A Slave to the Servants Ch. 37


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The slaving women frustrated Rose and me no end. She shook her head and sat back heavily on a table behind her. Rose looked absolutely vexed as she spoke.

"Kana and Rysell have tried to talk to the men, but no one will listen," she said woefully. "They even expressed their concern to Hassar and Reed. The camp's Administrators want to respect the men's beliefs. They won't do anything proactive about it. The men want the women here so they can witness how healthy the freedom is. If the slaving women weren't allowed here, it would be insulting to the men and they won't take away their choices..."

"The men should stay close to camp and close to the free women," I told Rose for the hundredth time. "They can't just run around like there isn't anymore danger."

Rose agreed, just like she had all the other times we'd had this discussion. Our men, just like all the men, had no fear of slaving women. They came and went as they pleased. The only danger they believed existed was aliens.

A deep ache settled in my lower back and I paced back and forth as I spoke.

"I feel like we're watching a train crash in slow motion," I panted trying to stretch out the cramp.

"It's just going to have to happen," Rose said irritably. "Basin and his Brothers are as hard headed as the rest. They won't hear of my discomfort with this..."

A horn sounded indicating an end to running and the boys bolted back to us. We couldn't talk about this around them. They were confused by our lack of belief in The Spirit's power. Edas and his family, as they bonded to Basin's family, were becoming as stalwart as the rest of the men. Mycah and his Brothers were the same way. Rose and I put on smiles and just walked the children to their next activity.

As the afternoon went on the cramps in my back came and went. I tried to sit when I could and drank plenty of water. If it was time for the girls to be born that was fine, but I did not want to make them come early. There was still an alien presence fighting on this world and the potential conflict with the slavers made me very uneasy. I wasn't really ready to be a new mother right now.

By nightfall, I was exhausted. I went to bed long before anyone else. The men wished me a good sleep and spent their time in the communal living space. The cramps had stopped during dinner, but I still felt worn. Hopefully sleep would make me feel better again.

Our bed had become less of a private space, but sharing it with our extended family felt right. As I curled into my place I wondered when it would be that the women would excavate more rooms for us. Perhaps they could dig a second bedroom that entered into our small living space. I wanted to keep the family all close. I fell to sleep thinking about that.

It was Kein's worried voice that jostled me from sleep in the middle of the night. I'd been dreaming of a deep canyon. The wind whipped and howled through it, making a mournful sound. The noise still echoed in my ears as I woke up. Kein stroked my arm as he whispered my name. I was groggy as I turned my head to look at his face peering over my shoulder.

"Mama?" a small voice asked from in front of me and I turned my head to see Mycah's family lined up and watching me over Rynal's body.

The little boys were wide awake and obviously confused about something. My groggy mind couldn't decide what it was. All thought left me a moment later as the pain gripped my lower back and shot down into my stomach. Panting and writhing on the bed I realized the howling canyon must have been me, moaning in my sleep.

"You are in pain, wife, it will be soon," Kein said as he rubbed my lower back.

Our babies would not wait much longer.

"We don't understand," Hodlen said quietly, directing the comment to Damien.

He and his Brothers were awake and quietly watching our unfolding drama.

"There is cramping," Damien explained, "to push the new lives out of Ciara's body. The cramps are painful for her."

Our extended family had never seen their mates during this time and didn't know if the same was true of Paterian women. The Paterian women released the new life and brought their offspring to the men, but only after the child had fed the first time. Hodlen's family had never asked how the actual birth happened. It just wasn't done that way.

"I need to walk," I said as I pushed myself to a sitting position. The men's conversation was not interesting to me at this point.

Kein put my boots on my feet and Bane pulled me to stand. Pacing had always helped move the labor along in the past.

"Where are you going, Mama?" Mycah asked trying to follow me.

Hodlen held him back as his family restrained the rest of the little boys. It was too early for the them to be wandering around.

"I have to walk," I told them gently. "Sleep with your male breeders. It is still night."

The men didn't stop me as I moved toward our main room and then into the community room. The fire pits were almost out and the space was quiet. I began to pace along the wall and found Kein strolling beside me. He seemed utterly content to walk with me, which I found odd. Damien's family liked their schedule and now was time for sleep. This was off schedule.

"You can't sleep?" I asked him, keeping my voice low.

His wide grin told me all I needed to know. Damien's family was too excited to sleep. We would labor together.

The night moved slowly. I talked to my family and let the contractions happen. After a while Kein was replaced by Christof and so forth. When I leaned over with a cramp, whoever was with me would rub my lower back and make sure I didn't fall. My Husbands were gentle and attentive

My men were happy, very happy. For the first time we would have our child with no Nu-reeh to scare us during the delivery. I could lay on our bed and the children would be born to their family. It would be better than it ever had been before.

I tried to be calm as I paced the interior of the community room, but I was feeling anxious. A twin birth was not something I had done before. I was worried something would go wrong. Damien and his Brothers had witnessed three births, but they were hardly experts. In case of an emergency, there was no one to help my offspring.

"Women are the only experts on birth," Bane stated as he walked with a hand on my back.

"Not on humans, though," I panted as another contraction faded. "The women don't know anything about humans. The Healers from the compounds know about humans. The children are trapped inside of me. Healers might know more about what to do if something bad happened."

Our conversation was cut short as liquid filled the thick cloth I was wearing between my legs. This was not urine and it meant the time was almost here. My water had broken.

The rest of my family appeared at my side, dressed and ready for the day. Others were waking up now, so it made sense they'd gotten ready. From the sounds the camp was making everyone was waking up.

"Women and Healers," Christof said, "if that is what Ciara wants we should take her to the infirmary..."

"What is a c-section?" Kein asked taking Bane's place and steading me.

I had been thinking the word and wondering if I needed one. On Earth I'd watched shows and seen programs about twin births. The women there sometimes got a c-section, because a twin delivery could be dangerous. I remembered the line on the stomach of one of my friends from such a surgery. I wondered if after this delivery I would have a similar line.

"We won't like it if they have to cut you," Damien stated looking troubled.

My memories concerned my Husbands. Damien's face was held in a deep scowl and his arms were crossed. They'd seen my memories and were not pleased with what they'd learned. Cutting out the babies seemed wrong to them, dangerous and wrong.

"It is done if the child is in trouble," I assured Damien.

We paced a few steps more before the family decision was made. Bane scooped me up in his arms and strode purposefully toward the infirmary. My men wanted a birth in our home, but my anxiety would not allow it. As the family member with the strongest opinion, they bowed to my wishes.

I wanted to birth these girls with Healers present. I also wanted there to be someone there that knew about births. In the infirmary lay many women and the Healers were always there. This delivery would happen there.

Damien and his Brothers couldn't stop being proud and happy as we made our way to the infirmary. Whoever we passed, my men made a point to tell them what was happening. By the time we'd made it to the infirmary, I was sure the entire camp was aware today would be the birth of Kein's offspring.

Rhane and his Brothers met us at the entrance to the infirmary and seemed confused by our presence. Women on Pateria birthed their young in their caves and men were rarely present. It was considered a rare honor for a male to witness a birth. Even in mated groups, the women still kept the births private. That's just how it always was.

"That is not how Ciara's Earth tradition handles birth," Damien told the Healers firmly. "She wants to be near Healers, as well as, other women. There is much that can go wrong in a birth and my Brothers and I are uneducated."

Damien was right, that was what I wanted and the reason why, but it didn't make sense to anyone present. The large room was silent watching our interaction. They'd never seen a woman want a birth with Healers present. I started to feel foolish coming here.

Tosu approached limping heavily and my apprehension melted.

"There is a slab by the far wall, Rhane," Tosu said pointing. "Ciara could lay there. I would be happy to be near. My former family and I learned much about human child birthing."

A family of men I didn't know approached from the side. They were Healers, from the stains on their smocks and the instruments they carried. The family appeared shy and uncertain. Their eyes darted from me to Damien several times, before addressing him.

"I am Casgar, rescued from the Barnas compound," the lead Brother pronounced with some trepidation. "Our Mistress made us learn about human child birthing, so we could help her human slaves. We could assist your..."

Casgar wasn't sure what to call me, but he obviously thought I was a slave. The concept was offensive here. I saw Rhane and his Brothers stiffen causing Casgar to cringe. The lead Healers were about to give Casgar's family a lecture when Damien interrupted. I wanted Casgar and his family around. It was my desire they not be scared off. We could deal with the slave or free issue later.

"Thank you, cousin," Damien stated politely and with a smile.

Damien approached the other man and clasped his shoulder in a friendly gesture. Casgar flinched, but relaxed as he watched Damien's face remain relaxed. My Husband tried to look as non threatening as he could.

"This is our mate," Damien continued sounding calm, "we would be grateful for your assistance-"

I missed the rest of Damien's comments and the ride to my slab was a blur. Another, stronger, contraction had startled me and taken my breath. I was panting through it when Rose appeared in my field of vision.

My friend's face was a rapid display of emotions from happiness to concern. She had grabbed a wet cloth and dabbed my forehead in a motherly gesture. Gritting my teeth at the pain I found her hand and squeezed tightly.

The wall in front of my slab was not decorated, but if you stared hard at it, you could see detail. I started to count the lines of rock to distract myself. The thick black of the Paterian stone was interrupted by thin lines of dark red and thicker lines of shiny blue. Small chunks of ore could be seen glittering in the rock as well. If I squinted hard it looked like the night sky.

"Breathe, Ciara," Rose said calmly as the contraction passed, "you are safe and the babies will be well. You will have all the support you need. The camp feels honored to share this with you, they are grateful you are giving them more life."

As Christof crawled behind me to support my back. I looked around and realized the infirmary was becoming crowded. Men from all over the camp had come down to see this.

"Children of T'vailk heritage, and we are here to see it!" a family said as they settled on the ground behind the slab.

"An honor cousin!" another intoned giving a friendly salute our way.

"We are grateful to share this with your family, Ciara," a man from my left said as he sat with his Brothers.

I had not intended this to be a public event, but it was becoming one. I was grateful to be facing a wall and not the throngs that seemed to be arriving. Privacy was important to me and I was surprised at this turn. The camp was joining us to celebrate.

Damien and his Brothers would gladly shoo their cousins out if I wanted it done. The other men were excited, but could be removed. I made my decision as I looked at the happy faces around me.

Men from the camp had no interest in gawking at my body. They weren't here to ridicule or for any nefarious purpose. The camp was just very excited about this unusual birth. They wanted to see their new campmates and were happy to share this with us as a big family.

"Leave them," I told my Husbands firmly, "T'vailk girls are special and they will need the camp to help care for them."

Damien's eyebrow raised and he looked at Evan who shook his head.

"Women," Bane muttered as he watched the room fill, he'd never understand my decisions.

"Sometimes it seems as though you do not know what you want," Kein told me with a smile, but he understood.

Privacy was not as important as the camp's desire to be part of this great event. They had generously shared with us, so I would share with them. It was the best gift I could give them.

The labor continued and the room swelled, with men and women. Many of the women I noted were slaving women and that concerned me. The men here far outnumbered them, though, and there were women from the camp present.

Casgar and his Brothers were helpful and did the things I would have expected them to do. Nu-reeh and her Sisters could never have checked my cervix, but these Healers could. Damien and his Brothers wanted to help me, so they made Casgar teach them. Rose acted as a doula. Tosu also offered her assistance and gave encouragement from the side. Honestly, I didn't really need any of them. Things progressed as they should have naturally. My concerns turned out to be overblown.

Kennedy and her Sisters arrived as did Hannah and Ra. I panted greeting to them during the momentary calm before the delivery. From the obvious concern on their faces I know I looked a wreck. My older girls watched and waited from the side, quietly talking among themselves.

The pain and the cramps grew and grew. I pushed with them and the room no longer mattered. Every part of my energy was focusing on delivering my girls, alive and well. Each time I did this I forgot the awe inspiring pain associated with it. Focusing on my new girls I ground my teeth and breathed through the agony.

"A little more," Rose said suddenly, "push, Ciara, I see her head!"

It was always the same as the head came out, awful and unfathomable. I felt the child slip from me and I slumped against Christof in a daze. My only focus was listening for her cry, I knew she had to cry.

They were drying her roughly to stimulate her, Kein and Evan, as Damien and Bane looked on. Suddenly a sound filled the room.

It wasn't like a cry I'd heard before. It was a cross between a bird's song and a newborn's wail. The piercing melodic tone echoed off the cavern walls. The cord was cut and seared before Kein lifted his first daughter. She continued to sing her melody in loud, penetrating tones as her limbs flailed in his grasp.

Except for her song the room was eerily silent. Kein showed me our girl and I watched as she opened her eyes for the first time. Large, bright green eyes were looking at me from a delicate face. Her ears were elongated and elfin as were her limbs. She had no hair and it was her skin that caught my eyes; she was golden. We gazed at each other for several heartbeats in wonder before she let out a high pitched sound that seemed to be a greeting.

Kein placed her tiny form on my chest and folded her wings on her back. They fit neatly and curved over her head, hiding behind it. With her span folded she appeared quite tiny and almost human. I saw how different T'vailk heritage made her.

My fingers traced the line of her face and her long fingers. Her wings felt different from Hannah's or Kennedy's. They were thinner and smaller. She looked healthy, though. The little girl cooed and my heart melted when she called me Mama in that high voice. She was utterly amazing.

Bane provided a soft run of cloth and the men bundled her on my chest as she watched me. A tiny smile lifted the corners of her lips and she looked up and sang Daddy. Despite his pleasure at her greeting, Kein was persistent in wrapping her small, nude body in the cloth. She just looked between the two of us, a soft twitter seeming to emanate the entire time.

I noted a woman's approach and only realized who it was when she spoke. Her aggressive tone made the hairs on my arms raise and I'd never felt more vulnerable.

"Give her to me!" Nu-reeh demanded. "She is mine, you are mine, the slave is mine! You have taken this from me. This is MY HONOR!"

Kein grabbed the child and held her tight as his Brothers stood between the aggressor and their family. The Great Spirit grabbed the men in the hall and they moved as one, forming a wall. They were patient and defensive, but it was obvious Nu-reeh was going to resort to outright aggression.

The sound that left my young daughter's mouth next left me cringing. The lyrical war cry bore through the stone of the camp. The high pitched notes resonated in my bones. My whole being shook with it and the men around me responded like they'd been struck by lightening. My daughter's voice was a catalyst for The Spirit's power. The men bellowed a response and raised their weapons.

Nu-reeh was swarmed. Stike rope bound her and a cover was over her deadly fangs. She was swept from the room in a wave of men. They had moved with an assurance that seemed to surprise all the women watching.

Kennedy and her Sisters, for all the calm they usually exuded, even looked shocked. My tiny daughter had either joined The Great Harmonious Spirit or at least had some claim to it. Her righteous anger is what moved the men to immediate action. Other women couldn't have done what she just did.

In all my days I'd never seen anything like it, but there was no time to be amazed. The next delivery was imminent and a mighty contraction made me scream out in pain.

"Push, Ciara," Rose instructed as the next one came and I did. It took less than sixty heartbeats for my fifth child to be born.

She was similar to her Sister, but different. The tiny, golden girl wailed a song so beautiful it nearly made me cry. It was a song of loss and birth, sin and redemption. She continued to sing as she was bundled for warmth and the sound echoed all around us.

We were all just amazed watching them. The room seemed speechless listening to the strange song. As the first fed, the second continued to sing and call out. When we switched them the first sang as the second took her first meal.

"What are their names?" Kein asked me as the first girl finally settled down in his arms.

I watched the tiny girl nursing sleepily on my chest. She was keeping tabs on me with half lidded green eyes. The second of the twins had spoken a few words to me, outside of her melody. I had heard conviction in her voice. She needed a strong name, as did her Sister.