A Sister and Her Family Ch. 05


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Buck kissed me goodbye Tuesday morning. He told me he was sorry he was leaving me after I just got home. I told him I would be waiting for him when he got home with a surprise. As soon as he left I called Walt and thanked him for his help. I called Luis and told him I was ready. He and Maria showed up minutes later. Wednesday Nathan called Buck as he was driving back. Nathan told him the showing went well and the client was very satisfied with the house. The closing would be Friday. The owners would like to move in immediately.

Buck cursed at Nathan explaining he would need time to move his belongings. Nathan told him they could talk in the morning.

I saw him pull in the drive. I ran to the room and completed all of the preparations but one. Soft music was playing. I heard the door close hard. I was sure he was still mad. The scented candles smell helped cover the fumes of fresh paint. I heard him open the fridge and pop open a beer. Buck was walking through the living room in my direction. I secured the last hand cuff just as he called out.

"Rey!" He yelled.

He was almost to the hall. A few more steps and he would see me. I was nervous now not sure how he would react. Had I gone too far? Would he get mad and leave? If he did I had no way of getting free. Another step closer...

"Rey?" He called out.

"In here love!" I could barely speak my mouth was so dry.

"REY!" Buck looked in the room.

He saw me secured spread eagle on the bed in a shear white nightie. My head propped up on a pillow so I could see him. My legs secured with rope.My hands in handcuffs with a length of rope to reach the bed posts. Still standing at the doorway Buck gave me a wicked smile then looked around the room. He gave me a second look more confused this time.

"What did you do to this room?" I was not sure if he was impressed or mad. "Where did you get that bed?"

"I redecorated, do you like it?" He was too busy looking around to answer. "Luis made the bed for us as a wedding gift!"

"Luis made that for us?" He must have seen it at the shop not realizing who it was for. "Why move it in here I just sold the house?"

I am laying on the bed half naked and we are having this conversation? Really? I need to move this along.

"I told Nathan to tell you I wanted to move in immediately!" I gave him a wicked grin now. "Well love here I am. Welcome home!"

"You! You bought the house?" Buck cocked his head to one side and looked at me as if to ask if it was true. "Why would you do that?"

"Because I love you and I know how much you love this house." I gushed. "I want us to have kids and raise them right here where their parents grew up!"

Buck still stood at the door pacing like he was thinking it all over.

"Well are you going to come fuck me or stand there with a hard on?" I teased him.

"Rey there is something you need to know!" He looked scared.

"Buck you can tell me later. Right now I need you inside me. So unless you are going to call someone to let me out I suggest you come do it yourself!" I held up the key to the handcuffs. "Come get it! Oh and no hands!" I strained my neck to one side and dropped the key in my mouth.

He hesitated then stepped over the threshold. Once committed he walked the short distance to the bed and sat on the side. Buck slowly removed his shoes, his shirt and then the tee shirt beneath it. Unbuckling his belt he slipped both his slacks and briefs off together, then his socks. He was naked with a massive hard on.

"So you have been a busy little wench haven't you?" He leaned over and kissed me. I slipped the key to the handcuffs into his mouth. He pulled the key out and set it on the night stand Luis also made. "We'll get back to that in a minute or maybe longer."

"Buck let me loose! Please!" I begged.

"I think I will take advantage of your situation first." He hissed me passionately.

Buck moved between my legs kissing me the whole time. He moved down to my tits. I protested but he ignored me moving to focus on my nipples. The rubbery extensions were stiff and did not yield to his tongue. Holding firm they sent jolts of electricity through my chest. I begged him to fuck me but he just moved lower teasing my pussy lips with his tongue. I gasped loudly when he brushed my clit. Straining against the bonds I tried to keep him there. Buck lapped my cunt. He sucked my lips in his mouth and fucked my pussy with his tongue. Even though the cuffs are lined my wrists were getting sore from squirming on the bed trying to get him to let me cum.

Buck ignored all my pleas to release me. Instead he kept me on the edge of orgasm. Finally when I really could not take any more he sucked my clit in his mouth and rubbed the tip with his tongue. After keeping me from cumming for what seemed like hours my body found the release it so badly craved. My back arched pushing my pussy hard against his mouth and exploded internally. I bucked against him his hands gripped my ass just to stay in contact with my pussy. I couldn't even clamp my legs shut to force him away.

"Oh God Buck you have to stop!" I screamed before I passed out. He pulled up his face covered with my excitement.

"Rey we are just getting started!" He grinned before he kissed me letting me taste myself on his lips and tongue.

Buck got up and stood beside the bed his cock dripping pre-cum.

"Stay there, I will be right back!" He laughed. He walked in the direction of the walk in closet.

"Like I can go anywhere?" I yelled at his back.

I heard what sounded like him turning the dial to the safe mounted in the wall. Next I heard the door open and he reappeared with what looked like a shoe box. He pulled the lid off and looked inside. He looked at me and grinned.

"I'll be back in a minute. Don't go anywhere without me!" He teased me further.

Buck disappeared into the master bath. I could hear water running and Buck humming happily. Shortly later he reappeared with the box and a stack of towels. He set them on the night stand and then walked down the hall returning with a bottle of lube.

"Buck, what are you doing?" I looked at him not in fear but alarmed.

"I am going to talk and you are going to listen. But first we have some details to put in place." Buck pulled a big red ball gag from the box. "Before I put this in place you are going to clean up the mess you started!"

Buck moved on the bed and fed me his dripping cock. I took it in my mouth and sucked his pre-cum from the end. I was hungry with lust and tried to take more but he held back so I could only get the head in my mouth. After a few minutes he was getting close and pulled out.

"Nooooooo!" I protested but he put the gag in my mouth. I could taste the soap residue he must have just washed it with.

"This house deal we will talk about later. For now we will discuss why I am in this room." Buck reached in the box pulling out two small balls one red, the other yellow. "Here hold these." He placed one in each hand. "You think this room has some special meaning and that is why I did not come in. Am I right?" He asked. I nodded.

"Well it does but that is not why I never came in here. We will get to that in a minute." He caressed my nipples hardening them again. "I put you in this room so you would have a place to feel safe from everyone including me. It has its own bath, a generous closet and it was a place no one need enter without your permission. I know you never had the childhood a young girl should have. Being moved around, groped, leered at, and even solicited by your own father. This was your safe place. I never came in here when you were home. I did come in a few times to check on things like the plumbing when you were not. Do you understand now?" I nodded again.

"Now what this room meant to me before you moved in is hard to explain. So I am going to show you. The yellow ball means stop what you're doing, but you don't want to stop completely. Drop it if that is what you feel." Buck pulled out a plastic clip that looks like you close chip bags with. He placed it on my far nipple. There was discomfort but no real pain he waited to see if I would drop a ball.

"The red ball means stop. I will remove any toys and release you. No words will be needed. Red means we are done for the day. Do you understand?" I nodded again. Buck place another clip on my other nipple. He started caressing my inner thigh brushing up against my pussy making me arch my back again.

"Vicki was scared of the basement so this was to be our little play room." Buck spanked my pussy lightly. I moaned behind the gag. "You remind me of her in many ways. She was passionate and emotional just like you. She liked to play little games too. I have some of her favorite toys here." Buck pointed to the box I could not see in. He continued.

"But you are so different as well, she was so carefree, impulsive, easily led astray." Buck untied one leg from the bottom post and moved to the other. "She paid the ultimate price for her indiscretions. Rey I did love her. I didn't think I could ever love someone as much as I loved her. I was wrong. I love you more, much more."

He untied the other leg then pulled it over my head and secured it to the bed post with my arm. Buck then did the same with the other leg. "You are everything good about her but you understand me like she never did. You want to make me as happy as I want to make you!" He placed a large pillow under my lower back and covered it and the bed with at least three towels.

Buck rubbed my exposed pussy the juices still flowing over my asshole. He teased my brown star threatening to slip a finger inside. Tied as I was there was little I could do to escape his torment. He move between my legs and licked my pussy so I could watch his tongue bring me close to the edge one more time. Suddenly he dipped lower I felt his tongue at my ass hole. This was a new experience! A little orgasm flushed quickly through my body. His tongue probed just the opening my body twitched with each gentle thrust. He sat up his face cover again with my juices and gave me another wicked grin. Buck was having fun. I was so excited I wouldn't let him stop if he wanted to. His finger circled my asshole then teased the opening.

He had me all slippery and feeling nasty in a good way. I wondered how it would feel if he did stick it in. He had teased me in the shower several times but my ass is now clearly on display and vulnerable like never before. Buck pulled out a slender dildo not much bigger than his finger from the box. I knew right away what he was going to do with it. I was terrified and at the same time anticipating what would happen next. I watched with bated breath as he lube the dildo and my ass at the same time.

"Don't forget the balls in your hands." He whispered. The feeling of the slender intruder opening my asshole I cannot describe. "Breath Rey, relax and push back gently." Buck explained his voice dripping with concern.

He watched my hands to see if I dropped a ball but all I could think about is how incredibly wicked this was. The dildo had a slight taper then a narrow ridge with a large flange on the end. My asshole stretched blissfully. Buck was pushing so slow I could adjust to it easily. There was a further stretch and then I felt the dildo pull into my ass gripping the back of the taper. Another mini orgasm oozed from the area of my ass.

My nipples were now starting to heat up a bit the gentle clamps had now been on long enough to affect them too. I was so overwhelmed with all of these feelings when Buck lined his dripping cock up with my pussy. I had a firecracker of an orgasm the moment the head went in. There was no chance I could drop the balls my hands clasped tightly in fists. Buck pushed deeper. My pussy could hardly take him when it was just him but now with the dildo in my ass it was tighter yet. I tried to wiggle to stretch myself out but his cock was still too big.

I was yelling in my gag. I needed him to go faster! All Buck heard was mumble. He was in charge and he knew it. I wouldn't have it any other way at the moment. Finally he picked up the pace. Buck was using my pussy for his own enjoyment right now. His cock pounded me, his balls slapped the dildo in my ass with the same rhythm. I was on the verge of anther orgasm, a big one. I had to pee! On the next stroke a little slipped past as my muscles were no longer able to hold it all in.

"Did you just piss on me?" Buck asked looking down. My eyes bulged out I thought he would be grossed out. "That is so naughty of you baby! Do it again!" Buck looked between us. "It's ok, let it go, it will feel great!"

His cock swelled in my pussy my whole body was in overload. My wrists and ankles tied to the head board. My tits now had a soft glow about them. My ass over stimulated by the dildo bouncing with his balls. Buck's fat cock stretching my pussy and now my bladder starting to empty from the pressure. If just one more part of me gets touched I will have a thermonuclear meltdown! Buck new it, he knew I was ready to pop and so was he! I felt the surge push my pussy walls further. The molten lava coated my cervix like I desperately needed. His thumb strummed my clit...God no not my clit! A second surge washed the first load of cum aside this one trying to impregnate me.

The explosion started. I lost all control of my body. All I could see and feel is red hot magna flow through every nerve in my body! I was on a cloud drifting down to earth. It was so peaceful I didn't want to get off it. I felt that calloused hand I grew to love pull me tight and cup my tit just like it always did.

Gone were the restraints. The warm glow from my nipples reminded me what was once there. My ass missed the little missile that started all of this. My pussy felt slimy as the lips rubbed against each other. I jerked awake the strong arm keeping me from being too violent.

"Welcome back honey." Buck whispered. I pushed back to make sure it was him and smiled as his cock nestled between my ass cheeks.

"Buck we need to talk!" I rolled over facing him. His concern turned to a smile as he saw I was not mad. "There is no way we can do that again...today!" I teased him.

"I thought I died and went to heaven!" I gushed. "That is way too intense to repeat any time soon!"

"So I take it you liked it?" He was kidding of course.

I got up, closed the door and locked it. "We are never leaving this room!" I bent over and kissed him the weight of my tits filled his hand the nipples almost begging for more.

"I need to go pee! When I get back it is my turn!" I threatened him.

"I'll be waiting!" He teased.

I headed to the bathroom and sat down to pee. There was this unique feeling coming from my asshole. It's hard to explain, almost a craving to have him put it back in. I touched my nipples they were still sensitive but not painful in the least. For brief second I thought about Karen and how she seemed to crave punishment. I could never enjoy taking it to the level she has, but I feel I have a better understanding of her now. I can see how losing Buck would be hard. I saw the towels piled in the shower. The toys setting in the second sink. I was tempted to take the dildo back and use it on Buck, or even myself but thought better of it.

I did ride Buck to another small orgasm but my body needed recharged. He did fill my pussy a second time and had a fun time doing it. I fell asleep on top of him again.

Thursday we spent the day together. We had that talk about the house. We talked about how I paid Nathan a hefty check for his efforts. Nathan tried to give it back but Buck insisted he take it. People seldom argue with Buck if they know him. Later that day we talked more. I cleared the air on several subjects with Buck. He seemed to take it well and admitted he tends to do things he wants without input because that is the way he always did it. I too apologized for doing things (like buying a whole bedroom set!) without talking I him. There was blame enough to go around. Fortunately we were able to discuss it without hard feelings. Maybe we did make a good couple after all!

We talked about Walt and the business. Buck knew what was going on with the merger, but neither one of us talked about it. We talked at length about my job at the company and how much I liked it. We decided that I would continue to work there at least until we started a family. Which brings me to the point of no blow jobs. Buck feels we should not waste any opportunity to get pregnant. He feels there will be ample opportunity for oral sex if I want to do it in the future. The man is truly committed once he sets his mind to something.

Friday night we headed over to see Luis and Maria. She was due back in college any day now. I could tell Luis was worried. Buck thanked him for the bedroom set. Since we are staying he talked to Luis about new kitchen cupboards and bathroom vanities for the master bathroom. Luis was surprised Buck went in the room but he and I knew that was a conversation for another day.

Joy and Karen had moved over the summer. They now were about 125 miles away where Joy took a position with a large school district. Joy has worked her way up the ladder nicely. I look up to her as a true role model for women, especially black women. We had lunch with Joy and Karen then we girls went shopping (of course). During the day I could tell both Joy and Karen were interested in what Buck was doing while I was gone. They asked about him all afternoon. It started with little questions, but they all added up to one thing. They both missed him.

My plane did not leave until Monday, Labor Day, so Sunday we spent almost the entire day in each other's arms.

I yelled "I love you Buck!" in the terminal one more time. I think he would be hurt if I didn't. Loneliness set in fast again but I felt we had come a long way in a week. The only immediate goal I had was to get pregnant as soon as possible. Sadly my period started almost a week to the day I returned.

The word of Acme's offer to buy out Consolidated had gotten out. I had been back at work almost a month when the news broke. At the office it was all that was discussed for days on end. The board at Consolidated viewed it as a hostile takeover and the rumor was they were going to fight it. Walt was due in London tomorrow. My understanding is he has been visiting plants and offices around the world to make the pitch to the financial people.

Wednesday afternoon Walt called me in his office. Inside were several men and ladies I had not met before. They were all talking to each other in some gibberish I didn't understand. Walt seemed to be more nervous than I had ever seen him. This merger was taking its toll on him. He looked pale and withdrawn. After he introduced me Walt asked me to join them at the table.

"Folks we need fresh eyes. We need someone that has no stake in this game. If we can reach him I have a friend I would like to talk to." He looked around the room. They all were waiting to see who it was. "Rey do you think you can reach Buck?"

I almost started laughing but he looked serious. I looked around the room and they were all looking back at me.

"Sure. I can try." I dialed Buck from the office. The phone rang twice before he picked it up. I pushed the speakerphone button.

"Hello this is Buck!"

"Buck, this is Rey!" I said happily.

"Rey! I am so glad you called! Is anything wrong or did you call just to get me excited?" He teased.

"Buck!" I tried to cut him off but the delay was too long.

"I know you miss me but just remember what is in store when you get home!" He stopped talking then.

"Buck! Honey I am here with Walt and some people here at Acme. I have you on speaker phone!"

"Oh shit, guess I shouldn't have said that then?" He laughed with the rest of the room. "Sorry honey, my bad."