A Sisters' Ploy Ch. 09


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"It's starting to wear off."

"Do you want me to get off you?"

"Soon, but not yet. That's a big thick erection you still have in me and I'm still on a post orgasmic high."

Lucy put her hand around the back of Matt's head and brought him in for a prolonged kiss; once again caressing his back as she pashed him and, as much as Matt's weight on top of her would permit, screwing her hips around to move Matt's erection inside her.

As Matt's erection finally dissolved, she pulled her lips away from Matt...

"I think it's time to get off."

Matt quickly complied, rolling off onto his side to leave him facing her, but not in contact...

"I know we've discussed this before, but what does it feel like when people crowd or touch you when you're sober?"

"I've often looked for a single word that describes it. But I can't find one. 'Uncomfortable' doesn't really give a good measure of it, even if that's one word. You feel anxious, scared, violated, even a bit angry sometimes. I wish I could describe it better, because then I might be able to deal with it better too."

"And how does alcohol change that?"

"It momentarily takes away the inhibitions. Suddenly you don't find your body reacting to the invasion of your personal space so much and you can actually enjoy the personal interaction; or at least it does for me."

"Kylie and I might get a bit worried you'll turn into a drunk trying to overcome those inhibitions."

"No, I'm not that silly. I might grant myself a few nights now and then where I let myself go, but I know it has to be a special treat, not a permanent crutch. Tonight I wanted to see how little it would take to get me to that state. It's not very much really. But next time I probably would change the timing. I started too early.

That frolic by the pool was all very nice, but what I really wanted was the sex we just shared. But to get there I had to keep topping up my inebriation. Next time it would be better to start late.

But regardless, I'm going to pay for it with a restless night's sleep, so my hand could be giving your cock a bit more of a touch up than normal during the night."

"So you still want me to fondle your breasts as we sleep?"

"Yes, and to use me to relieve any frustrations you have in the morning."

"Are you sure about that? How far do I go before you wake up?"

"If I'm going to sleep that soundly, all the way. But I suppose I'm assuming, a bit like happens with Kylie, your stimulation of me might induce an erotic dream that eventually wakes me. Mind you, if I have disturbed night's sleep I might be dead to the world in the morning, in which case, put the sex pillow under my hips and just go for it. If that doesn't wake me, nothing will."

Matt got out of bed to turn off the light. As he felt his way in the pitch dark back into bed, Lucy took his hand and brought it onto her breast; expecting Matt to lightly touch up her nipple. Matt couldn't help but ask...

"Do you think what we've done with introducing you to sex has moderated your sensory problems?"

"A little. Maybe enough to give me hope for the future. But so far, not much. There might have been a time I would have reacted more strongly to the way you rest your wrist on my chest as you cup my breast, but that doesn't seem so bad any more. And I don't really understand why you can sexually stimulate my external erogenous zones without triggering anything. Maybe it's a reward sort of thing where the pleasure outweighs the terror. So we're making baby steps, but I don't think it's yet a break through. But it does give me hope for the future and I do appreciate your patience and understanding; even more so with the weird thing of me fondling your cock during the night as a sort of ice breaker towards me enjoying a proper cuddle."

The couple fell to silence, and then to sleep; although a restless one for Lucy. Lucy slept on her back, Matt on his side, with a need to change sides from time to time. While he faced Lucy, she brought his hand up to cup her breast and wrapped her hand around the erection that her fondling of it induced; but in her restlessness she tended to treat his cock something like worry beads, not jerking it off, just her fingers constantly moving against it.

She yearned to be able to cuddle up to him properly. But for the moment, that was the most she could tolerate. It was a start. A building block she thought of it as, which was why she so religiously did it as Matt slept with her.

As expected, by the time Matt woke in the morning, a night of having his cock fondled left him with a raging, needy, randiness. The fact he dumped three loads the night before wasn't really enough to kill the effect of your cock being played with for six or more hours.

When he woke up in Lucy's room, his first step was always to lift his head and see whether there was light showing through the space under the door to the room. Lucy kept her room in total blackness, with a heavy blackout blind covering the window and the absence of any light emitting object in her room.

The light told him it was his waking time, and not just a disturbance in his night-time sleep.

He still felt an uneasiness about what he was about to do. In a way, he might have preferred simply slipping next door to Kylie's room where he knew he would get a sexually satisfying reception. In part, that was because her waking time was roughly the same as his; whereas Lucy tends to sleep in for another hour. So he was prematurely waking her from her sleep.

But Lucy had specifically told him she wanted him to do to her what he would otherwise have done to Kylie.

As Lucy had told him he could, Matt pulled aside the blind a bit to let enough light into the room to see what he was doing. The sight that it revealed did nothing to reduce his randiness. Lucy was asleep on her back -- as she always slept. The sheet, which was the only cover on the bed at this time of year, was thrown off down to her upper thighs; revealing her completely naked body.

That of itself was a transformation from the previous Lucy who wouldn't even let her sister see her naked before her sex education started.

As always, Matt was taken by the perfection of her body. The cascade of long blonde hair, her soft, feminine face, her glorious breasts, her flat -- almost hollow as she lay on her back -- stomach, her seductively bulged mons and her shapely legs. An artist couldn't imagine a more beautiful woman.

He knelt alongside her stomach, first touching up her nipples with his finger. They both hardened and projected into towering edifices at the top of her conically shaped breasts.

Knowing they were erotically sensitive, he continued to gently tweak them until her breathing told him they were starting to have a strongly arousing effect on her.

Removing what little sheet covered her legs, he bent sideways to look at her vulva, her arousal confirmed by the opening up of her labia.

But her eyelids were telling Matt she was still in REM sleep.

Matt decided it was really time to test Lucy's instructions.

He started to finger her clit. It was already swollen and moist enough to lubricate his action when he first touched it; becoming damper as his fingers stimulated it and slid down to her vaginal opening with each movement.

When his fingers found her vagina receptive, he penetrated her with them, trying to rake across where her g spot should be.

It was clear all of this was arousing her. Not only was her breathing heavier, but she was emitting moans too. Not her usual awake moans, more strangulated, retarded (in the sense of being held back) moans of someone having a dream.

To a certain extent, this was simply mirroring what had happened with Kylie. In her case, she had a female equivalent of a wet dream, woke up and embraced him to fuck her. He wondered if Lucy would follow the same pattern.

He didn't have long to wonder.

It was obvious enough Lucy climaxed. Her body tensed, she lifted her hips just a bit and made all the right noises; even if every physical and vocal aspect of it had that same held back, strangulated sense as her build up to it. But there was no sudden eye opening and follow up invitation for him to mount her.

Matt was left with a slightly panting, possibly still asleep, Lucy. This is what he feared. Lucy's sleep pattern had always been that little more intense, much like the rest of her spectrum habits.

As he reminded himself again, Lucy's instructions had been clear. He put a hand under her bottom to try and lift it enough to slide the sex pillow under her hips. He was a bit surprised it didn't take more effort than it did. It was almost like Lucy was helping him; more so because he felt her bottom and legs tense as if they were taking some of the weight.

Encouraged a bit by that, he knelt by her feet and spread her legs wide apart before crawling up the gap until he could position himself for her penetration. Whether she was asleep or not, Matt was still obeying Lucy's normal primary directive of minimising the non sexual physical contact with her.

On his knees, bent over her, with one arm supporting his weight on a hand placed just clear of her flank, Matt bent his cock down with the other hand and lowered his body down to where he could obtain an initial penetration of her.

Then moving his arm so they his weight was now supported on both of them, he pushed gently in. Lucy was well lubricated and receptive enough, it went in effortlessly. He thought he could even feel some residual contractions from her orgasm, although he thought it a bit late for that.

Through all of this Matt had kept a lookout on Lucy's eyes. They'd remained tightly closed, although after her orgasm she wasn't any longer showing the tell-tale signed of REM sleep, in that her eyeballs were no longer moving under her closed eyelids.

Having got that far, Matt figured it was time to see the whole thing through. He was a little torn as to how to approach it. One part of him said just go for it and get it over as quickly and enjoyably for him as possible. But the other part was intrigued by the possibility of inducing a second orgasm in her. After all, while one purpose of the sex pillow was to help him minimise non erotic contact with her, its original purpose was to position Lucy's hips so that his thrusts stimulated her g spot and he had a better chance of rubbing his pubis across her clit.

Matt chose the second option. It meant his thrusts were slower and he lowered his hips enough that his pubis slid across the front of her vulva on an inward thrust. That also directed the thrust more against the front wall of her vagina while he surged his erection to try and rake it across her g spot even more firmly.

Still Lucy showed no signs of being awake. Her body rag dolled just a little bit as it responded to his thrust, even wobbling her breasts rather provocatively, but initially nothing more than slightly heavier breathing.

As Matt kept going, that breathing became ever heavier. Soon, she was moaning too. Just quiet, subtle moans, but ones no longer strangulated like they'd been while Matt was fingering her. Matt was getting pretty worked up too. Holding himself suspended over Lucy as he was took more effort than more intimate sex and his already teased up manhood was starting to show ever more pleasure at being allowed to play in Lucy's vagina. He found himself grunting; uncertain as to whether to express it more loudly to wake Lucy or keep it suppressed so as not to.

When not distracted by looking at her breasts, Matt kept a constant eye on Lucy's eyes to see if she was still asleep. It was clear she wasn't in the same sleep state she'd been in while Matt fingered her; but nor was there the slightest sign that she was awake either.

His confusion was compounded by the fact she was completely failing to grip his erection in her body. It was sliding in and out delightfully and quite pleasurably, but compared with Lucy's normal grip on him, there was nothing. Her body just seemed completely relaxed.

Well, at least as relaxed as a body working itself towards an orgasm can be. Because it was clear to Matt that Lucy's was. Her legs even started to quiver.

As she climaxed, she moaned more or less like Lucy usually does, and he could certainly feel the contractions in her vagina, but apart from a slight throw back of her head to accompany her moans, there was no raising of her hips or other transmission of her climax through the external parts of her body.

Matt decided it was time to bring on his own orgasm; figuring he couldn't just go pumping Lucy's inert body forever, however nice it might be. Her failure to grip him meant he wasn't progressing towards a climax, so he changed the angle of his thrusts. Lifting his hips just a bit higher, he raked his shaft across Lucy's tight pelvic floor muscle at the front opening of her vagina as he both withdrew and thrust it back in again.

That did it. After only a few more thrusts, he could feel himself brewing up, fully penetrating her and holding it there at the moment he knew he was about to release. Matt did his best to supress the loud groan of pleasure that would otherwise have accompanied the incredible feeling as his cum first rushed up his shaft and filled Lucy's vagina. He held it there through several more pulses before applying a final few thrusts to extract every last grain of erotic enjoyment from his climax.

As much as he was reluctant to extract his still hard shaft from Lucy's body, it seemed like the only sensible thing to do. He was virtually suspended over her, his weight on his outstretched arms and his knees; still trying to minimise any contact with the non erogenous parts of her body.

Awkwardly, he reached for the towel on Lucy's bedside table, placing it under her hips; knowing how much she disliked Matt's cum being discharged all over her bed. Then he pulled himself out and returned to kneeling alongside her.

Still her eyes remained closed and she seemed inert. Matt figured he couldn't leave the pillow under her hips, so gently removed it; again getting the sense that Lucy was doing something to take some of the weight as he lifted her hips. But apart from that she remained, as far as his senses could tell, asleep.

In a way, the situation was simply an exaggeration of the issue with having sex with Lucy; unless she's drunk. There's no follow on. No cuddles, no physically contact at all after he shoots his load. At least normally Lucy is there and sentient, able to sooth his concerns with words. Here he felt like a thief, sneaking out after stealing a fuck.

Figuring he'd find out soon enough what was happening when Lucy finally got up, he slipped on the swim briefs he's left in her room, tucking the sticky, still hard residual erection into them, and slid out the door.

Kylie was in the kitchen, since it was Saturday, dressed only in her usual, brief, household bikini. Matt saw her staring down at the still very much excessive bulge in his swimwear, casting his own eye down to see that a fair bit of dampness had permeated the material, especially where the tip of his cock was and some residual cum discharge was evident. Classy, he thought....not.

Kylie came up to him and momentarily cupped his balls as she gave him a morning kiss...

"Well, did you get your morning fuck. From the look of that thing, either it was yes or you jerked yourself off in your swimwear."

"Yes, but Lucy slept through it."

Kylie screwed up her face...

"What? You actually fucked her in her sleep and she didn't wake up? You're kidding?"

"Well, that's what she told me to do. But her eyes didn't open, her body didn't move and apart from moaning quite a lot, she didn't say anything. She gave every indication of still being asleep."

Screwing up her face again, Kylie smiled as she teased...

"Well, does that make you something like the midnight fucker. Able to penetrate a sleeping woman and leave no trace other than a puddle of cum? Should I be concerned? Was it fun?"

"Actually it made me feel really uncomfortable. Had Lucy not been so insistent, I might have knocked on your door. So no, while the orgasm was nice, there was no additional pleasure in her being asleep. Probably the opposite."

"So I missed a fuck so you could have one you didn't enjoy and Lucy might not even know about."

"That might be a rather harsh way of putting it. And I suspect we'll find out Lucy will know, even if only as a dream."

"Maybe you should give me that sort of dream one day."

"You might not be as sound a sleeper as Lucy."

"Try it and see."

Matt changed the topic and went about getting his breakfast.

It was an hour later that Lucy emerged from her room. In an unusual move for her, she came up and gave Matt a peck kiss on the lips...

"That was nice. Thank you."

Kylie chipped in...

"You remember it?"

"Yes. Of course."

"Matt said you were asleep."

"Not completely asleep. At least not after he fingered me to my first climax. Sort of in a drowsy, half dream world where I was half asleep, half awake and I chose not to wake up completely."

"You can do that?"

"I don't often have reason to. I don't know. I'd told him to fuck me even in my sleep, so I just put myself in some sort of zen like state and surrendered my body to Matt, knowing he'd do the right thing. It was really nice."

Lucy turned to Matt...

"Sorry. I hope you didn't mind."

"I was only concerned about doing the right thing."

Lucy smiled...

"Oh, you did the right thing alright. Maybe you can do the right thing another day too."

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AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

I very much enjoy this series and these characters.

Raphael76Raphael7612 months ago

Nice! A big thank you for returning to this story. I check in every few days to see if you have anything new. You are definitely my favorite author here.

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