A Remarkable Scouse Lady


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"Mrs Clarke, please...er ooh I don't th..ink you shou...got it .." he cried.

"Yesh sho have I Shimon. That was fucking quick, you're good," Margi relied, firmly grasping his chino clad erection.

The young man gasped as the old lady unzipped him expertly, not finding it stuck – odd that – admiring her strong back, and her black brassiere. Margi slowly stood to face him, her dress collapsing to her waist. She shifted her hand to a downward swipe of his cock, grinning lewdly up at Simon's exasperated face. He had a job to do, a studio that needed it's star to be delivered and a hot desire to fuck this, not quite has been legend of stage, screen and theatre. A call came from the corridor calling Margi's name, a stage call like they did in theatre, which made the oddly matched randy couple start.

"The show must go on," snickered Margi, mournfully stroking Simon's full to bursting solid, pink prick and then turning to get him to zip her now raised dress up, which he managed. They sorted things and he took her to the performance studio, on the way accepting her suggestion that they shag soon, but it wouldn't be tonight.

Somewhat disorganised and fraught, the show was completed successfully, the presenters making nice, what they thought hilarious TV fun about Margi's devil may care – fuck it all attitude and her fawning over Louis. The band did their gig and the staff relaxed. Margi checked the time and though Bernie wouldn't be expecting her yet, so she caught Louis as he came out of the dressing rooms. She would work an angle.

"Look I know I must have looked ridiculous in there, and I'm not pissed," she wagged a cautionary finger at the smart young gymnast. "...Fuck me, do I care... and I have admired you from a long way back when you were part of some European team back in ...never mind," she enthused. Louise corrected and put her right as to correcting and adding facts, noticing her generous old, wrinkled bosom supported in the flimsy but tight bodice of her dress.

"That's OK Margi, I enjoyed it, really, and when you nearly fondled me ...you know, I was just glad the cameras were on Michelle, trying to smootch Matt, which got a great laugh from those in the studio watching," Louis replied, ushering her towards the elevator.

"Yeah who the fuck are they?" she giggled, entering the lift and pressing the basement button

"Oh just my dad and mum, that's all," he chuckled. "And some friends. Surprised you didn't have any amongst them."

"They've see it all Lou. I've been on shows like this all my life, not like young fit fellas like you," she rubbed his torso in a friendly, very intimate manner. "Shit, that's some muscle."

The double Olympic medallist preened and puffed his chest further, actually enjoying the affectations of an old lady, over the top, sickly and pretentious, but he liked fan fervour whatever the source.

"You got anything planned this evening, I'd just like to get to know you better?" she coyly asked.

"Nah nothing really," Louis lied. "What you thinking of?"

"I'm booked in a hotel, save driving ...you know." she giggled. "Come and have dinner."

He agreed, she used her device to send a message as they sat in a taxi. He sent a message too, to his oft disappointed family.

Bernie read the message ...cum in later, I'll have a guest Shhhh... and grinned knowingly, the usual Margi, but her other words intrigued him...double?... At her fucking age, she's getting dafter, he mused, but I love her. He was still in a meeting with the Portillo bloke who was so pompous and prissy, but his idea would work.

Louery Hotel in Manchester, another in Bernie Mannel's empire was somewhere new for Louis but Margi was greeted warmly, she returned the fawning with hugs and kisses to the concierge and porter, who only had her valise to carry. He ushered Margi and Louis to her suite, well not hers – just the one booked that evening by another person in the know, the porter winking as he left them alone. Louis suggested seeing her in the bar, but she'd insisted he accompany her, the view, she told him was spectacular. He had enjoyed a view in the cab, where she was animated and revealed cleavage, thighs and touched his thighs constantly. She flourished the view from the top floor, having raided the mini bar and they stood together at the floor to ceiling windows, drinks in hands.

"Look Louis, this may sound daft but could we do a bit of your stuff? like you just support me in a routine that would be easy for us two. To be honest I just want to see – first of all if I can still do it and what it feels like to be held by you...in a professional way, you know...I mean, if you did a simple lift...like...I can do a handstand you know...yes me...little old me," Margi snickered. "Talk about gymnastics and muscles, I was queen of the gym when I was fifteen. Want me to show you?"

Before he could protest, Margi placed her drink to one side, his too, took in the space, stepped back and performed a mediocre version of the simple gym routine, her hands nearly on his shoes. She gave him no real warning and Louis was faced with either letting the tottering hand wobbling – should have been standing – sixty three year old disintegrate to the floor in an ungraceful heap, or hold her.

Margi's dress had cascaded over her bodice and Louis was gazing down at something he'd never encountered before. It was a natural, yes unchecked, mass of black pubic hair masking her cunt and several inches either side. He had grabbed her ankles, she had succeeded in holding her legs together, wondering how the fuck had he got into this weird situation. Fuck me, he thought, I remember my gran had a minge as hirsute as this when I spied on her once, but all the girls he shagged these days were bald there. He felt her assert strength and she opened her legs, then he was faced with as much of a spectacular view as out there in wet damp Manchester, only this was hot and if he looked closely while Margi steadfastly remained upside down, damp too. Her cunt lips were neat, but were open, revealing a meaty gash, some long extensive hairs had lost the way and were curled inside it. It was like looking down into a thickly wooded cavern on the Pennines,

"Lovely view eh Lou?" she snickered from somewhere near his knees.

"Er...stunning...I think Margi, come on lets get you down safely and stop fucking about, you must be shattered after the show and with this..." he suggested, stooping and gently manipulating the sixty three year old show off, down onto a sofa. Another stupid mistake Louis; Margi reclined and grabbed his crotch, feeling the weight.

"Hmm nice package there son," she giggled. "Come on let's see what one of our most decorated Olympians is toting. I know you fellas in those athlete's villages..."she gurgled fiddling for his belt.

No just the fellas, he thought back to Rio and the sensational US gymnast Simone Biles and the energetic few hours he'd spent in her bed. Then Jessica Ennis, Gabbie Logan and Denise Lewis – all elite in their way and constantly on the prowl for a good fuck – great times – now this.

He let Margi fiddle and drop his chinos and his tiny briefs. Might as well, what she's going to do with it when she's had the eyeful she craves, he mused.

Margi's hands grasped his not inconsiderable member, gasping and sighing, glancing up at Louis, thinking any moment now he's going to try...try and run a mile, but she was determined to have him, after all he's fucking gorgeous and hopefully gorgeous fucking. But he didn't run. Louis rid himself of clothing round his ankles, then his jacket and shirt and sidled onto the sofa, half suggesting the bedroom, getting a shake of her head.

She was easy to fuck, for an old woman, he thought to himself as his rhythm got into gear. She knew what she was doing and loving it judging by her reactions. He'd imagined going past those few suggestions of moisture and encountering a dry wasted vagina, but Margi, unknown to Louis, was used to juicing up swiftly all her life and furthered by her ongoing affair, keeping her vitals in practice, so to speak with Bernie. He rammed without consequence, she wouldn't get preggers, she seemed to be taking his muscular rendition easily, she wasn't frail, while she encouraged him to go faster, harder and deeper. For her part, she stroked his solid back, squeezing his buttocks and surprised him further by flinging her legs high and gripping is thrusting young body. Louis loaded a bundle of sperm up her cunt, grunting and puffing, making her grin.

"Good work out then Louis?" she tittered.

"Fuck yes Margi, you're something else, I'm astonished really. You're so cool."

"Best compliment I've had all day."

They lay still, letting his dwindling erection soak in her soppy mire. She told him she needed a toilet stop and he let Margi slide out and watched her pad across the room, hitching her new, very crumpled dress round her thighs. As she entered the bathroom she told him to relax, stay where he was, stating as Schwarzenegger would do I'll be back. Louis did.

Bernie finished his meeting in the lounge, went to the bar having seen Portillo leave, and ordered a large gin and tonic, seriously pissed off with the ex Mp deciling every damn drink apart from water, What a fucking nupty, he thought, grabbing some poison pills as Margi would call them, peanuts from a dish on the bar, which she claimed were coated in men's piss as most men grabbed a handful after they had been to the toilet – many not washing their hands. He called Rachel as he did every day while touring or travelling. She told him she was fine and enjoying an early evening on the patio, nude, packing in her much needed vitamin D in the Dorset sunshine with Schlom and Matzo being extra friendly she had snickered. Bernie chuckled and reminded her to use that special cream he had bought for her, which miraculously calmed everything after the rasping she would experience soon.

Margie had returned from the bathroom, naked, impressing further her young, sexy, light brown paramour with her relatively trim body and the way she skipped to join him, grabbing his hand and dragging him into the bedroom. He had decided to ignore her ageing wrinkles, the extra folds of sagging fat on her lower belly and one above, plus the two minor creases below her armpits. The way her boobs hung low and sort of narrow; they weren't wide and full, intrigued him and that virtual forest between her legs was just...really cool. She fell back onto the king size bed and they cuddled, fondled and kissed then she crawled on top of him, grinding her pelvis on his burgeoning erection. He tweaked the stubs of her nipples, which had their own network of wrinkles until they blossomed fully.

"I'm doing my own gymnastics now luv," she chuckled. "I'm going to ride you. You didn't expect that from an old bag like me did you?"

Fuck! had he said that. But he knew he hadn't – well not to her. He did like the cowgirl style, but he was erect and no choice in the matter as Margi had shifted to hoist his prick vertical then slide perfectly on it, impaling herself onto him, face to face. She'd heard the outer door click, so she buried his face with hers, kissing, licking, whispering as her hanging tits massaged his chest, her erect sturdy teats stimulating Louis', keeping her hands and arms close to his handsome face. Margi also heard a rustling of clothes, close behind and made sure her mount was unaware until the last moment.

Cleverly, Margi tilted her body, keeping her rump high, still securing the solid wedge of Louis' cock and feeling a hand smearing round her arsehole. There was a movement of the sofa, a change of weight and Bernie's cock penetrated her fundament. Louis became aware of a third party and freed his face from Margi's over affections, peering round.

"What the fuck?...Shit, what's going on Margi. Who is that and what...?"

"It's OK my sweet, it's only Bernie my lover fucking my arse," she told him as a normal matter of fact. " I love it and to get a threesome like this is what we like..."

"Bbbubt...You never said...I mean another bloke?...I mean I can feel him..."

"It's my balls mate that's all, bouncing on yours, good isn't it?" Bernis snickered, ramming Margi's arse with energy. He could feel the coloured man's stiffy inside her, just through a slender membrane, he loved it.

"No inside I meant. Is that OK?" Getting no reply, just consistent strange plunging and extra weight.

Louis wanted out but couldn't extract himself in a nice way and to think about using his strength would negate the attraction he'd built for the old bag, the fucking wonderful old bag . He decided on a fuck it principle, fuck it until I've cum – again and see what happens. He hadn't a clue what Bernie looked like, but so what? The other man's dick was ploughing some meaty furrows in Margi's shithole and he was quite liking the sensations.

Bernie - much more experienced than Louis, supported his weight on the sofa frame, shifting constantly to achieve sensations and depth, while Margi equally knowledgable in being buggered, only by Bernie, absorbed every nuance of the rare but sensational experience of double penetration.

She mused on trying to get her lover to switch orifices and attempt a double in her minge, then discounted the idea on the grounds it might be too much of a step forward for Louis.

The old man came up her shitter and sagged immediately. I seconds his spent pecker exited, slopping down not smearing Louis' trembling balls as Margi had adjusted her position to give him full manoueverability. He took the hint and speeded up, finally seeing the mature rich man slide onto a chair and watch. They exchanged knowing grins, as she adjusted again slightly, sensing a pressure on his root would induce an orgasm, his black curls rasping her less stringy hairs. It did and Louis battered up at her crotch with only the strength, training and dedication he would have to achieve his goal – which was to give the old bag the second of a seeing to – plus of of course, the bum shag she had enjoyed.

Margi had to get off him quickly, she felt a touch of cramp in her right lower thigh after kneeling so long. There was a sloppy flop of Louis' dick on his belly as she bent to give Bernie a kiss, until she sloped of to the bathroom.

"I'll have to follow her," Louis cuckled. "I'm shattered. She's a goer ain't she. Oh I'm Louis..Louis Smith by the way," he added holding out his hand in a punch like gesture.

Bernie grabbed it, ignoring the trendy grip, preferring the traditional handshake.

"I know who you are, your honour," he chuckled. "Knight of the Realm or something?"

"Nah no way," Louis grinned. "Just the MBE, that's enough."

Two naked men chatting, neither of them used to it, but united by a sex session with the remarkeable Margi Clarke,

It my develop...

The end

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