A Ride to Heaven and Back Ch. 06

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A old friend remembered, Dev has a jackass moment.
5.2k words

Part 6 of the 14 part series

Updated 10/18/2022
Created 06/05/2008
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Jack volunteered to go to the courthouse to pick up Devlin and then the two of them would go to pick up the rental car. Reni spent the morning helping Annie with the house and their children, she had been refused at first, but it went against her grain to take advantage of the woman's hospitality and not offer at least, and she enjoyed spending time with the two children while they played in a wading pool in the back yard. She found herself wondering what it would be like once her and Dev got married. She knew he wanted kids, and she did too, she was just in no real hurry.

When he arrived at the house, she met him at the door, and he hugged her tight. "Hey sugar, it's only been overnight."

"Feels like forever." It was true, she had barely slept without him being there beside him.

Their room was actually a guest room and once in it, Dev laid back on the bed. "I hate jail cells. The bunks never fit me right."

"How many jails have you been in Dev?"

He grinned. "Just twice; one when I was nineteen and got busted for MIP and the one last night, more than enough for me sweetheart. By the way, I've invited Jack and Annie out to dinner tonight, which means we get to play dress up. Dress up, reservations the whole thing. From what I was told, the place is very much the kind of place a fiancee takes his love for a romantic evening of dining, dancing and whatever else comes to mind."

Reni liked the way he said "whatever" in that deep, sexy tone of his. "Hmm, and what sort of whatever do you have in mind Dev?"

She watched as his eyes roamed over the top and shorts she had put on after a shower this morning. Normally she would have never bought an outfit like this, but the woman at the store had suggested it as something more for her man's pleasure than hers. "All men like eye candy dear, and you have the natural figure to fill out the top just the way the designer intended. And I must say that you have the legs for the shorts as well. Ah to be so young again..." She already intended to wear that special nightgown she had picked out as well. Black, clinging and slit up both sides to her hip, while the top plunged down both the front and the back.

"The sort of whatever that makes a man hot for his woman and drives all rational thought from his brain. The kind of whatever that..."

A knock on the door interrupted whatever he was going to say, and he opened it to find Annie smiling up at him. "Sorry to interrupt you two, but I have some errands to run, and since you were so nice to invite us out tonight, I'll be gone a while, taking the kids to my mom's. I don't know for sure what time I'll be back, feel free to fix something to eat, watch television, whatever comes to mind..." The smile turned knowing as she shifted her gaze back and forth between them, "see you later."

He shut the door once she was out of view and turned his attention back to Reni. "Now what were we discussing? Oh yes, the kind of whatever I had in mind." He went to where she stood and reached out to draw her to him. "The kind of whatever that a man who spent the night without his woman in a very dreary jail cell has in mind. The kind that makes him want to strip off her clothes, drag her into the shower with him and take it from there."

Reni smiled as she wrapped her arms around his neck, "There you go Dev, talking and not doing again." She nibbled at his chin and felt his hands begin to do just what he had said. His kiss was savage, and she answered it with all the hunger she had in her. The clerk had called the outfit eye candy; obviously neither she nor the designer had ever seen a hungry man rip into a candy bar before. Devlin had her stripped and was literally lifting her up off her feet to carry her into the bathroom before she knew what was happening. The whole time his mouth never left hers and when she did realize what was going on, she had to rush to get his shirt off while he held her up against the back of the shower wall to strip off his pants and kick off his shoes. She had realized he was strong, but to do it all one handed sent a thrill through her. "Oh Dev, yes..."

He turned on the shower and not even the blast of cold water could make the heat she felt as he pushed his way into her waiting pussy go away, her temperature was rising and so was his. "God Reni, you make me so fucking hot, I was burning for you yesterday and for the first time in my life, I wanted to honestly kill a man for laying even a finger what was mine. I wanted to tear that bastard limb from limb." He was plunging in and out of her harder and faster than ever before and she clung to him as he kissed her neck, then bit it and sucked at the tender skin. "You're mine Reni, mine and no one else will ever touch you again."

Reni understood what he meant. She felt the same way about him, he was hers, and she would tear the eyes out of any other woman who even tried to come between the two of them. "Dev, oh yes Dev, I'm yours, I'll always be yours." Her body tensed as she suddenly felt the first of her climax slide over her, it was hard and powerful and it threatened to send her off balance. "Dev, oh my god, I'm coming Dev, yes, like that, I don't know what you're doing, but don't stop, don't fucking stop...!!!"

Devlin heard her words and grinned as he kept rotating his hips while he fucked her over and over. The guy at the little sex shop had been right, the cock ring was giving her that little something special and it also gave him more lasting power as well. He thought of the other few goodies in the bag that held his clothes from the jail, and misc. oils, rubs and a couple little toys. Jack had told him the store was the best in town, and had picked up a couple little surprises for his own woman as well. It promised to be one hell of a long day and night.

Sasha Devanraux fired up his truck and rubbed his sore jaw. He wasn't going to forget Reni, or that son of a bitch Devlin Morris. Somewhere down the road, they would all meet again and this time he would come out on top. He had spent the last three years looking for her, hoping that she would cross his path again, and now that she had, he wasn't going to let her out of his sights again. He would just have to remember one thing, she was all about the money, her being with Morris told him that. He lit a cigarette, shoved the gearshift into granny low and started back out on his run. Yeah, they would meet again, and that damn lot lizard and her rich man would see that he was not a man to forget.

Devlin and Jack were standing at the bar in the living room when Annie came out. She had been in helping Reni dress and now she looked at both her husband and Devlin with a knowing smile. To be honest with herself, she would have worried about Jack's reaction if she didn't know just how much he loved her, and if she wasn't fully aware of how much Devlin and Reni loved each other. As it was, she was sure Devlin was going to go crazy when he saw Reni in the dress she was wearing.

"Close your eyes, both of you, and be sure to put your glasses down before you do, I don't want broken glass or spilled whiskey on my carpet, understood?" When the two men had done as she said, she called out to Reni, "Okay, its safe..."

Reni sounded nervous as she answered back. "Are you sure, it's been a while since I got dressed up like this."

"I'm sure, now get out here." Annie liked the younger woman, she had always been intimidated by taller woman and women who were larger than her, but Reni was different. They had spent their time getting dressed talking and getting to know each other and it hadn't taken her long to realize that the younger woman was more like a nervous little girl about some things then she was about others. She wasn't as spoiled or snobbish about being rich either. She just shrugged off that she had gone to a private school, had always had the best in life. For Annie, who had grown up in this town and never gone anywhere or done anything until she met Jack, it had sounded like the woman was no different than her in a lot of respects.

Reni stepped into the room and looked at her. "Well...?"

Annie smiled. "I think I should have let them finish their drinks first. Okay guys, you can open your eyes now..."

The two men looked at Reni and Jack let out with a long wolf whistle. "Oh my gods, Dev are you sure you want to take her out in public in that outfit, if it was Annie, I'd be building a steel cage around her."

Dev was thinking the same thing, but in his view, it would be reinforced concrete, with barbed wire, and land mines. All the different ways he had seen her so far were nothing compared to what he saw now. The dress was gorgeous, and it hugged her body perfectly. It was a mixture of black, deep dark blue and a royal purple that all intermingled and the top looked at first like it was strapless, until you saw that the back was fitted so it had long sleeves and a short little jacket like effect over the front. It hugged her female lines and flared a bit from her waist, but the left side ended abruptly about half way down her left thigh, and then cut diagonally across the front and back to fall mid calf on the right.

He had never seen her anything but boots and running shoes, but now she wore black high heels that tied up around her ankles and calves and the heel was a short form of stiletto. The dress was so breathtaking that he didn't even notice her hair was up until she coughed as if to remind him she had a face. "Oh my fucking god and I didn't think you could look anymore beautiful to me. Remind me to send that lady at the shop a bonus..." He was already getting hard just looking at her and he wondered if he could just send Annie and Jack to dinner while he and Reni stayed here. He had planned on taking the rental car to dinner, but now he picked up his drink, downed the rest of his whiskey and looked at Jack. "Sorry son, you're driving."

Jack chuckled, "how did I know that was coming..."

Devlin walked up to Reni. "Not yet son, but close, damn close..."

Reni blushed and Annie joined her husband in the laughter. "Remember when you looked at me like that?"

Jack looked down at his wife and smiled. "Honey, I've never stopped looking at you like that, take my word for it...seven years of marriage, and you are still the hottest woman I know, and believe me, I will prove it to you when I get you home tonight."

The restaurant was busy, but it seemed like everything stopped dead when they walked in, Jack was sure that neither Reni nor Devlin noticed but he and Annie, did. How could the couple with them not stop everything around them? Devlin was tall, dark, and good looking beyond words, and Reni, well Reni was gorgeous. Not as gorgeous as his Annie, but still a knock out. He was sure as they were shown to their table that every man in the place was getting a stiff one just watching how Reni moved in that dress, and the women must be creaming their panties just looking how at how well Devlin filled out his suit jacket and pants. That they had eyes only for each other was clear as day as well, and he was sure a lot of the couples in the place would remember this night simply for having seen the two of them together.

Jack was sure Devlin didn't remember him; they had met many times in their younger days, when he had been on the road and Devlin Morris had been just another driver on the road instead of being the boss of DM trucking. But Jack had remembered him. It was hard to forget the man who had seemed so determined to make his dreams come true and was willing to work himself into the ground to do it. He was sure there were a lot of men out there on the road, who never connected the truck driver Devlin to DM trucking, but Jack had known the minute he had pulled up to help the couple coming down off the hill with brakes smoking and they had jumped out of the rig.

When the waiter came asking about drinks or something from the bar, old habits came into play, a driver learned when he could drink and when he couldn't and tonight was too special to let alcohol muddy anyone's brains. Devlin did ask for something special if it was possible and the waiter brought them four fruit decorated tall glasses. "A specialty of the house, I hope you all enjoy it sir."

He looked around the table and smiled as he raised his glass. "A toast, to old friends," his eyes went directly to Jack, who looked back in surprise. "To new friends," it was Annie's turn this time, and she blushed under his dark gaze, "And to the love I thought I would never find..." He turned his gaze to Reni and saw her smoldering one looking back. "Salute..." They joined glasses and at the first drink, he wondered if the bartender had screwed up, but then he realized it was the mixture of tea, and assorted juices that made you think different. When he looked at Jack, he grinned. "It took me a while Jack, I admit it, but I pride myself on my memory and I knew from the start I knew you from somewhere."

"That was a long time ago Dev, and I admit I wondered if you would. Of course, I knew who you were right off. Man starts off with one beat up old truck and builds it up into what you have, well, I still remember how you used to talk about your dreams when we met up for coffee or a meal out there on the road." He looked at his wife and Reni. "I remember this one place in Cheyenne, seemed anytime I was there, Devlin was too, and there was this waitress, she'd see us coming and have a table, coffee and our order already in by the time we got sat down. Told us both she could damn near set her watch by us."

Reni looked at him. "And I bet she was madly in love with you both..."

Devlin shook his head. "We were both just kids compared to her; the love of her life was a big old boy from the Deep South named Leroy Jenkins. He'd come in and you could figure on cold coffee, mixed up orders and her having to be called three or four times before she answered. Never saw two people so in love with each other, finally one night he comes in, looks at her and in front of all of us, asks her when the hell she was going to finally take off that apron and go home with him where she belonged. That was the last time we saw either of them."

Jack grinned. "Actually, I ran into them just before I left the road, down in Natchez. They opened up a soul food place and she was back wearing that apron while old Leroy made up the best barbecue in the world. Had five or six kids, and as I remember, had one on the way."

Reni looked at him in surprise. "You're talking about the couple that own a place called "The End of the Road Truck Shack". I've been there, the place started out as an old truck trailer and grew up from there. I got a ride down that way with Norm. Said he couldn't let me go without letting me talk to these folks. Actually they have ten now, and from what the wife told me, that was it. Man, talk about some stories. Wow, I could have written a whole book about them, not to mention the food. I was sorry as hell to leave once I tasted the cooking. As it was I ended up staying longer than I intended and Norm had to go on." A frown crossed her face. "That was where I met Sasha."

Dev looked at her. "No, no dredging up bad memories or good ones unless they involve me. This is our night, he's long gone and he won't be bothering you ever again."

Reni nodded, but as she sipped her drink, she couldn't help but remember the look in Sasha's eyes or the tone of his voice. Somehow she was sure Dev was wrong, Sasha knew how to find her now, and she was sure that they hadn't seen the last of him.

Devlin moved her around the dance floor and thought how well they fit together. She seemed to know how to move with him and he wondered how she had learned to dance so well.

"Three years of dance class will teach anyone how to do it Dev..." she spoke softly. "Dance class, piano lessons, the whole list of accomplishments expected of a young lady in society. Part of the hassles of being rich, you have certain things that are expected of you and they never let you forget. Even if my parents had wanted to, the rest of the family wouldn't. I know most of them considered mom and dad to be fools for indulging my little "whims" as they considered them as it was. My uncle James about had a fit when mom told him that I was taking off for the open road as it was. And my aunt, while being a little more understanding simply couldn't let me go without taking the time to warn me about how foolish I was being and how dangerous it was out in the real world."

"I wonder what they say when we go to your home and you will introduce me as "my husband..." Devlin chuckled.

"Oh, that reminds me, mom said to give you a message, a quickie wedding in Reno is fine with her and dad, simply to get us home sooner, but you better be prepared for one big gala wedding later on in exchange."

"So who are they meeting first, Devlin the truck driver, or Devlin the businessman?"

She stepped on his toe. "They are meeting Devlin the man I love and adore, period. I don't care if you meet them in jeans, and a tee shirt, or an Armani suit, or bare ass naked. Well, maybe not naked, I don't want to give anyone a heart attack over your gorgeous body, and I certainly don't want any of my female cousins raping your ass, but I don't care how you choose to meet them."

He heard the tone in her voice and knew she was telling him the truth. She was in love with him as the man, not who or what he was. Still, he had to ask. "Reni, tell me the truth, would you marry me even if I wasn't the man who owns DM Trucking?"

He had screwed up; he knew it the minute he asked that he had committed the "JACKASS MOMENT OF THE CENTURY". She stopped dead and for the first time in their time together, he saw true pain and hurt in her eyes. He could have hurt her less if he had slapped her black and blue, but listening to her talk about her family he had needed to know. As he reached for her to say he was sorry, she shook her head, and stepped back. "Reni...I..."

"No, no..." Pushing her way off the dance floor, he watched as she headed for the exit and disappeared into the night.

Reni walked along the street uncaring that her makeup was running or that she was crying so hard she couldn't see where she was going. How could he ask her such a thing? Hadn't they talked about this in Arizona? She loved him, not who he was or would be. She didn't care how much money he had, or what kind of clothes he wore. So her family was rich, she didn't live for their approval like some might, she hadn't been brought up that way, her parents had learned from her real mother's mistakes and swore they would never do to her what they had done to her mother.

She felt herself bump into something and looking up she saw he was tall and husky and he smelled of something foul. "Hey there lady, how you doing tonight..."

Every city in the world had a place like this part of town. Old, run down, neglected. She didn't know how long she had been walking or where she had been heading, she had just needed to get away from Devlin...now she saw that she had made a mistake, she was a million miles from him and this was not a good place for her to be. "I...I'm sorry, excuse me...I..." She started to walk around him, BUT he stepped in front of her again.

"Hey darlin', what's your hurry." He reached out and gripped her arm. "That's a nice dress you got on; I bet you'd look even better without it. I got money if that's what you're looking for, how much for a couple hours of you out of it..."

Oh lord, why did men think money was her entire life, even dressed up to look her best; they thought she was a whore. First Dev, then Sasha, and now a fucking drunk who probably spent more time in the bottle then he did in reality. "Please, just let me go. I need to find my way back to my friend's house; I took a wrong turn a few a streets back..." No matter how hard she tried to pull away from him, his grip was as strong as Dev's. "I'm not...I'm not what you think I am...please..."