A Reluctant Threesome

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A wife tries a threesome to save a boring marriage.
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Author -- Handyman Blues

A Reluctant Threesome

(As I was doing some carpentry work by putting in a wall bookcase, I came across a completed manuscript about a true erotic story. This story involved a desperate woman wanting to get her best friend to join in with her and her husband to try and spice up their marriage. The best friend is understandably hesitant. This threesome is supposed to take place only one time, but what if the bored husband wants to keep it going, and going, and going?)

(The story revolves around Sophia, a hot looking black girl, who is asked by Jenny, her white girlfriend to help spice up a boring marriage. Jenny thinks that by having a sexual threesome one night might spark things up and keep her marriage to Tony intact. Tony has complained about becoming bored sexually, and Jenny believes that a one time threesome might get Tony interested in sex again. Sophia is adamantly opposed to the crazy idea because she is afraid that Tony might want to keep on having the threesome. She is also afraid that Tony might love the threesome so much that he will no longer want to remain married to Jenny. In the end, there is only one way to find out, although crazy schemes like this do tend to backfire. Sophia, the black girlfriend, tells the story)

When Jenny first approached me with the idea of a threesome, I thought it was crazy and immoral. After all, Tony was her man, and from all accounts, their relationship had been really blossoming.

What looks good on the surface, however, isn't always percolating so nicely underneath the sheets. I say that because Jenny was now suddenly whining about her man Tony hinting that sex was becoming routine and mundane.

Mundane? I didn't want to seem stupid, so I had to put my best friend on hold while I hustled to my bookshelf to look the word up in a dictionary. When I came back to the phone and pretended I had been in the can, I told her that 'boring' sex is not necessarily bad sex, and that couples who had been together a long time, or who got married, often experienced a lack of sizzle in the bedroom, or at least that's what the so called experts always claimed.

My mentioning the word marriage seemed to get Jenny's knickers all in a knot, and she was suddenly defensive, saying her main squeeze Tony would have probably popped the question long ago if it weren't for young big breasted tramps waving their succulent black asses under his nose.

Her use of the word 'black' intrigued me. Both she and Tony were white. And as a black girl, I found it strange that she would not think her reference to "loose and sluttish black women" would offend me. Not that I was loose or sluttish by any stretch of the imagination.

Jenny sought to explain her man's point of view over the color of a lady's skin. "It's just that Tony has confessed to me a curiosity about what it might be like to sleep with a black girl. He also said he had a long time fetish about experimenting with having sex with two women at once."

I now kind of understood the crazy concept and wildly insane idea that was running through my white best friend's silly mind. She thought that if she could give her man what he fantasized about, and that was a black girl and a threesome, that he would get the fantasy out of his mind and system for good, and then be totally devoted to her. Immediately I sought to advise her against such a crazy scheme, because as all of us crazy women know, such crazy and desperate schemes rarely achieve the hoped for results.

"I think you're barking up the wrong bush with this stupid idea," I warned. "There are no guarantees that allowing him to hump two women at once, with one of them being black, will, as you say, get those two professed fantasies out of his head. If anything, he might actually end up enjoying it and then want to do it all the while. If that happens, you will have opened up a can of worms that you might never be able to close again. Letting your man engage in kinky sex is like letting a wild pig wallow next to a mud field. Once you let that pig get covered in mud, you'll never get them to stay clean again."

"A crude comparison at best," Jenny snapped back, sounding testy and impatient.

"There is no way I am going to hop into a bed with you and your soon to be fiancé," I insisted. "Or at least you want so very desperately for him to be your fiancé. Do you really think he's ever going to give you a ring if you start tossing other women into the bed alongside of you?"

I could hear her sighing in anguish over the other end of the phone. Then she began to elaborate on her faulty reasoning. "Look, you're my best friend and I trust you. I know you're not going to try and steal Tony from me. Plus you're black, so getting you to be the third sex partner in the sack would negate the need for me to have a threesome with all three of us white, then another time with him humping a black chick. And I know that once Tony has his stupid fantasies fulfilled, he'll realize it was all so childish and he will simply stick with me."

I paused for a moment, knowing that I needed to be a part of her scheme as much as I needed to have a hole in the head. "Look," I advised. "First of all, if he's looking for sex with a black chick then it may turn out that he might end up liking black chicks more."

"I should think that's highly unlikely, Sophia," she said.

"You don't think us black women are addictive?" I asked, wanting to scare her into coming to her damn senses. "Guys are sex fiends. You may have a much prettier face than me, and you may have a wicked hour glass figure, but my breasts are much bigger and I have an onion ass. And Tony, after all, is only human."

"What's an onion ass, Sophia?"

"It is so sexy that it makes men cry," I answered.

She began to snicker. "I am a really hot babe and we both know it. Tony is not going to end up falling for another woman, least of all you, even if you do have an onion ass. No offense."

"None taken."

"Although I'll admit you have a very nice set of boobs in addition to that world class ass of yours, but you're black."

"By the sound of that you're insinuating that having dark skin is some kind of handicap?" I asked, trying not to sound agitated.

"I didn't mean it like that, Sophia, and you know it."

"How did you mean it then? As in Tony is a white guy who might like sticking his cock in between my monster breasts but not taking those same black boobies home to meet his mother?"

"Something like that."

Now it was my turn to shake my head back and forth unseen. "I think you're underestimating the power of a guy's untapped fantasies. Some genies are best left in the bottle."

"What does that mean?"

"It means, my white skinned friend, that you are playing with fire and you are going to get seriously burned if you think your man will settle for just one kick at the proverbial taboo sex life. Either he will become enthralled at being in a threesome and want to do it again, or else he will become addicted to a big black booty and want a lot more of it."

"That's not how I see it. He is totally absorbed by my face, my body, my sparkling personality and my sexy ways. He only needs to get the damn fantasies out of his system and then I can push him towards the altar," Jenny said naively, adding, "and that's even if I have to toss an ultimatum his way."

"Tell me the truth," I asked. "This was not really your idea, was it? And you've already raised the subject of marriage plenty of times haven't you?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Don't play dumb with me. You know exactly what the hell I'm talking about. Probably the last time you asked him if he might like to finally get married, he told you he had some wild fantasies stuck in his mind that he would like to fulfill first. And so that gave you the subtle hint that if you let him indulge just this once, that it would pave the way for him asking you to marry him at long fucking last."

"What if that's even true?"

"Girl, you have got rocks in your stupid head," I said boldly. "There is no way a guy like that is going to want a normal sex life and a normal relationship with his woman if she is going to let him water his horse at multiple watering holes."


"Are you dumb and insane? Listen to what you're advocating? Letting your man stick his hand into an adult cookie jar. Good luck getting his hand out of there once you open the lid for him."

"Once will be enough."

"No, once will only be the beginning," I asserted. I was astounded that she couldn't get the obvious gist of my argument.

"So then Sophia. You're not going to help me then?" she shot back.

"You're asking me to play the slut and I find it both demoralizing and degrading," I answered without hesitation. "You want me to be the token black in a threesome so he can get the thought of black skin and an extra girl out of his system for good. A kind of two birds with one stone approach."

"Something like that."

"It is ridiculous is what it is and I want no part of it. Of all the hair brained schemes you've ever come up with, and there have been a lot of them, this has got to be the craziest."

"Listen Sophia. What is so crazy about doing whatever it takes to push a guy into getting married to me?"

"He's not going to get married to you if you're going to open the door to all these crazy sex schemes."

"It's not a lot of sex schemes, it's only one and it's only for one time."

"Says you! There is no way he is going to settle for a threesome only one time, and there is no way he is going to want to take his grubby, slimy paws off of my magnificent black breasts should I decide to make them available to him, which, by the way, I won't."

"I thought you were my friend. My very best friend in fact."

"I am your friend, and your very best friend, which is why I have to talk you out of making the mistake of a lifetime. What if he ends up falling for me?"

"You're saying you think he will end up wanting you more than me?"

"What I'm saying is that I'm a very gifted black woman when it comes to satisfying a man. And I do tend to get very carried away when the mood strikes me. No guy is going to taste the pleasures of my black flesh once and be satisfied. He's going to want to keep coming back for more."

"How many times do I have to tell you that he himself admits it's only some temporary fetish he has to get out of his system? A chance to sow some wild oats so to speak?"

"A chance to give me multiple orgasms so to speak, and so if I lose control I'm going to make him very, very, very hot."

"Fine, Sophia. So you'll make him very, very, very hot, and you'll help me satisfy his kinky urges. But once it's over and out of his system, then-"

"Will you listen to yourself? You mentioned it being out of his system at least ten times, and I'm telling you that's not the way it works with guys. If anything, it will solidify his need deeper in his system and he'll never be rid of the urges. You've heard the saying give them an inch and they'll take a mile? It's the same principal here."

"I say you're wrong. But the point is that I'm asking you for a favor. I don't know any other black women to ask. I only know that you are trustworthy and-"

"Didn't I just finish saying I can't be trusted around hot guys? I'm like a damn volcano waiting to erupt. And we both know I adore white guys. Not to mention that you've shown me some bare chested swim suit picks of Tony. And he is simply the hottest hunk of a man that I've ever laid my adoring brown eyes on? He is simply gorgeous, with dimples on his dimples and rippling abs and chest muscles that just won't quit. Every time I see a mental image of his pics I feel like I'm drowning in buckets of my own drool. How do you think I would react if I were to be naked and in bed with the guy?"

"You won't be there alone with him, remember? I'll be there to referee. All you have to do is let him slobber over you a bit then bend you over a piece of furniture for ten minutes until he blows his load into a condom. Then you can toss him a few goodbye kisses and all's well that ends well."

"Except that he's not going to want to end it there and I might not want to either."

"What are you saying?"

"Use your head. All's fair in love and war and if you get me really hooked on the guy and if he gets really hooked on me, then maybe the wrong two people might end up walking down that aisle."

"That's crazy, Sophia. He's not going to want to permanently hook up with a black chick when he's got a white chick in me. No offense."

"None taken, again. Only stranger things have happened. You're really starting to push me into a corner over this and you're getting me all horny. Plus my juices are starting to get pumping over it. But I can't do it. I won't do it. It's not worth risking destroying our lifetime friendship over. So back off."

"What if I make it worth your while?"

"I feel a nightmare coming on."

"My new master card has a two thousand dollar limit. I'll let you take it to the mall and spend half of it if you'll agree to help me out."

"Getting involved with the man of your dreams, not to mention my dreams, would not be helping you out," I insisted, knowing that she just wasn't listening. She then tried to sweeten the pot.

"Fine, all of it."

"What's that?"

"All of the two thousand. Shoes, or cash advances or dresses or whatever the fuck you want. Only help me out, just this once. It's Wednesday. On Saturday I am going to go over to Tony's house. I want you to come with me."

I glared at her incredulously, unable to believe she was actually so obsessed with such a nonsensical and ridiculous scheme. Still, I supposed right then and there that if I could get past the immorality of it all, then maybe two thousand dollars in spending money wasn't such a bad idea. It had been months since I'd been able to buy myself either a new dress or a new pair of shoes. And I certainly loved my clothes. And I loved to shop even more.

I sighed and cursed myself under my breath.

"Fine," I blurted out, unable to believe I was actually capitulating to her crazy scheme. "Give me your damn brand new card before I change my fucking crazy mind."

She smiled profusely and reached into her purse, yanking out her wallet and fingering through her army of cards before the right one was finally clenched firmly between her fingers.

My fingers trembled as I took it from her. Then I winced in anguish. I knew from that moment on there would be no going back.


I was a complete nervous wreck for the next three days. And then the phone rang, adding to my apprehension and misery.

I glanced at the number, knowing it would be Jenny. It was. And I was a verifiable basket case. Tony, quite simply, was the hottest, sexiest hunk of white man on the entire planet. And the fact he was admitting to having a thing for black women should have been a sign to Jenny not to let me anywhere near the Greek God. But instead she was tossing me into his arms like red meat at a starving shark. I still didn't see the logic.

"You ready?"

She spat out the two words as if she didn't have a clue that she was getting ready to kiss her marriage plans goodbye. She was still clinging to the crazy theory that me humping her guy would somehow get his need for blacks and threesomes out of his system.

"I've got on my pink satin thong, long pink nails, shimmering pink lipstick, and super high pink pumps if that's what you're alluding to," I muttered, sounding defeated and subdued. Something told me I was going to end up losing my very best friend. There was just no way that her beloved Tony was going to manhandle my oversexed black body and not want to come back for more, a whole lot more. Why couldn't Jenny see that? Why didn't she realize that her suppose perfect reasoning was both tainted and warped?

"Be there in fifteen minutes," she said.

I closed my eyes and imagined her hopping into her yellow Corvette convertible. It got lousy gas mileage but attracted guys, not that she needed any help attracting guys, and not that I didn't need a new brain for agreeing to her moronic scheme. Still, since I had signed up for a night of fun and frolic with the world's hottest bachelor, there was no sense in sulking any further. I poured myself a triple dark rum and didn't bother adding ice cubes or coke. I was ready to warm up to a bump and grind time that had the words heaven and catastrophe written all over it. I mustered a picture of the shirtless Tony in my mind and was suddenly ravenously horny.

I began to pace the hallway tiles, listening to my five inch spiked heels click sensually off the floor. I began to pant. I was doing my friend a favor and knew it would probably end up hurting her. And I was technically selling my body in the process. Was I nuts? I supposed I was as the doorbell rang. Jenny already? How was that possible?

I opened the door. "That's the quickest fifteen minutes I've ever seen."

She smiled and twirled a strand of her gorgeous fiery red hair with a long painted nail. She was certainly dressed to kill, and her smile lit up the room.

"I'm really excited," she boasted, but I could sense a twinge of angst in her voice. My skirt was impossibly short and tight, like satin wrap, and my bum cheeks were pronounced and deadly. I was also showing an avalanche of cleavage and my long legs strapped into sexy pumps make me look like the most desirable woman alive. I looked good, but the apprehension in her sparkling green eyes told me she was apprehensive at my over the top looks.

"You're having second thoughts, aren't you?" I asked, sighing loudly and praying maniacally that she would change her mind and cancel her moronic plan. Still, I was bound to go through with it because I had given my word and also spent her two grand. Remembering that, I picked up the master card off the table and handed it to her.

"You spent the whole two, I presume?"

I shrugged. "Guilty as charged, all except for a buck fifty left on it."

"That'll buy me a coffee," she said bravely, adding, "you look so damn stunning and hot."

"Isn't that what you wanted?" I asked, still feeling guilty. "For me to look so very stunning and hot?"

"I suppose. Only talking about sharing your man and actually doing it are two different things."

"Like I said, we can just forget it and quit while we're ahead," I offered. "You don't have to go through with it if you're not comfortable."

"To be honest, I'm not comfortable, but I promised my man Tony a special onetime night that he'd never forget. He's all psyched up for it. There's no way I could cancel out now even if I wanted to. He's got his heart, mind and body all ready for this kinky night. And he's promised me he'll never forget what I'm doing for him by being so accommodating and understanding."

"Is that what you call sharing your guy? Being understanding? Honestly Jenny, if my man ever suggested a threesome with me, I'd tell him to take a long hike on an extremely short pier."

"Is that rum?"


"Can I have a glass?"

She wasn't one to drink, especially when she was driving, so I assumed she needed to fortify her courage and settle her nerves. Tony was her world, and it wasn't up till now that she realized my boobs would be occupying his face and probably his stiff white cock, not to mention the fact I loved wrapping my mouth around it, and also when a guy sucked relentlessly on my clit. Although I didn't let on that I loved oral both ways in front of Jenny. She seemed to be coming apart at the seams as it was.

"I can't get over how incredible you look," she whispered in awe. I knew what she was saying. I rarely showed off so much cleavage, nor wore such killer heels, nor painted my lips and nails as if I were taking no prisoners. She eyed my hugging short skirt and looked like she was ready to faint.