A Royal Spy


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"Want me to drive for a while?" She asked. "I mean, you look like you need more sleep." She added while stretching her arms.

I considered her offer for a moment: Although I knew I could manage on the sleep I'd got, it wouldn't do any harm to let the princess drive. Plus it would give the chance to work out a route with the map.

"Okay then your highness," I said, "just remember to keep it steady and don't bring attention to us."

"No problem." She smiled. "And what's with this 'highness' stuff? There's just the two of us and we're on the run."

"Can't help it." I smiled back as we switched places.

"All right then. Which way are we heading?" Emma asked, starting the pick-up.

"Just follow the highway for now, until we can find a less conspicuous route."

"Sure thing." She replied, pulling out onto the road.

"And your Highness?"

"Now what?"

"I'm sorry about my hand."

"Your hand? What about your hand?" She seemed puzzled.

"On your bottom."

"I really didn't notice." She gave me a devilish grin. "In any case, you have absolutely no idea what I got up to while you were asleep."

"Sleeping as well, I hope." I was sure she was pulling my leg.

"Maybe. Maybe not." She raised her eyebrows at me.

I looked at her in astonishment, suddenly not so sure of my convictions. Emma burst out laughing.

"Oh, the look on your face!" She giggled.

"Very funny." I said, blushing deeply. "Ha, ha. Watch were we're going."

"Yes...DAD!" She was still smirking. "I never realised what a prude you are."

"Only when it comes to someone who I'm supposed to be protecting, I assure you." I said, still reddening at an alarming rate.

"That's sweet of you, but you never talked to my bodyguard at university. I was a BAAAAD girl!" Again she smirked, looking across at me.

"I prefer not to know such things thank you." I said, crossing my arms primly.


We drove on for a while, the sky lightening, the not-entirely comfortable silence broken by the occasional snigger from Emma. Then ahead of us, some distance down the highway, there suddenly seemed to be a lot of brake lights going on. I suddenly knew there was a roadblock ahead.

"The hunt is on." I murmured to myself. "Take the next right immediately." I told Emma. She did as she was told and I pulled out the map, glad that the rising sun enabled me to read it. "We'll head for that road instead." I told the princess, pointing on the map. She nodded after a quick glance and began to make her way down the minor road. After ten minutes of wending our way down the lanes it was fully light. "I hope they don't get a chopper up." I muttered.

"We have a more pressing problem." Emma said, slowing down and then pointing where we were headed. Another roadblock was being formed.

"SHIT!" I exclaimed. "Someone out there knows how I think. And I bet its Stardust."

"Who the hell is Stardust?" Emma asked.

"An enemy agent; my arch-rival; the guy who nearly killed me." I told her. "If it is him out there, it was me he was after and not you. Sorry your highness."

"Surely you can out-think him?" She said.

"I'm not sure I can; the bastard had got to the point where he seemed to be able to predict my next move before I knew it myself." A thought hit me. Stardust knew ME. "Princess, we need to do something unexpected, what do you suggest?"

"Me?" Emma looked surprised.

"Stardust doesn't know you, he can't anticipate you. So I ask again; what shall we do?" I said patiently.

Emma took a deep breath.

"Let me see the map a minute." She asked. I passed it over, pointing out where we were. She looked at it for a minute or so and then pointed. "We'll head here." She said.

"Your reasoning?" I said, peering to see where she was indicating.

"It's an old airfield, lots of room for whatever happens."

"It's a hundred miles inland." I countered.

"Which is well within our navy helicopters range."

"I meant that the ships captain might not be prepared to authorise such a deep incursion." I said.

"We can't worry about that; all we can do is avoid capture for the next twenty four hours."

"There may be one thing I can do: I can give myself up. They are only after me." I said quietly.

"You can't know that." Emma snapped.

"But I do." I said.

"But I don't! So we'll keep that as a last resort, thank you." She snapped again.

"Princess..." I began to try to convince her.

"NO!" She shouted. "You wanted unexpected, that's what you got. I say splitting up is the final option. Got that?"

"Yes ma'am." I said meekly as she rammed the truck into gear and set off straight across the countryside.


Princess Emma followed the most direct route I could find on what was essentially a road map, except we weren't using roads. We skirted around fields, forded streams and followed farm tracks with occasional forays onto back roads. The old pick-up took it all in it's stride; keeping going even when I seriously doubted it would make certain obstacles. Just after noon we found ourselves alongside a razorwire-topped fence plastered with warnings to keep out.

"So, how do we get in?" Emma asked.

"There has to be some gates somewhere." I shrugged.

"We're getting low on fuel to just cruise around looking."

"Then we make our own entrance." I said, getting out and examining the fence. It looked old and rusty, particularly around the fence posts. I went back to Emma's side of the truck. "I reckon we can break through." She looked dubious. "Want me to do it?" I asked.

"Just tell me where to aim." She said, setting her shoulders.

"Come at it at an angle, hit it about here." I pointed.

The princess backed up to get a run at it, then slammed the truck into gear and charged the fence. It gave some, but still held.

"Again." I called out.

She reversed and then shot forward again. The fence parted a little at the point of impact.

"Once more and you should be through." I yelled.

For a third time Emma backed up and then rammed the pick-up at the small gap. It surged through, the fence links parting before it. Just as it cleared the collapsing barrier the truck finally died. A sniff told me that we had damaged the fuel system.

"Either the tank or the line has gone." I told the princess who was leaving her seat.

"At least she got us here." She said, patting the bonnet with an affection I'd rarely seen from a woman toward a vehicle.

"She did." I agreed. "C'mon, lets grab our stuff and find somewhere to hole up until its dark."

"Why when its dark?"

"Because if they do send a helicopter for us, it'll be safer in the dark."

"Still with the negative thoughts." The princess sighed, picking up what was left of our meagre supplies and the rifle. I slung the machine pistol over my shoulder.

"Lets see if we can find a building of some sort." I said, pushing my way through the head-high grass to where one of the runways would be.


Before we reached the long expanse of concrete there came the sound of a helicopter overhead. Emma was about to run onto the runway when I stopped her.

"It's not ours." I said.

"How can you tell?" She asked.

"The engine note, added to the fact it's moving slowly. Stardust has cottoned on to our ploy."

"You don't know that." She groaned.

"Princess, that chopper is hovering over where we left the truck."


"By now it will have been reported as stolen. He'll add two and two together and at the very least, dispatch someone to check out the pick-up." I was sure of this.

"So he's finally coming for us?" She sounded worried for the first time.

"I'm afraid so."

The helicopter sound moved away so we ventured onto the runway. As we walked along it princess Emma seemed to be deep in thought. I let her ponder, hoping that she was beginning to realise the seriousness of our situation and wouldn't argue when the time came for her to leave me behind. After twenty minutes we came to the main part of the old airfield, all crumbling buildings and overgrown pathways, and by mutual consent, headed for the old control tower. From the outside it looked vandalised, but inside it looked as if it was used as some sort of clubhouse.

"Someone is living here?" Emma asked, looking at the furnishings around the lower level.

"More likely it's where the racers hang out if it's too wet to race." I replied.


"Your highness, out there are three linked, straight and wide roads; I'm pretty sure all sorts of people who like to drive fast will have noticed that." I smiled.

"I see." She grinned; the serious face she'd been wearing for most of the day disappearing. "Some of those chairs look comfortable." She switched tack on me.

"Depends on what you have in mind I suppose." I replied, thrown by the change.

"Actually, what I was thinking was..." She stopped, blushing a deep red.

"Out with it now princess." I said. "Don't leave me hanging."

"I want you to make love to me." She said in a rush.

"WHAT!? You're kidding again, right?" I was genuinely astonished.

"No. I mean it." She said calmly. "I know with the way things are going we could end up dead soon, so I want to make love for what might be the last time."

"Princess Emma, your highness, I...I can't." I stammered. Her forthrightness had me flabbergasted.

"What's the matter? Don't you find me attractive?" She asked as she slipped off her jacket to reveal her erect nipples clearly defined beneath her t-shirt.

"You are incredibly attractive, but it's my job to protect you, not corrupt you." I tried to explain my confused feelings.

"You never even thought about making love to me?" She asked slyly, her forefinger running along her lower lip.

"To be honest, I suppose I have." Now it was my turn to blush. "Like I said, you are a beautiful young woman.

"Thank you for the compliment."

"But that doesn't mean I should make love to you."

In response Emma pulled her shirt off over her head, uncovering her breasts in all their glory.

"And there is nothing I can do to change your mind?" She said innocently but at the same time licking her lips and running her hands over her exposed bosom. I had been tortured before and managed to resist, but this was too much, especially since I actually wanted to give in. I swore softly and pulled the princess to me, kissing her hard on the mouth. She responded by slipping my shirt and jacket from my shoulders and then dropping her hands down and undoing my trousers. I reciprocated, snapping open her jeans and easing them from her hips. She stepped out of them and stood before me, naked and unashamed, her pubic hair trimmed into a neat strip.

"Why have I been resisting this?" I whispered, admiring her lithe body.

The princess stepped toward me and put her hand into my boxers.

"That feels promising. Let's have a look." She said. My underwear joined the rest of my clothes on the floor. My cock, which had been hardening since Emma started stripping, became rock hard as she crouched down and kissed it on the tip.

"You shouldn't be crouching before me your highness." I gasped.

"How else can I do this?" She replied and then took my member between her soft lips. I groaned as she took it deeper into her mouth. "Just getting you ready." The princess said, sitting back on her heels.

"More of that will be too much." I muttered.

"Sit down." She replied, pushing me gently onto one of the wide arms of one of the chairs. She stood and then straddled my lap before carefully lowering herself onto my raging boner, the folds of her pussy enveloping it. She sighed in satisfaction.

"Happy now?" I asked flippantly.

"I will be soon. Are you saying you aren't?" She smirked back.

"I've had less pleasant missions as an agent." I grinned.

Emma slowly began to ride me, moving up and down on my dick, her hands resting on my shoulders. A little tentatively I placed my hands on her bucking hips.

"You can go higher up than that you know." Emma breathed.

Even more tentatively I ran my hands up her sides to cup her breasts.

"That's more like it." She whispered.

Her tits felt soft and pliant beneath my hands. I leant forward and snagged one of the bouncing orbs with my mouth, gently suckling on the hard nipple.

"Oh yes." Emma cried out. "You're better at this than you let on aren't you?"

"I was a secret agent; we have a reputation to keep up." I grinned, releasing her teat.

"Less talking." Emma said, beginning to pant, her pace quickening.

"Highness, Emma, I'm gonna cum soon." I gasped.

"I said less talking." She panted out, bouncing ever faster.

"Em!" I cried urgently, not wanting to impregnate her. She ignored me and then suddenly it was too late, I was shooting my load into her cunt. She kept going for a few moments after my climax, by cock still twitching inside her, until she orgasmed with a cry of utter joy. She wrapped her arms around me and we held each other as we recovered.

"You shouldn't have let me cum inside you." I admonished gently.

"I like the feeling." She giggled before kissing me on the forehead. "But thank you for the thought."

"But what if...?" I began.

"Then I'll send a strongly worded letter to my pill manufacturer." She laughed.

I shook my head. I was having a hard job thinking of the princess as promiscuous despite just having sex with her.

Emma shook her hips slightly.

"You're still hard in there. Want to go again?" She asked.

"Ought we?"

"I can't think of a good reason why not." She grinned. "I tell you what: Do me from behind, animal style."

"I think you mean 'Doggy Style'." I corrected.

"That's right! Do me doggy style." She laughed.

"If it pleases your highness." I laughed back.

Princess Emma stood up and stepped away, motioning for me to move. I did as I was told. Emma knelt on the seat of the vacated armchair, shaking her bottom in my direction. The movement of her firm, milky buttocks entranced me.

"Come on then, double-o something." She grinned over her shoulder.

I snapped out of my reverie and moved into position behind her, resting my hands on her hips once more. I hesitated for a moment, and then, figuring I may as well be hung for a sheep as for a lamb, I slid myself into her sweet snatch again.

"Your thing feels longer in this position." Emma commented in surprise.

"Penetration is deeper from this angle." I explained as I sank deeper in.

"That's soooo goood." Emma moaned as I began to pump my cock into her. "So good." She repeated in a hoarse whisper.

I increased my pace until I was hammering away quite quickly into her pussy. The princess was making little squeaks of enjoyment with every stroke, as she pushed back against them. She came rapidly this time, her body arching as she climaxed. I stopped my motion.

"No. Don't. Stop." The princess gasped out. "Let. Me Turn. Over."

I stepped away and she flipped onto her back, allowing me to look down into her gorgeous but flushed face. She looked back up at me, regaining her composure.

"I want more of your spy semen inside me." She said with her eyes sparkling.

I plunged my dick back into her wet and willing pussy once more, resuming my rhythmic pounding. Emma wrapped her legs behind my back, pulling me in as deep as possible. Again she made the little noises as I thrust in. At the same time I found myself mesmerised by the way her breasts jiggled at the end of each stroke. I continued to stare as I moved in and out, just watching, lost in the moment. I was about to cum when Emma beat me to it. With a loud pleasure-induced moan she spasmed in orgasm. The clenching of her muscles tipped me over the edge and once more I was filling her pussy with my seed.

"Thank you." Princess Emma gasped. "That was just what I needed."

"No, thank YOU sweet Emma." I panted in return. I glanced outside; it was getting dark. "Princess, I think we should prepare to defend ourselves. It won't be long until Stardust and his men arrive." I said, getting up from her and starting to pull my clothes back on.

"Oh well, back to reality I suppose." Emma sighed, half-heartedly copying me.

"I suggest you take the rifle up to the roof of the tower and try to pick off one or two of them when you see them."

"How will I be able to tell if they're the enemy or not?"

"I'm sure you can tell the good guys from the baddies." I patted her on the shoulder.

"Maybe." She conceded. "This might not be the best time to mention this, but I've never actually fired a weapon at a living target before." She looked at me apologetically. The past twenty-four hours had made me come to forget she wasn't an out-and-out agent.

"Just do what you can. Scare them at least." I said as comfortingly as I was able. I knew it was unlikely that we'd both survive this, the odds were against us, but I hoped that the worst that happened to her was that she was captured. "And princess?"


"If our chopper does come to the rescue, don't hesitate or wait for me; make for it at once."


"No 'buts'. You already promised me, remember?"

"All right. WHEN the helicopter arrives I'll go straight to it." She said reluctantly, and then picked up the rifle before going upstairs.

When she had gone I made a decision that I felt guilty about: I would move from the tower and try to catch our attackers in a crossfire. It was a good idea, but it did mean leaving Emma on her own, something I was loathe to do. However, our needs outweighed my personal dislike, so I scampered across to another building and settled down to wait for the firefight I was sure would come.


About half an hour later I heard two or three vehicles somewhere close amongst the jumble of structures. There was a burble of voices and the clatter of military equipment being readied. Emma must have heard it too, and been able to see them, as a shot rang out. I heard the panic that one shot caused, (obviously these were not top-line troops,) and began to make my way towards the noise. I peered around a corner and spied two trucks and a jeep parked, with soldiers milling around them. I fired a burst at the fuel tank of the nearest truck. Surprisingly it burst into flames. Someone had been careless, I mused, also thinking that the flames would aid the princess, outlining some targets for her. The enemy seemed to be completely unnerved, firing in random directions, running around to no purpose and shouting incomprehensively. In the middle of all this confusion I spotted one figure standing calmly, trying to restore some sort of order: Stardust.

I raised my machine pistol and fired. He must have felt my eyes on him because he dived for cover just as I squeezed the trigger, the bullets missing by inches. I swore under my breath and went to hunt him down. I crept around the mayhem, dispatching two enemy soldiers that I surprised, but unable to find my nemesis. I heard the sound of our Navy helicopter approaching and then landing. I hoped Emma had heard it and was doing as I'd told her and making her way towards it. I briefly thought about doing the same thing myself, but I wanted Stardust; I wanted to find out what he knew, and how he knew it. I cautiously rounded a corner and found myself face-to-face with the man for the first time since he'd nearly killed me two years ago.

"Agent Alpha, how nice to run into you again." He drawled.

"I wish I could say the same." I snarled back.

"If you could lie like me, you could." He smiled his dangerous smile. "And now, will you surrender?" He cocked his head to one side. "Particularly as it seems you've missed your ride."

I heard what he did: The sound of the helicopter taking off again.

"You know I won't Stardust." I told him.

"Such a prosaic codename you've given me; much more inventive than that which I came up with for you." He laughed at a private joke.

"Why are you still after me? I retired." I asked in exasperation.