accurate?"

"It doesn't show the whole town," Thorburn admitted, "but what it does have is pretty accurate. If I'm not mistaken, I believe I see the house where the tunnel's located. Fairly near to the guards we spotted last night, which makes sense if they're watching the entrance."

"Thorburn, I'm reasonably certain Teárlag regrets what she's done."

"I don't care if she regrets it or not. It's not my concern any longer. I want nothing more to do with her."

"I think she's trying to atone," Stuart said. "Make up for her mistakes."

"She should atone, but it makes no difference, brother. She made a fool of me and I'll not be bothered by a false whore any longer."

"A whore?"

"What would you call a woman who's slept with three different men, all for money and position?"

"I suppose."

"Go to sleep. I'll be rousing you in forty-five minutes. You've already wasted fifteen of your hour."

"Before I do, I thought about what you said about the sun reflecting off the glass. What if you put your tartan or one of the blankets over yourself and the glass, maybe two feet back from the edge of the cloth? You still couldn't look directly into the sun, but as long as the sun's rays couldn't reach the glass, you shouldn't get a reflection."

Thorburn thought of the concept for a moment. "Stuart, you're brilliant. That's a fantastic idea. Help me get set up. The sun should be high enough in the sky now."

Thorburn got his glass out and lay on the ground. Moving slowly, Stuart pulled his blanket over Thorburn, extending it two feet past where the glass would go once Thorburn put it to his eye.

"This isn't working. The blanket's front keeps drooping over the front so I can't see anything," Thorburn said. Stuart reached his bow under the front and lifted it a foot off the ground.

"Aye, that's better, but if you hold the blanket up, you can't get any sleep."

"Wait a moment."

Stuart found a couple branches of the bushes they were hiding behind meeting his needs, cut them off and pulling out his knife, sharpened the ends. The other end was shaped like the top of a "Y". He pushed the sharpened ends of the two sticks in the soft ground about two feet apart and pulled the blanket over the tops. It rested there with enough clearance for Thorburn to see.

"I've got to hand it to you, brother. It's a bonny idea. I'll have a look around. I'll let you sleep for sixty."

Stuart patted Thorburn's shoulder and lay down again, quickly drifting off to sleep.

He opened his eyes again with Thorburn nudging his leg. "Get up. Teárlag's carriage is here. I'll watch to see what the guards do, you keep an eye on Teárlag."

Stuart sat up and watched Teárlag descend from the carriage. The carriage immediately moved off, heading for Blackthorne Manor.


Teárlag woke up the next morning and looked around the room. If Thorburn had slept there, he'd already gone and she hadn't heard him come in. This didn't surprise her she was so tired and emotionally worn down. She wanted to stay in bed and never get up, but she'd volunteered to help and if she was going to help, she had to see Blackthorne today. As disgusting as that task was, she wanted it to be over, so there was no point in lying about. She rang for her maid and prepared for the day.

After the maid helped her dress, brushed and fixed her hair, Teárlag said, "Have my carriage made ready. We're going to be leaving. Let the others know we're going. It's time to go to Tobermory." That was code for going to Blackthorne Manor.

"Yes, my Lady."

The maid left and Teárlag looked in the mirror before going downstairs, smoothing her dress. I hope this isn't the last time I look this good, Teárlag thought. If Blackthorne finds out what I'm doing, I'll soon look worse than Màiri.

When she finally went downstairs, Isobel and Frang were preparing to leave for Lady Luck Farm and Ailene was packed and waiting.

"You're going, with Frang and Isobel?"

"I'm still in training. I can't afford to stop working on my swordsmanship."

"Where's Stuart?"

"We already said good-bye," Ailene said. "He had some Keep business to look after."

Teárlag looked around for Thorburn, hoping she might at least see him one last time.

"If you're looking for Thorburn," Ailene said, "he had to go with Stuart. He's gone as well."

"It's probably just as well," Teárlag mused quietly. "He doesn't much care for me anymore."

Ailene gave her a sharp look. She hugged Teárlag, whispering in her ear, "Don't speak of such things around here. Assume someone is listening always. Treat everyplace as if you were at his. You know who I mean."

Ailene leaned back, looking into Teárlag's eyes. Aloud, she said, "Thank you for your visit, Teárlag. It's always a pleasure having you. I hope we'll be seeing much more of you in the future. Please be careful on the road. It's so dangerous out there now." She hugged her again. "Be safe," she whispered.

"Please have some breakfast before you leave. It's a long drive to Dervaig," Ailene said.

"I'm not going to Dervaig. I've decided to visit family in Tobermory," Teárlag replied.

"It's farther still. All the more reason to eat breakfast. Come, I'll sit with you. Isobel still needs to eat as well. She's feeding two now."

Ailene dished up a plate for Teárlag and Isobel sat down a moment later.

"How much longer do you think Isobel can keep fencing?" Teárlag asked.

Ailene looked at Isobel. "Well, she's healthy and strong. I think through the third month at least. After, we'll reassess. See how she feels and how big she's getting."

"I feel like a sow now," Isobel said.

"Nonsense, you're barely showing," Frang spoke up. "If I didn't know you were with child, I might not be able to tell. There's barely a bump."

"Thank you for that, Frang," Isobel said, "but I feel heavier and slower and like I'm getting in my own way. I'm definitely not the dainty lass you first met."

"You were starved," Ailene said, "much too thin for your size. Some of the poundage is getting you to the weight you should have been in the first place. Only a little is from the baby."

"I don't think I've ever seen a more beautiful mother, Isobel," Teárlag added. "I'm sure you and Frang will have lovely children."

"Thank you, Teárlag."

There was a commotion at the door and Bjarkë came in, standing beside the table.

"I'm sorry to interrupt," he said, "but we've had a sudden bit of news."

Ailene looked up in terror, her heart in her throat. Pray God it wasn't news about Stuart and Thorburn. Bjarkë noticed the panic on her face and realized the source of her fear.

"It's about Abner McTavish," he said. "Apparently he was killed by a highwayman near Dervaig. They found his body on the road, robbed and murdered."

Ailene started to breathe again, adrenaline still coursing through her body. She took a glass of water and drank it all, silently giving thanks. Teárlag thought, even I believed it would take longer for Blackthorne to rid himself of McTavish.

"I know you were married to the man, Isobel, and the shock the news of his death might be. I'm sorry," Bjarkë added. "We can arrange for his body to be brought to Lady Luck Farm."

Ailene looked at Isobel. The news may not be a shock, but no matter how much she hated him, he was her former husband. "I'm sorry, too." She put her hands over Isobel's.

"Unless we're told he's made other arrangements," Frang said. "Bring the body to Lady Luck. We'll see he's buried with the rest of his family."

"Thank you, Frang," Isobel said. "It's very kind."

Teárlag looked down at the table. She'd predicted it would happen, and it happened faster than she thought.

Isobel pulled her hands from beneath Ailene's and put them over Teárlag's, making her look up. "You see how dangerous the road's become. Be very alert and extra careful."

"I will, thank you, Isobel," Teárlag said. She pushed her plate away. "I'm not very hungry anymore. I can't eat the rest of this. I'm sorry. I must be going. Be safe yourself on your way back to Lady Luck."


Teárlag had her things carried to the carriage and settled in with her maid. She sat silently staring out the window watching the countryside roll by, lost in thought. She heard the driver start to slow the horses as they approached the outskirts of Achnadrish. She started paying more attention. If she was going to spy for the Camerons, she may as well do it right. She pictured the map she drew in her head and thought it was fairly close for what it contained. Not all the houses or destroyed buildings, but those around the tunnel entrance were fairly accurate. When she got off the carriage, the driver headed off. She took another look around, trying to impress the details in her mind. Perhaps she could add more detail to the map when she saw Thorburn again. Taking a candle from the drawer, she moved the cabinet aside, lit the candle and descended the steps into the tunnel. A chill ran down her spine thinking of having to face Blackthorne again.

She made her way through the dark tunnel, across his chamber of horrors and up the stairs to his study. She knocked softly, then entered. Blackthorne was caning Teárlag's personal maid. She was screaming, loudly, as Blackthorne preferred. Coming in the carriage, she could get there sooner than Teárlag through the tunnel. She wondered what she'd done to offend Blackthorne.

Teárlag moved to the couch, removed her garments and assumed his preferred standing position, nude, legs spread, waiting for him to finish. While he hadn't fucked other women in front of her before, she assumed if he was willing to give her to other men, he wouldn't have the slightest compunction against using another himself. She didn't expect him to remain celibate between her visits. When the maid's bottom was striped red, he dropped his pants and pushed his cock into her ass. She whimpered slightly as Blackthorne fucked her, her bum already pained from the caning and his fucking none too gentle. Teárlag said nothing. Maybe his appetites would be slaked by her maid and she could escape his attentions. Not so. After he climaxed in the maid's ass, he bid her dress and leave, but made Teárlag clean his cock in her mouth. The fact Teárlag licked her own maid's excrement from his cock probably amused him, greatly. It also amused her maid, who smiled at her slightly before she left.