A Ring Named Ezzie Pt. 12


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Me - I put her in the trunk for the ride home.

Mr B - Wait, you can do that?

I tell Karen to look at the texts now that she is off FaceTime with Beth.

Karen - DADDY!

Mr B.- What I was just asking.

Karen crawls into my lap in the car. It's a snug fit between me and the steering wheel, and wraps her arms around me. We just sit there for a bit holding each other.

Karen and I arrive there early. It's a Tuesday so it's quiet. We get the same table as last time. Karen says she needs a drink so we sit at the end of the bar near the table and order a drink.

"Ezzie as our parents come in please make sure they all understand when they hear the news. We love each other and I couldn't wait. Everyone understands and no one will be mad or disappointed in any way."

"I understand Ben. No one will be mad or disappointed in you." Says Ezzie.

My Mom & Dad are the first to arrive. They hug us and we are standing beside the bar talking when out of the blue my Dad gives me a big hug. "I am so Happy for you two." He says as he releases me. Mom is looking confused like she missed something. Karen wiggles her fingers. This catches Mom's attention and she screams wrapping an arm around both Karen and I, trying to hug us both.

Karen's parents come in not a minute after Mom releases her death grip on us. Karen runs to her Mom holding up her hand. They scream and hug. Karen looks at her Dad. I think half expecting him to be mad. He wraps her up in a big hug and picks her up off the ground.

I breathe a sigh of relief, I was nervous about Mr B. "Thank you Ezzie."

"You are welcome Ben."

The night turns out to be really nice. At one point the Dads take me to the bar as the women are already planning the wedding. Mr B orders three scotches. I know from looking at bottles of the stuff for him from up at the cabin it's good stuff, or at least it should be for the price. He looks at the bartender. "Just put it on the tab. We," He says, pointing to him and my Dad. "will take care of the bill. You Benjamin are not paying tonight."

I raise my hands in defeat, because I already gave the waitress my card before they ever arrived so there would be no fight. My Dad raises his glass. "To my son. Who has grown into a good man, and to Karen. A truly beautiful young woman, my son's best friend, and soon to be wife."

"Here here." Says Mr B.

Then Mrs B yells "Stop." She was walking back from the ladies room. She is in front of us holding up her phone for a picture. "Look at me, smile and clink the glasses again." We do and she takes a picture. We drink. Ugh why does Mr B like this....Flash. Mrs B takes a picture. Giggling. "Ben, it looks like you don't like it."

"Not really." I say.

Mr B takes the glass from my hand and pours it in his, mumbling. "Almost wasted perfectly good booze on a kid." As he puts an arm around Mrs B and walks back to the table. The bartender slides a bottle of my beer to me with a smile.

We are sitting at the table relaxing. Karen is in my lap with my arm around her waist. I squeeze her bum and look into her eyes, and quietly say. "You know I have never had sex with a girl in my room." She runs her hand along my cheek and neck smiling at me. She knows what is coming. "I am going to break the streak tonight. Tonight I am taking you to my bed and making you mine."

She wiggles in my lap. "I like the sound of that." She lowers her voice "Master."

I shake my head no. "Nope, none of that, just a girl getting fucked by a boy really hard all night long." I say.

"I Love You." Karen says as she gives me a deep soulful kiss. We are brought back to reality by someone clearing their throat. Karen looks at her Mom. "What? I was kissing my fiancé."

"No Honey it looked like you were trying to suck the life from his body." Mrs B giggles.

My Dad invites everyone to our house for more drinks, and asks for the check. The waitress put the folder in front of me, and I grab it. The Dads yell. So I admit defeat. I hand them the check. I sign the charge card slip and add a healthy tip, and waive to the waitress. I hand her the signed slip and the Dads scowl at me. They realize I played them.

We go back to the house and are settled in the living room. Where we are all drinking, when Mom looks at Mrs B. "Jen, I think it's time." As she gets up.

Mrs B finishes her wine, and the two of them come over to me and Karen. They each take one of Karen's hands and pull her off my lap to her feet. They pull her to the middle of the room and Mom turns her face and kisses Karen softly. Karen's eyes go a little wide. Mrs B turns Karen's face back to her. "Nancy and I usually put on a small show for the men before the real fun begins." She gives her daughter a soft kiss, and pulls back. Karen puts her hand on the back of her Mom's head and pulls her into a very passionate kiss. Karen then turns to my Mom and does the same thing.

I can see Mrs B reach around Karen and cup her boobs. The Moms start stripping Karen. When she is naked Mrs B turns Karen to my Mom, and the two of them strip her. There are kisses and caresses exchanged along the way. Mom and Karen then turn to Mrs B and strip her. Karen crouches down in front of her Mom to pull off her panties and Mom puts her hand on Karen's head and eases her face into her Mom's pussy.

Mrs B inhales deeply. "Oh wow Honey, you are good at that." Mom steps behind Karen basically trapping her between them and starts kissing Mrs B's neck while playing with her hard nipples.

Mrs B sighs, and nudges Mom back. "Nancy, we aren't here for me. We are celebrating our children's engagement." She reaches down and picks Karen up. She turns and looks at the couch. "Bob move." Mr B doesn't hesitate. He moves to another chair. The Moms put Karen in the middle of the couch, and sit on either side of her. The two of them take turns fingering her, rubbing her clit, playing with her nipples, nuzzling her neck and kissing her.

They don't give Karen a moment to breathe. They just keep at her. I watch the pleasure and lust grow with Karen's expression and body language. She starts panting. "Right there. Right there. Please." She is holding my Mom's arm as she fingers her. At the last moment Mrs B kisses her daughter hard as she twists her nipple, and Karen lets out a deep muffled moan as she orgasms and Mrs B keeps kissing her.

Mrs B breaks the kiss and Karen gasps in some air as she leans back against the couch. Mrs B gets up and reaches out to my Mom. The two of them get up and Mom turns to the Dads. "She is all yours boys."

I stand up. "Sorry guys. Not tonight. Tonight she is mine and mine alone." I take Karen by the hand, and the two Moms walk up to us in a group hug. Mrs B holds Karen's face. "I am so happy for my little girl."

I interrupt. "Mrs B, tonight she is mine. I am taking upstairs and giving her a good hard fucking."

Mrs B looks at Karen. "You like it hard don't you sweetie?"

"Yes Mom I do. Sometimes it's so physically and emotionally draining but the orgasms are amazing. He is the only man that has made me feel like that." Says Karen.

My Mom takes my hand and then Karen's and holds them together in hers. "Do you know why that is Karen?" Karen just shakes her head no. "It's because you love each other. It's no longer just good sex, it's the bond between you two." My Mom says as her voice breaks and tears trickle down her cheek. I look and Karen is now crying.

I spin Karen to me and tap my flat hand on her hip. "No crying now, unless you want me to give you something to cry about?" I say rather softly with a smile. Karen doesn't even get a chance to answer, my Mom is fast.

Mom grabs my arm. "No spanking her tonight. I made her cry. Spank me."

I smile at Mom. "She was going to get 5 spankings."

"Give me 10, and there is no spanking for anyone else tonight. This will be it." Says Mom.

"That's right, you let Dad spank you. You like it." I look over my Mom's shoulder at my Dad. He waves his hands forward as if to say she is all yours. I grab the hair on the back of her head and pull her head back so she is looking me in the eye. "I will not go easy." I say.

Mom's eyes go wide, and she smiles. "I would hope not."

I know my car is the deepest in the driveway and pretty well hidden from prying eyes. Well I guess we are going this way. I turn to Karen. "Slave."

I can see Karen catch for a second, but she answers "Yes Master." I smile inside. That's my good girl.

"As you are, go out to my car and get The Backpack." I emphasize The Backpack, and she knows I mean the one with all the toys.

"Yes Master." Says Karen as she walks out the back door naked.

Mrs B raises her hand. I keep a stern face on. "What?"

"May I ask a question, Master?" She asks.

Hhhmmm Master. "Well you just did. Would you like to ask a second question?" I ask.

She is a little flustered with the word game I am playing. "Yes please." She says rather quietly.

I put a little bit of a stern edge in my voice. "And how do you address me?"

Just as Karen walks back in. "I am sorry Master. Yes please Master, I would like to ask a second question."

"Proceed." I say. Karen's face shows her confusion. Her Mom is calling me Master.

"Why do you call my daughter Slave?"

I turn to Karen. "Slave take out the ankle and wrist restraints, the X to bind them together behind your back, and the mouth ring. While you put them on, explain it all to our parents." I tell her.

Karen sits on the foot stool, with an embarrassing smile. "Well it all started with our No Saying No game. Then one day he bought this bondage stuff. He tied me up on my knees with my ankles and wrists all tied to this." She holds up the small leather cross with a D link on each end. "Then he put this in my mouth so I couldn't close my mouth. I will admit it was a bit much physically at first, but god I was so turned on. Kneeling there, having him have his way with my mouth. I was drooling at both ends." Says Karen as she is now sitting on the foot stool with the four restraints on.

I turn to Mrs B. "This isn't a free show to watch. If you want to watch, you have to participate too." I say and Mrs B just looks at me. "That's right, Mommy Slave, you and...". I turn to my Mom. "Mommy Slut will do as your Masters tell you. Master R, Master S and myself Master B are in control tonight."

I look and I see evil smiles on the Dads faces. Mrs B is unsure. "Slave get on your knees. Mommy Slave clip your daughter's ankles and wrists into the cross." I walk over to the foot stool. "Mommy Slut, you are owed a spanking. Get on your knees, bend over the foot stool."

The Dads come over to me. My Dad says quietly with a smile. "Mommy Slut's ass might be a little tender. I gave her a good spanking on the foot stool after I tied her to it the other night."

"Could you tie her to it again? Do you have restraints?" I ask.

"I can and and I do." Says my Dad.

I look at Mr B. "I have a spare set. Mr B do you want to restraint Mommy Slave on her back with her legs bent back and tied to her wrists so her legs stay up in place."

He smiles. "Sounds like fun."

I break character for a minute. "Mr B, Dad, I did promise Karen a night alone with me. After this I am taking Karen upstairs alone for the night."

My Dad smiles at me. "We understand Ben. You kids deserve it. I will go get the stuff." Dad is off.

I grab the backpack and hand Mr B 4 restraints, and a strap for all four limbs to be clipped to. He turns and looks at his wife. "Mommy Slave, sit on the chaise part of the couch." Mr B says.

Mrs B just looks at him for a minute with the restraints in his hand. He gives her ass a good slap. "Now!"

She yelps, but moves. Mr B is kneeling in front of her. Talking softly as he puts the straps on her. I look around and realize the women need to be moved a bit. I want each of them to be able to see the other two. I set them up in a bit of a triangle. Just as I finish moving Mommy Slut and her footstool Dad comes back with a ratchet strap. I start laughing.

"Hey, it keeps her in place." He runs the strap around her arms and legs basically strapping her to the body of the foot stool, and starts ratcheting it.

I reach into my backpack and pull out a leather paddle. I look at Mommy Slut. "So that was 20 spankings for you."

"No." Says Mom with a delay and then she catches it. "No Master you promised 10."

My Dad chimes in. "That didn't sound respectful to me." He says with a small smile.

"Master S, I will forgive it this one time because she corrected herself quickly. I won't make it 20, but I might make the last few sting a little more to be sure she learns her lesson." I say. I hear my Mom moan.

I smack her for the first time, a little more than a playful slap. I give her a moment, but she doesn't count. I spank her other cheek the same. No count.

Karen then speaks up. "Mrs C you have to count them."

I look over at Karen. She knows something is coming. Bound like she is, she does the best she can to straighten up. I see the ladies underwear on the floor. I pick up a pair and stuff them in Karen's mouth. "Did I ask you a question?" She is so muffled I can't tell, but I will give her the benefit of the doubt she answered No Sir. I keep going. "You interfered with Mommy Sluts spanking." I intentionally look at her two tits. "So now you will get spanked."

I give her no time to process it. I land a perfect edge of the paddle spank right across her left nipple. She screams a muffled scream. The scream has barely stopped when I do the same thing to the other side. The scream goes up an octave. The funny thing is both her nipples are now puffy and hard. I reach down and feel her pussy. She is definitely damp. I reach down and rub her nipples a little. I pull the panties out of her mouth. She gasps a little and licks her lips. "Now be truthful did that sting." I ask.

"Yes Master." She says quietly.

"Louder so everyone can hear, Slave."

"Yes Master, it stung."

"If you tell me you didn't like it. I will never do it again. Did you like it?" I ask.

"Yes Master, I liked it."

"Good girl. Now do I need to get a ball gag? Are you going to give out any more unsolicited advise?"

"No Master."

"Good girl. You sit there and think about what it's going to be like with that ring gag and my dick in your mouth." I say as I turn to my Mother. "Mommy Slut, didn't Master S ever teach you to count out your spankings?"

My Dad answers. "Nah, I just spanked her until I thought she learned her lesson."

"Well Mommy Slut this is a lesson that just cost you two extra spankings, because if you don't count them out they don't count towards the total." I barely stop speaking and I spank her a little harder.

"One." Right after she counts it, I hit her again on the other cheek. I keep this up. Making each odd hit a little harder. "Sixxx." Just a slight hiss. The next is a little harder. She hisses and then counts "Seven." That's what I wanted. I give her just a few seconds between blows land the rest in fairly quickly succession.

My Dad speaks up, as Mom is breathing a little heavy and trying to wiggle her ass a little in discomfort. "Perfect job Master B, those ass cheeks are a perfect bright pink. It makes me want to fuck her ass now." Mom moans.

I dig into my bag and hold up a tube of lube for my Mom to see, and hand it to my Dad. "I think that's a great idea Master S. You fuck Mommy Slut's ass. Master R will fuck Mommy Slave's pussy, and I will fuck Slave's mouth.

I walk over to Karen and stand in front of her as I strip off my clothes. When I am naked, with my hard on sticking straight out Karen smiles a lusty smile. I pick the ring up off the floor. I don't even have to say open. As I stand back up her head is tilted back with her mouth wide open. As I place the ring in her mouth she bends her head forward so I can buckle it. As I am fastening it, I hear Mom moan. I look over and Dad is pushing his dick into her ass. I glance over at Mr & Mrs B. Mr B is slowly working in and out. I am guessing they just started fucking. Mrs B's face does not look like she has a problem being tied up like she is. Once the ring is buckled in place I hold the top of her head and just push my dick into Karen's mouth.

Karen lets a long satisfied moan, and runs her tongue all around me. At first I let her kind of do the best she can hog tied like she is. She bobs her head some and uses her tongue, but after a bit I want more. I grab her head again and start at first some slow shallow face fucking. She gets the idea and lays her tongue out flat for me to rub against. Little by little I push deeper and deeper until finally her nose is against me. She gurgles a little and I let her up for air. I push her back down and start popping in and out of her throat. Wow that feels good.

I look up and Mom is watching me and Karen. Her face is a mix of pleasure and not discomfort. Dad is really going at her ass. I bet like Karen says it's that full feeling. I look over at Mr & Mrs B. Her head is rolled back and he is giving it to her pretty good. I can hear the wet fucking sounds coming from them. I look back at Karen. Her eyes are watering. I back out of her mouth to give her a break.

I crouch down and wipe her eyes. Screw the Master stuff. "Karen, do you know how much I love this?" I can see the twinkle in her eyes as she nods her head yes. "You know I am close don't you?" Again a yes nod. "Nod Yes for down your throat or stick out your tongue for it there." She sticks out her tongue and wiggles it around.

I stand back up and go back to it. I have cooled down a little. So I go back to fucking in and out of her throat. Faster than I would have thought I get to the point of no return. I pull back so just the head of my dick is in her mouth. I am guessing a shot went straight down her throat. She coughs, gags and her whole body jerks. I pop out of her mouth and finish on her face.

She finishes coughing and looks up at me, and then tilts her head forward. I release the belt and pull the ring out. She moves her jaw around a bit and then looks up at me. "Really right down my throat?" She says giggling. "I am a mess aren't I?"

Mrs B speaks up. "Oh yes Honey you are."

"But it's a sexy mess." I say as I reach behind her to release the clips. I don't know if they just stopped or if I didn't notice the parents cumming. They are all just watching us. I help Karen up, and hold her arm as she stretches out her legs. "I am taking my fiancé upstairs now."

Karen picks up my t-shirt and wipes most of her face clean. She looks at me. "I love the sound of that."

I look down to kiss her and settle on the top of her head. "Me too sweetie. We will see you guys in the morning."

Karen pulls away from me and walks over to her Mom. She unclips her Mom's arms, and her Mom gives her a big hug. Karen crawls in front of my Mom still strapped to the foot stool. I hear Karen say to her. "Mrs C, does this mean I can start calling you Mom?"

My Mom's face gets all emotional and she tries to move her arms and can't. "God Damn It Scott. Let me loose." She says. Dad reaches down for the release and Mom pulls her arms loose.

Mom grabs Karen in a tight hug. "I would love that Sweetie." Mom waves me over as Karen steps away. My mom moves so she is kneeling. I kneel down and hug her. She holds me tight. "Now you take that beautiful young lady upstairs and be the gentle, loving, young man I raised. No more of This tonight."

"Yes Mom." I answer.

She kisses my cheek one last time. "Go before I cry."

I pull back and kiss her forehead. "I love you Mom." I get up and take Karen by the hand upstairs.

We get to the top of the stairs, and Karen holds out her hands. "We are done with these right?" She asks.

I start to remove one and drop it on the floor. "Yes I think we are." I say as I remove to second. She picks up her ankle a little high. I can help but look between her legs.