A Ring Named Ezzie Pt. 18


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He looks at Karen & Pat and then Chris who is in pants and tee shirt. "For all three or just you two beautiful young ladies?" Ralph asks.

Sean is quick to answer. "All three."

Chris glares at him. "Come on Honey. Live a little." She continues to glare at him. "For me Honey."

She sighs. "You will soooo owe me for this." Chris looks at Ralph. "Yes the three of us."

"Ezzie, I think Chris is going to be a stick in the mud. Please make her say yes to whatever Karen and Pat agree on. She can bitch and moan, but won't attempt to cover up in any way. She will do it for Sean."

"Of course, Ben." Says Ezzie.

I speak up. "Ralph I was thinking something rather open up top, with something very thin, maybe with snaps on the bottom."

Karen looks at me and shakes her head. Pat looks nervous. I hold Pat's hand. "You are a sexy MILF, and will look sexy." I say.

"You keep saying that, but I don't feel that." Says Pat.

I grab her and kiss her hard, wrapping my arms around her. She moans into the kiss. "Ezzie, please give Pat some confidence. Don't over do it. I don't want her to become cocky, but I want her to realize I mean what I say and it's true." I say to Ezzie as I kiss Pat.

I break the kiss, and hold her face in my hands. "Say you aren't sexy one more time and I buy a paddle at that first booth to use on you." I say.

Pat gives me a sweet smile, and hugs me. "Thank you Ben. I believe you."

"Too bad. I was thinking you might need a good spanking." I say.

Karen pulls Pat to her by her arm. "Leave the poor woman alone." Says Karen with a smile.

Ralph pulls down 2 options. One is more of a one piece with a peek-a-boo nipple holes in the bra. The second is more or less a bunch of straps, connected with metal rivets and rings with a collar around the neck. They aren't thick, but aren't thin. They attach under the boob to a strap around the rib cage and then up top to a piece that drops from the neck. The straps go down the body and the bottoms are more straps that go around each thigh with a cover if you will on the bottoms that snap in place. Pull off the snap on piece and the outfit is crotchless. "Oh the strapped one. No doubt." I say.

Ralph holds up the display one. Looks at the ladies and hands it to Karen. "Go behind the curtain." He says as he points to the back corner. He has a small fitting room made of curtains. "And try this on. I think it will fit you nicely." Karen smiles at me and walks to the fitting room. Ralph looks at Pat. "You are definitely a little bigger up top, and a little bigger in the hips. Like he said, definitely a MILF. This one should be perfect." He then turns to Chris. "Little shorter than the first girl, but bigger hips." He digs into another box and holds up one, and hands it to Chris. Now there is a line for the dressing room.

Karen pulls the curtain aside and starts to walk out. Ralph turns quickly. "NO! You can't come out."

I hear Karen's voice. "Oh right. Sorry. Ben, come look." She says.

Pat is already looking at her wide eyed. I move so I can see Karen. Damn, it's perfect. The straps over her boobs run up each side of her nipples making them stand out. "Wow!" Is all I can say.

Karen giggles. "You like?"

"I love it. It's amazing." I say in awe.

I step in and kiss her. "You are so Fucking sexy." I say to her.

"No, I am basically naked." She says.

"Yes, and it's sexy." I say with a smile.

She playfully pushes me out of the changing room. "Perv." She says with a smile as she pulls the curtain.

Pat is next up. I hold her arm and look her in the eye. "I can't wait to see you in it." I say. She blushes and pulls the curtain. Pat sticks her head out. "It's kind of tight around my thigh." She says looking at Ralph.

Ralph walks to Karen. "Young lady could you go show her how to adjust it?" He shows her on hers how to adjust it, and Karen walks behind the curtain.

Pat giggles. "Karen, stop."

Ralph speaks up. "None of that on the convention hall floor young lady."

"Sorry, Ralph." I hear Karen say with a smile in her voice. There is a little shuffling and moving behind the curtain. Then Karen pulls it back. "TaDa!" She says as she waves at Pat.

I just stare at Pat. "Fucking sexy MILF."

"Stop!" Says Pat.

I don't look back, and I don't even need Ezzie. I have seen Ralph looking at Pat. "Ralph, if I told you Pat would be in the dungeon tonight, and looking for some fun...". I start.

"Just tell me where and when. I am old not dead." Laughs Ralph.

I step closer to Pat. "What if I told you I was going to find a bunch of guys to take turns fucking you tonight. Just like last night when the toy never stopped. What if the hard dicks never stopped fucking you? One after another, after another." I say to her.

Pat just stares at me. "Ezzie, what is Pat thinking?"

"Her thoughts are jumbled. Am I really that much of a slut? They would have to wear a condom. It would be amazing having one man fuck her after another. But I can't. Well I had a threesome and sex with a woman." Ezzie says repeating Pat's thought.

I hold Pat's arms. "Number one, you aren't a slut. You are my slut for the weekend. Remember this collar." I say as I run my finger along her neck. "Says you are mine. Of course they would wear a condom. I know you stepped over a big line with me and Karen recently." Pat just nods yes. "But I want an honest answer. No thinking about it. Just yes or no. Do you think say five guys fucking you one after another is hot?"

Pats says quietly. "Yes."

"And if later tonight I told you I had a bunch of guys lined up to fuck you, would you do it?" I ask.

She drops her head as if she is embarrassed. "Yes." She says.

I tilt her head up and kiss her hard. I hold her against me and reach down squeezing her ass cheek in my hand. Pat moans into the kiss. I hold her to me kissing her long enough to be making out. I break the kiss and nudge her shoulders back. "Get changed." I say as I pull the curtain.

Pat comes out, and Chris goes in. Sean stands beside me. "Were you serious talking to Pat about a little gangbang?"

I look at him. "I was."

"Man, I envy you." I have been wanting to do something like that with Chris, but she is terrified of being recognized. She has a semi public job." He says just as she opens the curtain.

She looks at Sean with her hands on her hips. "Happy now?"

Sean walks up to her, and hugs her. "Baby, you are beautiful."

I see her eyes kind of roll. "I am naked." She says.

Sean looks and the bottoms. "Later tonight that gets unsnapped, then yeah you will basically be naked, but still beautiful."

She steps back and smiles at him. "Good thing I like you." She pats his chest and steps back behind the curtain.

Karen walks up to me. "So I was talking to Ralph." She holds up a guy's version of the outfit she tried on.

I laugh. "Really?"

It's nothing more than two shoulder straps down to a strap around me under my chest and one around my waist. With straps and snaps to attach to basically a leather jock strap. Karen looks up at me with an real look on her face. "Please Ben. I think you will look hot. I would like to have a hot Master holding my leash." Says Karen.

"A leash?" I ask.

Karen holds up a leash. "Ralph asked if we wanted one. I said yes, Master." She says with a smile.

I stare at Karen. I want to fuck her right here and now. "If you and Pat put on your leashes now. I will try it on."

Karen reaches up for her neck and clicks the leash to the ring on the collar. She drops the leash and lets it drop between her tits. Karen turns and looks at Pat. You can see Pat take a deep breath. She clips her leash on and drops it. I hear Chris come out of the fitting room. I take the outfit from Karen. "I want you both front and center when I open the curtain." I say and head behind the curtain.

I have no pink showing. I step out, rather than just open the curtain. I am surprised by Karen and Pat both on their knees with their heads down.

"Well ladies?" I say.

They both look up. Karen smiles and gets up moving towards me. Pat gets up but stays a step or two back. I grab Pat's leash and pull her forward. Her eyes go a little wide as I do. "Honest opinion." I say.

Pat and Karen both look me up and down. "Wow." Says Pat with a smile.

"Very hot." Says Karen.

"Looks like we all play dress up tonight." I say and I go back into the dressing room. I come out dressed and laugh.

Sean is standing there waiting. "What's good for the goose is good for the gander. At least according to my wife."

After paying Ralph we are walking around and I notice some full face masks. They are full head masks with eye holes and mouth holes. I pick one up and hand it to Pat. She knows I want her to put it on. Once she has it straight, I turn her to Sean & Chris. "No one would ever know who she is tonight. She will be an anonymous woman getting her freak on."

"Ezzie, please make Chris realize she can't win. Have her agree to anything Sean asks of her until the sun comes up in the morning. As long as she has the mask on when in public. No need for the mask in private. Have her tell Sean she is his to command for the night Master. Have her realize she is saying it, and offering it because she loves him."

"Done." says Ezzie.

Chris looks at Sean and says. "Buy me a hood to wear in public and I will do anything you ask tonight, Master."

"Anything?" Sean says surprised.

"I am yours to command. Those things you have talked about. Just tell me to do them tonight." Chris says with a smile.

Sean looks at the woman that has walked up to us. "I will take one." He says.

"And would you like a mouth attachment?" She asks.

I look closer at Pat. Those aren't rivets in the leather. They are snaps. I speak up. "What attachments?"

She points to a case. "I have a variety of them. Open mouth, ball gags, cock gags and inflatable ones."

"I will take two hoods, two ring gags, and two cock gags. So I have choices." I say with a smile.

The woman smiles. "Would you like hoods with a hole on the back for a ponytail?"

"Sure, more options." I say as I turn and pull the heavy Velcro on the back of Pat's hood, and hand it to the woman.

Karen runs her fingers down my chest. "Why do I get the feeling there is some bondage in my future?"

"Your future. Don't forget I was already tied to the bed and tortured with a vibrator last night." Says Pat. Her hand slaps up over her mouth as she realizes she was speaking too loudly. Everyone is looking at her and smiling.

She turns and looks. The woman hands her the bag. "I hope you enjoy the dungeon tonight too." She says.

Pat just drops her head in embarrassment. Karen puts her arm around her and I laugh as we walk out. The last place I want to look is Samantha's Sex Furniture. It's down the end with a double booth. Karen stops short when she sees where I am headed.

She looks at me wide eyed. "Are you nuts? Are we going to put it in my parents basement?" Karen asks.

"No, in ours when our house is built." I say. I can see she hadn't thought of that. "Let's just look." I say with a big smile.

"I know that look. Why do I not trust you." Karen says with a smile.

I lean down and kiss her. "I love you."

"Uh huh." She laughs.

Sean and Chris sort of drift over to a huge X cross by one wall. While I move over towards the sawhorse style benches. One I am looking at has a thicker padded spot for a person's body to lay on with adjustable heavily padded arm and leg rests. There is an adjustable and removable head piece. There are pictures near it showing different setups. I am in love. There are two tie downs on each piece. Two on the head, body and each arm and leg. Once someone is strapped down they aren't moving.

A woman in her 30-40s comes over, and I ask if Karen can try it out. She looks at the ladies' dresses. "I am guessing commando. So how about we spin it around so when her dress rides up she doesn't flash the floor." She says.

"Spoil sport." I say as I move to spin it around. I put out my hand to help Karen up. Sure enough her dress rides up. The woman quickly reaches out and flips it down.

I go to move behind Karen. "No no." The woman says as she moves to block me. "Not on the floor." She says.

"I was just going to check the height." I say.

"It's All adjustable. If you really want to try it out we will have this and a few popular models on display to try out." She says.

I already knew this but I act surprised. "You will? To like really use, to make sure everything lines up properly?" I ask.

The woman looks at Karen and holds out her hand to her to help her down. She looks at Karen. "If you are willing, well what happens in the dungeon stays in the dungeon." She says.

I ask for a card, explaining we are building a house and will want it for the new house.

As we walk out. "I can't wait for the dungeon." I say.

Karen looks at me. "Um, drinks first. I know I need a few before tonight."

"Yes please." Adds Pat.

I look back at Sean & Chris. "Dinner and drinks?" I ask.

Karen looks at me. I know she wants to change the dress before we leave. I would so love to leave them in the dresses. "Ladies, I will be nice, and let you change if you wear the stretchy pants and sweatshirts from last night."

Karen smiles. "Deal you pervert." Karen holds out her hand for the key card. Once I give it to her she and Pat head for the elevators while we head for the bar.

The ladies come downstairs and we head out. I don't say anything because I realize it was my error. I realize I didn't tell them to use the toys. They aren't showing up on my app. Ah well. Dinner is nice. The ladies have a few extras, and all three of them are happy.

We get back to the room, just as the dungeon is opening. We head to our rooms to change. The dungeon has lockers set up for street clothes. I think it would be better to get dressed in the room in loose clothes over the outfits, and put the loose clothing in a locker.

Jesus, the ladies look Fantastic! I have to fix their outfits though. I reach down and yank the snapped on panties off. Now they are crotchless. Holy shit I so want to fuck them. Karen is closest. I push her so she is bent over the bed. She yelps in surprise. I grab Pat, step behind her, and push her over the bed, I drop my pants, pull my thong down, and push in. Part of me feels a little bad. She wasn't really ready. She is a little dry as I shove in. Her pussy grips and holds me as I push in, and she grunts. "Oh Shit!" A few good strokes and it's moans instead of groans.

Karen is bent over the bed watching Pat. "I told you."

"You told her what?" I ask.

Pat moans. "She said we would be getting screwed before we left."

I pull out of Pat, step behind Karen and shove in her pussy. She cheated, and was rubbing herself as I fucked Pat. I basically slip right in, and Karen gasps in pleasure. I hold her hips and fuck her a little hard. After a bit I swap back to Pat, and I keep up the hard fucking. She is gasping with each stroke. "Oh. Oh. Oh." Over and over.

I slap Pat's ass and she yelps. Back and forth I go for a few minutes one to the other when I decide I am turning this into a real life porn. "Both of you on your knees." I say as I pull out of Karen. They both know what I want. They put their faces together cheek to cheek, open their mouths and stick out their tongues.

I jerk myself for about 15 seconds and I explode on their faces. The first is more aimed at Karen, while the second one I aim at Pat. By default Pat gets my third and last shot, and then I push into Karen's mouth as I ooze the last little bit. Karen sucks on the head of my dick and runs her tongue around the tip. I moan and step back leaning against the dresser. The ladies look at each other and smile. They then lean towards each other taking turns kissing and licking each other's face clean.

I wouldn't mind watching them go at each other, but I have plans. "Ok, get up and wash up. We have to get downstairs." No sooner do they get up when my phone dings. Sean is letting me know they are heading down. I hurry the girls up and get out the door.

We get downstairs and the changing area are two areas partitioned off areas with tall curtains for men & women. I walk out into the hall, and wait for the women. Just a moment or two later they come out with their masks & leashes on. I reach out, take the end of their leashes in my hand and say. "Follow me."

I don't pull hard, but if they slow the leash pulls a tad. I head straight for the Samantha's Sex Furniture that I see. We walk in and she has a big smile on her face as she sees us, and recognizes me. "Very nice outfits ladies."

They both say "Thank you." Rather quietly.

I look at the woman. "I am sorry I never got your name earlier. I am Ben." Then I point to each Karen and then Pat. "My fiancé Karen, and our friend Pat."

"Nice to meet you. I am Rose." She says.

"Rose, I was hoping to strap Pat down to the sawhorse and see how I liked it." I say.

"Of course." She says. "If you would like I can show you all the different adjustments you can make."

"That would be great." I say. We all walk over to it. Someone has it adjusted for a very tall guy.

Rose looks at me and then the sawhorse. "Let's drop each leg two holes." She takes one side and I take the other. She looks at Pat. "Now I need you to hop up there with your knees on the pads and your body at the edge. Then we can adjust the knee pads for you. Pat is almost resting on the body of the horse. "No no. You don't want your body on it. You want to be just above it." Says Rose. While Pat leans on one leg she lifts the other and Pat adjusts them. "Perfect now the arms." The same process is repeated.

Rose grabs a strap and snugs it down. "No tighter than this Ben. First it will be uncomfortable, and two it will cut off her circulation." We go to work strapping Pat down.

I can tell Pat is nervous. I kneel in front of Pat's face. "Do you remember your safe word?" I ask.

"Oh god. I am really doing this." She says. I stand up and move behind her. I smack each ass cheek firm enough for her to feel it. She yelps at each hit.

I move back in front of her face. "I asked you a question."

"Yes. Yes I remember my safe word, Sir." She says.

"Well I was going to have you give five guys the chance to fuck you until they came. Kind of like an orgasm karma. You had five orgasms with the toy you need to give five, but you didn't answer me properly just now. So now it's seven guys for the two orgasms you had after that with me." I say.

"Yes Sir." She moans. I know she is nervous.

I notice Sean & Chris are just watching. "What do you say Sean? Do you want to be first?" I ask.

Chris answers. "What about me?"

"What about you? I see no dick or strap on, on you." I say.

"No! We were going to try that." Chris says with a litttle attitude as she points to a raised platform to lay on, two hooks dangling from above and a curtain around it. It takes me a moment. The woman lies on the bed, pulls the curtain around her upper body and her legs are pulled up in the air and clipped in. She ends up laying there with her legs spread and up, ready to be fucked, with the curtain around her so no one can see her.

"Ezzie, have Sean tell her to lay on the bed. He will take care of her next, and head over to Pat." I say.

"Done Ben." Says Ezzie.

Chris walks towards the bed. "Karen, go strap her in and then sit on her face until she makes you orgasm."

"Yes sir." She says with a big smile.

I look at Pat. Sean is already fucking her. "Ezzie, can you listen to Pat, too much pleasure is fine, unless she is honestly going to pass out. If she is ever in pain make the guy stop or slowdown. I want Pat to get nothing but pleasure again."

"I understand Ben." Says Ezzie.

"Then one last thing. I want six average guys to come fuck Pat, and six big dicked guys to pound Chris. She is constantly giving me attitude. All the guys have to be 100% certain they are clean." I say.