A Slow Descent Pt. 02


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He took it in to the lounge room and connected a hard drive. One of his mates had recorded the football games he missed during our holiday. It wasn't the evening I'd planned.

The next day it took most of the morning just to clear my e mail inbox at work. However it resulted in ten more holiday bookings so I was very pleased. I had lunch at the local coffee shop before deciding to walk the one kilometre to the development site along beach road. When I arrived there was already a blue rental car parked at the gate in the high fence. As I got walked towards the car a tall young man got out wearing a yellow hard hat.

"You must be Helena. I'm Brian, the architect." He said holding out his hand.

"Very nice to meet you Brian." I shook his hand then he reached into the car and retrieved a briefcase and another hard hat.

"That's hardly necessary is it?" I said as he offered it to me. The demolition crews had finished last week so it was just a bare block of land.

"Company policy for health and safety I'm afraid." He said smiling broadly. I could see why Cindy wanted to be here, he was quite a dish.

He must have read my mind, "will Cindy be joining us?"

"She planned to be but something must have held her up. I'm sure she won't be long."

We made small talk for ten minutes then proceeded without Cindy. His drawings looked fantastic, I made a few suggestions and we agreed to meet again in two weeks when I would get someone from the local council planning committee to look over the finalized plans. I'd sent Cindy a couple of messages but she hadn't replied. I was worried about her so I called back into the office to see if Jane or Annie knew what was going on. They didn't know anything about her whereabouts either.

I wasn't about to call the police, Cindy missing an appointment wasn't totally out of the ordinary. Not letting me know was, and considering her desire to meet up with Brian again I was concerned. She didn't like missing a chance with a hot guy, unless... unless she was with another hot guy... or maybe guys. The Tyler mansion, I wondered, could she be there? More importantly how could I, or did I want to, find out?

I mulled it over for some time, tried to work but I found myself constantly checking my mobile to see if Cindy had sent a reply. In the end I found myself in the car driving towards the house on the hill. I pulled up just inside the large entrance, I shouldn't be here, I thought. Something inside that house sapped my will, or was it someone? Pushing those thoughts aside I continued up the drive, I could at least check to see if her car is there.

Sure enough her VW Polo was parked near the entrance. I parked alongside and switched off my engine. Don't go inside, get out of here, my conscious screamed but I didn't listen. I walked to the front door and went inside. The house was silent and dark. I walked as quietly as I could checking the rooms. The ballroom door was open but there was nobody inside. I was about to move on when some movement outside caught my eye. One of the drapes had been pulled back on the French doors leading to the pool. Through the glass on the door I could see two black feet on one of the recliners outside. I moved into the ballroom being careful not to knock any of the recording equipment or trip on the cord. As I changed my angle to get a better view, I could see more of the legs. Soon enough I could see the tanned rump of Cindy bouncing up and down on the prone figures lap.

Right I thought mystery solved, now you can leave. I was determined not to get swept up in the action this time. Just then another body entered my view, from the tall athletic build I guessed it was one of the twins and I suspected his brother was underneath Cindy. As he moved around behind the other two Cindy stopped moving and leaned forward down onto the man beneath her. It caused her bum to rise up and two black hands pulled her cheeks apart exposing her puckered hole to the guy behind her.

"Oh my god," I gasped as I watched the twin kneeling behind Cindy push forwards and penetrate my friend.

They were both going to fuck her at the same time, surely this must hurt a lot. Cindy head was thrown back and her mouth was open but the triple glazing stopped me from determining whether it was a cry of pleasure or pain. I stayed rooted to the spot fascinated by the awkward ballet I was witnessing. Movement was kept to a minimum as they adjusted their positions slightly then Cindy began to bounce slowly backwards and forwards between the two bodies.

The base urges began to surge within me again. I felt the heat building in my breasts and groin. I was lifting my skirt to allow me access when I froze. I suddenly had the feeling that someone was standing behind me, close behind me, I didn't dare look back, my heart beat wildly in my chest as the fight or flight mechanism flooded my system with adrenaline. My heightened senses picked up a soft footfall behind my then a thick black arm encircled my waist.

"Would you like some help with that?" A deep voice said.

My mouth was dry and I couldn't reply, I couldn't move, it was like I was paralyzed. The arm around my waist moved higher and the large black hand cupped my breast. Another arm snaked around my hips and dipped lower, thick fingers began stroking my sex through my panties.

"Keep watching," the deep voice urged, "it's going to be quite a show."

The three bodies were moving now, the twins working in sync, one in, one out. Cindy was throwing herself backwards and forwards between the two and I'm fairly sure she was screaming her head off. As for me, two hooked fingers were sliding in and out of my pussy while another hand squeezed my tits. I stepped back so my body pressed against the mystery man but it wasn't a mystery really. The huge log that pressed into my arse confirmed that it was 10K playing me like a double bass.

The intoxicating mix of the sex show in front of me and only the second set of hands to ever touch me intimately had me cumming long before the others. As my legs became weak 10k didn't slacken his pace, he continued manipulating me in spite of my protests.

"Please, enough I can't take anymore," I implored him.

"Keep watching, focus on them."

Cindy too was struggling to keep pace. She'd stopped moving and was now at the twin's mercy. No longer faced with a moving target they were hauling their black cocks out till the tip was almost visible before slamming them back home. They rutted her like wild animals and Cindy could only hold on and endure the continuous pummeling. As their thrusting became more frenzied I felt an unfamiliar tickle building inside me, it grew in intensity causing my hips to begin moving in time with 10k's fingers. I didn't know what it was leading to but the urge to get there was unstoppable. I closed my eyes and began babbling incoherently. Unable to string even two words together, it became like a chant.

"Oh... Fuck... Shit... Fuck... Hot... Faster... Please... Fuck... Ohh... Argh.. Fuck!"

And then it hit me, like two rolling waves, one that started at the top of my head and the other the tips of my toes, racing to meet each other before crashing together in a crescendo where 10k rubbed my clit. I felt light headed, weak, exhausted and very embarrassed as a gush of fluid escaped my pussy soaking 10k's fingers and running down my legs.

"Good girl," 10k whispered as he held me up. "I think you needed that."

I opened my eyes to see the three people outside had reached their climax as well. Cindy still lay on top of one twin while the other was lying on another recliner close by. I felt very exposed and I was also now even more aware of the hard cock pressed against my back. I moved forward and stood without his assistance then turned around to look at him. I expected the verbal assault to begin in the same way he had denigrated Annie but he remained silent. He simply took my hand and like a mother leading a child took me out of the ballroom, up the staircase and into one of the bedrooms.

Now it will start I thought. He will order me to strip and perform for him. I was standing by the bed awaiting instructions but they didn't come. Instead he stood in front of me, his desire obvious. Not just from the bulge in his shorts. His eyes transmitted a hunger that I knew I had to sate. I began undoing the remaining buttons of my shirt, slipping it off and shrugging off my bra.

I was feeling very exposed, I'd always been self-conscious about my breasts, the b cups seemed inadequate. 10k reached out and very gently traced around them with his middle finger, going in decreasing circles until he skirted my puffy nipples.

"Beautiful," he crooned.

My shyness under control I undid my skirt and stepped out of it and my wet underwear. I straightened up, keeping my head bowed to avoid eye contact. 10k reached out and lifted my head so I was looking at him and he began to undress. He pulled his shirt over his head, the unruly dreadlocks momentarily disappearing before bouncing back around his head. He was thick set but not fat, tattoos wound around his well-defined biceps.

His hand dropped to his shorts and I lifted my eyes to stare into his. I heard his shorts hit the floor and he kicked them away. We stayed staring at each other until I tore my gaze away to look down. Holy shit, I remembered it was big but up this close his cock was enormous. Thick veins ran down its length. It wasn't fully erect so the large head was partly obscured by his foreskin. I was on one level frightened, on another excited.

Freed from confinement it continued to grow without either of us touching it. I watched, mesmerized. I looked back up expecting to see the smug arrogant demeanor he'd shown Annie when she was mesmerized weeks before. Instead there was indecision, the desire was still obvious but the intent was not.

I crawled onto the bed. As I did I looked down at my hand bathed in the late afternoon sunlight coming through a gap in the curtains. The diamond on my engagement ring caught the light and the refracted light sent the colors of the rainbow dancing around the room. I froze, the depth of my betrayal highlighted in front of me. Slumping down onto my elbows I clasped my hands together, closed my eyes and bowed my head. I should go, this is madness, what am I doing?

Even as these thoughts rushed through my head I felt the bed move as 10K positioned himself behind me. I felt something lightly brush against my sex, I stayed still, my mouth and my eyes tightly closed. I didn't need to see to know it was the head of a big black dick sliding up and down my outer folds. He kept doing it for what seemed like the longest time before my own arousal caused me to bump back in an attempt to get him inside me.

"Just relax," 10K said quietly.

The dick stopped moving up and down and poised at my entrance. Slowly 10K applied more pressure and I felt myself stretching. I wanted this so badly I pushed back at first until the stretching seemed to be getting very close to tearing.

"Wait! Please... it hurts," I gasped, trying to move forward away from the massive intruder.

Two hands gripped my hips holding me firmly as he gave a sharp hard upward thrust.

"Oww..." I cried as the head of that big dick slipped inside.

"It's okay," 10K assured me, "it's in now. Just relax."

The hands that had grabbed my hips now lightly scratched my back as we both stayed still, I was too afraid to move. I could feel the entrance of my vagina stretched taut around 10K's black pole. He began moving deeper, very slowly, I could feel the blunt tip opening me up, filling me. 10K just maintained a constant pressure and bit by bit more and more of his cock slid inside.

An involuntary gasp exploded from me causing him to stop pushing. He'd reached the end of the road, from here on it was uncharted territory. Fear returned, I had no idea how much of that ebony spear was still waiting to be crammed inside me and was too scared to reach back and find out. I tensed up my hands gripped the sheets in anticipation of what was to come.

Rather than force himself deeper, 10K retreated. I sensed my pussy lips being pulled back with his cock like a beggar clutching at a stranger. Before he pushed back in again, still slow and only as far as before. He was taking it easy on me, letting me adjust as I experienced things I never had before. I didn't just feel full, I was bulging. Every bump and ripple causing new and exciting sensations. Each time he plunged back in my distended labia followed it meaning my clit dragged along the underside of his dick.

I came fast, groaning as he continued his relentless probing. As a second climax loomed I began pumping back, now more comfortable with his size and safe in the knowledge he wasn't going any deeper. I grunted and squealed when he started slapping my ass but the sting and the heat only heightened my senses. Finding my voice at last I offered further encouragement.

"Fuck me... Argh fuck... So big... Fucking big black... Cooocckk!"

I came again and still 10K continued, faster now. I could hear his labored breathing as he too was close. Then reality intervened, the warning signs flashed red in my head, no contraception. Jim got fixed after we had a second child. 10K was very close to the winning post, I tried to move away but his hands held me firmly by the hips. When I tried to reach back with my hand to try and stop him the force of his fucking caught me off balance and I slumped forward again finally resorting to my voice.

"Wait! Please, I'm not on ..."

Suddenly I was empty, and then I felt hot drops of cum splatter up my back with some even landing in my hair. 10K grunted and another rope of cum coated my ass. I stayed hunched over, embarrassed now, and hoping 10K would leave so I could dress and leave. The bed creaked as he got off but rather than leaving the room I heard him pad around to the other side of the bed in front of me. I still had my head down when I felt the bed move again.

Looking up I was confronted by the slimy head of a black penis. A large drop of cum still clung to the hole and another was trapped by the foreskin that partially covered his deflating glans. I looked higher expecting the sneering snarling face of a rapper but instead saw a smiling face. He reminded me of a priest offering the wafer at mass, no coercion, only your free will to partake in the ritual. The big difference, I thought as my gaze returned to the phallus in front of me, was this offering wouldn't lead to salvation, it could only lead to damnation.

In spite of that or maybe because of it I found myself leaning closer. The smell of our combined juices confronted me but whereas normally that would revolt me now it only fed my hunger. I opened as wide and tried to stuff as much in my mouth as I could. Then flattening my tongue against the underside, I pulled back, sucking the last of his cum out of his cock. When my mouth came off the end with a pop 10K groaned loudly.

Lifting my head with his hand so I once again looked at his face he said, "Do that again baby, but this time look at me when you do it."

I opened wide again and enveloped the head of his cock before pulling back as before only this time I was watching. I saw his unbridled pleasure and joy at my actions, snaking out my tongue I playfully flicked at the tip of his cock. He groaned again and threw his head back. I couldn't believe the control I had over him. I continued watching as I teased and sucked him. Before long his dick was getting hard again and I was getting horny.

I lay back, opening my legs as an invitation. He didn't need to be asked as he quickly climbed on top of me. I felt his hardness resting against me but he made no attempt to get it inside. Pushing himself up on his arms he looked down on me.

"Reach down and grab it," he said quietly.

I did.

"Rub it around till you're ready then put it inside."

Again I followed instruction, masturbating myself with his monster cock before it got too much and I had to have it inside me again. It didn't feel as uncomfortable this time. In fact I worked the fat head in and out a couple of times before I released him. 10K quickly sunk in to the depth he had gone before, I looked down to see that there was still a third to go. He sensed my apprehension and after gently pushing a few errant hairs off my face he leant down and softly kissed my head.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you. Just relax and go with it."

After shifting his position slightly he started fucking me, only this time I was fucking back. I wanted this bad, I knew how good it could feel and I needed it. I scratched, I bit and sucked on his neck before seeking and finding his mouth. I wanted to devour him, to make him want me more than I wanted him. Feeling my orgasm build and build I got more and more animated, lifting my legs higher to allow him easier access. Swearing and cursing him with words I didn't realize I knew.

The buzzing started again, building to a crescendo as he slammed into me. He stiffened just as I went over the edge.

"No, no, no noooo," I cried even as I wrapped my legs and arms around him to keep him from pulling away.

I felt the warmth as he erupted deeper inside me than anyone ever had before. Each powerful spurt coated my insides. With my climax ebbing away I relaxed my grip and he pulled away fast, mumbling an apology as his seed gushed out of me coating my thighs. This time it was my turn to sooth him. I placed the flat of my hand on his cheek and reassured him it was okay, I didn't care. Pulling him down he rested his head on my shoulder. His hand lightly teased my nipple while I played with his dreadlocks.

"I'm sorry, I tried ..." He started but I stopped him.

"Hush now," I leant down and kissed the top of his head. "I told you, its okay."

Strangely, at that particular point in time it was alright, holding this younger black man close seemed the most natural thing in the world.

10K's breathing got deeper and I felt myself drifting off until the house of cards was blown away by my phone ringing. I looked at the window and I could see the afternoon sun had disappeared.

"Oh shit!" I sat up with a start waking the sleeping man beside me.

"What's wrong?" He inquired sleepily.

Reality hit home hard, I scrambled off the bed and began looking for my clothes.

"What's wrong?" 10K repeated

"What's wrong? What's fucking wrong? I'm married, I've got two children, one of whom I was supposed to pick up twenty minutes ago!"

I couldn't find my underwear and got down on all fours to look for it. Deciding I would have to go commando I stood up to find 10K standing beside the bed holding my undies.

"Where were they?" I snapped grabbing them off him.

"They were mixed up in my clothes." He reached for me but I twisted away. "I want to see you again."

"What? No! No! No! Never ever no. I can't ... I shouldn't be here. This is so wrong."

I stumbled out the door still putting on my shirt, tears stung my eyes as I went quickly down the stairs and out to my car. Cindy's was still parked there so I had to hope she didn't know what had happened. As I got back into town, Jim rang me, he was worried. My daughter had rung him when I hadn't answered and he'd picked her up. He was worried, he wanted to know where I was. I lied. I lied. And it hurt so much. I told him I got a new listing and the owners wanted to meet with me before they left for a holiday so it had to be today. I apologized for not letting him know all the time fighting back the tears.

When I got off the phone I was outside the office. I looked at my face in the mirror and I hated myself, I hated my weakness, I hated my deceit. I promised myself it would never happen again, but down deep inside I wondered whether I could keep that promise.