A Proposal Most Indecent 02-03


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"Good god!" Cleo's disgusted tone shattered the illusion of Francine's growing confidence. Her friend rolled her eyes and shook her head. "Granny panties again? Unless a client specifically asks for them, which they won't, you're never allowed to wear them again. And that bra! It's hideous!"

"Cleo!" snapped Sam.

"Well, it's true."

Francine stifled a giggle. She couldn't believe she wanted to laugh. It must be all the tension.

"What a mean thing to say," said Sam. "The poor woman is nervous enough without you undermining her confidence."

"It wasn't mean. Francine has a stunning body. Putting underwear like that on a woman like her is like painting a Lamborghini beige!"

Francine put her fists to her hips and glared at Cleo. "It's not like I knew what I'd be doing this morning. How was I supposed to know I'd be stripping for a crowd?"

"Don't get pissy with me. Do you have any other kind of underwear?"

"No." Francine had a great idea for wiping that knowing smirk off Cleo's face. "But if I knew I'd be getting naked, I'd have skipped underwear completely." She was satisfied to see Cleo's eyes go wide with surprise. Too bad they went narrow with suspicion right afterward. "Here, if you hate my bra so much, take it and burn it." She reached behind her, unclasped the garment and tossed it to Cleo.

Cleo's smirk turned into a grin. "Do you know what you just did?" Her eyes fell from Francine's and centered on her chest. "You've bared your breasts to everyone." Francine gasped and covered herself with her arms. Cleo burst out laughing. "That's the whole point, you silly girl. Why don't you move your arms and let us see your tits."

Francine blushed but didn't know if her nakedness or Cleo's teasing caused it. Either way her friend was right, she had to get naked for them to see her. It took more courage than she expected, but she managed to lower her arms. She stood straight and pulled her shoulders back, putting her breasts on display.

She held her pose for a few seconds, letting everyone stare at her. The looks of lust and admiration kept Francine from wilting under the awkwardness she felt. Then the time came to remove the last barrier of her modesty. She hoped they found the rest of her as appealing as they did her breasts. Francine hooked her thumbs in her waistband.

"Wait," said Sam. Francine knew what he intended and moved toward him as he said, "come here." He meant to touch her breasts like he did her leg. Francine had never been more aware of her body than she was now. Especially her breasts. She felt their slight sway with each step she took. Her nipples tightened into tight, aching peaks. She wanted to grab her breasts and knead the ache out of them. When Sam reached up he didn't grab her so much as mold his hand around her breast. He slid his hand along the swell of her chest, like a blind man memorizing the shape of a masterpiece. His deliberate, almost awed touch tripped a switch some where deep inside her. Francine's nervousness and apprehension melted away as lust grew. When Sam's fingers brushed across her nipple, she gasped with pleasure. She could have stood there for an hour feeling his hands roam over her breasts. When he pulled away the absence of touch made her ache.

Francine went to Cleo next. Her touch was different from Sam's. Where Sam gently caressed all over her breasts, Cleo took both globes in her hands and squeezed her nipples. She seemed to know exactly how to touch Francine to make her body sing with pleasure. Where Sam felt good Cleo was exquisite. Francine's eyes rolled back and her head lulled. The pleasure Cleo pulled from her defied description. If she did this long enough, Francine might orgasm from it.

All too soon Cleo pulled away and Francine moaned in frustration. Still, if the sensations Sam and Cleo drew out of her were any indication, the intensity of the pleasure from last night was only the beginning. She didn't remember ever being so lustful.

Francine moved in front of James and looked at him, asking with her eyes if he wanted to touch her as well. His hands still shook but he raised one and gripped her breast. Either he didn't notice how Sam and Cleo touched her or he had his own desire to fulfill. His hand tightened around her flesh, squeezing firmly. Either he had good instincts or he knew more about pleasing women than what appearances indicated. The steady pressure he put on her breast sent waves of pleasure that started in her core and expanded out to her extremities. Her eyes rolled up and her head fell back as a deep moan rose past her parted lips. James kneaded her breast and she felt a long absent tingling between her legs.

She had no idea how long she stood there letting pleasure grow before Cleo snapped her attention out of her body and back to reality. "You're not done yet."

"No shit," said Francine, hyper aroused but nowhere near orgasm. "Wait, what?" She blinked at Cleo. What was her friend talking about?

"You're not naked yet." Cleo pointed at Francine's panties.

Francine looked down at her underwear. Cleo was right, it was hideous. She resolved to never wear anything like those again. Not if she had a choice. Ignoring the trepidation trying to creep into her consciousness, she hooked her thumbs into the waistband and yanked the offending garment down her legs. "Burn these," she told Cleo as she tossed them to her friend.

Cleo caught them and ran her thumb along the crotch. She looked at her husband and grinned then tossed the panties aside.

"Do you want to touch me here?" Francine ran her fingers through her pubic hair. She still stood in front of James and parted her legs enough to give him access but not enough to be lewd.

James grinned as his hands stretched out. His questing fingers parted her labia and slipped into her with ease. Francine closed her eyes and heard a moan. She suspected it came from James but it might have been her.

"Don't get comfortable." Cleo's voice snapped Francine back to the room again. That woman started to annoy her. "Ooo, did you see that look? She's enjoying herself." Cleo's laughing, knowing eyes made Francine blush. She didn't realize she was so transparent. "Come over here. I want to feel too."

"You've already felt me." Even so, Francine went to stand in front of Cleo.

"Yes, but we did that for your pleasure, this is for mine." Cleo ran her fingers through Francine's pubic hair before exploring lower. When her fingers touched Francine's clit, it felt like some divine creature blessed her with the gift of orgasm. She didn't come, but she hovered near the edge. Cleo's touch lasted less than a second and Francine groaned in frustration. She wanted more, so much more.

She turned to stand in front of Sam, begging with her eyes for him to give her the release she desperately wanted.

"I'll pass. Why don't you go sit so we can finish our discussion." He must be a mind reading sadist. Sam smiled but it didn't hide his amusement. "How do you feel?" He asked once she sat back down.

Francine didn't know how to answer. Since the direct stimulation stopped, her arousal ebbed enough for her to feel self conscious again. On top of that, she became hyper aware of every sensation blazing across her naked skin. The course fabric of the chair on her bottom made her skin pickle. Hot air from the heater vent brought a light sensation of sweat from her pours. She was also aware of everyone's body language, her own included.

James looked so aroused it had to be painful. He squirmed in his chair trying to shift his erection into a more comfortable position without being rude or obvious. He looked a little sweaty as well.

Cleo radiated lust. If Francine didn't know better, she'd think her friend was more turned on than herself, which was impossible. No one, not even the squirming James, could be more turned on than Francine. Cleo licked her lips and leaned forward, pressing her thighs together. Her wide eyes focused on Francine's body.

Even Sam, exuberant but calm, looked on the edge of attacking her. She remembered what his cock looked like as he slid his fist over it. His crotch drew her gaze and she wondered if he was hard, ready to thrust into her, to pound an orgasm out of her. Francine kept trying to draw into herself, to cover her body. Feeling Sam's gaze on her, knowing what his intimate parts looked like, knowing what he wanted to do to her, made her body respond. She straightened up, thrusting her breasts forward and leaned back. Despite her discomfort, she opened to him, opened to them all, in a way she never did with her husband. She kept her legs together but uncrossed, showing hints of her bush.

It took a minute but she regained her faculties enough to pay attention to the conversation they waited to have with her. "I'm nervous. I'm incredibly turned on."

"I think both those statements are grossly understated," said Cleo. "I'm incredibly turned on. You're practically on fire."

"She's right," said Sam. "You need to relax. Remember how you sat before we asked you to take your clothes off? Sit the same way. Pretend you're dressed. Be natural."

"I can't." What, were they crazy? They got her nervous, scared, self conscious and horny all at the same time. There was no way to relax and act natural, not until she got her libido under control and got used to people watching her in the nude.

"I understand," said Sam, "but you need to try."


"Some of your clients will want you nude. You'd be surprised how many men fantasize about spending time with a totally nude woman."

"Oh." Francine wondered if William fantasized about her being nude. Then she dismissed the thought. He had twenty five years to voice his fantasies.

"Will you try to relax, we need to talk a little about what your clients want." Sam leaned forward like he wanted to say more, but Cleo took up the conversation.

"Most of your clients will be men or women who for whatever reason feel rejected by their spouse. They'll be lonely for a specific kind of relationship. Think of yourself, you're the perfect example. You don't want a deep relationship, but you'd really like some deep penetration."

Sam covered his face with a hand. "Cleo."

"I'm sorry, I had to say it. She looks so serious and nervous. I'm lightening the mood."

"No, you're embarrassing everyone."

"Party pooper. Anyway, a lot of your clients will want to talk. They'll especially want you to listen. For some of them it's a kind of foreplay. It helps them relax and puts them in a generous frame of mind. I don't mean generous with their money, they'll already have paid. I mean generous toward your needs. They'll be more likely to want to make you come your brains out." Cleo paused to see if Sam objected to that phrase. When he didn't react, she continued. "Don't get me wrong, some of them want straight sex, a little wham, bam, thank you ma'am. Others will want specific fantasies. For those clients either Sam or myself will brief you before you see them so you'll be prepared for their needs."

"You look a little more relaxed." Somehow, Cleo calmed her despite the nature of the conversation. She had relaxed and settled into a more natural posture. Sam crossed the room and knelt in front of her. He stared straight into her eyes until he knew he had her full attention. The intense stare made Francine nervous. What he said next promised to be important and he didn't want her to misunderstand. His sudden nervousness snapped her back into a tense posture, but she nodded her head expecting his next words to be life changing.

"You're sitting here, naked, in front of friends and a stranger. That's the first step. I think you have a good idea what the next step is. Do you think you can go through with it?"

Francine knew this moment would come when she agreed to their proposition. Nothing had changed her mind. Her answer came easy this time. "Yes, I can go through with it."

"Hot damn!" Cleo jumped out of her chair and did a sort of cheerleader routine. "So, who do you want to fuck first?"

"Um." Francine's mind went blank. Her frantic gaze jumped from one person to the other. Was there a hierarchy? Would she insult someone if she chose the wrong person?

Cleo's laugh focused Francine's attention on her. "You should see your face. Start with Sam, you've probably fantasized about him at least once since last night. Besides, he's the closest to normal for you. He'll be the easiest."

Francine's gaze focused on Sam, still kneeling in front of her. She stared at his gentle, encouraging smile. For some unknown reason she felt shy again and resisted the urge to cover herself. The urge became too much to resist. She knew Sam waited for her to do something but she had no idea what. She covered her breasts with her hands and looked away. "I don't know how to start."

"It's sex, not rocket science." Cleo rolled her eyes. "I know you know how to screw, you have two kids, after all."

"Cleo, be gentle. This isn't easy for her." Sam patted her knee. "It's okay, that's why you're doing us first. It's a test, but it's also supposed to be instructional."

"Think of a fantasy you've had. You'll take charge at least half the time so you might as well make the clients do what you want them to. Remember, we're bringing you into this so you can get your own sexual satisfaction. There's no reason you can't practice your fantasies with the clients."

"I haven't let myself think about sex for more years than I care to remember. It's too painful when you can't have it. I don't have any fantasies."

"Are you sure?" The twinkle in Cleo's eyes made Francine think her friend had different information. "Remember last night? Think about it. You were bent over the table watching Sam stroke his cock while I rammed my fingers into your sopping little puss. While that happened, what did you want to do?"

"Taste him." The words came unbidden. Francine remembered wanting his penis in her mouth.

"Then start there." Cleo shrugged. "A fantasy doesn't have to be complicated. Blowing a man can be a satisfying fantasy. Give it a try."

Sam stood up and held a hand out to her. Francine reached past his hand and worked on his belt buckle. This is where she wanted to be last night and she refused to pass up this chance now. She let his slacks fall to the floor as she pulled his hard cock out of his underwear. As a younger woman she enjoyed sex a lot. She loved everything about it. A wave of resentment washed over her. How could her husband have denied her this? How did she let him? No more. Her best friends gave her a second chance to do something she loved and she intended to take it, to throw herself into this with everything she had. Nothing was off limits.

Having given herself over to the possibilities, she focused all her attention on the eroticism of the moment. Sam's erection bobbed inches from her face, inches from her mouth. As much as she wanted to take him into her, she held off. They told her this was as much for her pleasure as her soon to be client's. If so, she intended to take as much pleasure from this as possible. And there was so much more to her pleasure than fellatio.

Francine circled his penis with her thumb and index finger then slid down his shaft. Sam sucked in a breath. She might have thought she hurt him except she knew how to keep her touch gentle. He liked what she did. Good, but that was secondary. Right now her own pleasure concerned her more. She concentrated on how his erection felt in her hand. The skin along the bottom seemed looser but smoother than on top. Her fingers moved over subtle ridges on the way down. She reached the base and pushed back his pubic hair with her fingers and pressed his balls back with her thumb. Her fingers spread across his lower belly feeling the texture of his coarse hair and smooth skin. Then his penis captured her complete attention. As her hand moved down, the head of his penis swelled, becoming inflamed with need. The skin became smooth and shiny. The tiny slit at the end seemed to open, like a mouth begging to be kissed. She obeyed. Francine moistened her lips then planted a soft kiss on the tip of his cock.

Francine heard something and glanced to her left. Cleo shifted for a better view. Her friend sat on the edge of the chair and leaned forward, a lustful expression on her face. In the past, being watched performing such an intimate act would have mortified Francine into inaction. Now, it served as one more source of stimulation. She turned her attention back to Sam's cock. Oh, she was a bad girl, she didn't pay attention to Sam, just his cock. She completely objectified him and liked it!

While Francine glanced at Cleo, Sam removed his shirt. His cock throbbed between her thumb and finger, a subtle swelling and relaxing in time with his heartbeat. His heart must be pounding as hard as hers if his throbbing cock was any indication.

She tilted him up and studied his glans. It looked smooth and a little wet. With her free hand she wrapped her fingers around his shaft and ran her thumb over his glans. The skin stretched smooth and tight. Francine moved her thumb out of the way and looked into his eyes. She moved closer and ran her tongue across the area she studied. His eyes narrowed into slits and his hands curled into fists. Francine smiled. She pushed this man to the edge of control. Soon she'd take that control. But not yet, she wanted to play more first.

Returning her attention to his penis, she tilted it down and studied the hood. The skin didn't seem quit so tight and had a rougher texture. Her fingertips slid along the flange. It was softer than the glans and just like it looked, had a rougher texture. She rubbed the corner of her mouth along the ridge, looking into his eyes again. The velvet hardness sliding against her cheek threatened her self control, but she fought down her desire. Three people sat here, she had no doubt her pleasure would be well attended to.

Francine kissed the side of his cock then slid her lips along the shaft until his pubic hair nestled against her cheek. She moved lower until his testicles brushed against her lips and inhaled through her nose. The scent of soap and aroused man filled her senses. He smelled good, clean and spicy. Why did she want to control herself? Francine opened her eyes and looked across Sam's cock straight into Cleo's eyes. Her best friends eyes slitted in concentration. She kneaded her tits through her clothes with both hands. Cleo looked like she might come from feeling herself up and watching Francine's show. Francine smiled.

Sam's throbbing cock brought her attention back to him. She turned her gaze up to his. Her lips moved along the side of his cock until the head pressed against her lips. He groaned when she winked at him. Then she pressed her lips against the tip. Ever so slowly she let the head of his penis push her lips apart. When he touched her teeth, she opened her mouth wider, letting him pass her last barrier. Francine worked him deeper into her mouth. In her teens and twenties she was good at this and wanted to find out if she still had the skills. She took him in deeper until he hit the back of her throat. She adjusted herself and his angle took him deeper until her lips pushed against the base of his cock.

"Oh god!" Sam's hands gripped her shoulders. "I never would have guessed . . . "

Francine squeezed the base of his cock with her lips and rubbed her tongue across the sensitive spot low down and on the bottom of his penis. She held him there until she needed to breathe. Slowly, she pulled off him, keeping her lips clamped on his shaft. When he cleared her throat, she exhaled then sucked in another breath. Wanting to feel every ridge and valley, she kept her mouth around his cock. She didn't stop pulling back until she felt the hood of his penis against the inside of her lips. While she caught her breath, she held him there, all the while swirling her tongue around his glans and slit. She kept up a steady suction and squeezed and relaxed her lips around him.