A Risk has Consequences Pt. 02

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Nicki's big day gets started, facing the fucking investors!
11k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 06/22/2022
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Title :- A Risk Has Consequences - Pt2

(Authors Note --

Please note that this is Adult Erotic Fiction, so should only be read by those who qualify!

This is the story of a strong-willed, competent woman who maybe takes one risk too many!

After a troubled night, Nicki, a supremely self-confident financial fund manager, now has to face the fact that she can't always control everything! That sometimes events conspire to bite you in the bum!

Or, in her case, maybe in the pussy if she couldn't pull some sort of last minute rabbit out of her hat! Not that she actually possessed such an unfashionable accessory!

Constructive comments and scores are always welcome, but regardless, I sincerely hope that you enjoy..........

Duke )

Part 2

10. Getting the Big Day Started

Nicki Lawrence pulled into the office car park in bright Summer sunshine, a little later than she'd planned. Today was a big day after all and she'd wanted to make sure that she was well-prepared, and looking good!

As she switched off the power to her bright, silver Mercedes saloon, she swivelled the mirror to look back at herself. Nicki smiled, 'Well, thirty six years old now but I DO look good,' she thought, '...even if I say so myself!'

Her long, shiny black hair was tied back with a silver clasp into a reserved pony that ran right down to well below her shoulder blades. She'd left a couple of loose strands at the front to dangle enticingly though. She loved her hair and had experimented with a few different styles this morning before settling for the unfussy, modest look. Impressions in her line of work as a Financial Fund Manager were important, and this simple style also showed off her elegant neck perfectly!

She paused for a moment before opening the car door, and swinging her lithe legs out. She took in a deep breath as she stood beside her big, executive car because, despite her years in the Financial Services industry, her seniority in her current firm and her natural self-confidence, she was a little nervous. She had a quarterly review session this morning with a bunch of clients who'd invested in her 'Special' fund and recently, and all hadn't exactly gone to plan! And there was also the spectre of the damned 'Penalty Clause' hanging over her too!

As she reached the wide steps leading up to the glass fronted, modern building she looked back at her silver 'Merc' as a quick gust of warm wind caressed her face. 'Yes - you've done okay on this account so far Nicki my girl, 'she thought in satisfaction, ' - just got to get over this little bump on the road!' It was time for her Special Fund Sixth Quarterly Investor Review Meeting!

Breezing into the building, she swiped her pass onto one of the entrance gates and exchanged pleasantries with her favourite security guard, Bill.

"Lovely day today Miss Lawrence," the big, middle aged man in the light grey uniform said.

She smiled back, enjoying the way that his eyes admired her trim figure in the navy blue jacket and matching blue pencil skirt that clung smoothly around her shapely bum. Her crisp white blouse, sheer white stockings and four inch blue pumps were just the right contrast!

"And may I say that you're looking very nice in that new suit," he said, before adding in a stage whisper and big grin, "...positively ravishing!"

She knew that she looked good, but it was always nice to get the compliment and to flirt a little with Bill.

"And almost as ravishing as you, you big hulk!" she whispered back before laughing gaily and heading for the bank of lifts in the open plan atrium.

Bill watched her shapely bum wiggle, probably deliberately, as she walked away.

"God, but I could give her one!" said a voice behind him. He turned to see that his boss, Ben Carver had appeared from the Security Office room behind their chromed counter. He smile and nodded. He wouldn't have been so course, but he couldn't help agreeing with the younger man!


On the second floor, she walked down a bright corridor to an open plan office section that she shared with four other Fund managers. Being the senior one, she had the big desk by the window, overlooking the tree lined car park.

"Good Morning Miss Lawrence," called out the young secretary behind her own, smaller desk nearer the corridor.

"Oh Hi Sharma," she smiled at the petite Asian girl in the bright lemon dress, "....and less of the 'Miss Lawrence' if you please...you know that you can call me 'Nicki' in here.......!"

"Any sign of my clients yet!?" she added.

"Well, yes Miss....err Nicki," the young woman responded with a wide smile, "There are already half a dozen in the conference room.... you must be popular today!......I've left them to get their own coffees.... they seem to be a bit errrr....frisky!"

Nicki frowned. She should have expected a big turn out today at her Quarterly Review. They could do the maths and could probably predict her outcomes.

But, "'Frisky' whatever do you mean?" she asked in surprise.

Sharma couldn't meet her gaze. Her deep brown eyes looking away as she spoke, "Well, errr.....I had my bottom patted quite a few times and a couple of them seemed to stumble near me and had to grasp my bosom to steady themselves. It was rather.......disconcerting!"

Nicki's lips pursed. Sharmi wasn't very wordly-wise, but she had a delectable, small, rounded figure and beautiful shiny black hair. The lemon dress was quite modest in length but neatly tailored to her curves and her tanned, light brown legs looked sturdy and strong. Just what was likely to appeal to her client list!

"Oh, we'll see about that!" she snapped back.

Much to Sharmi's horror Nicki looked as though she was going to storm off into battle!

"No, no Miss Lawrence, please don't..... it was harmless....and....and ah well, I actually quite liked it!" she admitted in a worried tone, as though the revelation had just hit her, hard!

Nicki looked at her in surprise.

"Look, that sort of client behaviour is totally unacceptable...........if you want to make a complaint, I'll support you," she continued, brightening up as she saw a potential way out of her current dilemma. Maybe if she could get security involved her impending client review would have to be cancelled!

She lifted the desk phone, but Sharmi's hand clamped itself desperately over hers.

"No, no.........we can't....... " she gasped in horror at the thought before turning her eyes away, ".....and......I may have flirted with them a bit!"

Nicki could see her opportunity slipping away, but she wasn't going to force the secretary into an impossible position.

"Mmmm well, okay Sharmi, " she said finally as she replaced the phone, "...... but I will be having a strong word with them when I get in there!"

She checked her watch, still half an hour before she was due to give her presentation, and she needed to time to finalise her prep. She'd had a bright idea coming in that might just get her off the hook of the dreaded 'penalty clause'. Well, it could at least buy her time!

She sat down at her desk, opened up her laptop and got busy.

It took only ten minutes to make the appropriate amendments though and after that she leaned back on her comfy leather chair and stared out over the sun drenched car park. Given what was about to happen, it was impossible not to think back to her first meeting with James and the other clients. She sighed inwardly 'God, I must have been such a fool!' she thought.

11. Making that Big Mistake

It had been her slightly inebriated infatuation with James that had got her involved she knew, and every step that she took into the arrangement just got her deeper into a situation that she couldn't get out of. Well, she could have done she thought wryly, but she wasn't going to give them the satisfaction of seeing her back down, especially after she'd been brazenly telling them all how good she was!

And then there was that ridiculous proposal to 'Shake Sex' on the deal!

She'd already shaken hands with half a dozen potential investors when James had come up with idea.

"Why don't we do something more, err intimate than a handshake to seal each deal? Come over there with me Nicki and I'll show you what I mean" he'd said.

Perplexed, she'd allowed him to take her by the hand and followed him to a corner of the room where a big plant on a table shielded the entrance to a side door. Behind it no-one could see what they were doing. She was still looking doubtful, and then her eyes had widened in surprise as his hands went to his trousers and pulled down the zipper.

"What ARE you doing?!" she'd gasped, wondering if he was planning on having sex there and then. Well, maybe that's what she'd been hoping for she thought later, but preferably in her bed!

He'd grinned back, "Lift up your skirt and you'll see...."

She took in a quick breath. So he really was after sex? She'd looked around her guiltily to see if anyone could see them, but they were well hidden. She'd wondered hazily, typsily maybe whether she could really do it. Sex in a public place. Wow!

Then it had all happened fast as her dress had been lifted up to her waist! He'd taken her hand and slipped it inside the front of his trousers, whilst his other hand had slid effortlessly down the front of her black lace panties!

She'd frozen for a moment, feeling his erection grow as her fingers unavoidably caressed him, whilst at the same time his own devilish digits had been roaming over her pussy and rubbing sexily up and down her wet slit.

After a few minutes of increasingly arousing pleasure she'd groaned though as his hand had withdrawn and she'd reluctantly, very reluctantly, let go of his impressive hardness! She'd moaned at the loss of contact with what her mind had been feverishly imagining as a giant cock, and was struggling to keep pace with him.

"I'm going to call it 'Shaking Sex to Seal the Deal' he'd laughed as he pulled up his zipper. You hang on there and I'll send over the other guys to do the honours too!"

Then he'd gone back to the group and she'd been left with her dress around her bum wondering what the hell to do!

In the end she'd done nothing! Totally out-manoeuvred, she'd allowed the first twelve who'd already signed up to come over and 'Shake Sex' on the deal. Her panties had been filled with a series of inquisitive hands, fingers roaming seemingly everywhere, and at the same time she'd had a hold of one cock after another, getting more and more adventurous in the way she caressed them as she just got wetter and wetter! A point gleefully noted by some of the later pussy explorers!

By the end of the evening she'd 'shaken' on a further eight deals making a total of twenty overall, and her arousal levels had gone through the roof. The investors had looked pretty happy too by the time they'd decided to wind things up but only after a lot of champagne celebrations leaving Nicki feeling dizzy with excitement!

Of course the end of the evening hadn't gone to plan either. As they'd all stood up to go, a little unsteadily in her case, and determined as she was to invite James up to her room for some more serious 'Sex Shaking' she'd been surprised to see a ravishing blonde in a short, silver sequined dress come over and put her arms around James's shoulders.

"Gotta go everyone" he'd laughed, "Cindy's looking after me tonight!"

As they'd passed close by, swamping her in the woman's powerful, musky perfume, he'd smiled at her quite innocently, as if he'd no idea how much she'd wanted to get in bed with him, "Great to meet you Nicki, fantastic idea you've come up with! Can't wait for the first three monthly review meeting to see how you get on!"

She'd been flabbergasted, but soon after they'd all gone too, and she'd been left to go upstairs alone, super-aroused still, to her hotel bed and sleep.... but only after she'd treated her sopping pussy to a hot session with her favourite vibrator!!

12. The Quarterly Review Presentation

Nicki checked her watch for the umpteenth time. It was ten minutes before the due start time, but she was pretty sure that all the investors were in the room. 'Well, why wouldn't they be!' she thought irritably. This was what most of them had probably signed up for, a chance to fuck the Fund Manager!

She glanced around. Two of her co-fund managers were at their desks, steeped in stock market statistics and pretty much ignoring her and Sharmi was busy doing some filing, although the young Asian girl did keep glancing nervously in her direction. Nicki knew that she suspected that something unusual was happening!

She took a deep breath and stood up, taking her laptop and starting to stride over to the corridor where the conference rooms were located. She gave Sharmi a quick confident smile and winked at her as she passed. It was a confidence that belied the nervous state that her stomach was in, but she'd decided not to put off the dreaded moment any longer!

She took another pause outside the conference room door to put on her fixed, professional smile and get her breathing under control. She checked that her tightly fitted blue suit was in order, and flicked her dark ponytail into position before marching in and setting her laptop down on the dais at the end of the room, confident that everything was set up to feed her presentation straight onto the screen behind her.

The room was big and modern, with a long, polished oak table running down the middle, and comfy looking chairs with soft, maroon seats ranged down either side. As with the rest if the building the outer walls were completely glazed, and the inner ones covered by drop down blinds that could be closed for privacy. Nicki was relieved to see that someone had already dropped and closed them! At the far end was a 'break-out' area with coffee machine on a wooden cabinet, and a group of small, but comfortable looking black leather sofas. On a small table was a pile of soft, white towels for some unfathomable reason as well.

Her investors were stood, chatting together in small groups around the edges of the table, but the talking had stopped as soon as she'd made her entrance. There was a definite air of excitement and anticipation around as the men took their places around the table and gazed expectantly at the smart, young woman facing them.

She swallowed and did a quick count, wondering if she'd get any sort of reprieve. She'd got to know most of them reasonably well in the eighteen months that she'd been managing the fund. Most of them were in their thirties and forties but some, like the instigator James who was seated nearest her, were a little younger. Most seemed to be wearing casual slacks and shirts. Not a suit in sight.

Now that was unusual!

'Yep, all twenty there, and why not given what I'm about to do for them!' she thought exasperatedly!

She was about to speak but was interrupted by the suave, young man nearest her in salmon pink shirt and grey slacks.

"Hey, great to see you again Nicki.... and looking spectacularly beautiful if I may say so! You'll find this hard to believe I'm sure, but there were one or two here who bet that you might not show! So I'm in the money already!!"

She gave him a stern glare for a moment before smiling at his boyish, impish looking face.

"Well James, thank you for the errrr....introduction........ but you at least know me well enough to know that I never shirk a challenge....even this sort!" she added with a quick nervous laugh.

"So, let me give you this quarter's report," she continued confidently as she switched on the screen linked to her laptop, "........ and as I'm sure you're all aware....it's been a challenging time for the industry!"

She went on to describe in some detail how various international events combined with some unexpected bad news on the home economy, and a large banking insolvency had played havoc with the whole financial services sector. Shares were down significantly and the usual 'safe' options in government bonds and such like had been much less 'safe' than many had expected. Including her!

But by the end of her twenty minute presentation, she'd finally had to sum up with some rather indifferent news.

"So, as you'll appreciate, it's just not been possible for many funds to come up with the big profits they usually do at this time, but I'm pleased to say that by some inspired, and well-timed money transfers, I've managed to keep this fund just in the black."

She paused for effect and gazed around the sea of faces, some looking rather confused and disappointed!

"You'll be happy to learn I hope that for this Quarter, our profits stand at 0.78%!"

There was a longish silence whilst the news sank in.

Nicki knew that it wouldn't be a big surprise to many of them. They were, in the main, shrewd financial players themselves, and could all do their sums!

It was of course James who broke the silence.

"Well done Nicki. That's a bloody good achievement.... I thought you'd have to come in with a loss!"

He gave her a quick clap which developed into a polite round of applause from the rest of the men there! She suddenly breathed more easily and let a smile warm up her face.

13. Consequences Loom but Nicki has a Plan

"But, just correct me if I'm wrong here Nicki...............that's still below the level of the penalty clause payment is it not? So it's now been formally triggered I believe?!"

She froze with the smile fixed on her pretty face. Just for a moment she'd thought that she might have gotten away with it.

James had a mischievous smile on his face now, ".... and can you remind us what the penalty clause says... or do we need to get out documentation?"

She sighed, and swallowed hard, but she wasn't going to be cowed, "I believe it says that if I fail to meet the minimum profit target then I have to fuck all the investors.... individually," she said flatly.

There was brief moment of stunned silence and then lots of excited chatter spread around the room. Most of these men hadn't invested for the money. They already had plenty. It had really been a bet, inspired by the devilish James, on whether they'd get the chance to fuck the delectable fund manager. And after eighteen months of disappointment, alleviated by big profits of course, the time had come to take their winnings!

She swallowed again. It didn't look good for her, or her pussy, which had suddenly started to tingle, expectantly! But she still had a final move up her sleeve!

"However, I have a further proposal to make. Despite the dodgy current trading conditions, I'm prepared to bet that I can get the fund back into full profit within a further month. So I'd like to propose that if you'd defer the current penalty payment, I'd be prepared to modify it such that I spent a full night in bed with those of you that agree, in the unlikely event that I should I fail again!"

It was a desperate manoeuvre, and one that, despite her confident voice, she wasn't sure that she could achieve, but these were desperate times! She looked round at the sea of faces expectantly..... hopefully!

"Hands up who'd like the chance of a night in bed with me!" she finally said, cringing a bit at her brazenness!

There were some shocked looks and a lot of muted discussion amongst the crowd of investors before, amazingly, she watched quite a few hands rise into the air. She breathed a sigh of relief.

Maybe this was going to work after all!

But then James chipped in again, "Wow, Nicki.....what an offer!! Hard to resist a night with such a beauty as you my love!...... but I presume that means that the takers miss out on the option to fuck you now?"

'Well of course they would, that was the idea!' she thought to herself impatiently, but her annoyance turned into dismay as the raised hands around the table started to drop..... until there were only four left!