A Slave to the Servants Ch. 14


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Nu-reeh walked past us brushing boldly along Master Evan's chest. Her wings clattered and shook in silent excitement, but she moved on. My men understood now.

We walked toward our living quarters and the internal conversation took over. Nu-reeh smelled of a woman in need. The scent called to Master Evan like a beacon. She was going to breed with him today and he was excited.

"I wonder if she would let me taste?" he asked.

"Not a chance," Master Bane scoffed.

"As if you could get close enough without getting gouged," Master Kein said. "You aren't fast enough."

"Bet I could," Master Evan answered with good humor.

"The General liked to taste, too, Brother," Master Damien warned, "and you've seen what they did to him. They don't want you tracking them."

The General's face, I suddenly remembered, bore a scar. That was unusual, the mens' memories told me. The women rarely injured a man in the face.

I was irritated. They should be convalescing and relaxing. Getting harassed by Nu-reeh would just mean it would take longer to heal. Their backs were still dripping blood. They weren't up for a mating right now.

"Ciara," Master Damien scolded looking askance at me. "That was an embarrassingly light punishment and we are not weak men. Stop with this line of thinking."

We arrived back at our quarters and my men cleaned and wrapped their wounds. I tried to help, but they had done this before and knew what to do for one another. They pecked me on the lips and made their way to the mating chamber in good humor.

Despite the irritation the men had at the thought, I still believed that they were strange creatures. The pain didn't even phase them. They barely acknowledged it, yet they would rather die than live without even one Brother.

"We're tough," Master Bane had argued.

"Not easily undone," Master Evan had informed me.

Strange nonetheless, I still thought.

That afternoon I sat in our apartment and experienced my men mating with the women. Since I didn't have anyone talking to me, I was forced to really feel what my men went through.

It was like a surreal dream as I sat on the couch and Nu-reeh took Master Evan. Dinah took Master Christof and Tosu took Master Bane. It was violent, erotic, and all consuming.

My men worked together, but it was never effective. The women picked the man they wanted and quickly divided him from the group. Here in the mountains the women made no show of allowing men to bind or control them. Men were forced to accept what the women wanted.

The females absolutely controlled the mating. They fought viciously with the men until they had them flat on their backs on the cold stone floor. Once the men were down, they had to stay still and let the women mount them. That is how the men were always taken, unless the women felt kind. If the women were in a good mood, which was rarely, they let the men stand and take them from behind.

Christof wasn't particularly turned on by the aggression today, but an erection was pulled from him anyway. Dinah straddled my friend and her vaginal area literally sucked him in. Within moments the tight heat of her sex had him hard and ready.

Master Damien and his Brothers knew the women's anatomy, mostly. Small suckers could be used to drag the penis into the women. Rippling muscle inside the women stimulated the men whether they wanted it or not.

No man could resist the women, except Christof. His prior impotence in the face of his stress had been unheard of. Since he was functional again the women took him like he was a rare treat that might dry up at any time. Dinah would drain him as many times as she could this afternoon.

It went on and on. The women mated their chosen men and then released them. When they were ready to fight and fuck, they took them again. My family was tired and hungry when they came back to me that evening.

As I bathed them, they enjoyed my soft hands gliding over their skin. I avoided touching the places that hurt and they liked that, too. The women always made a point to dig into their sensitive spots. This was a small joy they had longed for in the many moons we had been separated.

I went to sleep later that night still wondering about this strange and bizarre world. Tonight it was dreams of the wide plains leading to the mountains. I was there as they battled and subdued the bandits that roamed the Great Barren Stretch.

Runen and his Brothers came to teach me again in the morning.

I had a horrible time concentrating. Something had happened in the sorting room and all the men were working to fix it. They were frustrated and annoyed, which kept distracting me from my lesson. The tutors noted it and called me stupid.

I learned about names today, family names specifically. By the time my tutors left I understood the marks men wore on their shoulders. They were brands that told you not only what family they belonged to, but the small unique marks around the edges told you who their breeders were for three generations.

I asked the tutors how you would know which Brother in a family sired the child, since the Brothers all wore the same mark. They snidely told me the Brothers were all numbered. They each were aware of what numerical symbol corresponded to them.

"How have you existed here this long and yet you don't realize that?" the lead Brother asked. "You must pay no attention at all."

I sat silently as they pondered my ignorance. In my head I heard Master Damien's outrage. Of course I didn't know the Brothers each corresponded to a numerical value. There was never a reason for me to know that. It was just a system the Child Keeper's used.

Information that was infrequently used came to my memory suddenly. Master Damien was number 1, Master Evan number 2, Master Kein was 3, Christof 4, and Master Bane 5. The number hand no other benefit than to help the Child Keeper's organize the raucous young boys.

The men coming to teach me were testing Master Damien's patience. They did not treat me with the respect his family was due. Anyone else that demonstrated this obvious disregard would usually receive a sound beating.

My owners arrived at lunch and Master Kein escorted my tutors out. Everyone tried to keep Master Damien distracted until the men were gone, his temper was threatening to burst out of control.

"We have a surprise, Ciara," Christof said lightly and that made Master Damien smile.

They did have a surprise for me, one they had been carefully hiding all morning. I hadn't sensed anything about it from them. Only Christof had seen the surprise and he was making a point not to think about it. They wanted to see my face when I saw what they'd gotten me. Christof presented me with a brown bag and I looked curiously at him.

"Only I looked at it," he explained grinning, but I still didn't know what it was. Christof was very good at keeping secrets. Usually that irritated Damien, but it had been fun today.

I opened the bag and was thrilled. They had found me knitting needles and yarn in their colors. They had paid attention when I said I wanted to knit my child a blanket. It had seemed important to me, so they wanted to make it happen.

Grateful for their thoughtfulness I hugged and kissed each of them. That seemed to finish calming Master Damien down.


Just like when I first arrived on this planet the strangeness of it all settled. My days in the mountains started to take on a normal feel. It became a repetitive pattern of lessons and learning.

Nu-reeh took me out to fly in the countryside almost every day. She brought me into caves and taught me all the things that lived in the hills. Other days we would fly into the mines and she would teach me how to get the ore. I knew the sprawling mountains around us like the back of my hand.

I also learned landmarks and how to tell direction. Nu-reeh spoke of far off places and how to get to them. It felt like I had seen the entire planet through her stories.

The most fascinating day, she took me to where the space ships loaded the ore. We sat on a hill overlooking the valley as massive ships worked below us. Nu-reeh made sure I knew about every race that was down in the valley. By the end of the day I knew what dangers awaited the salesmen below us. If they should need help, I knew the signs.

I assumed I was to teach my child all that I was learning. There was so much, I prayed enough of it would stay with me. Everyday felt like I was trying to memorize an encyclopedia.

This was such a strange and dangerous world. I often wondered if my child would survive. It wasn't like I could offer any help or assistance. While I knew I would unconditionally love my child, I felt useless in helping to raise her.

My owners hated the fretting and worrying. They found that my lack of confidence and fear distracted them. Any endeavor that took my mind off my deficiencies was supported wholeheartedly.

They soon learned the knitting and sewing relaxed me. Making blankets for the child made me feel useful. At least my child would have something soft and warm to be wrapped in. I was provided with as many supplies as I needed and encouraged to knit whenever I wasn't otherwise occupied.

Besides relaxing me the knitting had another benefit. It gave me something to do when my only responsibility was to be present and listen. Often Nu-reeh had me sit and watch my Masters' couplings while she spoke with her Sisters. She found my productivity to be a good thing and demanded I continue it.

Sitting amongst the women I learned a great deal about them. Soon I could understand their hierarchy and their interactions. Eventually, I learned what was appropriate behavior and what was not. Nu-reeh quizzed me often and seemed intent I understood this well.

There were rules the women followed and expectations that had to be met. Whenever we came across a new practice Nu-reeh would make sure I understood completely. She was quite clear in her belief I should know exactly what was expected of a female. I did my best not to disappoint.

As far as my original purpose was concerned, a drastic change took place. One night my owners decided that sex was too cumbersome and exhausting for me. They no longer used me for sex.

Damien and his Brothers adored sex with me, but as my belly grew I was easily made sore. The act itself required a great deal of energy, particularly with five men to satisfy. It became an issue one night and I was shocked at the outcome.

Kein had taken me first. I knelt on the bed as he took his pleasure in my body. For me the act was uncomfortable, but I took him willingly. With each bump of his long staff against my tunnel, I had started to openly wince. Suddenly, he withdrew himself.

Evan's breath was hot on my cunt as he brought me to pleasure. For a moment I wondered when Kein would finish and then I knew he would not. They were done with me for the evening. The orgasm Evan was bringing me was an apology for the pain. It was going to be the end of sex until I was no longer pregnant.

I was shocked and looked up at them. A sex slave that could not be used for sex was unheard of. Damien heard the train of thought in my mind.

"You are not our slave in this room," he chuckled. "You are tired and not able to be used for now. We do not mind. We will wait for the women to use us."

I lay down panting on my side staring at him. He was erect and ready, they all were. "You could pleasure yourselves with your hands," I said hopefully, "or I could pleasure you with my hand."

That would be unheard of. A man's seed must be deposited in a living vessel. Anything less would be a terrible insult. Their essence should only be left somewhere alive.

The collective opinion clashed with my own and Christof gasped at my take on the matter.

"It is a form of control," he said softly while rising to pace the floor. "We could make our own release, but the women want us to depend on them for it."

Damien started to understand and slowly they all did. The women force them to look forward to the horrible couplings by making sure they didn't get relief any other way. Damien and his Brothers had never looked at it like that.

A strange memory occurred to me. My uncles had used socks and towels to clean up the resulting mess when the pleasured themselves. The women just didn't want the men using their seed like that.

I imagined the initial intent was to only allow sex with women. The slaves in the compound were obviously an appeasement for overanxious Warriors who would not wait. Slaves kept men on the compound and away from the mountains. The only other option was going to forced couplings.

Kein bolted to the bathing room and returned with five small towels. I sat up and watched him hand them out. Everyone was excited and perplexed about doing this.

They'd been told this was wrong and never encouraged to do it. It was such a temptation, though. It would feel so liberating.

I knew they'd feel better if it seemed more familiar to them.

"First one to finish wins," I said softly and to no one in particular.

Christof had done this before and took the dare first. The others followed suit and I watched fascinated at their impromptu circle jerk. They looked down at what they were doing with fascination. No one had ever said they could do this

Kein came first, probably he was already stimulated from what we'd done. His Brothers followed in rapid sequence with Bane losing the whole contest. None of them felt they'd lost anything, though.

They'd won a certain freedom today. The women could not control them this way. If they felt the urge again, they had an outlet. There was nothing wrong with what I called masturbating. It was markedly exhilarating.

The rags the men had used to catch their seed were all taken to the lavatory and washed. We were all elated at their new found freedom. They felt a measure of control and they liked it.

"Thank you, Ciara," Master Damien said to me with a grin, "we enjoy the way you see the world."

I smiled back at him and petted my growing belly. Freedom felt good and I was glad my daughter would have that.

Time passed in the mountains. I had only my five men for company, but they were always present. My thoughts were a constant amalgamation of mine and theirs. It forced us to know each other and compromise on even the littlest thing. As my belly grew, I felt more and more attached to my Warriors.

The six of us grew very close. We experienced each other in ways I'd never dreamed possible. I understood them completely and they understood me.

The dreams were always when we were closest. They saw the world through my eyes and I saw it through theirs. During the day my opinions played into their actions as theirs played into mine. It changed our relationship.

"A slave can be bought and sold," Master Evan said one night while we sat around the fire in our apartment.

I had been knitting and not really paying attention to them at all. As it was now most days, my attention had been on Nu-reeh's lessons from the morning. The conversation took me off guard.

"Ciara can't be sold," Master Kein said, "ever."

We all strongly agreed. Selling me would be wrong, because buying and selling anyone was wrong. Sentient beings should not be sold or owned.

It was done and decided. I was not their slave anymore. My men were satisfied.

I fought the collective opinion and I could feel the disconnect causing a headache.

"I am still a slave. You are still my Masters. There is nothing else I can do on this planet. If you don't claim me, someone else will. I am not strong enough on my own, remember?" I asked.

Their sudden decision had me worried. I knew the reason everyone left me alone was because I was theirs. Without my powerful Masters, I was as good as dead.

"You are not a slave," Master Evan insisted. "We could never part from you. You are part of us, you are family."

"Do you want to be a slave?" Master Bane asked incredulous. "I know you don't. I can't understand your resistance."

I breathed deeply and tried to calm my rampaging thoughts.

"If I walk out of that flap," I said pointing to the main door, "and tell those men I am not owned by Master Damien and his Brothers, what do you think will happen to me?"

"That would be a stupid thing to do," Master Kein said echoing the thought of everyone in the room.

Yes, he was right. I blinked and tried to focus on why they had to claim me as a slave.

"I am not harmed only because I am owned by you all. If you stop claiming me, then I have no value to anyone," I argued.

"We don't like slavery anymore," Master Evan said as way of explanation. "You are family, not a slave."

I put the knitting needles down and tried to make them see reason. "You can tell me that, Master Evan, but you can't tell anyone else that."

They considered for a mere moment.

"Fine, you make a valid point," Master Damien conceded. "Since we do not wish to see you harmed, we will still call you our slave. We will all know you are not a slave, though."

"Thank you, Master Damien," I said politely, feeling happy they understood.

"You don't have to call us Master if it's just us," Christof said grinning.

Christof was ecstatic. He was gloating actually. It had taken a long time, but they had finally seen what he saw all along.

"Yes, yes Brother," Evan sighed, "free things should be left free."

"Can we still use Ciara?" Kein asked.

They hadn't thought about that. If I was free I could say no to them, that didn't seem possible. They knew I loved what they did to me when I wasn't pregnant. The collective decided I would still have sex with them whenever they wanted, because they brought me pleasure, too.

I sighed and let the thoughts run through my head. A very tiny piece of me knew they had missed the point entirely, but it was a good start. I had to appreciate that they were at least becoming aware.

Christof was not as generous as I was. It should be my choice, just like it should be their choice. That wasn't the overriding opinion and dissension caused pain. I felt the whispered promise before the idea was buried. We would work on it.

The family walked to the breakfast room the next morning and Damien had the oddest thought. I should be able to look at whatever I wanted. Since I was no longer a slave, the rules did not apply. They were sure I'd like to look around.

"No, no, no," I whispered fiercely. "These men understand the rules you all have set forth. I don't look at them and they don't touch me."

Christof agreed with me. It would have to be an act, but we had to continue the same way. The rules protected me.

"Not much to look at in these caves, anyway," Bane said softly.

We walked quietly and I thought about the things I would want to see. There were things I rarely got the chance to look at. I remembered being in the backyard on Earth with one of my nicer uncles. We had laid on blankets and he had taught me the names of the different constellations.

"Stars," I whispered and they pulled me to the side, "I would like to see the stars again."

I had occasionally seen the stars through the window in the compound. It wasn't like I was an astronomer, but I did like to see them. I imagined the sky here would be beautiful, but I was not permitted to look up.

Tonight, the men decided. There was a place they could take me we could go look at the stars. I would have to be dressed warmly because it was an exposed area, but you could see almost the entire sky.

I thanked each of them and kissed their cheeks. Speaking softly, I only called them by their given names. They loved that I didn't call them Master anymore.

We walked toward the eating hall and my family was satisfied. Some tiny part of me wanted to think what funny men these were, but I couldn't hold the thought. They were happy and settled, so I was, too.