A Sissy's New Daddy Ch. 05


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I lost track of how many men had fucked my boipussy but I did remember that I needed to suck ten more cocks. As soon as the last woman climbed off my face I started begging, "Please feed me cock, please fuck my face."

The bikers didn't waste any time within moments a cock was slammed down my throat. Half way to my goal of ten I was begging for someone to stroke my boipenis between men shoving their cocks down my throats. Finally as the tenth cock was being shoved in I felt one fingernail gently teasing my balls a deep voice called out from somewhere in the room. "Sara, what are you doing?"

"What the little sissy gave me eight orgasms. I can help him with at least one." Sara said her voice was sweet, but indifferent as she spoke. But her fingers told me she liked me and what I had done for her. Her fingers danced around my boipenis until it dripped a load a third and final load flooded into the front of my panties. The last cock pumped its load and as it washed over my tongue I remembered that I wasn't done yet. The cock pulled from my lips and I cried out. "I am ready for my cum bath."

There was still a cock buried in my boipussy, slowly pumping away he continued till he was done and pumped one last load into me. As he pulled out I could feel the white silk bridal panties being pulled back into place. I felt knives against both of my bound wrist/ankles and listened as the blades sliced my restraints free. They held my legs up long enough to give me one last set of instructions. "All right Cum whore clinch that Ass pussy tight because you need to keep all that cum in you until you are given permission to release it."

My legs were released and I curled into a ball. My legs and arms ached but I was too afraid to think about it, I was worried cum would leak from my boipussy and I would get in trouble. The blindfold was still on so I only knew Fucktoy had been brought back into the room when I heard God King call out to her, "Fuck Toy, go ahead and get that wedding dress of the Cum Whore. I want to make sure we don't lose any of this cum when she puts her clothes on before going home."

Fuck Toy didn't waste any time pulling the dress off of me. I whispered again that I was sorry and again she told me not to worry. She waited to pull the blind fold off until she had been given permission. It took my eyes a couple of minutes to adjust but once they did I realized I had been right, they had waited to bring in all of the men from the pool. I was still clinching my ass doing everything I could to keep what felt like gallons of cum in my boipussy. On the floor next to the table was a bowl, it was already half filled with cum that I have a feeling dripped from my boipussy as I was being fucked.

"All right cum whore. It is time to empty that ass pussy out. Squat over that bowl." God King said as he pointed at the bowl of cum. I started to pull my panties down but God king stopped me "No no, leave those on just as they are."

Squatting over the bowl I didn't even bother to hold the cum in, once I was in place I stopped trying. I actually got hard feeling the cum flood out of me and fill my panties. Once my panties were full the cum oozed out and began to drip into the bowl. They made me stay there squatting until the thought all the cum had drained out of me. As last of the cum drop from my panties to the bowl God King called out to Fuck Toy, "You know what to do with those panties."

Fuck toy hurried over to me and peeled the cum soaked panties from my body. As she slid them down my legs they left a few cum trails that immediate soaked into my stockings. After I stepped out of them I watched as she dropped them into the bowl of cum and using her fingers submerged them. I expected God King to order her to remove my bra next but he didn't. Watching Fuck Toy soak my panties it was hard to suppress my smile when I noticed that she had been allowed to dress, or at least what they called dressed for her. She had slipped into a pair of leopard print satin boyshorts. Slave had been written in marker across the front of them but they were still very nice. That was when God King remembered I too was wearing new clothes. "Fuck Toy, where is that bikini the Cum Whore was wearing when she arrived?"

"It is with his shorts God King." She answered demurely. I watched her answer as she rushed to retrieve the tiny green bikini. "I have it here sir."

"Put it with the panties." He said as he looked to Master Jonthan and waved him over to me.

Master Jonathan came over and pushed me to my knees while whispering just to me, "Your pussy was as tight as I thought it would be."

Once I was on my knees Master Jonathan started to masturbate and almost immediately his head started to pulse. I watched as the little eye flexed open and shot a load of cum into my hair. Speaking louder and too the group as a whole he said "OK boys its time to give this little collection of fuck holes a fresh coat."

Every cock in the room stepped forward and started stroking. I spent the next hour on my knees as everyman in the room dumped load after load on my body. The deal was each guy would cum on me twice. But of course they all came three and four times before God King called an end to it. He shooed the men away from me and walked up to me, his erect cock bouncing in my face and he asked me a question, "Is that enough cum for you... CUM WHORE."

The whole room burst into laughter when he said it, I was getting tired of the bikers but I knew what was expected of me so I answered "Can I get one more load."

"One more from me? Or one more from EVERYONE!" God King yelled the last word and again I knew what answer I was supposed to give.

"Everyone, God King... EVERYONE!" I yelled the last word in the sluttiest, girliest voice I could manage and the room went wild. God King pulsed and shot a huge load onto my face and chest. Walking away God King waved them rest of the men lunged forward jerking their cocks furiously adding another layer of cum to my body.

Once the last man shot his load God King ordered Fuck toy to send my bikini home in my Boipussy. She grabbed the bottoms first, balling them up before walking over to me. I reached behind my back and spread my cheeks for her. My boipussy was so loose she was able to push the bikini up inside me easily. The top was bulkier so she had to really stuff it up inside me. When she was done I had to wiggle my butt and squat down a few times to get used to the feeling. Next she brought me the white satin bridal panties, since they were not designed to get wet, they absorbed a great deal more liquid. Carefully Fuck Toy slid them up my leg doing her best not to disturb the layer of cum that was cooling and drying on my body.

"I am bored and tired now. I am going to bed." God King called out as he looked to the bikini bitches along the back wall. "So who wants to join me tonight."

Fuck Toy looked nervous right up until he pointed to one of the bikini girls and stumbled out of the room. It was the second woman I eat out tonight, I know because she hadn't put her bikini bottoms back on. Fuck Toy repeated the careful dance when she pulled my jean shorts on. I hadn't realized how high cut the bridal panties were until she got my shorts completely on and I realized that nearly two inches of the panties were still visible. Fuck Toy took a moment to wipe some of the cum away from my eyes giving me a sad smile, "There is some creep waiting on side for you, he says he's your Daddy."

I nodded my head and looked down at myself. I was a site, I was with no blouse, visible panties, short shorts, and a thick layer of cum I really did look like a cum whore. "I am sorry that I ruined you're your panties, I will wash them and bring them back to you."

"Don't." Fuck Toy said, her voice firm. She grabbed another pile of fabric from where my shorts had been, "Don't you ever come back here. You come back again and those crazy bikers will never let you leave. I got plenty of panties I won't miss one pair, hell I only get to wear them a couple times anyways till one of these jerks ruin every pair I like."

The ball of fabric Fuck Toy had was a sheer white sleeveless blouse. She slid it over my arms and the moment it touched my back I felt it stick to me. The buttons were all removed from the front so the only way to close it was to tie it in a knot. The front of the blouse stuck to me as well. Once I was dressed Fuck toy started to lead me out to the front door when Master Jonathan called out to us. "Hold on you two."

Turning I found Master Jonathan standing holing the bowl of Cum... I had completely forgotten about the bowl. Master Jonathan stepped to me and raising the bowl above my head dumped its contents over me. The cum had cooled and thickened so it pooled on top of my head and didn't start to flow down my face until I walked out of the house. Master Jonathan called out for Fuck Toy to be in his room when she was done with me.

Daddy was waiting for me outside with an irritated expression on his face. As soon as I stepped out of the door he opened the back door to his car and yelled for me to hurry my slutty ass up. Even after all that I had done that day I was embarrassed for her to hear Daddy speak to me that way. "Bye."

"You really are in the same boat as I am aren't you kid." Fuck Toy said as I started down the steps.

I didn't answer I just kept walking. Fuck toy hurried down the stairs and took my arm. Turning to look at her Fuck Toy wrapped her arms around me and pulled me in close to hug me. "You be safe, and if you can get out you get out. Promise me."

All I could think to say was "I got cum on you."

"Don't worry about it." She said as she gave me a peck on the cheek. Stepping back I looked over Fuck Toy one last time, she had splotches of cum all over where she had hugged me. "You're a good kid. You're better then all of this."

"I like it when people use me." I whispered as I looked back towards Daddy. Daddy had laid out some towels in the back seat and was walking back around to the driver's side. He looked back at me and I could tell he was pissed that I wasn't in the car yet.

"In the past year I learned that there is a difference between letting someone use you and letting someone abuse you. That woman I was going down on when you arrived, I let her use me because she doesn't abuse me. If that makes any kind of sense." I looked back to Fuck Toy and smiled at her.

"It does, and I do have someone like that, his name is Junior. We see each other every now and again." I said as I slipped away and into the back of Daddy's car. Daddy didn't say anything on the ride home, which was wonderful. I laid my head back and dreamed of Junior. I was going to call him this week I didn't care what Daddy said. There wasn't anything he could do to me that would make me stop seeing Junior.

Daddy pulled into his drive way and I realized just how long I had been gone, the clock in his car said it was two AM. I climbed out of the back seat and started to head home when Daddy stopped me. I followed him to his back porch where I found his video camera set up on a tripod. Daddy turned on the overhead light and then set up a couple of makeshift studio lamps, he wanted me well lit for this video. He didn't have to tell me where to stand I knew what to do. Daddy spent the next hour grilling me on what I had done all day and night, he made me show my tattoo's off on camera and then to beg him to rechristen myself as his slut. To do that he decided he needed to piss on me, so I knelt down before him and begged to be his personal piss whore. Standing just off camera Daddy chuckled as he let a stream of piss 'wash' the cum off my face.

Things had gotten so crazy for me that as I slipped into the back door of my house I didn't remember I was wearing heels until I heard the click of each step. The TV was on in the living room, peeking around the corner I saw my father asleep in his recliner. I crossed the short distance that he would be able to see me quickly and quietly, I thought I was in the clear and then I heard his voice "Bill, is that you?"

He called me Bill, I hated it when he called me Bill, I hadn't felt like a Bill in months. I almost didn't answer but then I knew he would just end up come looking, I deepened my voice, which made me feel stupid as I answered him "Yes, Dad. Sorry I didn't call. I was out with some friends and there was an accident."

Lying to my father had become easy of the past few months, but I usually did it over the phone. "We are fine it wasn't us we were just stuck in traffic."

"Well your mother was worried." My dad said as he flipped off the TV. The house was plunged into darkness and I realized almost too late that he was getting up and heading to bed. I called out a good night and scampered down the hallway as quick as I could and shut my door. I thought I slammed it but my father didn't say anything so I was obviously ok.

Over the span of a few seconds I went from wide awake to so exhausted I could barely walk to my bed. I collapsed and started to close my eyes when I remembered the bikini stuffed up my boipussy. I unbuttoned and unzipped the short shorts and then rolled onto my stomach. I pushed my hands into the back of my shorts, under my panties, and plunged two fingers into my boipussy. The top came out first and then the bottoms. I didn't bother to pull them out of my panties just out of my boipussy and I passed out right then still covered in Daddy's piss and cum from a couple of dozen men and a cum soaked bikini stuffed into my panties.


The alarm sounded and Billie stopped talking. He looked towards the exit inmates used and sighed, he knew he was going to get a spanking for disrupting Carmichael and Fitz's business. Carmichael wouldn't care and Fitz would say that he didn't care but he did and would punish Billie for the interruption. He looked to Terry and without saying anything he got up to leave. He didn't walk, but he didn't say anything either, he had hit his limit for talking. It was Terry's turn to look at the inmate exit, Billie was watching her looking at her face and realizing just how much she looked like her father that was when she spoke "He never said he was sorry did he? I mean I tried to think about it the other day and I don't ever remember him saying he was sorry... ever."

"I don't think your father knew how to say sorry." Billie said as he push pushed his chair in and started to leave.

"Do you want me to pass a message to Junior." Terry called out just as Billie was about to leave the waiting area. He stopped and looked back at Terry but he didn't say anything so she did "I saw him the other day he works in the same building as I do."

Billie looked away, first down and then to the guard next to him without him realizing it his hand had cupped his ass. His cheeks blushed read when he realized it. He didn't say anything he just stood there silent. He stood there long enough that the guard nearest to him started to get nervous and twitchy. A twitchy guard was a dangerous guard. So Billie broke the silence, "The last thing he needs is a whore like me."

"Can I come back next week." Terry asked just as Billie was about to step through the steel door. He nodded yes but he didn't look back.

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SissyBoy1WarszawaSissyBoy1Warszawa8 months ago

the situation develops, showing what is happening to Billie in prison and shows his experiences, not the nicest ones, but even dramatic, horrific abuse and even rape by people in prison and to whom he was taken or led by his main tyrant who ordered him to be called Daddy... Mr. Morgan . And for me, a great good surprise is Terry's visit to Mr. Morgan's son and trying to understand why William/Billie surrendered to his father and why he killed him?

I am very attached to the character of William/Billie, I read with great interest about his fate, experiences and I wonder what will happen to Billie? Will he get out of prison? Will he still be Sissy's submissive? Will he find someone who will love him as he is? 🧒🏻❤️👧🏻❓🧑🏻👨🏻.

ps. Sorry for any mistakes and linguistic inaccuracies, but I don't speak English.

SissyBoy from Warsaw, Poland. 📖👩🏻‍🦳❤️🧒🏻.


sytuacja się rozwija, przedstawiając co dzieje się z Billiem w więzieniu oraz pokazuje jego przeżycia nie najmilsze a wręcz dramatyczne, koszmarne wykorzystania a nawet gwałtu przez osoby w więzieniu i do których zawoził czy prowadził go jego główny tyran karzący nazywać się Tatusiem... Pan Morgan. Zaś dla Mnie samego wielkim dobrym zaskoczeniem jest odwiedziny przez Terry'ego syna Pana Morgana i próba zrozumienia dlaczego William/Billie poddał się jego ojcu i dlaczego go zabił?

Jestem bardzo zżyty z postacią Williama/Billie'go, z wielkim zainteresowaniem czytam o jego losie, przeżyciach oraz zastanawiam się co stanie się z Billiem? Czy wyjdzie z więzienia? Czy nadal będzie uległym Sissy? Czy odnajdzie kogoś kto go pokocha takim jakim jest? 🧒🏻❤️👧🏻❓🧑🏻👨🏻.

ps. Przepraszam za błędy i niedokładności językowe ale nie znam języka angielskiego.

SissyBoy z Warszawy, Polska. 📖👩🏻‍🦳❤️🧒🏻.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

The first couple "chapter" were semi interesting. At this point it is totally stupid to consider going on wasting time reading this trash - oh what completely ridiculous scenarios can the author throw in that might be entertaining? NOT

Hang it up and go back to stealing your daddy's playboys. Writing is not your forte'

SamanthaSatineSamanthaSatineabout 8 years ago
another fine chapter..

Congratulations on this fine epic of a chapter..held me with every word and image..loved it and if ever it was possible it would make an amazing film..the whole storyline..well done..I am devotedly a fan for sure..xxx

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Great stories but need proofreading!!!!

Great stories but you seriously need to use the proof readers. All your grammar and spelling errors made then nearly unreadable. For instance you spell quiet like this as quite is a totally different word, meaning and pronunciation! Keep up the great work and use the sites free help to make them even better!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

I very rarely if ever leave comments.

But I thought I would make an exception.

I hope you continue with your story.

It was an awesome read.

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