A Small Indiscretion Ch. 03


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She murmured softly as she felt his lips brush against her cheeks. The murmur turned to a low moan of pleasure as his hungry lips sought hers. He forced her mouth open. Their tongues began to play a game of their own. Her pulse quickened as his hands began kneading her breasts, one at a time. She felt her body responding to his love making. His mouth was now on her erect nipples, which she couldn't even remember being laid bare, and he was sucking them, pulling at them. His strong body was pressed to hers, the heat emanating from his strong, hard body enveloping her, the all too familiar feeling searing up through her body from between her thighs.

Ohhh ... it was so nice ... she wanted to surrender to her emotions ... to allow them to take her to a new high.

Her body shuddered involuntarily as she felt a finger roughly penetrate her.

Sherry sat up with a start, her eyes wide open!

Her blouse lay unbuttoned, her bra was pushed up and her breasts totally exposed. Ed was naked and between her open legs. He had bunched up her skirt around her waist and had slipped a finger inside her pussy.

He saw her staring at him. He moved up and took her face in his hands.

"You are so beautiful Sherry," he said in a low, husky voice. His hands trailed down and came to a rest on her breasts. He cupped them in his hands and gave them a gentle squeeze.

Sherry's gaze went to his manhood. It was strong and erect, ready to please her. She took a deep breath and then placed her hands on his and gently removed them from her breasts.

"No, Ed, I don't think it's a good idea," she whispered, her eyes level with his.

"But why?" asked Ed, as his hands continued to clasp hers, his manhood hard with drops of precum at its tip.

"Please understand," she whispered as she withdrew her hands and began buttoning up her blouse.

The two rode in silence during the rest of the journey.

As the car came to a halt at her driveway, Sherry quietly got out from the car and went inside.

Can a husband be unfaithful, unintentionally? Sherry pondered over the question for the umpteenth time the next morning. She reached back and pulled her hair tie letting her hair fall from her pony tail. She ran her fingers through her hair. She couldn't have looked more beautiful if she had gone to a professional hair stylist. The breeze began to blow little strands of her hair back as she walked along the shores of Lake Washington.

Sherry had taken the day off. The previous evening had been a good outing but she really hadn't planned on it ending as it had. Had she led him on? No, not really. She hadn't been out for quite some time and Ed had made her forget her internal turmoil for some moments ... perhaps she had had one too many drinks.

She smiled to herself. Men found her appealing, and this went a long way in answering one of the nagging questions which had been going round in the back of her mind ever since that fateful day. If Ed found her desirable, then the same must be applicable to Dave. Sherry blushed as she recollected the vision of her editor's erect manhood—tempting, very tempting. He had worked very smoothly on her. She really hadn't seen it coming. The next time he wanted her to help him out with some purchasing, she would bloody well courier the thing to him.

Sherry stood silently, watching the ferry carrying the tourists. If she could have found herself in such a tricky situation, then what about her husband? She realised that had she been a little more tipsy, then she would have been completely unable to ward off the smooth-talking Ed and would have willingly had sex with him, even if she were to regret it later on. Yes, it would have been sex, not love.

Now, hadn't Dave also been talking along those lines? And yes, he had had the courage to own up to his folly. Would she have also done the same if she had had slept with Ed? Or would she have preferred to let it go unexplained knowing full well that it was a mistake not be committed again?

She hunched up her shoulders in response to the cool breeze and began walking again. This had been one of their favourite outing locations during their college days after she had joined Dave at their alma mater. Her parents had purchased a small, one-room apartment for her and the two had moved in from day one ... No. In fact, Dave had, in theory, moved in earlier. Sherry smiled as sweet memories of the past came flooding back.

It had been a family get-together on her school graduation occasion, just the Harding's, O'Brien's and a couple of other families. She had been a bit pissed off that day because Dave was not going to be there. It was such an important event for her, but Dave excused himself because of some important papers he had to submit. Of course, he had been involved in that little surprise all along.

She had freaked out when her father had presented her with the keys to the pad. In fact she had been outright ecstatic. But she had missed Dave that entire evening. She had thought of celebrating her passing out with a quickie on her bed after everyone had gone home or retired to bed, just like they had celebrated her losing her virginity.

Then she had noticed that she had been given only one set of keys to her pad. She asked for the duplicate so that she could give it to Dave but nobody seemed to be able to locate it. That had pissed her off further.

A couple of days later she finally got to drive down with Julie to Seattle. She had again hoped that Dave would come back and take her to the university campus. But she was again disappointed and had to remain content with Julie driving her over. She was perplexed. Dave had never behaved like this before.

Anyway they finally reached her apartment block. It was a nice, multi storied block with a view to the lake from the balcony. As she got down from the car, she noticed that Julie had made no move to do the same. Instead she gave her a funny look and told her to go on and that she would catch up later.

She had then carried her two suitcases up to her flat all by herself. But before she could insert her key into the latch, the door swung open and she was pleasantly surprised to see Dave.

Everything then fell into place. The mystery of the missing duplicate keys, the sideways glances exchanged between her two mothers and finally Julie's reluctance to join her ... it had been a very well planned surprise for her.

They didn't come out of the apartment for the next two days.

Dave had set up everything for her. He had purchased all the necessary furnishings from his own money, something her father didn't object to.

Those were some of the sweetest memories of her life.

By now the sky was a myriad of colours. All the blues, pinks, oranges and reds seemed to have been put on a display for her enjoyment alone. This was paradise. Their paradise. Everyone else in the world seemed oblivious to the beauty and serenity of it all. It always amazed her that no one else took time out of their busy day to stop and enjoy this.

She stood pondering her next move, her body silhouetted against the glow of the setting sun.

She would meet Susan. She just had to. She wanted to meet this other woman face to face and hear her side of the story. But first, she had a call to make.

Sherry punched the numbers on her cell.

"Cyndi I am ready. I think it's for the better," she said.

"Okay Sherry, we will go as planned," came back the reply.

Sherry just nodded and closed her call and began walking back to her car, the chill in the air was getting noticeable. Will a second chance work for them? Only her heart and God knew for sure. That was it ... she would have to follow her feelings, her emotions, for they alone were going to be her guide.

The next few days Sherry thoroughly devoted in going through the files and other information provided by Ed for their next assignment. Corruption amongst the higher ups in the government was nothing new for the public at large. A lot would depend on how the story was presented to the readers. She briefed her team members on what was required from them and set their timelines for delivery. She however avoided meeting her editor face to face. The incidence was embarrassing and too fresh in her mind.

She looked at her desktop calendar. It was Friday. Susan had promised to meet her next Monday. She had been initially reluctant. Sherry could sense that. She smiled. Perhaps Susan had never realised that the wife would like to have a polite one to one talk over lunch with her husband's lover. She would definitely like to get to know more about the woman who slept with her husband within hours of meeting him.

Then there was Dave. Should she call Dave over to their home tonight? That was another question that had been vexing her. It was almost a week since she had last invited him over. She wanted to keep the communication channels open between them; in fact it had been Ma Harding's idea. At first she had been reluctant, but then realised that it made a lot sense. Decisions were to be made by the two of them. Their friends and relatives would give them a lot of their well intentioned advice, but ultimately it was between the two of them. Even a marriage councillor would perhaps give the same opinion, and charge his fees for that.

The decision on whether to call Dave was taken out of her hands as her cell rang. It was her husband calling.

"Hi," said Dave as she picked up her mobile.

"Hi Dave, what's up?" replied Sherry.

"Aw, nothing new to report ... as of now the Orbit Mall is just about taking up all my time and energy," responded Dave. Sherry detected a relief in his tone as he spoke those last words. Perhaps he had not expected her to take his call. They continued to talk about a few everyday mundane things for a while. Then after a short pause, he came to the point.

"Sherry I really liked it the last time we met last week. I was kinda wondering if we could ... you know ..." his voice trailed away.

Sherry thought fast. She had been thinking of meeting him at a restaurant for dinner. But now she thought it would be better if she called him over to their house. By being there, perhaps he could comprehend what he stood to lose by his indiscretion. A man, or a woman, could choose between a home and loving family or an independent, carefree life with no strings attached ... and have very little to look back upon in the later years, just a string of short term relationships and many lonely years ahead.

"Why don't you drop by in the evening? I will cook up something nice for dinner."

"That's a great idea, but don't slog it out all alone in the kitchen. I will help you out," he replied in a firm tone.

"Okay, I will be expecting you," she replied.

Sherry stopped by at the local supermarket to pick up some things. She intended to make it a memorable outing for Dave ... something to make him think and ponder about.

She heard his car turn into their driveway and looked out the window in the living room. She marvelled at just how handsome he really was. His strong arms and legs... his loving eyes... the ones she always longed to gaze into. Then she frowned ... he had lost weight-too much. He was looking leaner and his eyes had a tired look about them.

She opened the door as he rang the doorbell and welcomed him inside. The two did not hug or kiss each other; there was still a gap, a feeling of hesitancy between them, both unsure where this would all lead to.

As he had promised, Dave joined her in the kitchen and began helping her in preparing dinner.

"So what's the next big story you are working upon," asked Dave in his lazy, deep drawl as he surveyed his well maintained wife. She had changed her hairstyle to a more wavy type. It added to her over all appeal, but there were traces of worry lines which her makeup could not conceal, and just the smallest stoop to her shoulders. She's suffering from this all just as I am, he thought grimly.

"Basically related to corruption in government departments," replied Sherry.

"Aha! I hope you come up with something about our City Councillors. That should help a company like ours who don't indulge in those under-the-table tactics," said Dave. He watched his wife as she gave a throaty laugh. She looked so appealing ... no, damn gorgeous. She was in a simple pink dress with a pearl necklace around her neck. The dress showed off her attributes. Her firm breasts displayed enticing movements as she went about her chores. He could feel his manhood responding ... damn ... that woman Susan had really screwed him up ... but then why blame her? After all, she didn't pounce upon him did she? On the contrary it was he who ... oh shit man, life was full of ups and downs and he was experiencing the worst of them first hand! Dave groaned inwardly and turned a bit so that his wife could not see the bulge in his trousers.

"Well Dave all I can say is that your company better not be involved in any hanky panky or else it will be splashed all over the town," replied Sherry after she had stopped laughing. She had noticed the subtle change in his stance. The rising tent in his trousers did not escape her notice either. She gave an inward smile as she went about laying the table.

"Here let me help you with the dishes," said Dave as he took them from her hands.

Sherry allowed him to take the them, and she closed her eyes momentarily as she inhaled his manly odour, his closeness ... oh, how she missed it all.

"Your editor sure comes up with some good, new storylines. You must be getting to learn a lot under him," said Dave as they ate their dinner.

Sherry blushed. She kept her face down, opting to concentrate on her dinner. The evening, not so long past, flashed before her eyes. "Under him." If only her husband knew how close to the literal truth he hit, thought Sherry as they continued with their talking.

"How's Paula?" asked Sherry as she gently veered the topic of discussion away from her job and her editor before it became more embarrassing. "Is she still single?"

"Yup, surprising isn't it ... with her good looks and brains it really amazes me," replied Dave as he tucked into the dessert.

Sherry nodded. She could very well understand the reason ... so simple and straightforward as it was. Paula was beautiful, she had brains and also a stake in the company she worked for. She was pretty smart. Many men found that intimidating. She was confident. Some men found that intimidating too. She never shied from speaking her mind. Even more men found that intimidating. She made more money than most men and they found that intimidating. She was attractive and surprisingly many men found that to be downright threatening.

Put together all that intimidation and, well, she really hadn't much to choose from. And from those slim pickings, a lot of them were not intimidated because they were so full of themselves. Sometimes having it all can also become a curse instead of a blessing.

Dave continued to admire his wife as they sat across from each other in the living room. He watched his wife cross and uncross her leg as she listened to him, giving him fleeting glimpses of her smooth, creamy thighs. He wanted to sweep her into his arms, to make passionate love to her ... by now he had given up all attempts to hide his arousal. If his wife had seen his tent, which he was sure she had, she certainly hadn't shown any reaction. Perhaps he was also to be blamed for that lack of attention.

"By the way, did I tell you that Cyndi's distant cousin has joined us? She's an exact replica of Cyndi, just a younger version so to say," said Dave.

"Oh really? That sounds nice. When did she join?" asked Sherry in an innocent tone.

"Yvonne completed her degree in civil engineering a couple of months back. Our company selected her as a trainee and she decided to come down to Seattle so that she could be close to Cyndi," replied Dave.

Sherry continued to look steadily at her handsome, distinguished-looking husband as he went on to explain how he would be guiding Yvonne under him. She was Cyndi's cousin and this made her someone special to him. Unconsciously she wrapped her arms across her chest and hugged herself.

"Oh my lovely man you will have to go through this ... for me ... for us," she whispered to herself.

She saw Dave looking at the wall clock. It was getting late. He glanced at her and an unsaid message seemed to pass between the two. They got up and made for the main door. Dave then turned around and hugged Sherry. She did not pull away. He then kissed her forehead and stepped into the driveway.

With a heavy heart she watched his car disappear down the road. Then she slowly walked up the stairs to her bedroom. Why was she having such feelings for Dave? He had cheated on her, slept with another woman. Then her mind went back to the evening with Ed. She had enjoyed his touch, her body had responded to his caress ... or had she imagined him to be her husband in her inebriated state? Had she also cheated? Sherry cried her heart out that night. Sleep would just not come to her. Even when it did, it was an uneasy one.

To Be Continued ...



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LonesomeBoy60LonesomeBoy60over 1 year ago

Who's ghost writing the feminist lace B.S.? Men are not intimidated by females, only another man can intimate another man. They is always the low level threat of violence between men, that is why we monitor our words and actions. Men in general don't give a shyt about a woman's money, unless she is throwing it in their faces. 3-stars.

bobareenobobareenoabout 3 years ago

I am trying to parse why this tale is not ringing any bells for me. I disliked the idea that she was fingered and it was some sort of surprise. You're there, you're kissing, you aren't close to passing out, so is the character a moron?

She seems to have little sense she cheated on her husband. No real reflection that she was a cheater now, too?

Is everyone assumed to be sexually available after some booze?

There is a woodenness to the writing and presentation, almost like the writing is akin to an effort to paint by numbers. The characters have the lives of marionettes, moved hither and thither without a sense of their having humanity as part of their motivations, Dave and Sherry don't seem to have any flesh and blood. It's almost as though Barbie and Ken slipped a hair off of their advertised storyline, having a sexual dalliance or two, but they're still plastic. Beautiful Sherry, Hunky Dave. Suddenly, a big project brings evil into their midst, and woodenly wanton acts follow!

And that ominous Ford pickup. Okay, we knew from the outset that the initial set up was an effort to harm the project, is the driver of the pick up gathering data on where Dave is? If so, how the hell does that matter? I guess I'll learn as I read the next installment, but I am barely maintaining an interest. No vote given at his point, I prefer to hope I'll read something down the pike that will warrant a more positive rating than I would provide now.

As for the author, I address these remarks not to belittle your efforts, in fact, I have read some really horrifically written stuff on this site, and yours is not close to that category. Your effort is much better than most, but I'd like to give some criticism that might improve your writing. If my critique bums you out, ignore it, and keep writing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Pot and Kettle...

'Nuff said.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Wife and PA are setting him up...

Sherry and Cyndi are obviously going to have Yvonne, Cyndi's cousin, go after Dave, try to make him cheat. That's cold and unloving. I think you were originally set up Dave, but maybe it happened for the best. Run away from these two "loving" women. A couple of harpies...

Sherry most definitely cheated and apparently thinks nothing of it. I suppose it's fairly common to have the faithful spouse adopt an air of moral superiority, the belief that, "I'm allowed some latitude, some liberties, because I'm not the one who cheated". What she fails to realize is she's now as guilty of adultery as her husband. She planned for an evening with another man. She accepted the date with her editor, the dinner, watched while he kept her wine glass filled, and then allowed him to take her out in the country to drink the rest of the wine on a blanket, out in the dark. She was expecting to get laid, probably figured she deserved it, but wasn't sure if she would actually go through with it. Make no mistake, she's not suffering any guilt because of what she did, in fact, she looks back at what happened - and what almost happened - with bemusement. She's going to try and get "even" with her husband, wait and see.

silentsoundsilentsoundover 7 years ago
Hypocritical cunt

So he comes clean immediately and she keeps her fooling around quiet?

He seems to have been set up and at least it was a woman that was a chance encounter while she is fucking around with her boss???

I was really liking and admiring her until now.

Now she seems much less a solid person than her husband.

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