A Reputation Ch. 05 - Overserved


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Katie actually barked a short laugh of surprise at that.

I think I blushed.

Jenna just smiled at me. "Uh... I do have to ask..." She paused. Katie looked at her curiously. "Were my first words to you last night that I wanted to suck your cock?"

"Jenna!" Katie said, scandalized anew.

"Errr. No," I said, blushing again. "You first words were some slurred version of 'Hi, I'm Jenna.'"

"Then I asked..."

"Yeah," I admitted.

"Oh my God!" Katie said with a face palm.

Jenna just sighed. She paused again, then said softly, "Um, that offer still stands, you know."

"Jenna!" I thought Katie had been scandalized before.

"Hey," Jenna said, in an embarrassed but matter of fact tone. "I mean it. After all, we are talking about Shower Guy here," she said, waving at me.

Katie froze. "He's...? He's...?" She seemed locked up. "You are Shower Guy?" she asked me, incredulously.

How the fuck am I supposed to answer that? "Uh..." was my awkward non-denial.

"Ohhh," said Katie, as if Tetris blocks were facing neatly into place in her mind. Then she turned on Jenna almost angrily. "How could you not tell me that he's the Shower Guy?"

"I thought I had!" Jenna protested. "And even that drunk, do you think I'd just wander up to any random good-looking dude and offer to blow him out of the blue?"

"You didn't tell me you offered to blow him either!"

Why was I being ignored in this conversation, in my own room?

"Well, I did offer. And..." Jenna cut herself off.

"What else did you offer, you horny bitch?" Katie demanded. She looked at me. "As if I don't know," she said, in surprisingly good humor.

"Uh..." I said.

"Uh..." Jenna said.

"Wait... what?" Katie asked, eyes narrowing.

"I, uh, did I?" Jenna asked me quietly. I just rolled my eyes. I was at least going to enjoy these two embarrassing themselves and each other.

"When Will told me we needed to find you, I think I thought he meant he wanted a threesome..."


"I kinda told him yes?"


"For the record," I put in, now starting to enjoy myself. "You did not, in fact, actually say yes, Jenna."

Jenna looked confused. "I thought I did. Well, I at least told him that we'd fooled around together enough that you'd probably be up for it."

"JENNNA!!!" Katie almost screamed. She collapsed down to sit on Mitch's bed, head in her hands.

"Oh jeez," I said, now worried that Katie was going to cry or something. "For the record again, Katie... um, last night, Jenna did not actually say that last bit about the two of you either."

"Oops?" said Jenna, in a small voice.

Into the ensuing quiet, Katie moaned into her hands, "Why did you have to be Shower Guy?"

What the hell did that have to do with anything?

Katie lifted her head, took a deep breath, and then a long glug of Coke. She looked at me. Then she looked at Jenna. Her head sagged once more. "Well..." she said softly. "I guess I'm game."

"For what?" I asked, cluelessly.

"Katie!!" Now Jenna was the one sounding scandalized.

"What? You were the one who suggested it to begin with."

"Last Night! When I was so full of beer I sloshed!"

Wait. Had Katie just seriously said she was down for a threesome?

"So now you are offended?" Katie shot back, but in a small voice.

That took Jenna aback. "Uh... Well... No, really, I'm just a little startled. I... I just never really thought that you'd want to try one of those."

Katie shrugged and shot look at me. "It's Shower Guy. We'd be legends. And damned satisfied, from all accounts."

How the fuck was I supposed to react to this? Be excited as a kid in a candy store on Free Day? Be horny as a mountain goat? Be affronted that I seemed to be being taken for granted? Be eager to begin? I chose all of the above and just sat there, tensely.

They both froze, as if hearing my thoughts. They turned to me, and Katie, surprisingly, was then who spoke. "We are kind of getting ahead of ourselves. Um. Are you interested?"

"First, any dude who is uninterested in being with either of, let alone both of you two, needs to check into a mental facility," was all I said, slowly, clearly, and certainly. Beyond that, I was at a loss. How did this situation keep spiraling so much that I was constantly confused? I decided to appeal to the girls.

"Look, this whole Shower Guy Reputation is beyond my comprehension. Help me out, okay?" I almost begged. "What in God's name are people saying about me that has girls so eager to, um...?"

They both looked at me. Then they looked at each other. Jenna turned back and spoke first. "Well, the fact that you've made several girls come so loudly that they drew a fucking crowd is a pretty amazing start."

"Including another one yesterday afternoon, I heard," Katie added. "Over in Dale Hall."

Jenna's head whipped around to her. "Really? When did you hear that?" Without waiting for Katie to answer, she turned back to me. "Is that why you wouldn't let me blow you? You were too worn out?"

"I did not want to do anything with you, because you were too drunk for your own good," I replied swiftly. "I've never taken advantage of a girl in my life, and I wasn't going to start with you, Jenna. I feel like girls are taking advantage of me," I added under my breath, but they both heard it. And laughed.

"Poor baby," laughed Jenna.

"Seriously, do you feel unhappy with all this?" Katie asked, seriously but skeptically. Jenna actually stopped laughing to listen to my answer.

Well, I was a bit trapped there. I hesitated. I wanted to tell them the truth. I also wanted to get naked with them. Fortunately, the right answer for both was the same, I was pretty sure. I snorted. "No! Just desperately curious."

Katie smiled. "Well, you are talking to two good sources. We heard about the shower incident last Saturday night, after it first happened, and since we heard about another incident Monday, we have been diligently collecting tales."

"Some of the stories are dubious, or rare enough to feel made up by the rumor mill, but we have a pretty good handle on some of your accomplishments," added Jenna.

My body was screaming at me to get back to the proposed Beast With Three Backs activity, but I was dying to hear what was being said about me. People had been clamming up whenever I walked by for more than a week. "Do tell," I invited.

"There are obvious bullshit ones," Kristie said, "like you getting with an Olympic athlete or WNBA player or something." I kept a straight face. "And the story about you branching out beyond your dorm yesterday is pretty new. Is it true?"

I just nodded softly. "But what do people say?"

"Guys who talk about you say you have to have some massive, mystical package," Jenna said promptly. "Probably because they don't have the imagination or skillset to realize girls can go crazy for talent. Most girls focus on how wild you've driven every partner. And the closer we've gotten to direct source material, the more obvious it is that you just know your shit, and are very committed to exceeding girls' prior experience."

"Wait. The closer you've gotten to 'original source material'?"

"I have a friend who has talked with Cassie directly," Katie said bluntly.

Hoo boy. Girls really do have no discretion, do they? I stood there, bemused momentarily.

"So, how about it?" Jenna said with a grin. "Can we see you how close you and your dick match up to the rumors!"

I laughed. "I thought you said you don't necessarily think I'm hung like a horse," I said quickly. I hoped they didn't think that, or there would be early disappointment.

"I don't think you are," Katie replied, just as quickly. "But we're pretty sure you've got at least a nice one."

"We have been speculating a lot," Jenna admitted.

Then Katie got up off of Mitch's bed, and the two of them took a semi-certain step toward me.

This was going to happen!

"One," I said, holding up a finger. "I am absolutely with your program, though I can only hope to God I just come close to your expectations. I'm sure you will exceed mine!"

"Two," I went on, stepping over to the door and grabbing Captain America. I reached out the door and popped his picture up onto the cork board in the hall, then closed and locked the door. "I don't want my roommate interrupting me again."

"We heard about that too!" Jenna giggled.

"Three, do either of you have any idea how to begin?"

"What?" Katie laughed. "How do you usually start?"

"Err," I said, then mumbled, "the OG shower incident was kind of an accident."

"What, she slipped and fell on your dick?" Katie snorted.

"Almost," I said shamefacedly. "Since then, it's been a lot of, 'Hey! May I mash your Subscribe button?'"

We all laughed for a moment, then looked at each other. Jenna, bless her, decided to show that the night before had not been completely out of character. "I think that since I saw you first, I'm going to call dibs on first taste, and get what I asked for last night," she said and closed the remaining distance between us.

She kissed me, and I kissed her back, sliding a hand around behind her back, and down onto her ass about the time she started nibbling on my lower lip. Her ass was anything but small, but it wasn't bulbous or something like that, and it was nice and firm. Very nice and firm. The kiss didn't last longs Jenna almost immediately began to sink down, tugging at my lower lip with her teeth until she pulled free. In a moment, she was on her knees and tugging at my fly. Amazingly, I took my eyes off her to look at Katie, who was the new element in this kind of thing, after all.

She was staring at Jenna, half-disbelieving that her friend was actually going to do this in front of her. Her cute little mouth hung open enticingly, and wow was the front of her sundress tented up by some very interested nipples. She may have been in a state of disbelief, but she stepped deliberately closer and to the side to get a good view.

I looked back down as I felt my cock spring free. Jenna stroked it gently. "Very nice," she said, simply. I heard a murmur of agreement to the side.

I gulped as the dark-haired girl just calmly took me into her mouth and suckled for a good patch, just working her mouth and tongue around my cock. "Unnh... ohh," was I could say. Even this short of a way into the proceedings, I could already tell I should not have doubted Jenna's assertion at the parry about her skills in this arena.

She bobbed up and down, drooling copiously on me, and letting it dribble out of her mouth and down my length. Then she suddenly let me slip free and she held me, rubbing my swollen, happy head over her face. "Very nice," she said softly. "Are you going to help me, Katie?"

Katie and I exchanged glances. Then she stepped forward, bending down herself.

Terra Incognito, here we come!

She reached out to my dick hesitantly, and Jenna let her take it from her hand. She kissed my tip lightly, beginning to slowly and softly jack me up and down. Her kiss became an open mouthed massage of the achingly purple head. I smiled down at Jenna and she winked at me.

Then she leaned back in to my cock. Katie started to lean back to let Jenna have her turn, but Jenna was having none of that. Her hand grabbed the back of Katie's head and pulled her lips back to my tip. Katie happily bussed me, and Jenna leaned in again, kissing both my cock and Katie's mouth simultaneously. I stared down in delirious disbelief.

The two of them sort of wobbled around below me, kissing me and each other in various percentages. Some of the time, one would have my tip fully in her mouth, while the other kissed my shaft. Others, they would have their lips stretching to meet each other past one part or another of my cock. Or they would be firmly kissing each other, open mouthed, while Katie rubbed my tip over both their cheeks. Sometimes, the lips in the above configurations were replaced with extended tongues. They experimented happily with what to do, while I just moaned happily at each new trick they came up with.

Then for a bit, they started kissing each other in earnest. Jenna's hands lifted to cup Katie's jawline as their tongues visibly lashed at each other. My cock was clear of the exchange, but Katie never left of the gentle pulsing of her fist around it.

After a time of this comparative neglect that I was happy to endure, Katie suddenly broke off their kiss and returned her lips to me, this time taking me well past her lips, driving my cock several inches into her mouth. She began to bob and suck in earnest, her tongue within wiggling against my length.

Sensing Katie's change of agenda, Jenna rose back to her feet smoothly and transferred her bereft lips to mine. We were kissing for but a delirious moment, before I felt her peeling my teeshirt upward and over my head. She ran her hand smoothly over my chest. I saw Katie looking upward in apparent approval.

Well, turnabout was fair play there, and I in turn grabbed Jenna's knit crew neck and tugged it free of the narrow waistline of her khakis. She giggled cooperatively as I pulled it up and off, revealing lovely melons encased in a beige lace bra of necessarily significant structural integrity. Of course it hooked in the back, but that just let me lean in for another kiss as I reached behind her to pop the four hooks open. Then I twisted back enough to enjoy the view as I slipped the straps free of her shoulders. Two magnificent boobs spilled free, hanging firm but pendulous on her chest.

Her nipples were pink and proud, but her aureoles extending around them were almost the exact shade of the rest of her breasts and faded into near invisibility. My hand went to one of those nipples, pinching it gently, as if seeking to do the impossible, and make it any harder than it already was.

My vision was filled with those lovely big tits, but I felt my cock suddenly come free from Katie's mouth, and I heard her say a bit jealously, "I heard Cassie said that he is into big tits."

Oh, no you don't. There was going to be no dissatisfaction on anyone's part here. No reason for anybody to punch out!

"I thought both you ladies said that size wasn't an issue earlier!" I protested good-humoredly.

"In dicks," Katie snorted, but she kept up delightful licks of my cock between her words. "Not boobs... And it matters in dicks too, of course," she added, kissing my cock, which is seriously not that big, with extra affection.

"Well, I like tits," I said, "adjectives need not apply."

Now, I never let go of my exploration of Jenna's breast with the one hand, but I let my other drop to Katie's bare shoulder, and flicked the strap off to the side, letting it drape down her arm. Then I slid my hand down her chest, inside the top of her dress, to clasp the most delightful breast within. It was firm and jiggled happily in my massaging fingers. Her nipple was indeed hard and quite tall, its firmness poked wonderfully into my palm.

"Oh, fuck yeah," I sighed, mind reeling at the sensation of different breasts in each grasping-- no, clutching hand.

Katie, mollified, returned to sucking my cock vigorously, while Jenna's tongue explored my mouth. Her other hand stole down to Katie's opposite shoulder, flicking that strap off as well, and her loose sundress collapsed to puddle at her waist.

I looked down and thirsted to suck those beautiful tits. I wanted to suck these beautiful boobs too.

And Katie's work on my cock was getting a bit too successful...

I gasped and pulled away from them both, drawing a tiny cry of protest from them, and a big-ass protest from my cock.

I grinned and stepped back to perch on the edge of my bed. "Come here," I invited. "I need to suck all these beautiful titties."

The girls laughed. Jenna pulled Katie to her feet and they approached, leaning forward until their chests filled my vision. My hands rose instantly to clasp the outer curves of a breast each and I began to kiss/suck each and every nipple in turn, at random, moving quickly enough to avoid any appearance of favoritism. Honestly, I thought I looked like an infantile idiot, but both girls kept laughing out loud in delight at my antics.

Then they turned toward each other to begin another series of tongue-laden kisses, which was fine by me, as I could now press my face forward and rub it against all four delicious, warm, smooth, bouncy breasts at once. As they waggled them against my face, I let my hands drop down to cup their asses.

Jenna's was honestly a little larger than I liked, but it was well-shaped and not a bit lumpy, and my fingers could sink hungrily into its yielding flesh. Katie's ass was two perfect little humps of perfection, making for an almost hardened handful in my grasp.

I needed to get at what was between their legs, but was unsure how to segue there, and how to establish order. This threesome thing was surprisingly complicated.

Fortunately, the girls also were at the same point of desire, and they broke their kiss, unfortunately, they leaned far enough apart to rob my face of its pillowy prison. I was not relinquishing my hold on their backsides, though.

"Who first?" Katie asked Jenna breathlessly. I was not consulted.

"Well, you got the last campus bike yesterday, and I had to walk," Jenna said immediately.

"Like that is equivalent!" Katie snorted. Jenna just shrugged and grinned triumphantly.

Jenna turned to me before Katie could marshal a counter argument about who got the last dryer on laundry day or some shit, and smiled at me. She took her time pushing me backward and turning me to lie on my back on the bed. I made her make just the tiniest effort to push me around, but I was totally on board here.

Almost before I was fully on my back, as I was shifting slightly to get myself right in the middle of the narrow mattress, Jenna hopped up and straddled me, kneeling astride my hips. "Oh yeah, here we go," she said, though I'm not sure if it was supposed to be to me, to Katie, or to herself. She looked into my eyes. "We are both on the pill, so that should streamline things, okay?"

So I wasn't going to have to fuss with the supply of condoms that I had laid in in my desk on Tuesday? Shucky darns. I lifted my hips, bushing my cock along the wetness between her legs. Jenna reached down and grabbed me. She lifted my cock, and pressed it home against her sopping wet nest of jet black pubes. We both gasped happily as I sank into her and she nestled herself downward, flesh yielding slowly around my invading member.

She took her time, possibly even showing off as Katie watched in rapt attention, eyes glued to our groins as Jenna sank down upon me. She barely paused once she had me entirely inside her, before she began to move. We both gasped again, in unison, as she began her first rise, her softness grasping after my cock as if unwilling to let it leave. My eyes fixated on her large breasts as Jenna began to fuck me up and down and she grabbed them in her hands and mashed them around, tugging on her own nipples as she rode me.

I heard Katie grunt in amazement that we were all here like this, and I looked up to her. Her eyes were fixed on Jenna's and my melding middles, and her hands didn't seem to know what to do with themselves. I reached out an arm and caressed her hip. She seemed startled out of her reverie and bent to kiss me, deeply. I enjoyed the way her tongue probed down into my mouth and countered with a lifted hand to fondle a dangling, delicate tittie.

Then I shook my head free of her mouth and growled up to her, "Katie, I want to kiss you, but not on your mouth..."

She popped her head up, smiling at me, and I nodded eagerly. Trading an arch look with Jenna, Katie took my meaning well and climbed onto the bed, facing Jenna and straddling my face. Her slender thighs were to either side of my face, and they left a good-sized gap between them at the top, a gap filled with sweet, perfectly smooth-shaven pussy. I bent up to taste it.