A Reputation Ch. 10 - The Vehicle


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"Thinking about dinner, but not for a while," she replied simply, with a friendly smile. "What can I do you for?" Her smile turned to a grin, "And no, you do not get a cut. All the money is going to the dorm's party budget. We are going to have a blow-out come Christmas time!"

I shook my head and tapped my forehead in salute. "No worries. I figured that. I just needed to do my best impression of a Disney copyright lawyer earlier."

"Heh. Then what can I do, if not a date in court?"

I paused momentarily at that turn of phrase, but forged ahead with my own plan.

"You said I lead a strange life, right?" I asked.

"Don't you?"

"Sort of, yeah. But is it a bad life?" I asked. I added hastily, "I mean, is it something I should feel bad about?"

"Well, I'm not sure what you mean," Shawn said thoughtfully. She was in full RA Mode right now, a regular mini-shrink. She had stood when I entered, and she now leaned back against the edge of her desk, crossing both legs and arms.

"I mean... Um," I temporized, searching for the right words, "Am I a horrible person? Do you think I'm a bad guy?"

"Me? What does that matter?" she said, in surprise. "I will say that there have been no complaints of any kind about you. And a ton of compliments," she added under her breath, but meant to be overheard. She flashed a grin. "I think what matters is what you think about yourself."

"My ego these days has its own gravitational field," I admitted ruefully.

"Shocking," Shawn said in a desert-dry tone.

"But do I deserve it?" I asked again. "I mean, I'm kind of a... what? A lothario, maybe?"

"You think that?" Shawn asked, surprised.

"I don't know."

"Do you lie to anybody?" She asked. I shook my head. "Do you offer anything you aren't willing to deliver? Do you hurt anyone? Do you focus only on your own pleasure?"

I shook my head to all that, interjecting, "What is the point of that last idea? How can you have the best sex possible if you aren't making your partner as happy as yourself? And trying to make them even happier than yourself?" I shut up quickly. I wasn't there to philosophize.

"Well, I think we can guess why you don't get complaints. And no, you aren't a lothario then, either."

Reassuring myself was not really the point of this conversation, but I found myself reassured nonetheless. And I liked it.

"Thanks," I said. "And you don't think I'm a bad guy?"

"Why does that matter?" Shawn asked.

"Maybe I value your opinion?"

"Thank you," she said, verging on taken aback. "For whatever it is worth, no, I think you are a good guy. I always have."

I nodded, bent my head, and turned to go. I stopped at the door and looked back. "Then..." I started to say, then shrugged and turned to go once more.


"I just..." I said, not really sure of the words I wanted, but definitely certain about the direction I intended. "I mean, I wonder why you never..." I shut up. This wasn't quite right...

Shawn's eyebrows shot up slightly. "Never what?" she asked carefully.

"Never mind," I said quickly. This was definitely the wrong way.

Hail Mary, or punt? I tried both.

"I don't feel like boring dinner in the dining hall tonight, after my 'triumph'. Want to eat somewhere off campus with me?"

I thought her eyebrows had risen before. They were about to disappear into her hairline now.

"Are you asking me on a date, Will?" she asked carefully. "I didn't think you did those..."

"When have I had the chance recently?" I retorted carefully. "But maybe I am just asking a friend if she wants to eat something better than dorm food."

"Is that all you are interested in?" she asked, face blank. Gorgeous, but blank.

"...no?" I responded, tentatively.

She laughed a short bark, then sobered. "Then what else?" she bored on.


Screwed this up. Trying to be scrupulously, and directly, honest had been a bad idea, even though her comments about honesty had made it seem even more like the right play only moments before.

Oh, well.

I shook my head ruefully, "I guess I was hoping for the chance to see how wildly I could make this hot, Canadian RA I know orgasm, sometime after dinner."

She laughed out loud. "Oh my God!"

I smiled at her. She smiled back, shaking her head. I shrugged, and left to move on with other things.

"I will accept the dinner invitation," Shawn said behind me, a quelling tone in her voice.

"Really?" I turned around, trying not to do it quickly. I was doing a hell of a lot of turning around in this conversation... "But?" I supplied for her, sheepishly.

"But as to the hot sex," Shawn said sternly, "It is still pretty early for a nice dinner. How about we start with that first?"

Shit. She still got in some version of 'So, how about it?' It had not been a clean ask on my part.

And What. The. Fuck. Was. I. Complaining. About?

I closed the door and looked at her.

Her room was built as a double, but reserved as a single for use by the floor RA. She had her desk to the immediate right of the door, with her bed and a couch further in and to the side. I was right in front of her in two steps.

Shawn remained unmoving as I approached, but with a broad, challenging grin on her face. I looked into her emerald eyes, and she held my gaze. Her eyes appeared to get larger, but that was just me leaning forward toward her. I left one hand rest gently against her jawline and I kissed her.

It lasted... a while. It was a hungry kiss, but slow, as if we had sat down, starving, for a gourmet feast that it would be a waste to rush through. Her lips were plump and eager, and her tongue, which took its time getting involved, was inquisitive and almost forceful when it did. My hand slid back along her head and my fingers wove into her red waves of hair.

After a long, wordless time kissing, and without breaking that kiss, my other hand stole to her hips, where she sat against the edge of the desk. I squeezed that hip, caressed it, and teasingly tugged at the belt loop at the side of her waist. Then I trailed the back of my fingers along the band and tugged gently at the snap atop her fly.

"What are you doing?" Shawn laughed around my lips at my movements, not discouraging me at all.

"Remember my agenda of making the hot RA come like she never has before?" I murmured, tugging excruciatingly slowly on her zipper. "I think it is time to get on with that."

"Oh oh! A few minutes ago, it was 'make me come wildly'. Now it is 'like never before'?"

"Yeah. Maybe I ought to get to know your body better, before I start setting ambitious stretch goals like that," I said, all timidity lost. After all, my fingers had opened her zipper entirely by now.

Up to this point, Shawn had kept her arms crossed under her breasts, but now she let them fall slowly to the wooden edge of her desk beside her hips. She kissed me again, actually biting at my lower lip, then breathed, "Feel free to keep any and all stretch goals like that in mind..."

I tugged now at both hips of her jeans, pressing them down. Shawn's prescience showed as her hands' new position let her easily press her ass away from the desk, letting me easily slide her jeans downward. As I've described before, all Shawn's jeans fit her sleekly, and to stunning advantage around her ass and thighs, but never were terribly tight. That let me slide this pair downward toward her ankles with minimal effort.

I looked down and found her wearing a pair of sweet, but everyday sort of panties. They were white, with a faint floral pattern embedded in the soft, opaque cotton. Cut medium-low on her hips, they had a moderately high waist.

"Obviously, I wasn't thinking this was happening tonight, or I'd have worn something more interesting, Shawn said almost ruefully.

I just ran a finger along the thin waistband. "They are lovely."

"They are ratty," she contradicted me. "I wouldn't be surprised if you found holes in them."

I didn't intend to leave them in place long enough for it to matter anyway, but I bantered on. "Well, if I find any holes, I will just tear them off you and you won't have to worry about being caught wearing them again.

Shawn held her tongue for a moment, then said slowly. "You will find holes in them."

"I doubt it," I snorted. "They look nice."

"I said," she growled firmly, "You will find holes in them."


All righty then.

I pressed my forehead to hers, looking down as I dug my fingertip under the tiny waistband of the panties, and started running it back and forth under the elastic.

And damned if I didn't actually find a small hole, right on the right front, just inside the barely discernible ridge of her hip bone. My finger poked through.

Shawn was as surprised as I. "Shit. There really is a hole in them," she murmured, a little embarrassed. I just looked at her and outright leered.

My finger poking through the hole pushed through a little more, hooked the elastic of the waistband and pulled up and out, stretching the spot where the fabric had come loose from it. My other hand reached over and poked two fingers through the gap, widening it. Then I yanked. The more fragile cotton separated from the sturdier band with a quiet tear. The gap was now four or five inches along the top.

I chuckled as, using both hands, I grabbed the thinner, main fabric where it was loose from the band, and worked it until I felt it give way in a single spot. With a yank, I tore downward, opening a vertical rip that extended down to the leg hole. It held there, as horizontal elastic threads designed to keep the leg hole tight to her delicious thigh just barely held up against my violence.

Shawn jumped at the sound and speed of the tear and we both looked down at the wide expanse of her lower abdomen that lay strikingly bare before me. "Yeah, there is definitely a hole here," I chuckled. I idly reached out and caressed the soft exposed skin, right along the ridge of that hip bone.

And Shawn shivered almost uncontrollably. I felt my eyebrows shoot up in response, and I caressed her again, more intently.

She giggled.

I did it again, and she squirmed, laughing.

Oh, fuck yes. She was ticklish. And in such an interesting spot...

I'd have shouted in triumph, but I was too busy leaning in for another deep kiss. My fingers paused their stimulation for a moment, then resumed their assault.

"Oh, you better stop that," Shawn warned around my lips.

"Yeah?" I replied, equally muffled by her own eager mouth. "I don't think so."

I kept dragging a fingernail across her sensitive skin down there, while I slid my other hand up underneath her teeshirt. She hadn't changed from earlier, and it was that fucking Go Shower Guy shirt. It fit her nicely, but not so tightly that I could not slide my hand up underneath it easily. Her squirming against my tickling fingers grew as my hand slid up under, then grew far more so when my hand encountered her braless tit. I let my fingers encompass its delicate firmness.

There was a moment there when I first touched the nipple that it was almost completely flush with the rest of the breast. It almost would have had to have been for me not to notice any pokies all day. But the moment I first touched it directly, that nipple blossomed upward. In seconds, it was firm against my palm. I could not help but caress it with my finger tips, circling it, then gently pinching it.

"Ohhh, Christ!" she moaned aloud. "You better be careful, Will!"

I could now see the other nipple, making an urgent tent in the center of the U in 'Guy', in sympathy with its tormented sister. I grinned and bent my head to softly bite that little tent, right through the fabric. My fingers underneath the shirt tugged harder on the nipple they clasped, and my other hand tickled her harder than I had to this point.

"Fuck, you crazy bastard," she moaned. Her body was undulating with pleasure at the same time as she wriggled, seeking escape from my torturing fingers. Escape I had no intention of allowing.

This was too much fun, mauling her chest and torturing her through her half-ripped off panties. And she was clearly having too much fun herself to try terribly hard to get away.

In fact... she was having an extraordinary amount of fun.

Could I make her come this way? Just like this? Was that possible?

"Fucking Fuck! Will, oh shit, that's... Fuuuuuck..." came my answer, loudly. I never touched her pussy--just that ticklish spot and the pair of nipples that I was grasping that were insanely sensitive. "Oh, wow," Shawn gasped, more quietly as her passionate spasm passed. "That was insane. I'm not sure what I'm going to do when we get serious," she snorted.

I let my lips relinquish their hold on her nipple. The shirt was now wet enough for me to see a dark, lovely aureole through the spit-damp fabric. I kissed her quickly, breathlessly. "I should have asked you out to dinner before this," I chuckled.

"I've been wondering when and if you would, for a long time now," she snorted. "But I have to admit, if you'd gotten around to it before the whole shower thing, I'd had made you jump through a lot of hoops before I'd have eventually let you do that to me."

"Just show me the hoops," I said earnestly.

"Well, I'd have certainly demanded three dates before I did what I'm about to do to you," she said.

I just cocked an eyebrow at her, waiting for the inevitable explanation.

"This," Shawn said, stepping easily out of the jeans around her ankles and pushing me back across her room to the couch on the far wall. With an unceremonious shove, I was on my ass in the middle of the couch, and Shawn was kneeling between my legs.

Her hands ran over my lap, caressing the outline of the erection inside my trousers. "I hear this is very nice," she murmured. "I think I'll take a look for myself." She tugged at my fly and opened my jeans.

I wished I'd had more confidence in how this visit upstairs had been going to go. If so, I'd have taken a shot at leaving out the underwear component when I got dressed. Shawn just hummed in approval at the tent in my dark charcoal briefs. She caressed it and my cock jumped within, eagerly. She smiled, and tugged the underwear loose, and worked both them and my trousers down. I lifted my hips more than obligingly to let her manage it faster and I was sitting there, slumped back on the couch, pants around my ankles and cock waving around, eager to introduce itself.

She smiled at my member and slowly dragged the back of a fingernail up its length. I shivered. "Yesss. It really is nice," she observed, in a clinical but warm voice.

"Really?" I asked, suddenly intellectually engaged. As I've said, I hardly have some porn star-sized cock.

"Oh really," Shawn chuckled. "It's more than nice enough in size... though not crazy huge, I'll admit. But it is simply beautiful. Look how perfectly straight it is," she said, grasping it lightly and stroking her hand up around my length. She released me and circled my tip with a finger. "And the head is just lovely. It's bigger than the shaft, and a lovely shade of purple-rouge." She bent and kissed it softly. "And it is warm and perfectly shaped too." Her finger stroked back down my length, tracing the length of my cock along the thick blue vein that wound along it. "This vein is magnificent. It just seems... virile."

I honestly, had no ideas girls put this much thought into dicks. I just thought they took a quick look and decided if it would do the job.

"And you trim your pubes," she added. "That's really considerate for us girls who like to suck a ball or two..." She proceeded then to demonstrate that she did, indeed like to suck a ball or two, by taking each of mine into her mouth in turn, whipping them with her eager tongue inside her lips.

"Oh, fuck, that's nice," I sighed.

"Nice?" Shawn exclaimed, as if outraged. "Nice? I want to do better than nice! I'll have to work harder," she mused and began to work harder. A lot harder.

Her fingers tickled me up behind my sack as her mouth clamped down around my cock and started sliding down my length. I groaned in ecstasy as she slid me in, deeper and deeper. She twisted her head around and back on me, and I could feel my tip reaching to the back of her throat.

I scrabbled at my shirt, sitting up just enough to yank it off over my head. I had been feeling ridiculous, sitting there naked from the waist down with a Batman teeshirt on.

Shawn let all of my dick slide free from her mouth except the head, then pushed me back in. She bobbed slowly on me, her wet, eager mouth consuming me over and over. I moaned my approval of her definitely expert work. My hands rose and buried themselves in that incredible mass of scarlet curls atop her head. I held that head loosely, careful not to let my urge choke her.

"Oh shit," I suddenly exclaimed as Shawn suddenly took a whole lot more of me into her mouth. My cock felt itself more constricted as it slid past the back of her mouth and into her throat. "Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit," I gabbled in glee.

She pulsed me in and out of her throat several times. Never quite all the way to the root, but who the fuck cares? Then she let me slide entirely free as she took a deep gasp of air, a twinkle in her eyes.

I shuddered and shook my head to restore my brain function. Then I took the opportunity to reach down and grasp the teeshirt she wore. I had no top on, why should she, right? As I tugged at it, Shawn rose on her knees and let her arms languidly flow upward. I tugged the shirt up, her tits bouncing into view as the cotton relinquished its hold on them. I drank in the sight of those dark, round aureoles, and the mounded, round nipples, surmounting those tits and begging for attention. As I discarded the shirt, Shawn grabbed my dick and rubbed its head all over her suddenly naked tits. She hissed in pleasure as she bumped me over her hyper-sensitive nipples.

Idly, she pressed me in between her mounds and pressed them together. She did not have the mass to fully encompass me, as the other women who had done this for me had, but she happily stroked me up and down along her slopes long enough to draw a low, happy groan from my lips.

She pulled me to my feet, and bent down before me, sucking me back in. She bobbed up and down some more, at a more shallow depth. But then she released my shaft and grabbed my ass. Her fingers dug appreciatively into my glutes... and then she pulled my forward to thrust into her mouth. I heard a wet, almost choke, and I pulled back swiftly. She let me withdraw, but then she pulled me into her again. Again I heard the wet, somehow achingly arousing noise of my triggering of her gag reflex, and I pulled back.

But she kept pulling me into her. And on about the seventh or eighth thrust, I felt myself penetrate past the back of her mouth smoothly! I still pulled back, and she pulled me forward again.

I'm not smart, but I get the idea eventually.

I felt her hands stop tugging me, but remain resting gently on my backside and I tentatively started thrusting on my own. She took my stroke easily, though I'll admit I went fairly shallow. I thrust again. I was mewling with delight as I found myself fucking Shawn's face.

It wasn't long before I was thrusting smoothly, grunting softly with each movement of my hips. She took every thrust easily, staring up at me almost arrogantly. I had wanted an experience where I felt like I was in the driver's seat. Well, this was it. In spades.

Inevitably, I got carried away, and I rammed myself down her throat hard enough to seriously gag her. She jerked back a bit, and I could not contain myself from jacking another drive into her lips before I could control myself and slip free of her mouth.

"Fuck, sorry," I exclaimed in concern.

"No, {cough}, no problem," Shawn said, meaning it, despite the tears on her cheeks. "I'm doing pretty much what I'm trying to, when I make you lose control like that!" She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, and looked up at me with a deep look. "But I think I'd like to take this opportunity to get what I've been waiting for. I need for you to screw me, Will."