A Second Chance


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I gave Amy a tour of the house and she seemed to be impressed. The neighbor's daughter, Jill, showed up shortly after Amy and I introduced them. I made sure Jill still had my mobile number and we gave our daughter's a hug and headed out. I had made reservations at a restaurant that was on the top floor of the tallest building in town. It had windows that looked out over the city and gave a nice panoramic view. I made sure to reserve a table in one corner. This would be a little more private and had the best view. Amy had never been there before and was very impressed.

Our conversation flowed freely and I couldn't help but feel that she was enjoying herself as much as I was. She had a lot of questions about how I had come to own my own business. I told her about how I a friend of my parents had complained that he couldn't find a program that met his needs. I offered to try and write one for him. I worked with the owner and two months later had him a program that worked for him. He told other business owners about what I had done and they contacted me to help them. By word of mouth I was soon swamped with new business and had to hire a couple other programmers to help out. My company was born and it became a success.

After I had paid the bill I took her down one floor to a night club that had a quartet that played dance music. This wasn't a loud hang out full of blaring music but rather a dimly lit place where you could talk without having to shout. I ordered us each another glass of wine and then asked her to dance. The music was romantic, meant for slow dancing to. Amy seemed to melt into my arms and she felt so right being there.

During our second dance I looked down at the top of her head and she raised her face to mine. We stared into each others eyes and my mouth just naturally sought hers. Our kiss started warm and soft and I felt her lips part slightly. My tongue naturally slipped into her mouth and was warmly greeted by hers. I think we were both slightly breathless when we broke the kiss. My cock had swelled to full size and I know she felt it press into her and she pressed herself tighter against me. We danced several more times and then I noted that we needed to leave so Jill could go home.

Amy held tight to my arm all the way to the car and sat close to me holding my hand as we drove home. I was sorry our evening was coming to and end. We got to my home and I paid Jill and thanked her for baby sitting. She told us that our daughters had gone to bed around ten. Amy and I walked down the hall and looked into my daughter's room and saw that Kerry was in bed with Bobbie and they were both soundly asleep. I took Amy's arm and drew her back into the living room.

"Amy it's late and Kerry is already asleep. It would be a shame to have to wake her up. Why don't you stay the night," I said. Her eyes grew wide and she looked a little shocked. "I'm sorry. I should have said that I have two spare bedrooms and your more than welcome to use one," I said in a hurry hoping that I hadn't offended her.

Amy smiled at me. "Well, I guess that would be okay. Only I didn't bring anything to sleep in. Have you got a spare shirt I could wear."

I chuckled. "Hang on just a second." I popped into my bedroom and got one button up and one tee shirt and brought them back out. "Your choice," I said holding them up.

Amy looked them over and then took the tee shirt and held it in front of her. It would come down to just above her knees. "This ought to work just fine."

I led her down the hall to the spare bedroom. I showed her that this and the other bedroom had a bathroom between them and as no one was in the other room it would be hers to use alone. She rewarded me with a toe curling kiss. I hurriedly left her to change before I forgot I was a gentleman. I fell asleep that night feeling happier than I had in a long time.


'My God that man can kiss,' Amy thought as David left her to get changed for bed in his spare room. She felt a naughty shiver run through her body as she recalled feeling how hard he was as they danced and how her body naturally pushed against him. As she slipped her panties off she could see the evidence that he had made her feel a deep desire for him.

At first she had been a little shocked when he suggested that she stay the night until he quickly said he had a spare room. Then she couldn't help but feel a little disappointed that he hadn't actually just took her to his room.

Amy knew that they had both had a rough time. He had lost his wife and she had found out the man she had married was a cheating scumbag. They should take their time but she hoped soon they could move forward and their relationship would become all she now hoped it could be.


I woke up and the birds were singing outside my window. For the first time in a long time I was in a hurry to get out of bed. I went into my bathroom and relieved myself and brushed my teeth before heading to the kitchen and put on the coffee to brew. Next I opened the refrigerator and pulled out the makings for breakfast. I was standing at the stove and had just put the bacon on to fry when I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. A definitely woman's body pressed into my back as I was hugged. I turned around and put my arms around Amy and gave her a good morning kiss.

When she stepped back she asked what I was cooking and I told her eggs, bacon and toast. She jumped in and started cooking the eggs while I tended to the bacon. Despite the fact that it had been over two years since a woman had cooked in my kitchen it felt natural to have her here. And damn but she looked so cute in my tee shirt. My thoughts were interrupted by our daughters bursting into the room. Kerry came racing over to her mother.

"I spent the night with Bobbie," she said proudly as she hugged her mother's leg. She then noted what Amy was wearing. "Did you spend the night, too?"

Amy laughed at her daughter's natural inquisitiveness. "Yes honey. David let me sleep in his spare bedroom last night."

Bobbie seemed to be totally unfazed to see Amy standing in the kitchen wearing my tee shirt. She just gave me a big grin and set about pouring orange juices for her and Kerry. The conversation was light and cheery as we ate. I couldn't again think how long it had been since there was such a feeling of happiness at the table. I had one twinge of guilt but quickly buried it away.

Amy helped me to clean the kitchen and then she got dressed and told Kerry it was time to go home. Kerry wasn't happy that they were leaving but she felt a lot better when I invited her and her mother to come back and swim in our pool the next weekend.

Over the next week I would call Amy every evening to talk. I waited until I knew she would have put Kerry to bed and she always answered on the first ring. I sensed that she enjoyed our chats as much as I did. On Friday evening she told me how much she and Kerry were looking forward to spending the day at my house on Saturday. I made sure she knew I felt the same way and told her that she was welcome as early as they could be here.

I didn't have to wait long for at nine a.m. the next morning I answered the doorbell to find Amy and Kerry on my doorstep. I got my now usual greeting hug and kiss on the cheek from Kerry and a tighter hug and kiss on the lips from her mother. Kerry showed up in her bathing suit while Amy wore a sundress and carried a beach bag which I presumed held her bathing suit. Kerry wanted to get straight into the pool. We had to convince her to wait until after lunch when it was a little warmer outside. In the meantime Bobbie took her to her bedroom to play. Amy and I sat in the kitchen and talked over a cup of coffee.

Amy helped me fix a light lunch and then at the continuing insistence that we go 'shwimmin' as Kerry pronounced it the rest of us went to put on our suits. The kids and I were first out and I went ahead with them to the pool. Bobbie hopped into the shallow end and helped Kerry into the water. Amy came out the door a few minutes later wearing a cover up and carrying a towel. She walked over to where I was already laying in a lounge chair and set her towel in the seat next to mine. She raised the cover-up, which was like a long loose shirt, up and over her head. I felt my eyes grow wider. She wasn't wearing the one piece suit she had worn on the cruise but instead had on a bikini. It was a respectable bikini to wear in front of the children but still showed much more skin than her one piece.

I let out a low wolf whistle that only she could hear. Amy grinned and did a pirouette. "You like?" she asked.

"I like. I like very much," I replied hoping my tongue wasn't hanging out.

Amy and I sat basking in the sun until we gave in to the girls' insistence that we get in the water. I let myself be used as a target for their splashes much to the glee of Kerry. After three hours and several applications of sun block we decided to go in. I especially liked putting the sun block on Amy's smooth back. We had enough bathrooms that we could all shower and rinse the block and pool chemicals off. Once Bobbie was firmly in charge of entertaining Kerry again I poured a glass of wine for Amy and got a beer for myself.

With the girls up and about much of the sexual tension between Amy and I was replaced by one of being at ease in each others company. Time passed quickly and we made dinner side by side. Afterward I was able to ply her with enough wine that she agreed to spend the night again. We had the same sleeping arrangements as before. Kerry and Bobbie in Bobbie's room, me in mine and Amy in the guest room. Amy and Kerry didn't leave until the following afternoon. During the day we would share small kisses.

This became our routine for the next four weeks. Amy and I would talk on the phone each night during the week then we would spend the weekend together with our daughters. A couple of times we took the kids out to the park or the zoo. Each time though our sleeping arrangements were the same.

By our sixth week of dating I was wanting to move our relationship to the next level but wasn't sure how to proceed. It had been many years since I had made an overture like that. I was still wondering how to suggest it to Amy when that Saturday night I was in her room and we were locked in a hot kiss. Amy pulled her head back and looked into my eyes.

"David, Bobbie is your daughter, right?" she asked.

"Of course she is," I replied confused.

"Then I assume you understand the mechanics of how she was created?" she continued. I nodded. "Well, I'm not suggesting that we actually create a child but I was thinking it might be nice to practice the mechanics of that procedure with you."

I had to laugh. Obviously Amy was getting frustrated with my lack of moving forward and was taking it onto herself to give me a push. Well, that was all I needed. I swept her into my arms and carried her to my bedroom and put her on my bed. I lay next to her and pulled her body into mine as we continued the kiss we had started. I ran my hand up from her waist and cupped her breast through the tee shirt she wore. Amy had always insisted on wearing one of my tee shirts to bed and I was all for it as she looked so damn cute in them.

Amy moaned into my mouth when I gently squeezed her firm tit. Our kiss heated up as our arousal grew until she reached down and pulled the tee shirt over her head. I had left the light on in the bathroom and it cast a low light into the room. I looked down at her naked body and my cock which was already throbbing seemed to get even harder. I quickly pulled my own shirt off as well as the gym shorts I had put on and joined her in the nude for the first time. Amy's hand reached down and took hold of my manhood and that simple touch was in itself enough to almost make me cum. I gasped and let out a groan.

"Careful sweetheart, I'm on the edge as it it," I warned her. Amy gently pushed me onto my back.

"It's okay, my love. Relax and enjoy yourself and I'm sure the second time will be easier on you." Amy put her head down in my crotch and I watched her lovely lips part and my hard cock slide into her mouth. Only one other person in my life had ever imparted so much love in this simple act of sex. I wasn't a virgin when I married Bobbie's mother and I had engaged in oral sex with other women but none was ever as special because they weren't doing as it an act of love in itself. Now I felt that same emotion from Amy.

As much as I would have enjoyed this for an hour I seriously doubt I lasted a full two minutes before I cried out in warning that I was going to cum. Amy never moved, she kept her lips tightly sealed around me, taking my cum into her mouth as it erupted from my cock. I could feel her swallowing to keep it from running past her lips. I lay on my back gasping for air as Amy looked up at my and licked her lips.

"Mmmm," was all she said. She slid her body up along mine and kissed my deeply. I held her in my arms until I had fully recovered and then rolled her over.

"My turn," I said with a leer.

"Really David, you don't have to," she said sounding concerned.

"Maybe not, but I really really want to," I replied. I learned later that her ex-husband had never done that for her. I didn't want to rush it so I licked and kissed my way down her body, pausing to suck and nibble on her nipples. I continued on and stuck my tongue in her belly button causing her to giggle and stopped when I kissed the top of her mound. Moving quickly I slid to the foot of the bed and kissed her feet and up her ankles. By the time I reached her thighs I was licking and kissing her. I could hear Amy's breathing becoming more rapid and in shorter breaths. I teased her by kissing either side of her pussy before running my tongue from the bottom of her lips up over her clit.

Amy's hips lifted up and cried out, "Oh God." I became lost in the taste of her sweet juices and made out with her pussy. I pushed my tongue in as far as I could and then began to lick and suck on her lips. Within minutes she let out a keening sound.

"Oh David, I'm going to cum," she called out. I moved my mouth up from her pussy and sucked on her clit as I slid two fingers into her. Amy pretty much erupted at that point. Her body shook and I felt her pussy clench around my fingers. I was glad that my daughter's bedroom was on the other side of the house where she wouldn't hear Amy call out in a mixture of a scream and and a guttural growl. Even after she had collapsed back on the bed and I had moved up to lay along side her I would see her tremble every few seconds. Finally her eyes opened and she gazed at me in what I could only describe as adoration.

Amy put her arm around my neck and pulled my face forcibly to hers and used her tongue to battle mine. I felt her hand slide down my chest until she reached my cock which was again rock hard. She growled into my mouth and pulled at me so that I ended up between her legs. Within seconds I was entering her. She felt so wonderful as I slipped into her heat. Warm, wet, and tight. My only regret is that I wish we would have done this weeks ago.

My eyes were locked with Amy's and I felt that we were mirroring the love that we had come to feel for each other. With our first orgasms having tempered our arousal we made slow gentle love for the next fifteen minutes. Her eyes closed momentarily and she moaned and pressed harder into me. Our pace migrated from slow to medium and finally as we reached our peak we were moving fast to meet each other. Her climax triggered mine and we rode the heights together.

The act of sex is so much more fulfilling when it shared with someone you love. This was very much an act of love. I thought of my departed wife only briefly and felt no guilt. I knew she would be happy that I had a second chance at love.

We kissed softly afterward. The sheer pleasure of holding her naked body close to mine was intense. "I love you," I whispered.

"And I love you too, David. So much," she whispered back to me. At some point we both slipped into sleep. I don't know if I had slept for one hour or two but when I woke up Amy had her back to me as we lay like two spoons. My cock was hard again and trapped between her legs. I could feel the heat from her pussy on me and I reflexively began to move my hips back and forth. I guess the sensation of my hardness rubbing across across the lips of her pussy woke her. I felt her press back against me and her hand reaching down to guide me into her.

"Hmmm, good idea. We might not have it down yet. We need more practice," she murmured. We moved slowly in a state of half sleep until I felt her shudder gently and I released my cum into her. This wasn't the hot sex of earlier but rather a loving uniting.

It was morning when we next woke. I went and started the shower and Amy quickly joined me. Twenty minutes later we emerged clean and refreshed. We found our clothes laying on the floor and dressed. When we entered the kitchen our daughters were already there. I'm sure Kerry was too young to realize the significance of her mother and I coming in together from the direction of my bedroom but it was not lost on my daughter. As Amy was putting on a pot of coffee, Bobbie came and kissed my cheek.

"It's about time," she whispered in my ear with a giggle. I looked at her and raised my eyebrows which she chose to ignore. My daughter turned and went and gave Amy a good morning kiss on the cheek before returning to sit with Kerry.

That happened a month ago and Amy and I have discussed that we should continue to explore out relationship and give ourselves a year to move forward. Amy no longer sleeps in the guest room when she and Kerry stay over and personally I believe that we both know it is a foregone conclusion and in less than a year we will announce to everyone that we are making the ultimate commitment.

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AnonymousAnonymous3 days ago

Bobbie and her sister Kerry need a sibling. C'mon daddy, mommy needs twins, so both her daughters have their own, made just for them by mommy and daddy!

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Great story! Is David's daughter's name Bobbie or Bonnie? Or is this a a subtle suggestion that a sequel story is being written wherein David's daughter has a split personality disorder? (Seems unlikely but giving the author the benefit of the doubt here.)

LonesomeBoy60LonesomeBoy604 months ago

Get a notepad and use it to keep track of the character's names. The ending seemed to be rushed, like the author ran out of steam or patience. There were some spelling errors. 3.5 Stars.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Enjoyed your work nice story kind of sugary sweet for Lit and no conflicting areas BUT ain't a thing wrong with it ! *****

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Great story. Would have been even better (6) with an epilog or even a chapter 2. Thank you.

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