A Road Trip Fantasy Pt. 03


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The room was pretty bare as her bed and dresser were now residing halfway across the country. A few posters from her youth that she had never bothered to take down still hung on the walls and the closet contained boxes of her things and clothes that had not made the journey. She had only been gone just over two months, but her dad seemed to be claiming her room with an easel, boxes of paints and brushes, and several colorful canvasses. The drywall on one side had been torn out leaving the pipes exposed.

"So where are you sleeping?" Aaron spun around to face her and rested his hands on her hips.

"Down stairs in the guest room. Dad claims the pipes started leaking in here, so he had to rip open the walls. I think he just wants an art studio for when he retires." She wrapped her arms around his neck. Her voice shifted into sultry tones. "It's nice to have you to myself for a while." She leaned in and kissed him.

Their lips stayed locked like that and their lower halves came together. Yes, she could tell he was as happy to see her as she was to see him. She broke the kiss but kept her face close to his. "I've missed you."

"I've missed you too. Maybe you should have come by my place first. I could have shown you how much."

They kissed again. Their tongues played with each other. "You'll get to show me later tonight."

A shadow flicked across the doorway behind her. "Mom, Dad, Jen's got a boy in her room again," Chris said in a whinny voice as he walked past.

Reaching back with her foot, Jennifer manage to hook the door and swing it shut. "Baby brothers," she sighed with a shake of her head.

Aaron laughed and opened his mouth to reply, but the door popped open and Chris stuck his head in. "Just so you know, Aaron, that was a very common occurrence in high school." Then he retreated and pulled the door shut again.

"That is not true." Jennifer's eyes were defiant and pleading at the same time.

"Oh, I'm sure you were very popular in high school."

"I wasn't that popular." Jennifer looked into Aaron's amused eyes. "I had like three boyfriends, and I never did more than kiss any of them."

Everything she said seemed to amuse him more. Instead of answering her, he pulled her in for another kiss. "I don't care, as long as I'm the one who's kissing you now." One of his hands strayed up to caress her breast through her shirt.

While still kissing him, Jennifer mumbled, "Should you be doing that?"

"Door's closed."

She let him continue.

A soft rap came on the door.

"Ugh." Jennifer broke the kiss. "What is it, Chris?"

"Uh, not Chris." It was Tom's voice. "Food's ready."

"Sorry, Tom. We'll be down in a minute."

His footsteps receded down the hallway, but neither of them moved.

"Should we go?" Aaron's eyes darted to the door and back to Jennifer's, but that lingering hand gave her a gentle squeeze.

"Just a couple minutes more."

It took them almost ten minutes more.

The early spring day was sunny and breezy but comfortable. The nine of them all crowded around two tables slightly off size from each other covered in overlapping tablecloths. The table was well laden with salad and steamed vegetables and rice and of course the serving plates of grilled chicken and steak.

The conversation was light and friendly. Jennifer talked about how school was going, her adjustment to life in the Midwest, and some of the friends she had made there.

Tom it turned out was really Tomás Almada who had grown up in Brazil and moved to the United States with his family in his late teens. Time had whittled away most of his accent except when he became excited such as when he and Chris debated the relative merits of soccer, or futebol, as Tom still called it. The argument sounded like it was well worn between the two and likely designed to get Tom's goat more than anything else.

Despite appearances, Chris was not the slacker he pretended to be. He had a job working at a biotech company helping run experiments. Although billed as nine to five, it dragged him in at odd hours depending on the needs of biochemistry. With student loans and the expensive housing in the San Diego area, living at home in his mid-twenties was a good solution. Plus, with Jennifer away, he was an extra pair of hands and a driver to help their grandparents and shuttle them to medical appointments.

Rebecca seemed better after her nap though she picked a bit at her food which was not like her. She called herself a bean counter and worked in the downtown San Diego office of a national firm. Tom's office was not far from hers, and they had actually met on a lunch break when they ended up sharing a table in a crowded coffee house. That brief meeting had turned into nods and hellos on the street and eventually to more lunch dates followed by dinner dates and marriage a year ago.

Throughout that, they peppered Aaron with questions about his job, his life, hobbies, and family. Since his talk with Marvin, no one mentioned previous marriages. Chris seemed pleased to find out Aaron could give as well as he got when the younger brother tried to needle him, but because Aaron's responses were less fiery than Tom's, he soon grew bored and went back to needling his brother-in-law.

As the afternoon wore on, the temperature dipped, and Jennifer's grandparents got ready to retreat inside. Tom and Rebecca shared a look. She nodded. "Hold on nana and papa. Tom and I have some news."

Conversation stopped and everyone looked at the couple. "I'm pregnant," she said into the hush.

"I knew it." Jennifer jumped up to give her sister a hug amidst the chorus of congratulations. Hugs and handshakes followed from everyone.

When the sisters hugged, Rebecca whispered, "Sorry to steal your spotlight today."

"No, this is perfect. I'm going to be an aunt. How far along are you?"

"Only about six weeks."

Jennifer's eyes went up while she tried to calculate the math. "A Christmas baby? Maybe I'll be home for the birth." That brought a huge grin to her face.

A toast came next which Rebecca took with a sparking water as did Tom in solidarity with his wife. After that, their grandparents took their leave to head home before it got too cold and dark. Chris offered to give them a ride, but they declined. Marvin lit the gas fire pit, and everyone crowded their chairs closer to enjoy the warmth along with dessert. Jennifer sat in Aaron's lap, and they fed each other bites of the bread he had baked and her mother's homemade brownies.

"So I know a great pediatrician who'd be perfect for baby Rebecca." Jennifer had just put a bite of brownie in Aaron's mouth.

He held up a hand and chewed quickly. "I would be honored," he managed to squeak out before he could swallow. "Really, no pressure though. You do not need to come to me just because Jen and I are dating."

Jennifer shook her head at Aaron before looking to Rebecca and Tom. "He's great. All his patients love him."

"And you are so not objective." Aaron poked her gently in the belly.

"Hey." She slapped his hand away. "I felt that way before we started dating."

"You're still biased." He pulled her down for a light kiss on the lips. "It's one of the reasons I love you." Then he looked back at Tom and Rebecca. "But if you do come to me, I promise I won't tell her anything."

Jennifer sat up straighter in his lap. "Now you're going to keep secrets form me?"

"Sorry, honey. Privacy rules. I'm not allowed to."

"Ugh, this is my niece or nephew we're talking about." Crossing her arms across her chest, she slouched back down. "Fine. I'm coming with you to all the visits then."

Everyone laughed at her mock anger, even Jennifer eventually.

"On that note, since we may not be able to get rid of her in a few months, I think it's time we get going, Tom." Rebecca stood up and pulled her husband's hand. "I'm feeling tired again."

Jennifer turned to Aaron. "We should probably head out too."

A grin spreading across his face, Aaron nodded in assent. He had not been certain if she was coming home with him or not. "First, let's help clean up."

They bused the dishes and trays to the kitchen and helped find containers for the leftovers. Insisting the dishwasher was up to the task, Julie declined their offer to do the dishes. Jennifer already had a bag packed, and the four headed out the door at the same time after more thank-yous and good-bye hugs.

"I'll be back tomorrow by..." Jennifer turned to Aaron and raised her eyebrows.

He shrugged and held out his hands.

She turned back to her mom. "By dinner, but I'll call and let you know if that changes." Behind her parents, Chris was making rude gestures. When she hugged her parents, Jennifer made one back to him.

And just like that, they were alone together at last. She leaned toward him and held his arm and hand while he drove. "Thanks for coming over to meet everyone today."

"It was fun. You've got a nice family." They drove in silence while she gave him an expectant look. "And, yes, I was a little nervous, but I needn't have been. You're so special, I should have known your parents would have to be wonderful too."

She leaned in and kissed him on the cheek. "Well, I wasn't worried at all. I knew you'd do great, and they'd love you."


After Aaron parked in his garage, he pulled out his phone and tapped on something, before he got out and took Jennifer's arm. She gave him a quizzical look, but he just smiled. "This way, my lady."

Jennifer had been to Aaron's townhouse once before on the day she left for her move to school, but she had only seen it from the driver's seat of her car. It was two stories with the front door around the side of the house from the garage that sat in front. She thought she knew him pretty well, and he had always seemed neat and tidy, but she still felt a little trepidation about what condition his bachelor pad might be in. She also was looking forward to poking around a bit to see what little secrets she could discern from his home. They had been dating just under three months and in that time spent only eight days in each other's company, much of that horizontal. True, she was looking forward to some more horizontal exploration, but each new space was a chance to get to know more about him.

Jacaranda trees lined the street, including one by the corner of his garage, shedding pretty purple-blue flowers about the walkway and filling the air with a cloying scent.

"We hadn't really talked about it, so I wasn't sure if you were coming over tonight or not." He had an arm around her waist as they headed up the walkway.

"I thought I said I'd spend tonight and Sunday with you this weekend?"

His door handle had a little keypad, but Aaron just waved a fob on his keychain at it, and a motor whirred to unlock the door. "I think you said 'might.' I thought it depended on what your parents thought of me." He swung the door open and ushered her inside.

"It would have been awkward if you and my dad had a fight, but I still would have come." Her eyes scanned the room in front of her. To the right of the small entry way was a family room with a sectional couch, coffee table, fireplace, flat screen television, and a stereo playing some soothing mood music through speakers that sounded like they must be located all over the house. Straight ahead to the left was the kitchen with a dining room to the right. The dining room and family room looked out onto a small courtyard. Just to the left of the entryway was a bathroom and closet and a stairway heading up.

The downstairs was all fairly neat and tidy like she had predicted. Some stacks of papers sat on the far end of the dinning room table and some magazines and journals and a book were scattered on the coffee table. A game console controller hung out from the cabinet beneath the television.

The lights were set low giving the whole downstairs a warm glow except for the light above the dining room table which shown down on a clear cut glass vase holding a bouquet of deep red roses. While the rest of the floor was clean, a trail of rose petals, that same color as those in the vase wove from the entryway and up the stairs.

The door shut behind her and the lock made it's mechanical whirr. Jennifer turned and looked at the innocent expression on his face. "Hmm." She kicked off her shoes and walked over to the table. She pulled out the deepest blossom and sniffed it. "So you didn't know if I was going to come over tonight?"

He slipped off his shoes and came over to join her. "I was hopeful, but I didn't know for sure.

Leaning back on the table, she waved the rose in gentle arcs back and forth under her nose. "And if I hadn't come over."

"I would have had to spend all night cleaning this up and being disappointed."

"And the music's been running all day? I bet your neighbors love that."

Aaron shook his head and held up his phone. "Got an app." He stepped closer to her and reached around to set his phone down on the table. They were nose to nose, their bodies just brushing against one another.

"So do I get the grand tour?"

"Kitchen. Dinning room. Living room. Upstairs." He nodded his head toward each stated area.

"Was that last one a place or an order?"

His blue-grey eyes looked thoughtfully into her deep brown ones. "An order."

"Ooh, I like a man who takes charge. Show me the way."

The rose petals led up to a landing where they made a sharp left. Aaron was drawing her along by the hand, but he nodded to their right and a room at the end of the hallway full of shelves and boxes. "That's my junk room for now." He nodded to the middle room. "Guest bathroom. And this way is the bedroom." They followed the trail of rose petals through a doorway into a large master bedroom suite. Along the right wall were two mini rooms, a walk-in closet and an office space with a desk, computer and filing cabinets and more bookshelves. The rose petal trail ended at the foot of a king-sized bed, but the comforter was dusted with a layer of more of the same ruby petals.

"No app for these." Aaron let go of her hand and went to light scented candles on the tables on either side of the bed. The last of his mood setting accomplished, he came back to join her at the foot of the bed.

"So how long have you been planning all of this?"

"Planning?" He mused. "Since you told me when you were coming back. Fantasizing about it since the day I fell in love with you."

She laughed. "And when was that?"

"I don't know. I feel like I've loved you forever and like I just fell in love with you ten minutes ago. I feel giddy just being around you. I'm deliriously happy with you and on pins and needles every minute I'm with you."

She wrapped her arms around his neck again and brought her mouth close to his. "That's funny, because I've been on pins and needles around you all day just waiting for this."

They kissed.

Her mouth was warm and sweet against his. Her breasts pressed against his chest, and he could feel her heart beat quicken beneath them.

Jennifer pulled away first. "Why don't you give me a couple of minutes. I had some plans myself." She slipped from his arms and headed toward the master bathroom. "You seem a little over dressed yourself. Do something about it."

"Hmm, I see what you mean. I like a woman who takes charge."

She disappeared into the bathroom and closed the door.

It did not take her long to re-emerge. While she was gone, Aaron had lost his shirt and shorts and lay down across the bed in expectation.

Jennifer was wearing a matching set of purple lacy bra and panties with black stockings and garters. The bra cupped her full breasts, and through the lace her large dark nipples and areolas peered out. She shook out her blond wavy locks so they cascaded around her shoulders. She leaned against the doorframe and gazed at him coquettishly with one leg cocked up against the jamb. She ran a finger down the side of her face and onto her chest and between her breasts to her belly. "So what do you think?"

"I think I like it very much. Maybe you want to come a little closer." He beckoned her with a finger.

She did not some much as walk over to the bed as strut. Crossing one foot in front of the other made her hips sway, and she raised her arms to run her hands through her hair which made her breast rise up and thrust out toward him. When she reached the bed, she bent over to crawl toward him on all fours, giving him a look straight down her cleavage. Shifting her weight from arm to arm as she crawled caused those beautiful breast to sway back and forth. The rose petals on the comforter were cool and slippery beneath her palms and knees. "Roawr,"she purred when she came within a foot of him.

"Roawr is right," he answered. "You are one hot pussycat."

"I'm a bit of a naughty pussycat, I'm afraid." She reached him and paused with her face inches from his. As she stared into his eyes, she licked her lips.

He leaned forward to meet her. The sides of their noses just touched. "I'm not afraid."

"You should be." The force of her kiss bore him to his back on the bed, and she straddled him lowering her pelvis down against the hardness of him beneath his underwear. Jennifer moaned into his mouth as she rocked her clitoris against his clothed penis.

Aaron's hands slipped between them to squeeze her breasts and rub her nipples through the fabric of her bra.

"I went shopping with Sam special for you last weekend. Do you like what I picked out."

"I like it very much. It's too bad you won't be wearing it for long." Without undoing the clasp in back, he scooped his hands beneath the bra and slipped it over and off her breasts.

Jennifer sat back up on him. "It's not very warm anyway. Your hands are much better." She relished the feeling of his hands massaging her naked breasts, the little pinches to her nipples, and the grinding of her vulva over his penis. She pulled the bra the rest of the way off over her head and tossed it to the side. Finding it was tomorrow's problem. "You know, the rest of the outfit can stay on." She leaned down close to his ear. "The panties are crotchless."

The look of surprise on his face was just what she had hoped for. One of his hands left her breast to explore the lace over her ass with the diamond shape opening over her bare nether regions. His fingers ran up and down through her swollen labia and trailed past her anus and back over her buttocks. "I thought I was feeling a bit moister than expected down there."

"Easy access."

"Well, then I think we need to take advantage of that." Now both of Aaron's hands left her breasts, which was a disappointment, but he used them to work off his own underwear. That required her to lift her hips up some, but when she lowered them again, it was to the feeling of his hot, hard penis pushing along the length of her labia with his glans resting against her clitoris.

Jennifer began sliding herself along the length of him, coating his shaft in her own flowing juices that were mixing with his own. She supported herself on her elbows and let the heat of her labia wrap around him.

Aaron leaned up to take one of her nipples into his mouth. His hands gripped either side of her ass and kneaded her hot flesh through the fine mesh of her panties. He directed her strokes higher until the head of his penis found the entrance to her vagina. Then he pushed her hips down against him and thrust up from below to drive himself into her up to the hilt.

As she was forced open and stretched, Jennifer cried out with a twinge of discomfort with a generous helping of surprise and pleasure. "Oh my gosh, you are so big," she moaned. "It feels so good when you push your way in." She bounced her hips up and down on his shaft working to accommodate him before settling down to grind herself on his penis and pelvic bone.