A Shepherd Afield Pt. 03


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Ben sighed and continued on. He felt eyes on him and did his best to ignore the sensation as he moved through the throng. A woman to his left took a step forward as he approached, drawing his eye. Dressed in a simple white silk top above a tight black leather skirt and a short leather jacket. No spikes, buckles, clamps or other bondage paraphernalia. Ben was relieved to see that. She was wearing a slim silver chain around her neck from which a blue and green loop hung.

"Good evening Mr. Shepherd. My name is Pepin Stiegerwald. I'm the President of our little social club," she said with a smile as she gestured around. Her German accent was subtle so she may have lived in the states for quite some time.

While it was difficult to estimate accurately he guessed she was in her fifties though her body appeared to be fit and trim. The subtle lines at the corners of her green eyes and smiling lips and her confident bearing indicated she had some experience under her belt. She was comfortable with the lifestyle. Obviously, as she was the president of their club.

She was one of the few women with hair that didn't hang down her back. Short, with that tousled pixie look, her black locks was another sign of her confidence. That and the bold dark blue of her lipstick and matching manicure.

"Please, call me Ben."

Her smile was a flash of white as she shook his offered hand. She had a strong grip and she tested his just a little. A Dom to Dom thing perhaps he wondered.

He was about to introduce the twins when he caught himself. He had no idea what the protocols were. He was spared from a faux pas when Pepin took the initiative.

"Your ladies are truly lovely. Twins?"

"Yes. They are exquisite," he said with a smile as he looked at them with admiration. They glowed with his praise. He glanced behind Pepin but she just flashed him her smile once more.

"I'm currently between partners. The last one... could not maintain his passion for the lifestyle." She shrugged gently.

Ben wasn't clear on what that meant but he didn't feel comfortable asking.

"I don't believe I've seen you or them at the club before," Pepin stated.

"No, it's a first for us. To be completely honest, I've only recently accepted the role of being a Dom." He wasn't sure why he shared that but something about Pepin drew it from him.

"Then let me be among the first to welcome you to a very rewarding and satisfying lifestyle!" she said with a smile. "We have over fifty members in our social club. Just a little more than half have attended tonight. We try to get together at least once a month, optimally twice a month but we are a diverse group and schedules are so hectic these days."

Ben nodded thinking about how full his own calendar was. He was looking forward to being able to go back to a quieter life but wondered when that might happen.

"I believe Drago is going to do a demonstration shortly. He promised a good show," Pepin said.

"Demonstration?" Ben asked.

"He said he will be giving a young sub her first public disciplining session," she nodded.

Ben immediately felt uneasy but Pepin led Ben forward to the end of the bar where an area had been set up for the 'demonstration'. A bald man with broad powerful shoulders and arms limbered up. He wasn't too tall but he was wide with muscle and fat. He'd taken his shirt off and his blue and green loops hung from a belt loop. He was a... hairy man. Thick dark curls covered his back.

"Drago, may I introduce Ben Shepherd," Pepin said as the man turned to face them.

The dark curls continued to his chest it seemed. Ben caught the pungent scent of the man's sour sweat but tried to keep his distaste from his face. The man gave him a critical evaluating look and the briefest of nods. Ben was grateful he didn't have to shake the man's hand.

"You must stand back so you don't get hit," Drago cautioned.

"Hit? With what?" Ben asked.

Drago gave him an impatient look and gestured to a small table set up with a number of whips, straps, and riding crops.

Ben's unease went up. He glanced at Pepin who took his arm and guided him to the side. Lisa and Lori tucked themselves in close behind Ben.

"I see you are unfamiliar with the practice of disciplining a sub." She glanced at the twins. "They are very well behaved none-the-less."

"I've never used a whip or a riding crop on them. I find the idea... disturbing." Ben admitted.

Pepin nodded as she was aware it could be difficult to watch for those who didn't comprehend the underlying rules of conduct.

"Disciplining is a mutually agreed upon activity. A Dom must receive permission from their Sub prior to beginning. If the Sub does not desire the disciplining then it serves no purpose other than inflicting pain. Only the Dom would receive fulfillment from that," she explained.

"Assuming a Dom took pleasure in inflicting pain," Ben growled.

Pepin looked at him curiously. "It has been my experience that most do."

"Pain can be a powerful tool." He glanced at Lisa who shivered in response. "It's useful for achieving the goal of heightened pleasure for a sub. Taking pleasure from inflicting it? I'm sorry, I can't relate to that." He took a deep breath. "If a sub willingly gives themselves to someone wishing to inflict pain for their own pleasure..." He shook his head. "I don't understand but I'll try not to judge."

Pepin smiled. "Then you are more open minded than most." This made Ben snort. "A sub sees the pleasure they give their Dom as a gift for their partner. Many subs enjoy, even need the pain. While they receive it they know they are giving pleasure to their partner," she said.

Ben tried to grasp the concept but for him pain was something to avoid. If Lisa needed pain he could give her some but he received no pleasure from the act himself.

Dragging his mind back from the uncomfortable topic he glanced around. "Who is Drago going to discipline?" he asked.

Pepin looked around as well and frowned. "I'm not sure. He didn't have a partner with him at our last get together. He's only been with the club for three months."

The man in question gestured for someone to approach. A slim man moved forward guiding a small figure before him. The figure in question turned out to be a young woman with light brown, curly frizzy hair which was tied back to expose her face. Or more accurately her blindfold, ball gag, and ear covers.

Ben got the impression that she was very young. She couldn't be more than 18 and he was worried she might be less than that. He glanced at Pepin in concern.

"I can guess what you are thinking. I too think she looks too young to be here but Club Eon has a very strict policy of no underage patrons. They're not even allowed in the hotel. They would have had to have shown her ID," she said.

Ben remembered the ladies being carded at the reception desk and he felt a little better. Still the young woman was so young!

"Tell me, how old were you when you first got involved in the Dom / Sub lifestyle?" he asked.

Pepin gave him an odd look then looked back at the petite brunette being strapped to a large upright 'X'. "I was twenty-six."

"Do you believe you were truly capable of making well thought out decisions at that age or were you still fumbling around? How about when you were eighteen?" Ben said grimly as he saw the man who'd led the girl here roughly tear away the t-shirt she'd been wearing. The brunette shrieked through her ball gag and looked around frantically though she could not see or hear.

"How is she supposed to tell him she's had enough? Is he going to remove the gag? Why is she blinded and deafened?" Ben growled quietly to Pepin as his agitation grew. She saw where Ben was going with this and frowned at Drago. The man walked closer with the riding crop and snapped it against the inner thighs of the girl. She squealed and began to cry.

Ben had enough and moved.

Drago looked at him angrily as he approached. "What are you doing? Get back! The bitch is my sub!"

Ben ignored him and reached for the straps to the girl's ball gag. He wanted to hear from her that she voluntarily agreed to this.


Ben yanked his hand back and glared at Drago who'd just struck the back of his hand with the riding crop.

"You will leave the bitch alone. She is mine." Drago said coldly. Ben just scowled at him.

The young woman was still crying so Ben turned back to undo her ball gag once more.



The moment the crop struck Ben's hand he swung his arm backward and took Drago right off his feet. The man hit the floor hard and struck the table with all his tools. They crashed down on top of the prone man.

Ben undid the ball gag and got the straps of the blindfold and ear covers off. The girl shrieked when she discovered she was in a room full of strangers. She shrieked even louder when the tip of the whip struck her back.

"THE. BITCH. IS. MINE!" Drago bellowed. He was standing once more, breathing hard, holding a long whip loosely in his right hand.

"Do you want him to continue?" Ben asked the woman and she frantically shook her head no. "Sorry, I need you to say it. Loudly."

"No! I want to go home!" the woman cried.

The crowd began to grumble as they glared at Drago as he'd broken one of their cardinal rules. Pepin was immediately undoing the restraints and Ben put his jacket over the girl's shoulders until they could get her something to wear.


Ben hissed and spun to face Drago. The back of his shirt was ripped and he felt a large welt rising. Lisa and Lori cried out in fear drawing Drago's attention.

"Perhaps I will take my pleasure from your two whores-" Drago shut up fast when he suddenly saw Ben lunging at him. He quickly discovered that whips aren't very good for close combat. The opponent needs to be out at the end of the whip otherwise he just grabs it and yanks you off your feet to drive his knee into your face. Then the lights explode and everything fades to black.

Ben stood above Drago's unconscious form and glared at his assistant. The shocked man beat a hasty retreat.

"Would it be a stupid question if I asked if anyone here has restraints we could use on this guy?" he asked and got laughter from the group. Several people moved forward with ropes, cuffs, and bondage shackles.

Seeing he had no more opponents Ben walked back to Pepin and the young woman who was clinging to her with her head tucked in under the older woman's chin. Ben smiled. He picked up the ball gag he'd removed from her and tossed it back to the group binding the unconscious man.

"I'm sorry Ben. We assumed he'd followed protocols since he'd come to our meetings and knew how we worked. If you hadn't reacted so quickly Melody here could have been badly scarred."

"He should be arrested and charged for what he did," Ben growled as Lisa and Lori rushed over to him. He assured them by giving them each a kiss. They moved to his back and gently lifted his shirt. Ben just pulled it up and over his head. He stared in dismay at the rip. Tina and Lucy liked this shirt but it was a write off. He looked up to see Pepin and Melody both staring at his chest.

"My, you... certainly have a lot of scars," Pepin said with a breathy voice. Melody nodded, wide eyed. He felt gentle touches on his back.

"The whip didn't break the skin." Lori said looking around his arm.

"Good. One less scar," Ben said thankfully. The welt stung but his shirt had taken the brunt of the damage. He was lucky that Drago hadn't been so skilled at wielding his weapon of choice.

The club hostess arrived and made a beeline to Ben. "Are you alright Mr. Shepherd? The authorities are on their way."

"Yes, thank you. I think I'm done dancing for the night though. Do you have some clothing you might loan Melody here?"

"Yes! Right away," she said and spun off to get the clothes.

"Where are your clothes?" Ben asked the young woman.

She shook her head.

"Did he drug you?" Pepin asked.

Melody's eyes began to tear up and she nodded. Pepin held her a little tighter and tucked her head in under her chin again. She looked over at Ben. "I wonder if I have time to get a few kicks in before the police arrive."

Ben grinned then shook his head as the police were already making their way over to them.

"Good evening Officer... Davis." Ben said reading his badge. He frowned. "Have we met?"

"Yes, Mr. Shepherd. I was the officer who interviewed you back at the end of September when you assisted in the apprehension of the drunk gang member outside the mall. How is your hand?"

"Much better, thanks!" he smiled.

The officer looked at the bound man lying on the floor behind them and raised his eyebrows at Ben.

"I just... incapacitated him after he struck me with a whip and threatened Lisa and Lori. The others put him in restraints." Ben turned his back to Officer Davis who winced when he saw the welt across the scars.

"And why did he whip you?" the officer asked uncomfortably.

Lori held up Ben's shirt to show he wasn't topless when he was struck.

"I was preventing him from whipping Melody. I wasn't convinced she was a willing participant. She was gagged, blinded and deafened so I was removing those restraints to ask her when he whipped her then me."

The officer turned to the young woman. "Did you come here of your own free will?"

The brunette shook her head.

"Verbally, Melody," Pepin prompted.

"No. I was drugged at a dance club and they put me into the bondage stuff. I don't know where my clothes are or my purse or my phone..." she began to sniffle and Pepin hugged her until she calmed.

Officer Davis made notes as the hostess returned with the clothing. It was a red knit dress that, while a little tight, looked like it would fit Melody's petite frame. Pepin took the garment with thanks and guided Melody over to the washrooms. They returned shortly and Pepin handed Ben his jacket back.

Ben frowned as he recalled the frightened look on Drago's co-conspirator. He walked over to the officer who was retrieving the unconscious man's wallet. "Drago wasn't alone tonight. He had help but he ran off. He was around 5' 6", white, slim build, thin mustache, and crooked front teeth. If they grabbed Melody..."

The officer nodded and read Drago's address from his driver's license into his mic. "I've sent a cruiser to his address. We'll look for other victims at his residence. Thank you Mr. Shepherd."

Ben nodded and walked back to the twins. "I think it's time to call it a night."

Pepin handed him a card. He looked at it and saw the name of the social club printed on it and underneath was her name, title, email, and phone number. There was also a website URL which he thought was a little odd.

"I'm terribly sorry for the poor introduction you had to our group. I was hoping you might give us another chance."

Ben nodded thinking he'd talk to Tina and Lucy about it first. Get their opinion. Pepin seemed level headed enough.

"Thank you. Take care Melody."

Ben shook Pepin's hand once more then looked to the twins who slipped in behind him immediately. He smiled then walked out of the club. They handed in their colored loops and nodded to the hostess as they made their way to the elevators. He pressed the button and turned to face Lisa and Lori. He saw they were trembling with excitement.

"It wasn't exactly the best introduction to the lifestyle but I think it went well enough." He took Pepin's card from his pocket. "Would you two be agreeable to meeting up with this group again?"

They both nodded with brilliant smiles as they saw Ben was willing to make this work.

He nodded and put the card into his wallet. He'd talk with Tina and Lucy about it as well.

The elevator arrived and took them to their floor. Ben let them into their room and slowly walked through it taking in the décor. Their overnight bags were lined up on the bureau and their coats were in the closet.

Dominating the room was the huge king size four poster canopy bed. The posts were gorgeously carved to look like twisting vines and Ben realized they were impressively strong. The tops of each were connected to the others for extra rigidity. The 'vines' had looped openings at intervals climbing up each post. They were designed to be used as tie points for restraints. Ben realized they could be used to tie someone down to the bed or standing at the end of the bed as well.

He looked back to the twins and saw they were watching his discovery of the bed's intended use very closely.

"Ingenious design. Functional and beautiful." He looked around curiously. "But what if you didn't bring your own restraints?"

Lori immediately rushed to the end table and opened the drawer. Inside Ben saw a variety of bondage devices, each packaged for sale. He snorted in surprise but smiled at the brilliance of the idea. Catering to the customer's needs and making extra income in the process. Like the room's mini-bar.

Lori was biting her lip as Ben looked through the items inside the drawer, his mind ticking over the possibilities. He knew the ladies deserved something special tonight. It seemed a little light bondage was the way to do it. He pulled a box from the drawer and saw Lori's eyes light up. He'd selected some padded cuffs and straps for tying one of them to the bed. Lori made an involuntary whimpering sound. Ben pulled a second set from the drawer as well and looked at Lisa who was visibly trembling.

"It would be a shame to not use this bed for its intended purpose, wouldn't it," Ben said in a rumble.

The two women nodded quickly.

Ben hooked a finger through the ring on Lori's collar and he roughly pulled her to him. He gestured for Lisa to come closer and when she did he seized her hair and pulled her close as well as she squeaked in surprise. Their eyes were wide and their breathing quickened. He brought his lips close to each of theirs but he didn't kiss them. Looking fiercely into their eyes he saw he had their attention.

"You're mine. Every single inch of your delicious flesh and every strand of silky soft hair on your head is mine. Heart and soul. Yes?" Ben was giving them one final option to change their minds.

"Yes!" they cried. Ben kissed Lisa deeply and she squealed at his aggression but clung to him until he pulled away. She was gasping and dazed as he turned to her sister.

Lori looked a little frightened but when he took his kiss from her slowly and sensually she melted against him. He knew she wanted his domination and was excited seeing his rougher side but she needed a gentler touch. In this one thing the twins differed greatly and he found that fascinating.

He pulled back to drink in their outfits with his eyes one more time. One of Lisa's tits had been jostled a little when he grabbed her and a stiff pink nipple was peeking above the edge of her red bustier, the gold of the barbell piercing gleaming even in the room's soft light. He reached over and gave it a gentle pinch and she gasped as sparks shot through her body.

He turned her around and loosened the ties on the bustier. Once the garment was loose he heard a zip and Lisa opened the garment from the front. He handed it to her then undid the zipper on her tight skirt and pushed it down over her smooth hips and firm ass to discover the cheeky redhead wasn't wearing any panties. She stepped out of her skirt and he handed it to her as well.

Then he squeezed her ass cheeks in his hands as she cried out. He gave her butt a slap and she whimpered a little but when she glanced over her shoulder Ben could see the hunger in her eyes as she bit her lip and rubbed her thighs together.

He turned to Lori and gently spun her around. He undid the laces and zipper on her bustier and skirt and exposed her creamy smooth skin. She also wasn't wearing panties but instead of squeezing her ass as she expected he slid two fingers across her wet pussy lips tearing a gasp from her. She staggered on her pumps but he steadied her with his other hand.
