A Ride to Heaven and Back Pt. 02 Ch. 07

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A weekend away for Reni and Dev.
5k words

Part 14 of the 14 part series

Updated 10/18/2022
Created 06/05/2008
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Author's Note:

Okay, this one is to make up for all the months I made you go without Reni and Dev. I admit I decided you all needed a break from all the troubles and tribulations the two of them have been suffering. It was pretty clear to me that Dev and Reni needed a break from them too, so the following is a weekend getaway at a fancy hotel and you can guess the two of them didn't just sit around all weekend playing cards or lounging by the pool. If anything I just wonder how bad the bill was by the time the two of them got around to checking out.



Additional Note:

I really hate characters that won't let writers get a decent night's sleep. Reni and Dev decided I hadn't done enough when I dropped took a break and proceeded to not only invade my dreams, but wake me up in the middle of the night and make me face the glare of a computer screen before my first cup of coffee. Of all the rude, inconsiderate pain in the ass children...I thought my real ones were bad enough. Bah, back to work.



Reni Morris paid the taxi driver and headed into the hotel before even looking to see if the bellboy was bringing her bag. She was fill with an anticipation that she knew was from being able to spend the weekend away from all the problems that seemed to be a part of her and Dev's life. The last week had been a frenzy of activity getting the ombudsman program set up to help the wives and families of Dev's drivers keep in contact and to have a place to talk about any concerns and fears they had with their husbands on the road for a good share of their time. There was also the news that her real father had found a place just outside of Seattle where he could set up a base on the West coast and be close to his renewed relationship with her real mother and half sister and brother.

At the desk of the hotel, she worked to keep her heartbeat regular and catch her breath as she remembered how Dev had called her that morning and told her to pack a bag and meet him at five in the afternoon in the penthouse suite. He hadn't explained too much of what was happening except to say that they would be there for the weekend and to pack accordingly. He would take care of everything else.

"Can I help you?" A woman with a smile and a badge reading M. Andrews stepped up to the other side.

"I'm Reni Morris, I was told to meet my husband here in the penthouse this afternoon."

The look of doubt that crossed the woman's face didn't surprise Reni; she was used to it in fact. She hardly fit the idea of what a man like Dev's wife should be in looks or figure. Everyone in Seattle knew of the self-made man who had started with one truck and built up the huge trucking company that they could claim as their own. "I don't know if Mr. Morris has checked in, just let me check." She turned her back on Reni and went to speak to a tall, slender man with graying hair and Reni smiled as he turned to look at her.

It was obvious that Dev had spoken to the man and made sure he was aware of any problems might arise. The man looked at the woman and frowned. "I'll handle this Miss Andrews." The frown turned to a smile as he greeted Reni. "Mrs. Morris, please excuse Miss Andrews for not helping you at once. All is arranged, and please allow me to escort you to the penthouse myself." He turned back to look at Miss Andrews with a "we will discuss this later" look. "So hard to get good help these days..."

Reni wanted to give the woman a sympathetic look but couldn't. She knew she didn't fit the role, but dammit, she had grown up with money and had learned early that you expected good service no matter what you looked like if you were rich enough. In her best Rich Bitch voice she looked at the manager. "Think nothing of it; I know how hard it is for everyone these days."

The manager looked grateful for her understanding and during the ride to the top floor he expressed his hope that she and her husband would have a pleasant stay in the hotel and if they needed anything they should feel free to call and talk to him personally.

Back at the desk, the M. Andrews was being berated by the assistant manager. "Didn't they tell you when you went to work here that you keep up with the local gossip?"

"Yes, but why would she be in the gossip columns, she's nothing special and hardly the type of woman a man like Devlin Morris would take an interest in." She didn't add that the idea of a hunk like Morris being interested in a fat bitch was beyond her understanding.

"Then you need to go back and read the columns. Not only is she as rich as he is, but he married her just a week or so after they met. From what I've heard from a friend, who works at the condo building where they live, he's heard plenty of comments from their neighbors about how the two of them are long and loud in bed and no one seems to mind who hears them. So I suggest you brush up and be prepared to be called in on the carpet when Mr. Simms comes back down."

Dev was already in the Penthouse and he looked at her as she came in with the manager and bellboy in tow. She saw his frown and tried to ward off his temper if the man told him about the woman's rudeness downstairs. "Dev, this is Mr. Simms, he was kind enough to escort me up to this gorgeous suite, don't you think that was very nice of him?"

"It depends on why he felt the need to do it." Her husband didn't look convinced.

"Oh just a little misunderstanding with one of his underlings; she wasn't sure if you had checked in yet. Mister Simms was very nice in explaining you had."

"Well, I hope the next time we decide to stay here Mister Simms will make it clear to his employees that you are to be sent up whether or not I have arrived. I'd hate to have to tell the people who recommended it that we weren't happy with the service." For a minute Reni could have sworn he was her grandfather and he had been born with a silver spoon in his mouth, but then she remembered he had worked hard for what he had and he had learned it all the hard way. Moving closer into the crook of his arm she kissed his cheek. "Well, I guess we can let it go this time, and thank you Mr. Simms for escorting the most precious thing in my life up to me."

"It was my pleasure Mr. Morris." The man actually bowed and while Dev tipped the bellboy, Reni took a minute to explore the area that would be her life for the next three days.

Talk about luxury. She was instantly in love with the fireplace and the gorgeous furnishings. It was a little over done, but not to an extreme. The dining area was able to seat six, but still gave off a cozy effect and the bedroom reminded her of something out of the movies in design. When she found the way to the bathroom, she almost wanted to strip off and jump into the huge bath and swim her way to the shower.

Dev walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her. "This is actually one of the small penthouse suites. I didn't want to have to chase you from room to room." His fingers moved up to caress her breasts and she moaned as they rubbed her nipples through the fabric of her top and bra. "First rule of the weekend; no bra and no underwear of any kind for either of us. I want to be able to feel you under the sheerest things you own."

She smiled. "No wonder all I could find was my shorty nighties and worn out tee shirts and jeans. Are we even leaving the penthouse this weekend?"

"Only in case of fire or world war," He was already working to unhook her bra and covering her bare skin with his hands. "I would plan on needing to replace those worn things of yours too, because I plan to rip them off you at odd times and hours of the next seventy two hours."

"Just spare the little red nighty your mother got for me. I like it."

"I'll consider it if you do something for me."

"And that is?"

"Strip off you clothes right now and go over to the couch."

She looked at him and licked her lips. "What about you?"

"I'll get there soon enough, just do as I said and when you get to the couch, lay back on it and I'll be right back." He left her standing where she was and went out to the dining area. With a shake of her head, she did as he asked then walked naked into the front area and lay back on the couch as he had asked.

Actually it was a very comfortable thing to lie on and the pillows were soft as she snuggled her head into them. She could hear Dev doing something but didn't bother to look. He was running this show. She just hoped he didn't take too long, despite her lack of apparel the room was warm and she was beginning to relax.

She woke to her legs being repositioned and she realized that he had moved her so one leg was on the back of the couch and while the other one had her foot planted fully on the thick carpet. Dev was sitting on the couch by her legs and he was not only totally nude but he was holding a bowl of strawberries. She smiled at him and he smiled back.

"Have you ever considered baby, how much betters strawberries make everything taste better." The way he said everything made her wonder just what he had in mind. Taking one of the plump red fruit she soon discovered the answer. They were chilled and as he ran the tip of one over her nipples she felt them go taunt. Moving up so her leg on the floor was over his lap, she moaned as he licked at the small amount of juice that had been left behind. "Hmm, so tasty." He rubbed it again and this time sucked it a little harder than before. Each time he did it, she felt him suck a little harder and when the strawberry was mostly pulp he licked it up with a satisfied grin.

"Do I get to taste too?" She saw now what he had in mind and wondered what other little surprises he had in store for her.

"Oh definitely, we have an unlimited supply of strawberries, as well as chocolate ready to be melted and other little snacks that will be ours to command." He took the plumpest one in the bowl and put it to her lips. "I've arranged a late supper to be delivered. So until then we can snack on those as well as each other."

"I was wondering if I got to snack on you."

"Of course you do love, that's desert for us though, for now, you're my appetizer and no argument."

"How could I argue with you Dev, you are the reason for my existence after all." She felt him take another strawberry and this time draw a line down between her breasts and along the center of her belly. When he slid it lower into her lower hair and along the line of the plump lips the hair covered she couldn't keep from anticipating what was coming next. She found out when he circled it around her clit and down into the opening of her pussy. Once the fruit was eaten, he began to follow that same trail with his lips and tongue and she groaned as he teased and nipped at her clit then slipped his tongue into her waiting hole. "Oh Dev, how many of those do you have?"

"Enough to drive you crazy all weekend long love and I fully intend to use every one of them."

By the time the bowl was empty she was covered in juice and he had mashed the remainders to a pulp that he filled her with. Her body was in overdrive and when he at last filled her with his hard cock along with the strawberry mash she was ready to go insane. She couldn't even be concerned with the mess this would leave for the housekeeping staff. Not with him moving in and out of her and driving her crazy with his kisses and caresses.

She knew when Dev was close to his end and since he had taken her there so many times since her arrival, she did her best to help him along. It had been so long since they had been able to love each other so openly and without restraint. Running her fingers along the line of his back and across his wonderful ass she whispered words that she knew he liked to hear and felt him respond with tender bites and a stronger movement of his hips.

"Talk to me Reni; tell me all you feel right now..."

"I feel like I'm on fire Dev, you make my body hot and hungry for all you do to me."

"Hmm, you know what I want honey, tell me..."

Reni smiled. "Oh, so you want me to tell you how good it feels to have your cock slamming in and out of me and how I love the feel of your balls slapping against my ass. You want me to tell you how the feel of you hitting just so against my clit is sending little shocks of pleasure through me and the harder you fuck me, the closer I get to coming all over your luscious cock...You want to hear me scream and claw at you and then feel you begin to send all your hot, juicy come up me." She kept her voice soft and low while she used the sultry tone that sent shivers up them both. She felt her own body reacting to it and raised up to meet an inward thrust. As she did, she felt the beginnings of her climax and true to her word began to claw his back and beg him for more. "Harder Dev, fuck me harder..."

"Oh yeah baby, like that, more baby more..."

Feeling him pounding in her was more than enough to have her begging for more and knowing that no one hear them, she let it spill out of her as she felt him start to shoot deep inside of her. She felt completely worn as he came to rest on her. It was soon clear that Dev wasn't done just yet, and she found herself bent over the seat of the couch, her knees on the floor and spread open. As he slammed into again, she felt his fingers working at her ass and coldness as he slipped a finger inside her. "Dev, what...oh god, what are you doing...?" The realization that it was no finger hit her like a cold shower and yet she couldn't stop feeling the pleasure as he fucked her pussy and her ass with his cock and the plastic toy. "Dev...what?"

He chuckled in her ear. "I went shopping; I have a whole new supply of toys just for this weekend and this one is just the first. We're all alone Reni, just us and I want to spend the weekend fucking each other's brains out. "I've even told the hotel that anything that can't be cleaned will be replaced; all they have to do is send me the bill."

"So I'm trapped in this gorgeous penthouse suite all weekend long with a man who plans to totally turn me into a mindless sex slave..." She couldn't help but tease him.

"You got it baby, I even left my cell phone at home this morning and yours is hidden away."

"As if I would want it anyway, so shut up Dev and fuck me will you, I feel the need to come and if you want me mindless, you're a long way to go."

He began to fuck her harder and Reni gave herself up to the feelings he was raising in her. She loved how his cock filled her pussy and the plastic toy in her ass was vibrating harder now, making it better for both of them. She also knew he was wearing a cock ring that was set to hit her clit every time he lunged into her and it was doing its job well. Soon she was screaming and coming all over him. Not that Dev was ready to stop yet. In truth by the time he finally filled her with a gigantic load she was indeed mindless to everything but the pleasure he was giving her.

Dev watched as Reni shivered under the vibration of the dildo as it ran along her nipples then moved lower as he began to suck and nibble at the taunt grapes. When it touched her clit she whimpered and her hips bucked. God he was hotter than he had been in a long time, looking at his woman tied spread eagle to the bed, her legs totally open to whatever he wanted to do to her. He knew part of it was the freedom of privacy and as he slipped the toy up and down her come covered lower lips he licked his own lips in anticipation. Since dinner she had been at his mercy and while he felt no desire to cause her pain, he couldn't help but want to give her all the pleasure he was capable of.

Since eating they had shared a hot, relaxing bath and he had spread the hot oil over every inch of her body. The hot spicy smell had made his cock swell and her pussy grow wetter than before. Now he was teasing her and knowing that once he had her ready, he would feed her his cock and use the dildo to fuck her to another mind blowing climax. He just couldn't decide if he wanted her to suck him dry or fill her with another load of his come.

When the dildo filled her pussy with ease, he put his cock to her lips and found her mouth more than ready. She sucked him with a hunger that almost made him come right then and there, but he held off and switched the toy to high to make her even wetter.

"God, my sweet fucking woman, suck my cock baby; take it as deep as you can. I want to feel it hit the back of your throat." She did as he asked and yet kept from gagging on it. "Oh honey, we needed this so bad, the freedom to love each other so openly." She drew her head back and swirled her tongue around his cockhead and he smiled as she took him deep again. "I know the toy isn't as good in your pussy as my cock, but it will have to do for now, I need your mouth so bad."

Reni made a little purring noise and he knew she wasn't complaining. He never stopped wondering what he had done to deserve a woman like Reni in his life. What he did know was that whatever he had done he had no regrets.

As always when she was sucking him off, he felt himself getting close and groaned. "Suck it baby, suck me off. I've got such a hot load for you and once I fill your mouth and throat, I am going to dive in on that sweet hot clit of yours and chew it until you beg me to stop." Even as he finished, he began to blow off and once he was done, he buried his face between her legs and began to suck and lick at her clit until she began to tremble and shake below him. Not just once but until it seemed like she was continuously coming around the toy and his mouth.

Her final scream was enough to make the bed shake and she began to beg him to stop. "No more Dev, I can't take any more now. Please, stop..."

The dildo slipped from her with a loud pop and he felt his exhaustion as he threw it off the bed then moved to free her from the silken ropes he had bought for this special. Moving up to draw her close and settle into sleep he didn't even have the energy to pull a sheet up over them.

Saturday morning Dev greeted the room service boy in his robe and took the cart from him without letting him in. He signed the room slip, took the cart and shut the door, but not before slipping the boy a fifty dollar bill and a man to man smile that the guy was sure to understand. Reni was still asleep and he took a few moments to check what had been promised lay beyond the French doors. It was as he had been told and he chuckled as he checked the sky for a verification of the weather report. Perfect.

Leaving the food cart parked by the doors, he went to wake Reni and found her up and using the bathroom. Her sleepy smiled as he grabbed her on her way out was an invitation for a kiss and he used the kiss to distract her as he slipped the mask over her eyes, and then led her out to the small enclosed terrace. Her body reacted to the chill in the air despite the sun, but then he heard her moan as he helped her into the hot tub-Jacuzzi. He quickly arranged the dishes so they would be in reach, stripped off the robe and joined her.

The champagne breakfast and the sun were the perfect accompaniment to the water and the feel of each other's bodies. Dev grinned as he fondled Reni's breasts gently and kissed her ear. "When we find our house, this has to be one of the requirements."

Reni nodded, "I'll add it to the list, and before I forget, I gave Maria the weekend off. Dad called before I left, he's took mom, Mike and Rose off for a little vacation this weekend as well."

"Hmm, I think the condo can survive one weekend alone, anything else of importance?" He wanted to kiss her fully now but he didn't want to interrupt any other news.

Her voice was a little shy as she mentioned the one bit of news she had been withholding. "I went to see Doctor Ames yesterday. She wanted to verify some suspicions I already had..."