A Sister and Her Family Ch. 06


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"I feel like a real woman now!" I gushed.

"You have always been a real woman!" He bent down to kiss me.

"First a baby and now I can satisfy my husband by taking his whole cock!" I pulled him down to hug me. "That is a real woman! Now fuck me!"

And fuck me he did! His pace picked up, he watched to make sure he was not hurting me, but I didn't care. I felt a few pangs as his cock drove too deep, but soon even that was not an issue. I cannot explain the feelings I had. My emotions were in overdrive. I survived two more mini orgasms before Buck showed signs of cumming. I wanted this, I wanted this bad. I missed him just being inside me. Now he was buried all the way in my pussy fucking my brains out. I knew just how to get him to pop.

"Come Buck, your little black slut is waiting!" I whispered. "Fill her pink pussy full! Do it Buck, go deep and cum!"

"AAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHH!" He groaned. Buck slammed his cock to the new found depths. I felt the surge and then the warm feeling of his cum flooding my pussy.

"More baby! Your slut wants more! Keep cumming!" I urged him on.

His body shuddered. Buck arched his back and thrust slower and deeper. I knew he felt my cervix give slightly his cum coating the bottom of my cunt. He collapsed on top of me his moans faded, but his cock was still inside me. Drained of its first load I knew more waited for their chance to impregnate me again. He rolled on his back catching his breath.

"I am sorry baby." He apologized. I leaned over and kissed him.

"For what?" I asked knowing the answer.

"For not putting you first." He said taking another gulp of air. "It just felt so incredible..."

"Who said we were done?" I teased. "You have a long way to go before your slut will be satisfied."

He moved up to one elbow kissing me. "You're no slut!" He teased.

"Well for you I would be!" I replied seriously. I kissed him deeply. "Your cock felt incredible so deep in me! I felt like a slut taking it all. Your little black slut!"

"You are incredible yourself. I love you Rey Ann!" He kissed me passionately. "Now I have some unfinished business to get started on!"

And finish he did! That night was special in so many ways. I truly did feel like a woman in the complete sense of the word. The next few times we made love I made sure I could still take all of him. I was afraid my body might go back to how it was before Katrina was born.

Joy was full of surprises lately. Joy had found a new partner recently, oddly enough she was a local woman I had no idea was gay. The second thing was she moved in with her. The third was she quit her job and together they opened up a day care center just as Luis suggested. She had three clients from day one. It didn't take long to get more.

Melissa on the other hand was struggling lately. The growth and prosperity of Acme was taking more and more of Walt's time and energy. He was putting on weight but worse yet putting on years. The stress was adding up quickly. Walt was always a happy and youthful looking fifty something. He started to be moody and looking closer to seventy.

I know Sandra from work talked to him, Melissa would tell me how she begged him to slow down or retire. She was always tired. The kids were becoming unruly as well. This was not the same couple we had met just years before. Buck and I talked I asked him to intervene but he felt it was not his place. He valued their friendship and was not willing to compromise it just yet. Buck did make polite suggestions when we were with them, but even that was becoming less and less lately.

Sometimes I would take off a day. With the kids in school and Katrina at Joy's I would go spend time alone with Mel. They were still special days. But Mel was hurting and put a damper on them just the same. Walt would be gone for weeks sometimes. Mel was worried he was having an affair. She confided their sex life was falling off, I could see she was getting desperate. With Sandra's help we research his trips and found nothing that raised flags. No woman (or man) was with him more than a day or two. Unless he was hiring prostitutes he was not having an affair on company time.

Melissa was over one Saturday when Buck was home. It was one of those days when everything went right I guess you could say. Actually everything was going wrong. The babies were fussing, the kids were restless, and Mel was stressed. Buck walked in the room when something small happened and Mel went into total melt down. It was all Buck and I could do to get her settled down. I knew right there he could not let this go on any longer without stepping in. In mere days he took action.

"Rey, I think you better come." Sandra said with some urgency. "Buck is here."

I got up immediately. She led me to the executive offices. I saw Buck ahead walking down the hall away from us. He turned into the conference room.

"You all need to leave now!" I heard Buck's voice thunder.

"What the hell are you doing?" I heard Walt yell at him.

"Buck!" I cried out.

"Rey! You stay out of this!" He yelled at me and Sandra.

"You four, this meeting is over." Buck was not yelling but he was stern.

I saw him step aside and four people fled out of the room as we got closer.

"Buck, not here!" I pleaded.

"I changed my mind you and Sandra come in as witnesses." He grabbed my arm firmly and led me into the room Sandra closed the doors.

"Walter we need to talk!" Buck was fuming.

"Buck what is going on?" Walt was confused.

"I..." Buck looked at us. "We are having an intervention."

"A what?" Walt stood stunned.

"I just spent the day with your family. Walter you need to get your priorities straight!" Buck replied still pissed. "You have a wife that adores you. Kids that need you and a baby that probably doesn't know you! What the hell is wrong with you?"

"Well maybe you haven't notice but I have a business to run!" Walt defended himself raising his voice to the level of Buck's.

"You're not running a business! The business is running you!" Buck replied.

"These people depend on me! I have a responsibility to them!" Walt pointed to Sandra and me. "This business needs me!"

"Bullshit! If you left today and never came back this business would still be here! Someone else will take the spot and run this business. All of us are replaceable!" Buck waved his hand at us. "Your family would not have that luxury. There is no one to come in and replace you! Think of that!"

"Get out of here! I have work to do." Walt shouted.

"I am leaving. But before I go I need to ask you a question. How much is enough?" Buck said calmly. "Three million? Five? Ten? Fifty? Ask your family and I bet they would give it all away to have you. You have done well, you have succeeded! But if you lose them what will you end up with? What have you taught your children?"

"It's time for you to leave before I say something we will both regret!" Walt threatened.

"Think about what I said Walt!" Buck replied.

"Out! All of you out!" Walt bellowed. "Besides what do you know about business you are nothing but a mechanic!"

He had gone too far! Walt stepped over that invisible line and he knew it! When he looked at me I could see he wanted to take the words back. Like most me he was too proud to. I knew better than anyone Buck not only suggested Acme buy Consolidated but how. Buck grabbed my arm before I said anything. I could tell he was hurt. Not because it was true but because it came from Walt.

I walked him to the front door. Sandra went along to make sure there would be no issues. We didn't talk but he gave me a peck on the cheek. After he left Sandra and I went back to work. There was a steady stream of people asking what took place. I refused to talk about it.

That night after the kids went to bed Buck and I snuggled as he read a book. I still savor these moments, just the two of us. No words just the feel of him holding me. He put down the book.

"Rey I am sorry. I didn't mean to jeopardize your job." Buck whispered.

"I'm not. I'm proud you did what you did." I replied. "Walt needed to hear it. I doubt there is anyone else that has the balls to tell him."

I reached behind me and grabbed his crotch.

"Rey. I am worried about Mel." He said as he kneaded my shoulders.

"Me too." I agreed loving the back rub.

"If the time comes you feel the rules should be broken. I want you to know I will understand." I pulled from his hands and turned to him.

"What?" I was shocked.

"Sometimes we need to help people in ways only they understand." Buck stopped to see if I understood. "She needs to know there is still hope. That someone still loves her. Even if that person is not the one that should be doing it. Hope is a strong thing Rey."

"Like you and Karen?" I started to cry just thinking about my mom. "You did it for her didn't you?"

"Just know I will understand if it comes to that." He said sadly. I kissed him softly.

"I love you Buck. You are a truly amazing man!" I settled back. "Read your book."

Things did not get better the weeks and months after Buck's meeting. In fact they got worse. Walt forbid Mel and the kids from visiting. Eventually she even had to pull the baby from daycare. At first we would talk on the phone but even that was risky. I was upset, not at Buck but at Walt. Joy and Maria tried to help, and it did for a while. But I missed Mel. If she lived hours away I could accept it but she less than two miles down the road. Why was he doing this?

Early Saturday morning Buck and I saw the ambulance speeding down the road in front of our house. It was not a common occurrence but we took no more notice than any other day. I had just got Katrina dressed. Janise and Darwin were out back with their dad. Then the phone rang. I saw it was Melissa's number.

"Mel! Hello!" I said happy to hear from her.

"Rey! Something is wrong with Walter! The paramedics are here now!" She was upset but not hysterical. "They want to take him to the hospital. They are talking stroke! I didn't know who else to call? Rey I can't lose him!"

"Buck and I will be right there. We will take care of the kids so you can go with him." I said calmly.

"Rey. I am so sorry for the last few months." She sobbed.

"I know, me too." I knew this was not the time. "You stay with Walt. Buck and I are on the way."

I ran out and told Buck the situation. He told me to go now and he would bring the kids and follow. They were rolling Walt out on the gurney when I arrived. Mel embraced me the moment I walked in the house. It felt so good to feel her again.

"Go with Walt. Buck will be here soon with the kids. I called Joy she is on her way over as well." I reassured her. "I will come when everyone is here."

"I don't know how I can ever thank you enough!" She cried.

They had just finished loading Walt up and strapping him down when Mel stepped in the back to ride with him. Buck showed up shortly after they pulled away. Joy arrive not long after.

"How's he doing?" I asked embracing Mel.

"He is doing better but they are going to keep him for at least a few days." She wept. "They said he had a mild heart attack. Rey I could have lost him!"

"Well he is here now. They will take good care of him." I comforted her.

"The kids? What about Buck?" She gasped.

"He is fine. Joy came over she will help with the babies." I reassured her.

"The baby I haven't fed her for hours!" Mel sobbed.

"Joy is there she will be fine. After we know more I will take you home and you can feed her"

Nurses came out on occasion and gave Mel updates. It was hours before the doctor arrived. The news was encouraging. Walt had finished another round of tests. They would have more information later today or in the morning. He was resting for now but was due for another test as soon as the staff was available. He would be here for the next few days so they could observe him. Mel asked to see him, the doctor agreed but only for a moment. She reached my hand to take me but the doctor explained only family could go in.

"This is my little sister, I would like her to go with me." Mel stated more than asked. He looked at the white woman and her supposedly black sister. He wanted to say something but decided against it.

He allowed me to go in, saying we would need to keep it brief. Mel was devastated when she saw him for the first time. He looked ashen and weak. She took his hand. The oxygen mask made it difficult to hear him talk. I looked on as he tried to tell her it was not as bad as it looked. For us it looked worse. We went back to the waiting room. Luis and Maria stopped in as did a few other friends. I called Sandra with Mel's permission to tell her what was going on.

I took Mel home around 9 that night. We both needed to breast feed the babies or express milk before our tits burst. Joy was there with the babies. Buck had taken the older kids to our house. Joy left shortly after saying she would be back in the morning. Mel said I could go home but I made it clear I was not leaving her alone. We fed the baby's. After showers we lay together in bed as I held her.

The next morning we headed to my house to see the older kids and get some fresh clothes for me. I packed a bag we took the babies and headed back to the hospital. We went into see Walt he still looked pretty bad. Buck and Joy visited throughout the day. Luis and Maria visited. They took Janice and Darwin home so Buck could go back to work the next day. Joy took Mel's older kids took them home with her.

When the doctors told Melissa Walt need surgery she became very upset. It became clear he was in worse shape than we had hoped. After the procedure they were very positive. We got to see him but he was still sleeping. His complexion alone looked much better. According to the doctors the worse was over. Walt just needed rest then physical therapy. I took Mel home that night thinking about how her world had changed. The strain of the last few days on top of the last few months was taking its toll on her. She had heard great news and was still despondent.

I sent her in to take a shower as I put the babies down for the night. I came from my shower and met her in the bedroom. She looked defeated. I sat beside her, Mel's hand trembled in in mine.

"I can't lose him." She sobbed. I moved behind her spreading my legs on either side of her naked body. I gripped her shoulders with my hands and felt the tension.

"You have not lost him. Walt will bounce back! Just wait and see." I said continuing to massage her back.

She hung her head forward. I moved lower on her back massaging her where I could reach. I moved my hands around her sides gripping her massive tits.

Come lay down I will finish what I started. Mel moved to the center laying on her stomach. I straddled her ass my pussy pressed into her cheeks. I moved up and kissed the back of her neck running my hands over her upper arms all the way down to her fingertips. My tits mashed into Mel's back. Her ass shifted to allow my pussy better contact. I nibbled the tip of her ear. She moaned. I sat up and massaged her sides then the back of her waist. I moved lower taking my time to massage her ass and the back of each leg. I left gentle kisses wherever I went.

"Turn over Sis." I whispered.

"Rey, maybe you should stop?" Mel moaned.

"When I am finished." I insisted. "Turn over love!"

Mel rolled over her eyes finding mine. I kissed her forehead. I moved to her nose and then her mouth. We kissed long and passionately. I massaged the front of her shoulder moving along each arm one at a time. The trail of kisses following my hands were starting to have their affect. Mel twitched and mewed at each erogenous part of her body. I gripped her tits gently suckling the nipples. Warm sweet milk greeted my efforts. She moaned loudly. She took hold of my wrists.

"Rey you need to stop!" Mel protested.

"Shh. I will stop when I am finished!" I explained again pulling my hands free. "You need this love."

"Rey..." She tried to say something but I stopped her.

"No talking until I finish!" I went and kissed her on the lips again. "Please let me finish."

Mel knew she could not stop whatever was going to happen. I moved lower kissing the bottom of her breasts, then moved to her sides. She flinched as I tickled certain areas. I moved down caressing very inch of her soft tummy all the way to her little patch of fur. I spread her legs causing another whimper before firmly gripping her thigh and massaging it deep and slowly. I kissed the area I vacated with my hands all the way to her toes. I passed over her pussy and started on her other thigh. I could see the moisture starting to seep from her pussy. Her scent wafted through the room. I reached her second knee. Kissing it as my hands moved to her calf. She moaned when I sucked her big toe in my mouth.

"Rey Ann!" She gasped as my finger trailed up her leg to her dripping cunt.

"Shh." I reminded her.

I rubbed her pussy with my fingers. I was smiling as I lowered my mouth closer. I kissed the crease of her thigh, then brushed her furry patch. She thrust her pelvis my finger delved deeper. Her moans filled the room. Her pussy now a sloppy mess. She arched her back, when she was not looking I pulled my fingers out and thrust my tongue deep in her sweet pussy. Mel grabbed my head pulling me up.

"No Rey! The rules!" She reminded me.

"Tonight my love there are no rules." I looked up at her worried expression.

"What will Buck say?" She protested. I grinned my white teeth framed by my black lips dripping with her juices. I winked. "He said yes?" I grinned bigger cocking my head slightly.

"He told you to do this?" She asked. I winked again.

Pulling down I started lapping at her pussy again. She resisted at first but when it finally sank in she pulled my face tighter. I thought she would wake the babies she screamed so hard when she came. Her pussy flooded my mouth. Her legs clamped my head firmly but only for a second as she pulled me up to kiss her. Our bodies mashed together. Black on white, big tits and bigger tits, jelly belly's and dripping pussies.

"Rey." Mel started to say something. I cut her off again.

"Shh. Not until I am finished!" I scolded her again. "Where is it?" I asked.

"Where is what?" She asked confused.

"Where is it? In the night stand?" I asked a second time stroking her cunt.

"Oh!" Mel grinned. "You want to break all the rules? Bottom drawer in back."

I rolled off to where she pointed and found what I knew she had somewhere. It was not as big as Buck but a good size. I licked it several times as she watched anticipating what would come next. I placed it at her entrance Mel looked on flushed with desire. I slipped it in, her hands grabbed mine forcing it deep in her cunt. I pulled it out and rammed it in again. She cried out in pleasure.

"I'm sorry it is only me love." I whispered, moving up to kiss her.

Mel locked lips with me letting me know she didn't care. Her hand guided mine as we fucked her pussy together. The sloshing rose to a crescendo as she worked it faster and faster. Mel was thrusting her pelvis up to meet our hands. I sucked her nipple and fed her the milk I collected. She bit my lip keeping me from pulling away her free hand pulled my head back to hers. Her orgasm hit her like a freight train. Still gripping my hand she fucked her pussy through the shudders surging through her body. The bed shook her moans muffled by my mouth.

Melissa pulled the dido from her pussy and threw it to the side. She rolled me over and pinned me to the bed.

"Rey I love you!" She sighed regaining her faculties. She kissed me repeatedly then pulled up to look down at me. "I want to do you!"

"You don't have to. I am here for you!" I said not sure if I wanted her too.