A Real Man in My Life Ch. 01


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At the changing room, the young Saturday girl, counted my items and pointed out a cubicle.

"Make-over?" she smiled, obviously after checking out what I was wearing.

I grinned,

"Yeah, thought it was about time I treated myself!"

"Well done you," she grinned.

I pulled on the jeans and did up the button and zip. All of a sudden I had curves again, and felt fantastic. They were low riders and when I moved my hips, they just seemed to emphasise my shape more. I looked at the reflection of my bum and saw the line of my panties. 'VPL' - visible panty line - of course. I tore open the pack of my first pair of string panties since before Tom was born.

Next my old bra came off and I replaced it with the Wonderbra.

"Hello boys," I said, thinking about the famous billboard adverts and looking at my new cleavage in the mirror, impressed with what I already had. I put on the green T-shirt and it fitted everywhere I wanted it to. I was really impressed at the hot looking yummy mummy I saw in the mirror staring back at me, most of all she had a great smile and looked confident.

I approached the girl that was in charge of the changing rooms and said I wanted to wear the stuff I had on and she said it was no problem.

"You look fantastic," she said, "really hot!" She snipped off the labels from the jeans and T-shirt and waved them to the girl at the checkout saying I should just present the labels.

I did, stopping to buy more knickers, including some high cut boy shorts; fuck it, I even bought more tailored tops and out of sheer happiness a second pair of the jeans in a lighter colour.

I saw someone wearing a wide leather belt that was doing nothing to hold up her trousers but emphasised her hips brilliantly. So I went and got one of those as well.

The checkout girl was kind enough to put my original trousers in my bag with my purchases and again complemented me on my new look, saying that she had served a lady that said I would be coming through with my new jeans. She also wished me a great night; I said I was pretty sure it would be.

I headed home after stopping to by a pair of suede boots that matched the trousers and the heels raised me about an inch and a half off of the ground but gave a great curve to my calves, thighs and of course my arse. Walking back to my car I couldn't stop looking at my reflection in the shop windows, noticing some of the admiring glances I was getting from some of the male shoppers - of all ages!

I felt good about me for the first time in ages and made my way home. For a moment I wished I had sunglasses and a soft top car.

I drove home and despite the small piece of steak I'd bought, the latte, Panini and muffin had been enough and I wasn't hungry. But while I didn't want to eat my special Saturday tea, I desperately wanted to use my toys. I knew I had the night to myself so prepared myself. I ran a hot bath and stripped naked, stepping into the steaming water and turning on the Jacuzzi. It was hardly used because our house had always been about quick and effective showers. So why the fuck Parker had insisted we install one amazed me - of course it was just another example of his social climbing bullshit.

But whatever the reason I was pleased that he had installed the bloody thing because I lay back in it feeling the refreshing blast of the jets releasing the day's tension and yes, you've guessed it, I even managed to get into a position so that one of them was blasting onto my pussy and another across my large soft bosom. It was wonderful.

I brought myself off to a really nice orgasm, not as spectacular as the day before but still nice for all that. I wrapped myself in a large soft bath towel and tucked it between my boobs and sauntered back to my room. I dried myself off and lay back on my bed.

Then it struck me that the front door, although locked, wasn't deadlocked and any of the kids could just walk in on me and my... err... relaxation techniques. So I ran downstairs quite forgetting my slow sensual walk of last night, this was a quick dash, a flick of the lock and a run back up this time with one arm stopping my boobs bouncing around as I ran. But when I did it this time I didn't just hold them down, I caressed them down and it was wonderful.

I got back to my room, lay back on the bed and lifted the brown paper sack from the floor and lifted out both toys. The excitement was coming back to me and my pussy was soft of flushed and probably wet inside. My nipples tingled as I read the instructions, even though it was plainly obvious what I needed to do with them, in fact my brain had been doing just that since I first looked at my phone that morning.

As I purred and started to think dirty thoughts about how much fun I was going to have that night, and decided it was going to be playing with the big girls' vibrator tonight. I turned the package over. I pulled at the sides, the fucking thing was heat sealed! I scrabbled through my bedside table for scissors, nail clippers, a metal comb, anything that had a sharp point on it! FUCK!! I giggled to myself at the absurdity of my situation and decided I'd have to go to the bathroom; but then I just bit the bullet and decided it would have to be the kitchen and the large scissors in the drawer.

I padded downstairs naked carrying my brown paper sack, playing with my long dark hair, and looking casually out of the netted windows and seeing my neighbours Samantha and David. They were chatting to someone in a car bending forward. Sam had a really nice arse and I looked and thought, 'hmm, my arse looks every bit as good as hers,' and thought nothing of my nakedness hidden by a gossamer of nylon It was darker inside than out and they never even looked in my direction, but I will confess to the tiniest thrill. I got to the kitchen, found the scissors and started at the packaging, slicing around the edges until both of the packets were open. I put the scissors away, put all of the plastic into the bin putting the cardboard inserts into the paper sack. I walked back to my bedroom with a slight disappointment that my neighbours had gone back in again. I wriggled my arse in the direction of their house with a chuckle.

Back in my room, I figured it was about time I got down to my sexual adventure, and got the extension lead I used for my hair straighteners and plugged it into the socket by my bed. I plugged my wonderful Hitachi into it and lay back on the bed and rolled the switch on the side of the toy and felt it slowly start to hum. I looked in the bag and there was a plastic hood for it covered in little points that I knew would hit my clit wonderfully.

I started by gently working it across all my erogenous zones, first around my boobs, down my waist to the flat of my stomach, then my inner thighs. My nipples were hard already and I gave them a bit of a treat. I rolled the button higher until it was almost full power, and it was really good. I was just stalling until it was time to put the thing against my clit of course. So I did.


I found the spot straight away, and pushed hard. I came and it was even better than the previous night, I left it there just to see what would happen next, and I came again; and again. Eventually I took it away from my puss and just lay back to get my breath.

I dozed for a while. I came round and the house was in darkness. I got up and walked to the bathroom. I was amazed at how wet I felt, and the warm glow I still had from my pussy. I went back to bed feeling warm and just a bit fuzzy. I've no idea what the time was but I knew I slept through the night, my visions of a night of sexual frenzy and singlehanded abandon drifted into the ether.

I woke at work o'clock the next morning, and it was a bright sunny Sunday morning. I looked at my beside table and there was the 'Fifty Shades' book, while on the other one was my rabbit vibrator, and on the bed was the Hitachi vibrator still laying where I'd left it last night.

I smiled, it had been a great weekend and hadn't finished yet. I still had the rabbit to try. I hadn't had a good length since months before Parker left over a year ago, and I fancied something inside me. Just lying there thinking about it was enough and I was soon rubbing the tip of thing through the tiny strip of hair at the top of my pussy against my still hooded clit and thinking what it was going to be like having this thing pushing inside me.

It came with a small tube of lube but I thought I was probably wet enough.

And so I was; I eased it against my pussy lips and ever so slowly pushed the smooth rubber tip against the fleshy labia at my entrance and it slipped in. I took a deep breath and pushed further but before I knew what I was doing I was pumping the thing in and out of me, a small section at a time until I was wet enough to take all of it. My thighs were spread wide I looked down between my boobs and thought how obscene this must look, and that was the start. I trembled slowly feeling the muscles in my thighs start to vibrate and the pumping in and out started in earnest.

I was pushing thing hard up inside me, and it went further into me than anything else ever had. WOW! Fucking glorious, and as I lay there feeling my orgasm swell inside me I wondered why I'd never invested in one of these before. Pumping my hips and bottom up and down off of the mattress I came.

Shit, didn't I come; this was the best thirty quid I'd spent EVER! I started to feel a little dry though and thought that perhaps the lube was there for a reason, and swore that during my next shopping trip I was going to buy some KY, this could only get better.

I lay back and relaxed, feeling the tied up cable rest against my wrist. It was electric! I pressed a button and the thing began to rotate and interfere with all the nerve endings at the mouth of my pussy, just like the blurb had promised, then my surprise increased as it started to move in and out of me, not much but just enough to stroke against my G-spot. Finally, my excitement was completed by the ears of the rabbit on the side resting either side of my clitoris and my pushing the thing into the back of my pussy just had my arse off of the bed again and my spare hand grasping and pulling at the bed sheet while I howled my way to my second orgasm of the day. Christ!

Thank God the kids weren't there, they would have been hammering my door down to find out if I was being murdered, raped or attacked by dogs. This toy I would need to keep for my fortnightly weekends to myself or perhaps buy a gag so I couldn't make any noise. I had a shower (and made myself come in there too - just a finger) then once dry got the wet wipes as suggested and cleaned my two new lovers and packed them carefully into an empty shoe box at the back of wardrobe with my real shoes in shoeboxes ready for my next night, or morning for that matter, of passion. I went shopping on my way home from work the next day and bought myself all three 'Fifty Shades' books and a couple of tubes of KY jelly.

I tried to stop myself the very next night from fucking myself but woke up at gone one in the morning wet and outrageously horny. I got out my friendly rabbit and didn't bother plugging it in choosing instead to lay back and fuck myself with it to the most splendid come, using the tip to play across my G-spot which of course had me gasping and burying my face in the pillows to stop me crying out.

I forced myself not to do it the next night, saving myself for Wednesday and the kids being at Parker's for the night. He collected them at seven and they all went off with everything they needed for school the next day. Once gone, I didn't have the little heart wrench I got whenever they went to his place, instead I ran upstairs and stripped naked, but stopped myself. Instead I out some lacy underwear and dressed up, black Wonderbra and matching string, black garter belt and stockings, shiny black 2 three inch heels and I even put on some make-up!

I plugged in the Hitachi and lay back on the bed and began to pleasure myself with it, almost vibrating with the expectation of what was going to be one hell of an orgasm. I played it across my tits, eventually pulling them free of my sexy but nicely restrictive bra eventually taking it off to allow me to get at my hard nipples. I was able to get my tongue to my own nipples, something Parker had asked me to do once and I enjoyed the feeling of my tongue on my flesh, for me this time, and I was outrageously hot.

I moved the Hitachi down to my pussy and pushed it hard against my flushed lips and felt them squish around. My tiny panties had to go as well and did within seconds leaving me in black stockings and suspenders and black heels. I felt and looked like some kind of porn star and watched myself in the mirror doors on my wardrobes, looking myself up down and seeing the dark fashion model eye make-up I'd perfected before I'd even left school.

It was time, and I reached over for the rabbit, plugging it in so I could take full advantage of all of its functions rather than just using it as a dick to fuck myself with. I lay back and turned on the vibrate and slowly pushed it in, slowly so I could get the full effect on the nerves at my entrance.

Fuck but it was wonderful and as the rough section played across my G-spot, I hit all the switches and let 'Bugs' - he is a rabbit after all - take me to paradise. I can't remember how many times I came, but remember coming round at a bit after nine o'clock, laying on my front, my arse high off of the bed on the all the pillows I'd stuffed under me to raise me, while Bugs had fucked me from behind with just the smallest amount of assistance from me, his clitoral stimulating ears still tickling my anus in the sexiest annoyance.

I pulled Bugs from me and made for my on-suite, the sweetest ache from my pussy and vulva after all the work they had done, and a just noticeable soreness from my labia after all they had gone through. I kicked off my heels pulled the duvet over me for a nap, before I would go back downstairs, have some supper and shut things down for the night.

I woke up at work O'clock the next morning just shy of my alarm going off feeling wonderfully rested, but still with my stockings and suspenders on and my face still made up and the various lights still on downstairs from the night before. Bugs was pressing against my thigh, where he had slipped out of me last night after I turned him off. I picked him up and my thumb turned on the vibrate mode; well it seemed a shame not to...

Having the house to myself I rolled on my back and fucked me with it, giving vent to all those noises that women really want to make but can't because of others in the house, the time of day and all that shit. I cried out, warbled, gasped and at won't point even howled through one long orgasm, or three separate, I can't remember.

I eventually finished and dragged myself away from my bed and my toys feeling horny all over again. I showered and rinsed off the make-up, no way would my employers want to see a sexy looking Mrs Wallace on this cool Thursday morning.

As I drove to work I could still feel the faint tingle in my loins and I realised I would just have to do that again tonight.

At work, Georgie noticed my distraction;

"Wassup Nats?"

"Oh nothing," I said trying to sit still on bottom that needed to be wagging in the air with Bugs protruding from my wet pussy. I knew I was wet down there and I could feel the string I'd put on this morning in praise of the night's activities running between my arse cheeks.

George looked around,

"Why Natalie Wallace, I do believe you got some last night?"

"What?" I said.

"You're still showing signs of eye make-up, you're wearing a string not the usual passion killers you normally wear," I guessed she could normally see the VPL that my friend in the department store had mentioned, "you can't sit still; you've either got thrush or you got some last night. Can I ask his name?" I blushed and put hands to my cheeks. "Woohoo! Nats got some! Well done you!"

I picked up my coffee with a trembling hand,

"Bugs," I said, "Bugs the rabbit. Best thirty quid I spent in years."

"All that from a toy?" I nodded, "fucking hell Natalie, we have so got to find you a good man!"

A good man; Georgie stood and walked to printer smiling at me all the time but in a nice way, appreciative of my night's work. I thought of having another man in my life, a good one, one that would appreciate me, one that I wouldn't have to argue with each night, one that could take me to bed and do the kinds of things that Mr Hitachi and Bugs could, to have me on my hands and knees as Bugs had done, the way I missed most of all, a real man.

Little did I know that in less than ten days, I'd meet him.

And then some...

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dgfergiedgfergiealmost 4 years ago
The poor woman

Why she put up with that guy for so long! Even in real life I've known some woman that make some really bad choices when it comes to men. Good writing

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

You're an amazing writer. Your writing is so well detailed with no little mistakes and full of vivid descriptions. The story held my attention the entire time I was reading.

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