A Rewarding Marraige Ch. 02

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Bobbi gets surprised twice.
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Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 10/03/2022
Created 03/03/2010
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Approaching 35 years of being married, Bobbi and Joshua Greenberg reflect on their time together. Each of the partners will give you their perspective on why their romance has lasted so long. This is Part 1 of a multi-part series. Give it time to heat up.

This is a work of fiction where I have taken some historic liberties and a few suggestions from the woman who has been married to me for almost the same amount of time as has Bobbi and Joshua.

A Rewarding Marriage - Chapter 2

This is a continuation of Chapter 1, taking place in the past, 1972 to be specific. There is a slow build to the sex, as this is a romantic story. There is a little twist toward the end of the chapter.

The Past 1972 – Joshua

I had just met the girl some 10 hours ago. She literally stumbled into my life and here I was on a plane to Japan. I felt like a horse’s ass, when I told Bobbi that “I wanted to keep in touch” knowing full well that I would be traveling around the world for at least the next 12 months for my new job with a large financial institution.

People say that there can be no love at first sight, but I beg to differ. Smart, beautiful, sexy and very satisfying in bed and I leave her with that lame expression. I would try to call Bobbi when I landed.

Unfortunately, by the time my plane landed in Japan, got settled into the company owned apartment, I was taken to dinner by my colleagues from my company who had been working in Japan for a few months. I never did make that call that night, nor tried to make the call for a few days which turned into weeks.

Bobbi -

I was hysterical when I arrived at my apartment. How stupid could I be for allowing myself to have the feelings for someone I had just met only to be turned away like a piece of 10-day old bread.

“Keep in touch.” Those hollow words meant nothing after a day of passion. I have never been so sexually charged and satisfied than I was after sharing a bed with Joshua. He knew how to touch me in all the right places, say the right things and kept me cumming for hours. Now, the bastard is on some plane with a promise to “keep in touch.”

I too had a new job waiting on Monday. I was to start off, as Joshua kidded, “To save the world” as I was going to be one of the staff attorneys at the Legal Society. The founder and managing partner of the firm had a policy of having the new attorneys work the first year doing pro bono work, assisting those who had nowhere to turn and had no money for legal representation. The legal society hires two attorneys out of law school each year. They hired two female attorneys this year, which was very unusual for the time. I had met the other new attorney, Abby passing in the halls during our interviews.

Sleep that night did not come easy nor did it on Sunday. Monday was the start of my career and I wanted to conquer the world. Still, I could not get Joshua out of my mind. So much so, that after I showered on Monday morning, my fingers went down to my hairy mound as I idly began to rub my clit. I spread my lips, found the little nub and closed my eyes as I retraced the royal fucking I received.

I moved to the bed, opened the night table and picked up my vibrator. I turned the setting to low and began moving it on and around my clit and my cunt. I drenched the sheets and my bush as I gave myself a great orgasm, thinking about that cock.

I needed to take another quick shower as I did not want the smell of sex to be the first thing my new employer noticed when I walked into his office.

Abby and I met by surprise walking through the doors of the building where the Legal Society’s offices were located. We had only seen each other in passing, but I was pleased that the firm decided to go with another female attorney.

“I don’t know if you remember, but we passed each other in the hall during our interviews. I’m Bobbi Gold and I guess you are the other new attorney that is coming to work here?”

“Abby, Abby Weiss” came the reply as Abby stuck out her hand to shake mine. “Looks like we will be working together.”

“I’m looking forward to it.”

We made our way to the second floor where the Legal Society had its offices. We had the entire floor. We were greeted by the receptionist.

“Bobbi and Abby, I remember you from the interviews. Congratulations. If you don’t remember my name is Stacy Hart. Let me show you your offices and then bring you to meet Sam.”

Abby and I were both surprised when we were lead into the one room with two large desks. The view faced the avenue, the desks were oak and the walls were lined with bookcases filled with law books. It was very impressive and to be honest, I thought we would have no more than a small cubicle, being new attorneys.

“It is the policy of the firm that the first year attorneys share an office as they will be working side by side on many cases” Stacy said. “Sam does not believe in treating his people like infants, especially the first year attorneys. He wants to make them comfortable as they prepare to take their boards and deal with the clients that will come your way.”

“That’s right” a man’s voice from just inside the doorway sounded. “I don’t believe in putting the first year people in a closet size cubicle, barely able to stand. How productive can that be?”

We turned around to see the founder of the firm walking toward us. I started to say something. “Hello, Mr.” and was stopped.

“No Mr. here! Sam is fine. We are all on a first name basis. Bobbi and Abby welcome. Glad you decided to save a little part of the world with us. If you need anything, let me or Stacy know. While Stacy has only been here a few months, she kind of runs the place. I know you have an orientation meeting for most of the day. Let’s try to catch up around four this afternoon so I can get you started on a few things. Sound okay?”

“Sure” we both responded together.

My impression of Sam that day was the same as the day he interviewed me. He was probably in his early 50’s, very distinguished looking, about six feet tall, with salt and pepper hair with a large moustache. Looking back, it reminds me of the one the actor Sam Elliott has. Unless he has to go into court, he never wears a tie he told me. Stacy appeared to be about 40 but looked closer to 30.

The first day turned into weeks as both Abby and I were overwhelmed by the number of cases we were being asked to work on. About two months into the job, Stacy stopped by my desk with a note. “Someone by the name of Joshua called. He was looking for you. I asked him if he was a client, but he said no, but could he talk to you. I told him that you were in conference and could he leave a number so you could return his call. He said he would try to call back”

Truthfully, I haven’t had time to think about him. We were so busy with one case after another, it was a matter of out of sight out of mind.

“Hey, who is that guy” Abby asked.

“Long story, tell you about it over dinner tonight.” Abby and I had become very good friends over the past few months. This was one secret I never talked about. Abby was slightly taller than me, smaller in other areas, but with her natural red hair and firm tits, could also stop traffic.

“Stacy, do me a favor. If that guy calls again, please tell him that I no longer work here.” No he’s not a stalker, but I prefer him not knowing I’m at this firm. Okay?”

“Not a problem.”

Abby and I went to a small local Italian restaurant for dinner. As promised, I told her all about Joshua. “He made my toes curl.”

“You haven’t really forgotten about him, have you?”

“I don’t know if I was expecting anything other than a one-night stand. But I thought there was more.”

“Listen, these things will pass. You will meet someone that will make you forget him. How about double dating this Saturday? My boyfriend’s college roommate is in town. He’s good looking and he just started out in his father’s real estate business. Just dinner.”

“I don’t know.”

“Have you been out since we started working?”


“It’s just dinner.”

“Okay. Just dinner.”

“Real casual. Jeans are fine. How about you meet us at the restaurant at 8?”

“That’s fine” as Abby gave me the name of the local place.

The next morning Stacy told me that Joshua called again. “I told him that you no longer worked here and did not know where you were now working. He pressed me for more details, but I didn’t budge. I think he finally got the message.”

“Thank you.”

Joshua -

When I finally got the nerve to call Bobbi, I left a message with the receptionist and then called again a few days later. At that time I was told that she had left the Legal Society and the receptionist could not provide a forwarding employer.

I realized how much I missed her, but I was stuck half-way around the world and would be here for the next few months.

I was involved with my work, with little time for socializing with my colleagues from the bank. But my mind always brought me back to Bobbi.

Bobbi -

The Saturday date was a disaster. I had nothing in common with Abby’s boyfriend’s college roommate. All he wanted to do was talk about his father’s business of buying buildings, moving people out in the name of progress.

I went home alone that night.

On Sunday afternoon, Abby stopped by my apartment to apologize for the date gone bad.

“Hey, it wasn’t your fault. You didn’t know that the guy was so self-centered that nothing else mattered when it came to getting people out of their apartments so that his family could build buildings that only the rich can afford.”

Abby stayed for an early dinner and she left early enough that I had time to review the agenda for our meetings for the upcoming week.

We had all day meetings on Monday and Tuesday as we laid out the plans for handling some medical problems our clients were having with the local hospital. We were representing about 100 people from the community who were suing the hospital for closing the medical clinic. The clinic was the only form of medical care they received.

We had one last meeting on Wednesday morning involving a few paralegals and Sam. The meeting was almost over when I told Sam that Stacy had a few papers I needed for him to review before Abby and I went to the hospital.

I walked into the reception area with my head down, not paying attention to the surroundings when I heard, “Hello Bobbi.”

I stopped in my tracks and looked up. Joshua. I started yelling. “Why are you here? Weren’t you told I wasn’t working here any more?”

“Obviously that information was wrong” he said with a wry smile.

I continued yelling things I can’t remember to this day. The next thing I know Sam is coming out of the conference room at a full pace. I stopped my yelling when I saw Sam. I was still fuming when Sam moved closer to me and Joshua who had moved toward me.

Trying to manage some sort of decorum when I was totally pissed off, I said “Sam, I would like you to meet” and the rest of the words didn’t come out as Joshua interrupted me.

“Hello dad.”

“Dad. Sam is your Dad?”

Pointing to himself he said, “Joshua Greenberg” then pointing to his dad, “Sam Greenberg.”

“Hello son” as Sam went to greet Joshua with a big bear hug. “It’s good to see you again.”

“Dad, you know this wasn’t planned but circumstances you know about made me come home.”

Meanwhile, I’m standing there with my mouth wide open, fuming. My face must have been two darker than my normal complexion. Sensing my irritation Joshua began to speak.

“There is no way I can apologize enough for leaving you the way I did. I thought I knew what was important to me when I got on that plane. I thought that was it, but in these months away from you I realized that what I thought was important was not as important as being here today. When I was told that you left the company, I naturally called my dad, filling him in on some of the details. I swore him to secrecy about my flying home and coming to the office to see you.”

I didn’t know who I was angrier at, Joshua or his dad.

“I told my company that I had to get home, regardless of the consequences. Fortunately, a position opened up in New York and I can defer my global responsibilities for a few years. I would have quit the company had I not been allowed to transfer to New York.

“Bobbi, why don’t you take the rest of the day off? Meet me at the hospital tomorrow at noon.” Sam said. “Abby can finish up. Go.”

“Please Bobbi, let’s find a place to talk.”

Reluctantly, “Fine.”

Joshua -

I listened at lunch. After Bobbi had said what she had to say, I said to her “I was wrong, I do not know how else to tell you I’m sorry. But I came home for you, not the job. You have to believe that.”

“The one night we spent together was magical. I never experienced anything like that. I didn’t know I could feel this way about anyone. Can we try to start over, or start from the time just before I left for the airport? I want you in my life.”

Tears were coming down Bobbi’s face. “Yes, we can try. I want to” she said, as she reached out to take my hand. We spent the rest of the afternoon in this small tavern, talking, me, mostly listening.

“How about we go for some dinner? I know of a great restaurant, not too far from here,” I said smiling knowing just where the restaurant was located.

Bobbi returned the smile and replied, “Checkered tablecloths, romantic lighting and great food?”

“You know the place?”

“Yes, let’s go.”

We got up from the table and I moved to give her a hug, not knowing what to expect. I reached around her body bringing her face to face with me, my arms around her waist.

“You don’t know how much I missed you” Bobbi said.

“It can’t be anywhere nearly as much as I missed you.”

I pulled her closer and we shared our first kiss in months. “I love you” Bobbi said.

I kissed her again and said nothing.

Dinner would have to wait. As soon as we were in the apartment, we struggled to get out of our clothes. We were naked in record time.

I spread her legs and went to my knees as I sunk my face into her hairy pussy. I was glad to see that Bobbi maintained her full, thick bush. I licked her hairy slit from the top of her slit to the bottom, near her asshole. I pushed my face into the mass of unruly hair that surrounded her sex. In no time, Bobbi was very wet and I was able to find her hard clit peeking through the mass of hair.

Avoiding her sensitive nub at the beginning, I now concentrated on locking my lips on that pleasure spot and at the same time, inserted two fingers into her cunt. I started to finger fuck Bobbi, slowly at first, and at the same time, began my assault on her pleasure button. Bobbi became weak at the knees as she began moaning and moving her lower body to get my fingers to go further into her cunt and my lips to maintain contact with her clit.

“Right there. Oh. Right there. I’ve missed this. Please go faster with your tongue and fingers.

My fingers and tongue moved as one as I used my free hand to keep Bobbi from falling down. She was getting close to cumming as she began to buck her hips trying to move her cunt down on my fingers. Her cunt was so wet that I saw her cunt juices on the sides of her legs.

“Yes, yes, oh yes,” and she exploded screaming “ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, yes, yessssssssssssss.” She collapsed on the floor. I picked her up and carried her into the bedroom where joined her and held on to her as she came down from her orgasm. I kissed her gently on the lips while caressing her back and with my hand, moving down to her butt. I let her take control.

Bobbi –

To say I was surprised when I saw Joshua was an understatement. Knowing his dad was my boss was an even bigger shock. I agreed to go to lunch.

We talked. Actually, I did most of the talking. I knew in my heart that I loved this man. We went back to the restaurant where we first had dinner a few months ago. Joshua explained that the brownstone belonged to his dad but he never comes here.

His tongue on my cunt was magical. I came so hard and was so wet I needed to lie down after I came.

We were snuggling in bed and he began to kiss me ever so slightly on the lips. I returned his kisses and reached for him under the covers. His cock was so very hard. I teased him with both my hands, caressing the tip of his cock and the underside at the same time. While I wanted him in me, I also wanted to make him come with my hands. To me, watching a man cum by jerking him off, after teasing him for a while, is the ultimate trip.I moved to sit up and told Joshua, to relax and enjoy.

I continued to play with his cock, alternating jerking it and teasing it alternating feathery touches on the tip to moving my hand up and down on his hard meat. I played with his balls and continued my work on his cock until I saw some of his pre-cum. I bent over to taste it and swirl my tongue on the tip.

“Feels so good. You’ve got me so hard” as he started to jerk his hips off the bed to meet my pulling of his cock.

It was time to let him cum. Joshua was moaning and moving his hips up and down, trying to keep pace with my hands. Finally, “I’m cumming, cumming, yes cumming.” He exploded with streams and streams of hot cum coating his stomach and my hand. It must have been a while since he jerked off as he continued to produce ropes of cum. Then, after seven spurts he was done.

“You rest, I said, let me make some dinner.” I did not bother to dress as I prepared pasta and salad. I brought it to bed and we ate in bed, watching some nonsense on the television. We shared a bottle of wine and fed each other. When we were done, Joshua cleaned the remnants from dinner off the bed and came back to cuddle.

Joshua –

I always thought that being jerked off by a girl was the ultimate power trip by the girl. And Bobbi controlled my emotions for the better part of fifteen minutes before she allowed me to cum. It had been a few days since I jerked off so I unloaded a huge amount of cum onto my stomach and into her hands. She cooked dinner. Seeing her get out of bed, watching her ass move had me hard again in a few minutes. After dinner we held onto each other watch some show on television. We didn’t speak.

After a while Bobbi turned to me and said, “Make love to me.”

Bobbi moved onto her back and I was in awe, once again, of how she looked naked. Her tits, always her tits, were large and her nipples were so hard. She had this incredible bush of unruly dark brown hair that made my cock even harder. I entered her cunt and ever so slowly began to thrust in and out. She was so wet it was easy to move inside her. I was about to speed up, but Bobbi stopped me and said, “No rush, I want this to last. I love you.” And with those words, she put her lips to mine and we had the longest kiss imaginable and I continued my slow love making.

I turned her on her side to face me so we could continue to kiss but where I was able to use my hands to play with those tits. I mauled them, grabbing both tits in my hands and roughly played with them. Moving to her nipples, I alternated pinching them and using my lips on them.

“Oh my! Oh my!” was all that Bobbi said.

After a while she moved away from me and went on her knees. I moved behind her and began to fuck her from behind. Ever so slowly, I sank my cock into her hairy cunt with my cock touching places I could not reach when I was on top of her. I continued to move slowly in her cunt. I reached around and found her clit. I began to rub her sensitive button while continuing to fuck.

“Feels so good, so very good. I am so fucking wet and so horny, I need to cum. Need to cum” Bobbi was screaming.

I decided to pick up the pace. There were no objections as Bobbi moved her head down into a pillow and at the same time raised her butt so I could penetrate her at a deeper angle. I began to thrust into her cunt with more urgency, grabbing her hips for control. Bobbi reached under her legs, pushed my hand away and started to furiously rub her clit.