A Slave to the Servants Ch. 16


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My family showed up to take me to dinner. They were very concerned about me and must have worried all afternoon. I put Hannah down and consoled all of them.

"The men just ignored me," I told them honestly, "there is no reason to worry."

Damien wasn't convinced. They all fretted through dinner and none of them ate well. They were too busy planning how to protect me. I wasn't sure how to explain Nu-reeh's control to them. From their perspective, I knew it would seem far fetched.

Nu-reeh came in just after we finished the meal and looked at my family. She took in the barely touched food and the worried looks.

"You did not preform well today at the mating," she said staring from man to man. "No one will touch your slave, do not disappoint me tomorrow."

My men visibly relaxed after her statement and I was glad for her assistance. It would hopefully be good enough for now.

Since it seemed men could suppress her suggestions if they had an incentive, I had to avoid giving them any reason to fret over me when I took my walks.

My men left the dining hall in high spirits. Someone had offered them a chuke game and they happily took them up on it. It had been ages since they had played. We went to the arena and I sat with Hannah off to the side.

The place we were in was enormous, even for the cave systems, and it was cold. The light came from torches, but parts of the roof were also missing, so some late afternoon sun streamed in.

I sat with Hannah in a patch of sunlight next to a warm torch while Damien and his Brothers played their game.

"Women are very powerful, Hannah," I told her softly as she watched me.

"Yes, Mama."

"You will have great power over the men," I told her, "but you mustn't abuse your power. These men need you to take good care of them. For this planet to survive you must treat the men well and keep them safe."

"Yes, Mama," she said watching me. "I don't like men, though."

"Why, Baby Girl? Why don't you like men?"

"The men kept you as a slave, Mama," Hannah's perfect English blended so well it surprised me, but she continued. "What the men did is wrong," she said simply.

"Don't treat your men badly then, little girl," I told her. "Don't make them want to buy a slave to love them. Love your men yourself and make them happy. These men made a mistake, but I have come to love them. I love you. You don't have to hate them. I don't."

Hannah knew my anger better than anyone. She knew exactly how deeply being taken and kept like a pet had hurt me. I prayed she had seen the affection I held for Damien and his Brothers. My bitterness should not cast a dark cloud on her life.

I heard Bane cheering and looked up at the game. My family was jumping around, so I did the same thing, dancing with Hannah in my arms.

"Are you a cheerleader, Mama?" Hannah asked when I had settled down.

She remembered correctly. It had been my personal opinion every time I danced and cheered.

"Yes, but they won't understand that word," I told her.

We talked, as the game progressed, about everything. Hannah knew Earth and she knew here, at least some of here. She was desperately curious about the rest of it. Unfortunately, I'd already given her all I had.

"You'll go out and explore is what Nu-reeh said," I mused looking out over my men again. "She seemed to think you would leave me fairly soon."

"I won't leave you, Mama," she said stubbornly, "I love you."

My heart lodged in my throat and I felt the tears come. "I love you, too, Baby Girl, but it's what you have to do. I don't want you to leave me ever, but I won't hold you back."

Hannah set her jaw and looked up at me. "I won't go," she said simply.

I laughed at her. "Your father is stubborn, too,"

"I don't need to leave," she insisted, "and I'm not like my father."

I remembered the morning episode when she first saw the sky. This child was built to soar out of the nest as soon as possible. Trapping her with me would surely kill her. She craved exploration in the wide open sky. I would never have the freedom that was her birth right.

"Relax, Hannah, no one is going anywhere right now. Just remember, when the time comes I love you and you shouldn't be afraid to take what is yours."

We talked for the rest of the game until Hannah fed again, dropping off to sleep shortly after.

"How was the game?" I asked my men as we walked silently back to our quarters.

"Too long since we've played," Evan complained.

"We'll win next time, Brother," Christof consoled him.

"You boys really haven't been playing enough if someone here beat you," I replied surprised.

"Thank you for reminding us," Damien said grimly.

"Play tomorrow," I offered, "the practice would be good for you."

The next day found me sitting with Hannah in the main room by the fire. My men had long since gone to the sorting room. It was just a quiet morning with the two of us.

As I tidied up Hannah talked to me about all manner of things. She spoke in English and Paterian, switching seamlessly between the two.

Feeling the sudden urge to pee I picked up Hannah and took her with me to the bathroom.

Hannah was curious. She knew how it felt for me when I needed to go. It wasn't clear to her if she had the same feelings. We discussed what that felt like and Hannah wanted to use the pot next time. I encouraged her tell me. Not using diapers would make this so much easier.

My men came for lunch and they looked very pleased with themselves. Evan proudly handed me a large bag, as soon as he walked in. I started to pull out the contents and was instantly happy.

"Look, Hannah," I exclaimed, "they bought you blocks to play with."

There were other toys in the bag, too. It was a very thoughtful gift.

I hugged and thanked all of them.

"Say 'thank you', Hannah," I ordered picking her up. "It was nice of them to think of something you might want. It is polite to show gratitude."

Hannah looked uncertainly at Damien and pulled her lips back like she was going to hiss.

"Mama will be upset if you aren't a nice girl," I warned.

Hannah thanked my men and I praised her. It hurt me that she would grow up hating the man who fathered her. I had never meant to have her think that way.

Time seemed to fly by at lightening speed. Hannah started to crawl within seven day cycles. She was walking within thirty. Dark brown fur started to grow, finally, after she started to walk. Nu-reeh had been worried about that. Since the baby fur hadn't come in by her early birth, she thought it should have grown in before this.

The fur covered Hannah from head to toe. It was shorter and seemed lighter than the other women's and it spared her face entirely. Nu-reeh told me the thick hair the females had would grow in after her fangs developed.

It must have been warm, though, because she didn't want to be wrapped anymore. The fur seemed to be doing its job.

Hannah's wings had fascinated me. Each wing was divided into three sections. At each transition point was a fleshy barb. It wasn't nearly as hard as the ones the adult women had, I hoped that changed with age.

By her third moon I could appreciate the changes in Hannah's wings. Over time Hannah had learned to control the spans of flesh and she now moved them with ease and assurance. Except for their smaller size they looked much like the older women's wings.

I talked to her about the amazing places her wings could carry her. Reminding her of Nu-reeh's stories, I hoped she would also see wonderful things. The conversation usually infuriated Hannah.

She told me she had no need to see this world. Land was land, mountains were mountains, and the sea was the sea. It didn't matter if it was somewhere different. She always went back to playing with her toys and refused to talk about it further.

That's what she said and I heard her, but it wasn't how she acted. Hannah stared at the sky when we passed openings in the mountains. She explored the limited world she had voraciously. I saw her true desire even though she tried to hide it.

Hannah grew rapidly and she fed from me frequently, much more than a human child would. I produced enormous amounts of milk, but I feared it was barely adequate. Hannah stood the height of an average toddler, but Nu-reeh had commented she was small. I ate and drank frequently to have enough energy to make enough milk.

I'm sure it didn't help my overall health when I started to menstruate again. Those days I felt as though energy flowed from me in every direction. It made me tired, cranky and hungry. Despite how hard I tried I could barely keep up with the demands on my body.

Hannah's relationship with Damien and his Brothers was always strained. She harbored a large amount of anger toward them and nothing I could say seemed to quell it. I still tried, though.

Every day I talked to her about the importance of treating men well. I feared she would treat her own men poorly when the time came. That would just make things worse.

One day during her fourth moon I even told her my suspicions about the way the women could control the men. I advised her that she probably had a great deal more power over men besides just strength. This was new information and Hannah pondered it.

I reminded her of the times it seemed like Nu-reeh had controlled the bond. Hannah had those memories also and understanding lit her face.

"I wonder how she did it," Hannah said and I had to shake my head.

I wasn't sure either.

"Perhaps," I said, "one day when you are older, you could ask. I'm not sure I should know."

It wasn't much help, but it's all I could offer her.

Hannah and I still took our afternoon walks around the caves. She was incredibly curious and explorative. She would climb the walls and and crawl deep into crevices to examine things if they interested her. It was during one of those walks she discovered she could fly.

We walked to an area where the floor just dropped way. Hannah wanted to see what was on the other side of the pit whose bottom lay at least twenty stories below us.

"I'll crawl down, Mama," she told me and scurried toward the ledge.

While I liked to encourage her curious nature, this was too dangerous.

"No," I told her sharply, "it's not safe. Come back here."

Hannah pouted and stomped her foot while backing away from me. The loose gravel she was on shifted and she tilted back over the edge of the precipice. I screamed as she fell backwards.

I rushed to the edge and looked over screaming her name. Hannah fell for a mere moment before righting herself. Her wings spread wide and I gasped as she flew. She soared across the pit to another ledge and landed clumsily on it.

"Did you see, Mama?" she called to me excitedly. "Did you see me fly?!"

My heart was hammering in my chest. I'd apparently seen my child fall to her death and I couldn't stop shaking. My voice trembled as I spoke.

"Yes, d-d-don't do it again, Hannah. Stay there, let me get someone to help you!"


"Hannah, you could get hurt," I said getting exasperated, but calming down slightly.

I saw her spread her wings and flap them experimentally. She rose off the ground and hovered for a moment.

The truth of it struck me. She was growing fast and she was getting more independent every day. I'd promised not to hold her back, so I had to let her grow at her own pace.

"Fly back to me, Baby," I called to her. "If you start to fall, spread your wings and glide down. Do you understand that word?"

"You changed your mind," she informed me as she jumped.

Hannah practiced flying over the pit all afternoon. She started out mainly just gliding from one ledge to another. Soon she had reached the bottom and had to fly to get back up. I just sat and watched from the top, calling out encouragement.

"I'm hungry, Mama," she cried when she was still halfway down in the pit.

"Fly back up and feed, then," I told her.

Hannah did not tolerate hunger well, she never had. She screamed and wailed, throwing a mighty tantrum below me. Clattering talons told me who had arrived.

"Good day, Ma'am," I said to the large woman as she walked in.

"Why is the young female down there?" the woman asked me looking over the edge.

I explained how Hannah had wanted to climb down and then stumbled. The woman seemed pleased Hannah had flown. The fact she had practiced afterward also made the woman happy.

Hannah appeared suddenly, having flown the rest of the way up. She was hungry and angry. She made horrible sounds at the other woman.

"A fine female!" the woman said before she walked away.

I sat and held my daughter as she started to nurse. She quieted quickly, now that she was being fed.

"Quite a scene you just made," I said smiling down at her.

She sighed and continued to nurse.

"Maybe next time we should find a place that you could get out of easier," I said and Hannah just watched me.

She was sleepy after her exercise and I carried her back to our apartments. I put her on her belly to rest and picked up the toys she had left scattered around that morning. My men had generously brought or purchased her lots of different things to play with.

Much like on Earth the toys were all geared at teaching some fundamental skill. It kept her occupied in the morning when I cleaned things up. I smiled recognizing the different words and symbols printed on the toys.

It was nearing dinner time when a clattering noise outside got my attention.

"Slave," Nu-reeh's voice called from outside.

"Yes, Mistress," I answered bustling out. "How may I help you?"

"The child is flying I was told," she stated and I gave an affirmative answer.

Hannah was beside me suddenly. She greeted Nu-reeh politely.

"Come with me," Nu-reeh ordered and started to walk.

I took Hannah's hand and we started out trailing close behind Nu-reeh.

I had been glad when Hannah stopped hissing and growling at Nu-reeh. I got the sense that Hannah respected the large woman. Nu-reeh seemed like a good role model. She was powerful and knowledgeable, things I certainly was not, so I didn't have an issue with it. They had developed what oddly enough seemed like a business relationship.

We walked back to the steep rock wall Nu-reeh had taken me to the day Hannah was born. Once again the big woman scooped me up and flew into the opening above us. I looked down and Hannah followed.

Once we reached the top Nu-reeh pointed ahead of us.

"Walk," she told me, "I wish to speak with the young one."

It was an unusual request and I walked toward the center of the women's living area alone. Tosu met me and requested I stand with her, which I did. Ahead of us was an opening in the stone floor. It seemed to be emanating heat. Vaguely I remembered seeing it at Hannah's birth.

I didn't want to disobey Nu-reeh, but I worried for my daughter. When I glanced back the way I'd come they just seemed to be talking. Surreptitiously, I watched until Hannah got close to me.

It was warm here, I noted, much more so than I was accustomed to. I made no comment to Tosu and asked no questions. I was glad when Nu-reeh and Hannah passed. Nu-reeh was telling Hannah why it was hot in this area.

"You will find these in every mountain range," Nu-reeh said pointing to a sunken glowing area in front of us. "We have made ours easier to use, but you will find them naturally in every cave system."

I started to walk forward and Nu-reeh stopped me. "It is too hot for you, it is for the young one."

I could see the heat rising from the central pit. I could see a set of stairs carved into the rock went down into it.

"What is it?" I asked quietly.

Nu-reeh ignored me and started to instruct Hannah on how to dip the tips of her wings into the stuff. She said once Hannah's talons started to grow she should dip those also. It would make the tips hard as any metal and nearly unbreakable.

"There are very few substances that can survive the treated tips of our wings," Nu-reeh explained. "When the slavers attacked this planet, we found they had no material that would stop us. We pierced and shredded every defense they had."

I guess it hadn't just been the men that fought that battle. The slavers really didn't stand a chance.

"How long should I hold it in?" Hannah asked.

"You will know when it is enough. Once the pain fades you will feel them grow harder. It is a choice for any woman how long she leaves them in. You will have to experiment to perfect it for yourself," Nu-reeh answered.

Other women had flown down and were standing around. I watched as little Hannah walked down the stairs. Nu-reeh stood at the edge and coached her.

I heard a little yelp and got concerned. I tried to move forward, but Tosu grabbed me from behind.

"My baby, you're hurting my baby," I cried fighting her.

"Your daughter is doing what all women do. Stop struggling or you will upset the young one," Tosu said into my ear.

The smell hit me a few moments later. It was the distinct odor of burned flesh. I had no idea what they were doing to my daughter. My terror didn't abate until Hannah's head popped up from the pit. She looked expectantly at me with a huge grin.

"Look Mama, look at what I can do now," she said driving the blackened tip of her wing into the rock beside her.

Breathing deeply, I gave a big, fake smile. "Good girl, that's wonderful, now come back up here."

Hannah looked confused. "I have to do the rest of them, Mama. That's just one. I have tips on all three sections of my wings," she said uncertainly and Nu-reeh gave me a hard look.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Hannah. I hadn't realized you didn't finish. Go on," I encouraged with false brightness.

"Be cautious about using them so soon after the treatment, young one," another woman called down.

The other women murmured agreement, they should be left to set and harden.

"I couldn't wait to try mine," Dinah said, "almost broke one on the first day."

There were no more yelps of pain, but the smell of burning flesh continued to waft from the pit.

"It is traditional," Tosu said, "that you paint the newly hardened tips. They are always painted after the first hardening. Some women continue to paint them, but most do not."

"You are going to let that paint one of us?" another woman ranted angrily pointing at me. "It is disgraceful."

"This is the female breeder," Tosu said sounding bored. "Would you rather we bring the male breeder up here to do it?"

The women grumbled and cursed, but no, they didn't want the men here. This was a female only thing and they enjoyed the privacy of that.

Dinah handed me a small pot of shiny blue liquid. Well, at least Damien would be pleased she had the right color on.

"The color is in honor of the male breeder," Tosu explained, "Nu-reeh made it in Damien's family color."

"Thank you, Mistress, that was kind," I said.

This was all so strange and unexpected. It felt like I had come to Christmas dinner in the middle of July and showed up without a gift. I was absolutely unprepared.

Hannah barreled out of the pit intent on showing me what she had done. I looked over the tips and touched them, telling her how good they looked. She was very animated and wanted to tell me all about it.

The entire situation pleased her until she saw the color I planned to put on her newly hardened wing tips.

"No, I don't like that color," she said stubbornly eyeing the pot.

"That's the way it's done, Hannah," I tried to explain. "Mistress Tosu said you wear your male breeder's color."

"No, Mama," Hannah said crossing her arms, "my wings will not bear his colors."