A Second Chance Ch. 03

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The steps come faster.
4.1k words

Part 3 of the 8 part series

Updated 10/26/2022
Created 05/15/2013
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Kris sighed. "I'm sorry I tricked you. I should I told you. Can you forgive me?"

"Kris, there is nothing to forgive. I think it was time that one of us took the step." Matt put his hands on her hips.

"So what do we do now?"

"We take our time, go step by step and see what happens next. Is that what you want?"


"Good," Matt said. "One more thing." Matt pulled her close and kissed her. It was short and without feeling. He broke the kiss and moved back. Kris smiled. Matt kissed her again and this time Kris yielded to him. She parted her lips and let his tongue slip into her mouth. His tongue moved deftly around it. He wrapped his arms around her and she pressed herself into him. The kiss lingered as if neither wanted to end it. Finally it ended.

They rested their foreheads against each other. "Whew," Matt whispered. "I think we just took another step." They both laughed.

"So what's next?" Kris asked.

"Well I got two tickets for dinner and a show at Cirque de Soleil tonight and I really want to hit the casinos." Matt said.

"I'm impressed," Kris said. "How did you get tickets on such a short notice?"

"A friend of a friend."

"That sound fantastic but I'm not really into gambling. I want to go shopping. I'm looking for a dress that screams 'You're not Miss Walker, school teacher. You know what I mean?'

"I think so," Matt smiled. "Mind if I tag along? It might prove interesting."

Both freshened up and then headed out. They grabbed one of those little buses and rode down the strip. They tried not to act like it was their first time in Vegas but there was too much to see. Besides there were a lot of first timers there so it didn't matter if there were two more.

Kris knew where she was going and hopped off at the stop, dragging Matt with her. Upon entering Matt knew that no school teacher wore these dresses, at least not to work. In his mind he began to picture Kris in one of them. It was a very pretty picture.

Kris began to talk with the sale girl. It seemed Kris had an idea of what she wanted and the girl was glad to help. Matt found a chair and settled in. He wasn't sure what was going to happen next or how long it was going to take. He didn't do much clothes shopping with Susan. She used to buy something then bring it home and show him in the privacy of their home. Susan felt she could get a more honest opinion that way. Because she was petite, she could wear almost anything but she still dressed conservatively. The outer Susan was prim and proper, the private one was a whole different animal. Underneath the pants outfit was a Victoria Secret deluxe collection. Matt smiled remembering it.

He looked around for a magazine or something to read. There was a Vanity Fair and a Cosmo. He picked up the Cosmo. Katy Perry was on the cover so it was an older one but it wasn't her picture that drew his attention. He had to admit he found her pretty hot. No, it was the articles listed on the cover. '20 mind blowing sex positions...the spot men love touched but won't tell you,' etc. He looked around quickly to see if anyone saw him then he put it down. The young girl behind the counter smiled at him. "Are being taken care of, sir?" she asked.

"Yes, yes," he stammered. Where was Kris?

Right on cue, she appeared. "What do you think?"

It was a white tie dyed dress that looked like she was poured into it. She looked amazing. As she spun around showing off the racing cut back, she asked, "Well?"

Matt was speechless. He really couldn't talk.

"A little much, huh. Can't wear this one to school." With a laugh she headed back to the dressing room.

Kris had gotten Matt's attention. He couldn't wait to see what was next.

She came out in two others that looked nice but the colors didn't look right. Besides Matt couldn't get the sight of white one out of his mind. The next one was a pleaded chiffon printed dress with spaghetti straps. She looked really good. "This one?"

"I like that one. It looks good on you."

"I do too," Kris agreed. "It doesn't show too much?"

The dress did show some cleavage but not any more than the one she wore on the plane. "No," Matt said.

Kris turned to the girl. "I'll take it. Now how about a little black dress."

"I'll pick some out for you."

Kris whispered to Matt. "This so much fun. Thanks for sharing this with me." With that, she kissed him on the cheek.

Kris must have tried on four or five different styles of black dresses. They all looked good on her. Matt was really no help. He liked them all, the next one seemed to be better than the last. "Sorry," he said. "They all look good."

"Okay, just one more. I promise,"

When she returned, Matt sat up. It was a crochet black tank dress and Kris looked absolutely stunning in it. He had to look twice to see if he could see through it but he couldn't. She turned around showing him all sides. "Well?"

"That's the one. Wow, do you look good."

"Good. Now all I need is a pair of heels and I'm set. Not much longer." The girl took her over to the shoes as Matt headed to the counter. Like she promised, she was back quickly. "They had exactly what I wanted and in my size. Now how much is the damage?"

"Put your money away, Kris. My treat."

"I can't let you do that," she begged. "At least let me pay for the shoes."

"No, it is my treat," Matt replied, "Besides how often do I get to do this."

Matt paid for all of it, about $400 but he felt good being able to. They went back to the hotel. Upon arrival, Matt told Kris he was heading to the casino. He wanted to win his money back. Kris kissed him on the cheek. "Thanks and good luck. I'm going up to the room and relax. Get ready for tonight." What she didn't say was she wanted to be well rested for tonight.

Matt headed off. He went straight to the roulette table. He knew it was hard to win big money there but he didn't care. He just wanted to give it a try. Besides Kelly asked him to win some money for her so he thought he try there first.

He watched the game and the wheel a few times and when he felt confident, he got $100 worth of chips. He placed $50 on red. The croupier gave the wheel a spin and Matt waited.

"Red 11," the croupier shouted.

"Good," thought Matt. "One more time." He let the chips stay there. Again the croupier gave the wheel a spin and Matt waited.

"Red 19."

Two times and now $200. He was half way there. He picked up his chips and walked away. He had read somewhere that the casino wanted you to get comfortable, a little cocky and then they got you. He wanted to play blackjack anyway. He headed for the $25 table. He had started with a limit of $500 to bet with. He made a $150 so he put that in his right pocket. He waited for an opening at the table. Finally a man got up and left. Matt took his place.

He put $200 on the table. The dealer took his money and gave him some chips. He placed his bet. He won the first one then lost the next two. Then he got on a roll. He won five hands in a row. He knew his limit. One more hand and he was done, win or lose.

He bet $100, the table limit. The first was a Jack, 10 points. The next a six. He was sitting on 16. He had to go. One more card. A five! 21, a winner. Matt took his chips, a cool $800 worth. Not a bad day's work, winning $950. He definitely felt lucky. He headed back to the room.

Kris wanted tonight to go so well. She was ready for the next step but she didn't want to go too fast. There were still doubts in her mind that Matt might not be ready. Kris was sure it would happen. Just when she wasn't sure. She wandered into the bathroom, filled the oversize spa, and while the water ran, found a radio station that played soft jazz. While the music filled the room, Kris settled into the deep tub and leaned back, letting the bubbles relax her. She spent almost an hour in the water, adding hot water whenever it became too cool. She fantasized about the evening and Matt. She could picture him undressing her slowly, touching her and stroking her with his hands. She could imagine him whispering in her ear, telling her how beautiful she was.

When she finally emerged from the tub her skin was soft and deep pink all over, and her nipples and pussy tingled. Part of her want her to play with herself until she came, just to take the edge off, but she didn't. The feeling fit right in with her fantasies.

She put on a robe and walked over the bed. She emptied the bag from the dress shop. 4 boxes fell out. She could remember buying 3 things, just 2 dresses and a pair of shoes. She started opening the boxes. The first one contained the print chiffon dress. She thought she wear that tomorrow night or Saturday. The next one was the little black dress, tonight's outfit. What was in the third dress box?

She opened it and gasped. It was the white one! Matt bought it for her. She couldn't go out in that. What was he thinking? He wanted her to wear it. He liked her in it. Okay change of plans. Lucky she could wear the shoes she just bought. What happens in Vegas...

Matt came back all excited. "Hey, I won over $900 in the casino. The sky is the limit night. Let me shower and shave then the bathroom is all yours. I'll be quick."

He was true to his word. "All yours."

Kris went into the bathroom carrying the box with the white dress. She had already applied her make-up so she wouldn't be long. As she stood looking in the mirror and holding her bra, she realized she couldn't wear it. The dress had a racing back and her bra straps wouldn't go that way. She couldn't wear a dress like this and have her straps show. So no bra it was.

She slid the dress over her head and smoothed it. It fit like a second skin. She checked herself in the mirror. Panty lines! How could that be as she wearing her smallest thong she owned, a lacy white pair but it showed around her hips? She took a deep breath, reached under the dress and slipped them off. She was completely naked underneath. It was now or never as she stepped into the room. "Ready."

Matt was playing the TV when she entered the room. As in the store, he was speechless when he saw her.

"I guess you like what you saw in the store," she said.

He walked over to her. As he did he realized just how beautiful, how sexy she really was. For split second he wanted to say to hell with the show, he wanted her right now. Instead he held out his hand. In it was a small long box.

'What is it?" Kris asked.

Matt opened it and took out silver chain necklace with a sapphire pendent. "It was Susan's and I know she would want you to have it. Would you wear it tonight?"

She could tell by the look in his eyes it meant a lot. She turned and lifted her hair, exposing her neck. Matt stepped forward and put the necklace around her. The sapphire nestled between her breasts. With trembling hands, he fastened the latch. He then kissed her neck.

The kiss sent shivers through her body. She lifted her head and sighed. He slid his hands down the side of her body. Her knees grew weak and she pressed against him. If she turned they would never leave the room.

The show at the Cirque de Soleil was amazing. The performers, the music, the unbelievable stunts seemed to overwhelm one's senses. Kris was mesmerized. It was beyond anything she had seen. Even with all of this she found her mind wandering. There were so many things going through it.

First was the dress. She had never worn anything like it in public and at first she was very self-conscience. She felt like everyone was looking at her and could see everything. As she waited outside, she noticed herself in a mirror and was surprised. It didn't look that revealing. Yes it was tight but she fit it well. It was shorter than any dress she ever wore and that made her uncomfortable, especially as she sat down. The Cirque de Soleil was dark and as the show continued she stopped thinking if she was exposing herself.

There was a second thing. She had become very horny. Being public in the dress without underwear was part of it but what almost happened in the hotel was the real reason. Matt said take it step by step, slowly. Now she didn't what to. She wanted to him to take her, to make love to her. After waiting, being patient, it was time. Her pussy was so wet that she was afraid she would leave a spot on the seat. Her nipples were hard and she knew they showed through the fabric. She could blame that on the air conditioner.

The final thing on her mind was the necklace Matt gave her just before they left the room. It was beautiful and it went well with the blue tie dye in the dress. She loved the feel of it as it moved between her breasts. It was Susan's and now he was giving it to her. He must have planned on giving it and it didn't seem like a spur of the moment thing. 'But why now?' she thought. She didn't ask as he fastened it around her neck but she knew she needed to. These things kept her mind in a spin.

"Kris," Matt said. He touched her arm and she jumped. "You alright?"

She quickly came out of her thoughts. "Yes, everything is fine."

"I thought we walk the strip, take in the sights. It's early. No need to hurry back to the room."

"No need!" she wanted to scream. Instead she smiled, "Sure, why not."

They walked hand in hand, looking but not really seeing. They saw the fountains, the lights, the casino lights and sounds, the pretty girls but their minds were elsewhere. Both understood that they had to go back to the room. They knew how close they were to not leaving the room early. Things were moving very fast and it seemed out of their control. Kris and Matt wanted to take it slow but it had developed its own will.

Suddenly they were at the hotel. It seemed to come up a little faster than they expected it. "Would you like a little nightcap before we go up?" Matt asked.

Kris had drunk some wine at dinner. Not too much though but it usually relaxed her. It didn't this time so maybe something stronger might. Anything to take the edge off. "Sure," she replied.

They entered the hotel's lounge and were seated in a booth towards the back. Matt ordered a beer and Kris asked for a Coke. She decided she didn't need any more alcohol for tonight. She wanted to fully aware of everything. She wanted the edge.

"A Coke?" Matt asked.

"Yes," she smiled. "The wine was enough for tonight."

Matt looked at her. "God, she was beautiful," he thought. He had never really looked at her that way. She was always Kris Walker, good friend and co-worker. Now she was much more. She looked so good in that dress that he had to buy it for her. Being with her was fantastic and it felt right.

"Glad you liked the necklace. It looks good on you. It kinda goes with that dress," he said.

"It's beautiful, Matt, and thank you. I know it must have been difficult."

"No, not really. I think Susan would want you to have it." After saying this, Matt drew quiet. He took a long swig on his beer. Looking down at his bottle he said. "You need to know this, Kris, it is only fair. I still miss her very much and it's been hard to move on. I think it might be time. I don't know but I'm willing to give us a try. I don't want to lose you as a friend."

Kris stood up and took him by the hand. "I'm not worried. You'll always be a friend." With that they walked to the elevator. As it ascended, they stood in silence in the back, holding hands. Numerous people got on and then exited, finally leaving them alone. Her heart was pounding. What happened next caught her by surprise.

When the door closed, Matt grabbed her hips and pushed her against the wall. He pushed one leg between hers so she straddled it. He kissed her, hard and passionately, forcing his tongue into her mouth.

Caught off guard, Kris's body began to respond. She kissed him back. Her tongue played with his. Her hands moved quickly and began to unbutton his shirt. She needed to feel her hands against skin. She grounded her crotch on his thigh.

Matt moved his mouth to her neck and began to nibble and suck on it, sending tingles directly to Kris' pussy. She moaned as she pressed harder against him. "Oh, God!"

His hands dropped to her ass and began to massage her cheeks. Kris moved her hips in response. She kissed his chest and began to suck on one of his nipples. She could feel his hard cock and her frustration mounted. She wanted it so badly.

Her dress rode up and his hands were now clutching at her bare cheeks. Matt grabbed each other and pulled them apart giving Kris the feeling of being wide open. He buried his face into her breasts.

The bell rang signaling their floor and the door open. The hallway was clear and they hurried to their door. Even then the moment seemed to last forever.

Kris pulled Matt into the room and shut the door after them. She had no desire to be in the hall naked with him, the chance of someone coming was pretty good.

She smirked at him and pushed him down on the bed. She easily stripped off her dress, pulling it over her head.

Matt groaned at the sight. Kris' large breasts bounced as she removed her dress, exposing her trimmed pussy.

"Let's get these pants off," she said as she undid his belt. In one pull she removed his pants and shorts. His hard big cock sprang into view. Kris' eyes grew wide. Susan told her that Matt was big but she always believed that Susan was exaggerating. Susan hadn't seen many and beside she was petite so any one might look big. She wasn't joking. It must have been about 9 inches and it was thick. It was bigger than any she had before. She couldn't wait.

She climbed on top of him so he could get a nice view of her as she fucked him. She easily slid his hard cock into her. She closed her eyes as he entered her, it just felt so damn good and big. She breathed out a soft moan as she started moving her hips back and forth and slightly in a circular motion to insure she was hitting all the right spots on both of them. She moved faster and harder on top of him moaning lightly every time he slid in and out of her.

Kris looked at him, a very sexual smile on her lips. "You like that, baby?"

"Oh, fuck!" Matt cried. He watched her sit down on his cock, his hands immediately going to her ass to feel and squeeze roughly. His hands slipped around her waist as he pounded into her, hearing the audible connection between them. She felt so good, and Matt worked his fingers into her to rub her clitoris as she rode him expertly. He watched her ample breasts bounce, her nipples large and erect.

"Yeah, just like that, baby." He cried, stifling a loud moan. "You know just how to work it." He said breathlessly as he thrust into her waiting for her to climax. He could finish now, but he wanted to last for her sake.

Kris smiled and worked her body down on him harder and faster allowing him to penetrate her deeper with every motion of her body. She was already close to climaxing but when Matt's fingers went to her clit it was all over and she closed her eyes tightly as her body was rocked with orgasms.

"Oh God! I'm cumming, baby it feels so good."

She tried to keep the noise down a bit, but she still managed a final whimper as she came down, her body shivering with pleasure. When the final surge of pleasure subsided she looked at Scott smiling as she rode him, her body moving with expert precision.

"You want to cum inside me baby?" she asked. She wanted to feel it; she wanted him to be in total pleasure. But she wanted him to beg and she had him right where she wanted. She reached behind her and played with his balls as she rode him enjoying every second of this.

"Oh yes, baby! Let me fill you up."

"Does it feel good?" Kris asked, clenching her pussy around his cock.

"God, yes. So good," Matt groaned.

Kris looked into his face. She rose up, still clenching, until only the tip was in. Then she slowly slid down his cock. She leaned forward and grounded her pelvis into Scott. She began to ride him harder, faster. She slammed herself down on him. Kris moved faster. She could feel her own orgasm beginning to build. She placed her hand on his chest to steady herself.