A Slave to the Servants Ch. 33


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We all sat quietly for a moment as the girls conversed internally.

"Well," Dara said still deep in contemplation, "it is a good sign for the men. They trusted Mama to take care of her own body. She said she wanted them and they assumed the fertility was up to her. How often have we told them they had to leave her body to her to care for?"

"If we're talking about breeding it's up to ALL of them,"Kennedy said staring down at me darkly."It does take two of them."

A thought prodded me from outside. Christof was curious what had our offspring looking so serious. I thought about lying to him and hiding my mistake, but that would be frowned upon by the family. Secrets were not tolerated in the family.

Instead of hiding it, I told Christof I was not using anything for birth control and I did not know if I was fertile.

I saw the stunned looks from across the room. The men had been trying to be respectful of my rights. They had been told I could control my own body. Damien's Brothers did not ask if I was fertile, because that was my business.

There was mixed feeling in my family. Damien thought I was not learning to take care of myself well enough. Perhaps Hannah or Kennedy could do something to intensify my education. Freedom and responsibility went hand in hand, he believed. My body was mine to protect and monitor.

Bane and Christof understood the mistake. We had just been too long without one another. Yes, we had all done something foolish, but if it resulted in more family, that was not necessarily a bad thing.

"Hey, Earth to Mama!" Kennedy snapped waving her hand in front of my face.

Dara's eyes narrowed and Eve cocked her head at me. Damn, these intelligent girls, they'd figure it all out if I kept acting strange.

"Interesting," was all Dara said, as they all rose from the table.

"We are due to patrol today and we have responsibilities to help at a camp not far from here later today," Kennedy said. "My sisters and I will help determine your...cycle. Don't do anything foolish until then."

"Perhaps you could train some with Rue and his Brothers today," Eve added. "They have developed shields on the transports. If the men had to defend themselves from attacking women the shields raise and enclose the transport. You and Rose should learn to use them. Your skin is softer than anyone else's."

A hug and a kiss and the girls went to bid Christof and the family goodbye.

Life changed slowly over the next many day cycles for Damien and his Brothers. More and more men approached them. They were invited to more functions. The camp began to truly accept them for the first time.

We quickly learned the way campmates interacted was different from the way men had in the compound. Men in the camp relied on other families. Physically weak men would not feel ashamed to ask a stronger family to help them do something. Men like Damien and his Brothers were encouraged to ask questions when they didn't understand. Their lack of knowledge did not have to be hidden. Everything was shared.

This trust the other men encouraged them to take part in was a little confusing to myhusbands. In the compound you always kept your family's secrets close. While friendships were encouraged, you couldn't depend on other men. A family had to watch out for itself and be very cautious. Things in the camp were the polar opposite.

For instance, Damien had panicked when a man from another family noted Christof's mark in the bathing pool one evening. My men had feared that the Earth heritage would make Christof and the family a target. It did not. The other men merely introduced my family to other men with Earth ancestors.

It was common knowledge Christof's skin might be weaker, but that wasn't looked down on and no one wanted to test the theory. Our campmates wanted to know about each of my men individually. Men in the camp knew there were things myhusbandswould have hidden in the compound. Damien and his Brothers found the entire thing amazing.

Once the other men got over the label they'd put on Damien, Basin, and Stayne the dream of freedom became a reality. This way of living was far better than anything they'd experienced before. The free men encouraged them to form strong relationships outside the family and that felt so right to my men. They had not realized how isolated they'd been.

Our bond grew stronger as the days went on, too. I could connect to them and they to me during the day. It wasn't like before, though. The bond now was something I could control. When the men's collective thoughts were too loud or too distracting, I could literally turn it off. I had the freedom of my own mind and the collective of the family when I needed it. I was not lost or controlled in this bonding.

At night, my family and I were physically inseparable, but we tried to do things that were "safe". Mund's family and their friends continued to look the other way when Rose and I visited every night. It was wonderful.

Even Armant and his Brothers capitulated to the change in the camp. Rose and I were certainly different from before, perhaps the men we claimed were changed were different, too. Ourco-workersdecided they would take a meal with the ex-slavers. It was the appropriate thing to do.

Armant and his Brothers found they liked our men. Both our families were tough and genuine. They had grown and learned since coming here. When asked Damien and Basin freely admitted they had made mistakes. Our friends found them different from what they expected.

Stayne and his Brothers had been a question in my mind. I noted they never said anything publicly about liking or not liking slavery anymore. However, when Fuji appeared, which was often, they deferred to her wishes. They appeared to appreciate her changes. Damien thought they might finally be understanding the importance of freedom.

It had helped when Stayne's female breeder visited the camp. She was a fierce looking female, but her eyes were sad. Watching the little boys grow up in the free camps near their breeders was far superior. She freely admitted slavery had stifled Stayne and his Brothers. The woman apologized for her mistake.

Everything was looking better and brighter until the inevitable happened. I woke one morning about a moon cycle later feeling...off. Rose and I made our usual early morning dash to our rooms. We got there and I felt worse and worse until I vomited.

Rose wasn't sick, so it wasn't something contagious and I felt better once I was done. After I rinsed my mouth I sat in front of our small fire and stared into it. The subtle connection to my men was still there, pulsing just beneath my own thoughts. It was stronger now, though, less like an option to participate and more like a compulsion.

"Well," Rose said hesitantly placing a hand on my still flat belly, "the camp is accepting them better. Perhaps it is time to..."

We sat and stared at one another. Neither of us was sure what we should do. There was very little we could say that would make a difference to the Administrators. Their minds were made up.

"We have a few moons before I even start to show," I said firmly. "The men will have to continue to try and we will have to continue to try. Between us, I'm sure we can affect a change."

Rose nodded, but I saw the uncertainty in her features. We'd all changed, but it had not impacted the Administrators yet. Hassar and her Sister were the lead females. They watched Rose and I. They liked it when we interacted with any member of the camp except our families. We couldn't seem to make them understand.

Rose and I were well connected in the camp, especially since saving Abram's family. Our request for the root was honored quickly. No one even asked why we wanted it, they just helped us acquire some. I took it steadily in my diet and the nausea stayed unnoticed by everyone who mattered.

The pregnancy went on and I learned this child was almost as curious as Kennedy. She wanted to know how things were built and how they ran. In the evenings I sometimes walked with Rose down to theparking garageand watched the men work on transports. They found my curiosity healthy and taught me all they could.

Other days I actually sought out Rue, as horrible as his family was. I made them each a nice, new shirt as a peace offering. At my request, they taught me the mechanics ofgunsand how they built the weapons. It was fascinating.

I wondered sometimes whose child this was. It felt similar to Kennedy'spregnancy, but not the same. The curiosity was not an all consuming thing. Much like Hannah'spregnancythis child went with the communal flow. She was certainly an equal mix of Paterian and Earthling.

The men found my curiosity about her parentage funny. They'd play games with me to try to determine who thefatherwas. It seemed I should know as I looked into their eyes, but the truth of it eluded me.

My belly started to show sooner than it ever had before. For the first time I imagined the life inside of me to be a little alien. I'd never experienced apregnancyso rapid before.

It became imperative I hide my condition. I only bathed in the pot in my rooms or Damien's rooms now. Luckily, I made my own clothes, so I altered things so my growing stomach would not show. Under the guise of 'feeling cold' I bundled up so no one could see the steadily growing lump in the front of me.

I thought I hid it well, but Kennedy and her sisters surprised me several times. I was sure they had seen the telltale bump, but they just ignored it. Those girls seemed to have the worst habit of just popping in to talk early and late in the day.

The tiredness was the only symptom I could not hide. I was exhausted again. I started to take naps at lunch and Rose would bring me food. I'd scarf my mid day meal between my nap and my afternoon chores.

"Ciara," Armant said as we prepared to leave the shop one afternoon, "can you take this stack of shirts to Gunth and his Brothers. I know they need them, but have been to busy to pick them up."

Oh, how I had longed to spend some quiet time asleep in bed.

Yawning, I took the stack and moved toward the Administrative rooms. Rose didn't come with me. She was secretly meeting her family for the midday meal in their rooms. She promised to bring me food. My own family was out on patrol.

In my mind I felt the exhilaration of soaring around outside. My men were hunting today with Arnold's and Mund's families. They loved these dangerous assignments. The things they saw still amazed them.

I smiled to myself as I walked the busy halls of the camp. This home was good for all of us. We just wished we could be together and not in secret.

The main Administrative area was empty today. No line of men and women asking for things. A sign announced there was a meeting today and Administrative business would be held until tomorrow.

I walked through the open area with the shirts. I had no idea where Gunth and his family stayed, so I wanted to drop them off here. Instead of leaving, I followed the sound of voices toward what turned out to be a huge meeting room at the end of a hallway. If I could just find Gunth and his Brothers I'd leave this with them.

I stepped from the hallway into the back of the massive auditorium. Tables were set up facing a central and well lit stage. All the attention was on a large woman talking at the head of the room on that stage. I recognized Tosu immediately and froze.

"The ships are not here idly," she was announcing. "They have been surveying the planet, we believe. They do not answer our hails and leave once they have been noticed."

Gunth and his Brothers sat toward the back of the room. He saw me standing in the doorway and waved me over. He pointed to a chair next to him and I sat dutifully. I knew I wasn't supposed to be here, but he didn't care. I sat the shirts on my lap and listened silently.

The meeting was about aliens. There were many different alien races the women worked with. They were well acquainted with the different races and their different ships. Right now, far above our heads, alien ships were flying around the planet for some unknown reason.

The women had what sounded likesatellitesandtelescopes, so they monitored the visitors. On the other side of the world women built ships and were well versed in the different types. What they had seen through the monitoring devices had concerned them.

The ships were all war class, scouting vessels.

"We believe as I know you do, too," Tosu said, "that they want our ore. The numbers on this planet have suffered. I believe, as do many, that these ships are going to attack one day. If they can destroy us, they can take the ore."

The assembled in the hall didn't panic openly, but a low murmur went through everyone.

"I have examined the pictures of their ships and I have brought them for your inspection as well," Tosu continued. "There are many, many flying above us. There are even more floating behind the largest moon, thinking they are obscured from view."

Another low murmur went though the group and I shuddered in fear. Tosu saw the general reaction and raised her hand in a peaceful gesture.

"We have hope," she said. "None of us will give up."

The talk in the room got louder suddenly. I saw a man up front gesture for several pictures Tosu had brought. She handed them over before continuing to speak about her beliefs regarding the alien ships.

"What is your plan?" Gunth called out suddenly.

Tosu looked back at him and saw me. I saw her smile before she answered discussing protecting the men in the compounds first and foremost. They were in the most dangerous place.

The Warriors were now kept in the compounds and traders were not allowed to roam. Women waited in the deserts, vigilant for attack. The slaving women did not want to disrupt the compounds and believed they could stop the invaders if they came.

Men in the mountains could be hidden in the caverns. Women would swarm the enemy ships and fight to the death. It would be war as it had always been fought before, as far as they were concerned.

Gunth stood up and walked stiffly with his family to the head of the room. The slaving women would not protect us. This was Gunth's camp when it came to defense. We would have to defend ourselves, men and women.

The talk got more complex and I tried to follow. Someone was discussing the make up of the alien ships, but it was hard to hear. As they stood up, I realized it had been Rue and his Brothers talking.

"Your talons and spears will not be effective against these ships," Rue said forcefully as he stood and turned to face the crowd. "We have studied alien races and their technology. If the women think they can best these particular invaders with their old methods, they are foolish!"

The crowd murmured and Gunth demanded Rue explain himself, politely.

"These ships will be resistant to your old weapons," Rue said sounding perturbed at repeating himself. "I know our cousins in other camps must have mentioned this. They alerted us to this danger many day cycles ago. This will not be a simple war against slavers. The men in the compounds will die if you leave them there. Your defense is essentially none at all."

I saw the horror start to take the room and Gunth took control of the meeting again.

"What is your solution, young man?" he asked Rue with just a hint of irritation. "I can't believe you and your Brothers are without a plan."

Of course they had ideas. Rue and his Brothers were problem solvers, annoying as they were. They'd come to this meeting ready to be heroes.

"The weapons my Brothers and I developed will be effective," he said proudly. "We created offensive weapons and defensive systems based on the most dangerous things we could find. Most of those things were not on the planet, yet, but it appears they have come."

It was not hard to hear the condescending tone Rue used, but that didn't detract from what he said. We had weapons and we could protect the planet. This battle was not lost.

I sat silently as the plan was laid out by Gunth. Men would be sent into the tunnels. Stocks of ore and food would be left where it could be used when and where needed. We would prepare silently for war with the enemy. When it came time, men from the camp would protect our cousins in the compounds, as well as, ourselves. Our weapons would be effective.

I used that magical connection I had with my family. They heard and saw the meeting as I did. We marveled together at the strangeness of it.

Tosu smiled stepped back as the planning went on. She moved around the room until she approached me. I rose to greet her, setting my package back in my chair. The big woman moved out of the hall and I followed.

We stood in a dimly lit corridor and faced one another.

"They say you are still Ciara," she said quietly when we were outside.

"I love my family," I said simply, but I had a more pressing question. "We can't protect the entire world."

Tosu smiled and I saw her fangs. "Every camp I have contact with has been alerted and they all have the same plan. Rue and his Brothers are not alone in their quest for knowledge. Others have told me the same thing, though not as abruptly. I thought the men in the camp would be offended if I didn't give them the chance to own the salvation they alone can provide. This world will be protected."

"How many camps exist?" I asked.

Tosu sighed and smiled at me. "More than even I know, the rebels outnumber those of the old ways. Many women have been seeing the truth and have been giving their daughters that truth. The resistance has only wished to avoid outright war because of their belief in The Spirit. Most of those that follow The Spirit find the idea of harming another Paterian to be evil."

I nodded and looked up at her, shivering lightly. A war was a frightening proposition, but my family and I would be safe in this camp. My heart sped up as I thought how scary an alien attack would be in the compounds. The men would not understand and they didn't have the weapons we did. They'd be unpreparedsitting ducks.

Terror made me suddenly dizzy and I leaned on the wall. Distantly I heard Tosu speaking to me, but I felt as though I would faint.

My boy was in a compound. Jonathan was in an undefended, dangerous compound that was about to be attacked by warships. No one there could defend him, he'd be as frightened and vulnerable as the rest of them.

I screamed myson'sname and bolted for the storage area with the transports. I had my sword and a gun on my hip. The only thought in my mind was getting to Jonathan and bringing him back to safety.

My stride was ungainly as I ran, but I went as quickly as I could. Tosu was calling me, but I didn't hear her. I just kept repeating Jonathan's name.

Men in the transport storage watched me as I jumped on a loaded transport and started it up.

"Stop!" one of them called waving frantically, "that transport is slated to leave on a mission! You can not take it!"

I didn't care. The big machine lurched forward toward the entrance with me at the controls. My actions were frantic and I wasn't driving well. The transport nearly clipped the side of the mountain as I sped out of the storage area. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Tosu push the edge of transport so I wouldn't have a collision, she'd taken flight and was calling to me.

"I have to get to him!" I screamed tearing down the mountain toward the tunnels.

My driving was erratic because tears were blurring my vision. My boy would die and I had to save him. The transport swerved dangerously close to a tree before I righted it. I nearly wrecked when I landed by the closed tunnel at the base of our mountain.