A Small Indiscretion Ch. 06


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Sherry's eyes narrowed with interest. "Gilmour Construction Inc," ... now didn't Susan introduce herself to Dave as Susan Gilmour? She began reading with renewed interest. It seemed Susan was distantly related to the family holding the majority shares in the company in which her husband, Phillip, worked. In fact it seemed that he got the initial employment solely because of his wife's family connections. This was getting interesting. Sherry continued to read on.

As per the feedback received by their informer, both husband and wife were a very ambitious couple, and not very scrupulous either in their handlings.

Sherry turned pale and her hands began to tremble as she read the final two paragraphs.

It seemed Susan Morrison took a very keen interest in the career of her husband. Gilmour Construction Inc was a big set with many interests including construction of off shore rigging platforms. Phillip Morrison was in the division looking after construction of shopping malls and housing projects. Phillip Morrison was reported to be not only very ambitious but also not averse to cutting corners on quality standards. There had been some complaints in the past about the quality of work executed. But nothing went further than the complaint stage.

Then Sherry began reading the last paragraph about the Susan's personal life. Susan was apparently promiscuous by nature. She was known to have had numerous affairs. The report couldn't say for certain whether her husband was aware of her promiscuity. She was very discreet and always chose to go by her maiden name of Susan Gilmour whenever she dallied through the night with one of her lovers in a hotel.

The last few lines described what was in the CDs. The sting operation had recorded her booking herself a hotel room in the name of Susan Gilmour. Later on a man calling himself her husband had joined her for the night. The CDs had her booking into different hotels on different dates at different cities under her maiden name with different men, all claiming to be Mr. Gilmour, entering her room in the night, only to come out in the morning. As to what transpired during the night with each Mr. Gilmour, the CDs had the entire show recorded for her.

Sherry's heart was beating a mile a minute. Her arm pits and back were wet with sweat. With trembling hands Sherry picked up the first CD and inserted it in the player.

The first shot showed Susan entering a hotel. She was attractively dressed in a pair of faded jeans and a form hugging top. She flashed a smile to the receptionist and asked for the room keys. The next footage was of the corridor on which Susan's room was situated. She was seen stepping out of the elevator with a bell boy carrying her overnight bag. Sherry realised that these were no doubt clippings from the hotel's security camera which her members had been able to obtain. A few minutes later a waiter arrived with drinks which Susan must have ordered.

The next shot was of the clock hanging above the elevator. About half an hour had elapsed since Susan had entered the room.

The elevator door opened and a man in his mid forties walked out. He was of average height with a small paunch. As he came to a halt before Susan's room, he looked around furtively with shifty eyes. Then he rang the bell.

Now the CD began to play the scenes from inside the room. No doubt the sting operation team had been successful in placing electronic recording bugs in the room.

The man was embracing Susan who was now dressed in a black micro mini skirt and a top that came just down to her midriff. Her nipples were clearly visible through the thin fabric of her tight top. Obviously, she was not wearing a bra. Her lips were painted a bright red and it seemed she had applied all her war paint. Mrs Susan Morrison was looking sexy, slutty and she was in the arms of a man other than her husband.

"How do you like my dress lover boy," asked Susan in a teasing tone as she freed herself from his pawing hands and began pouring out drinks.

"I like you more in the nude," he replied in a greedy voice. As he took his drink in one hand, his other hand grabbed her boobs and he began to greedily press them.

Susan stood smiling as her lover continued to maul her body. He had emptied his glass in a couple of gulps and then dragged Susan to the couch. She sat on his lap and the two began kissing each other. By now lover boy had his hands under her blouse. Soon he pulled it up in one quick jerk and threw it aside. He was now hungrily staring at Susan's luscious globes.

"Like them lover boy? Do you like my puppies," asked Susan in a playful tone.

In response, Sherry watched Susan's lover boy of the evening place his mouth over Susan's left breast while he began to pull upon the taut nipples of her right. He would alternately pull her tits upwards and then press them down with his thumb. All along his mouth continued to greedily suck upon the left boob, his free hand caressing Susan's bare back.

Susan had thrown her head back, enjoying the sensations produced in her body by her lover's caress. Her hands were clasped around his neck and she was pressing his face down on her boobs.

The two continued to make out like crazy on the couch for some more moments. Then Susan's lover made her stand. He unzipped her skirt. For some time he gazed admiringly at her wet pussy with a neat landing strip. He inserted one and then two fingers.

"Ooohh ... "moaned Susan. He withdrew his fingers and licked them with glee. Then he stood up and led her to the bed. Susan lay down on her back and opened her legs invitingly.

"C'mon Jake baby, what are you waiting for? Fill me up," said Susan in a seductive tone, as she teasingly played with her clit.

Jake ... at least now she had a name for Susan's lover boy, thought Sherry, as she continued to watch the two of them fucking.

Jake quickly undressed. He had a normal looking cock, a bit thickish, but nothing special to write home about. It was sticking straight out. He climbed the bed and without much ado positioned himself between Susan's open legs and pushed his cock inside her wet cunt.

"Yeahh baby ... that's it, take me, take me harder," panted Susan as Sherry watched Jake's hips move rhythmically. Susan continued to wail and thrash about as Jake pummelled her with his cock.

"You like it, you like it, bitch," panted Jake. He was towering above Susan, his body shining with sweat.

Susan continued to make some breathless noises till Jake was unable to control any longer. With a grunt he gave a final thrust and pumped his cum inside Susan. A little while later he dropped exhausted next to her.

They were now making some idle pillow talk as all lovers do. The TV was blaring in the background and Sherry was having some difficulty in catch all that was being said.

" ... we almost had him over the mountain road," she heard Susan say.

Sherry's sat erect in her chair. What was that?

"I wish your guys had succeeded. We spent the whole day trying to pick loopholes but we just couldn't get lucky," replied Jake as he watched Susan lick him clean.

"But this time Jake Morris, you will succeed won't you," replied Susan. She had succeeded in her ministrations, and now Sherry could see Jake was getting an erection again.

Jake just smiled as he watched Susan climb on top of him. It was a smile of pure greed and lust.

"Jake, we want our company's name recommended for the Wilbur Project," said Susan as she began to ride him cowgirl style.

"Maybe, we spend a week at the Bahamas and talk over the details," replied Jake, his lust apparent in his eyes. "It would certainly help if you could persuade Janet to come along, you know the receptionist at Phillip's office?" continued Jake as Susan picked up speed.

Susan didn't reply but the smile on her face more than confirmed the deal.

"What about Phil? Will he mind you taking off for a week, and his receptionist too?" asked Jake with his eyes closed, enjoying the pleasures being offered by Susan.

"What about Phil?" repeated Susan and the two laughed.

"On your hands and knees my slut," rasped Jake as he sat up to change positions.

Then there was silence, just the sound of Susan's laborious breathing and Jake's moans of pleasure permeated the silence.

They continued with their fornication for some more time, till Jake finally pushed away from Susan, fully satisfied and tired. Soon he was fast asleep.

Sherry saw Susan glance at Jake's sleeping form. She then got up and entered the bathroom.

The next scene moved to the bathroom and Susan could be heard speaking over the mobile.

"Yeah, Phil honey, he has agreed," she heard Susan speak over her mobile. Obviously she was speaking to her husband. For a moment she was silent, then she burst out laughing.

"No dear, no partying as of now. Let's get the things in writing before we start celebrating."

"Oh by the way, he would like me to spend some time with him in the Bahamas. He was also asking for Janet. He didn't say so but I think Jonathan will be also coming to Bahamas. You do remember him don't you, he's that new Councillor. He couldn't take his eyes off me during last week's party. I had seen Luke speaking to him so my guess is that we have one more Councillor in our bag. Honey if all goes well, you should make it to the Family Board of Directors in a short time from now."

She spoke for some more moments and then went back to the room. She poured out a drink for herself and sat next to the sleeping Jake. She glanced at him to make sure he was sleeping, then she switched on the TV to watch some program.

Sherry sat back stunned. She now remembered Dave telling her about the ominous visit of the City Council Inspectors. One of them was named Jake Newman! And that near accident on the mountain road when Dave had rushed back to meet her for the first time after she had asked him over to their home for a quiet dinner.

All along she had been hurting as the victim of her husband's one night stand with another woman. But now it seemed that Dave was also a victim ... both victims of a Machiavellian plan, meticulously plotted and executed!

The pieces were now logically falling into place in her mind. Susan Morrison was sleeping with government officials to obtain favourable building contracts so that her husband could move up the corporate ladder. She was related to the principals of the company in which her husband worked, so it seemed likely that she wanted her husband in the board of directors ... that too pretty quick.

And she was unscrupulous too. She seduced Dave, well, to be honest Dave was an adult and should have known better, but Susan must have really worked him up. And then she had rung up Sherry to say that she was sorry.

Sorry my foot!

It was a carefully designed honey trap. Susan wanted to delay the completion of the Orbit Mall project. Delay would mean an automatic disqualification of Dave's company and Susan's husband would have stood to gain the most if SeaTech was out of the running for the Wilbur Smith Housing Project.

By speaking to Sherry directly, Susan had planned on their marriage breaking up. This would have put Dave under tremendous pressure and quite possibly he would have failed miserably in completing the Orbit Mall project in time.

But that had not happened. Instead, Dave had immersed himself into his work, simply because he wanted to keep the pain of separation at bay. So the plan had misfired. Next she had Jake going over to the Orbit Mall seeking some technical shortcomings that would disqualify Dave's company. Perhaps those mysterious accidents at the construction site were also a result of Susan's devious planning. And that mountain road accident was no accident either.

Sherry could feel her Irish temper rising. That devious, calculating bitch!

So when they couldn't get at Dave, they turned their attention to Scotty, his strongest and most dependable team member. They did to Stella what Susan had done with Dave!

Suddenly Sherry began to feel scared for her Dave.

This woman Susan was a slur to womanhood, she was an evil, dangerous woman and would not let anything stand in her way.

She looked at her watch. It was getting late. She would speak to Dave first thing in the morning. Having decided upon that, Sherry climbed up the stairs to her bedroom. First thing tomorrow morning she was going to Dave's apartment and shift all his stuff home. It was time for her man to come home.

By the time sleep took hold of Sherry it was two thirty in the morning. But had Sherry decided to ring up her husband she would have found him to be fully awake and supervising his team members at the site. The project team was working round the clock and there was no time for rest.


Wearily Dave made his way to the top floor. He was satisfied with the work progress on the other floors. Things were in control there. This last floor however did have some work to be done. The central A.C. was yet to start functioning while the flooring was only half complete. He began walking around the entire floor, making a mental estimate of the manpower to be allotted. There weren't many workers around as they had been redirected to complete the lower floor first.

He felt their presence. He did not hear them approaching him in the eerie stillness of the night. His sixth sense called out to him.

Dave whirled around.

There were two of them. Their faces were covered with ski masks. They were approaching him fast, their rubber soles not making much noise. The bigger of the two had an iron pipe in his hand while the smaller one welded an ugly looking knife.

The big one reached Dave first. He swung the iron pipe towards Dave's head. Dave weaved and swung his arms in protection the pipe glanced against the side of his head and fell to the floor.

It hurt like hell.

"Scotty, we are under attack," screamed out Dave as he rolled to his left, ignoring the searing pain. He came back on his feet. The guy with the knife was getting closer.

He needed help, and fast. Dave looked around. He had to do something to attract the attention of his men before he became history. He saw his company's sign board shining brightly and his eyes lit up. He picked the iron pipe and hurled it with all his might at the sign board. The iron pipe was bang on target. It hit the sign board smack in the centre and its lights went out with a bang. Shards of broken glass fell on the ground three storeys down and he could hear his crew members calling out to each other. Dave smiled. They would be up here in a couple of minutes.

Dave turned to face the second assailant. He caused him to misdirect his thrust into the belly of his confederate who was close behind. He sank silently to the ground like the stock market. The assailant, momentarily shocked by his miscalculation, pulled his weapon free and slashed high. He pulled back and came at Dave again. Dave tried to dodge his thrust, but it was hard because of the searing pain in his head and because the blood, which was everywhere, all but blinded him. Dave was able to partially avoid his thrust, but it still pierced his chest, just to the right of his heart.

The assailant snarled and reached out to grab Dave by his tunic, but Dave caught his arm, and acting on pure adrenaline, broke it at the elbow. His scream energized Dave for the briefest of moments. He disarmed him and jammed his own blade under his rib cage and twisted it. That was the last thing he remembered, that as well as the shouts of his men before he passed out.

Sherry was awakened by the persistent ringing of her mobile. She rubbed her eyes, forcing herself wide awake.

"Sherry this is Scotty."

Sherry felt a knot form in her stomach.

"Why are you calling," she half whispered.

"Look Sherry there has been an accident and Dave has been hurt. He is in the hospital. You don't have time to catch the commuter jet, but our company car will be there in half an hour," said Scotty in an assuring tone.

Sherry felt her world collapsing around her. She tried to speak, but words didn't seem to come out.

"How is he?" she asked in a quavering voice.

"Don't ask any questions now. Just get here. Stella will be with you," replied Scotty.

Sherry nodded numbly and quickly dressed. Her heart was beating wildly.

"Stay calm, baby. Don't panic," she repeated to herself, trying her level best to drive away panic.

It was over three hours before they reached the hospital. All along Sherry kept ringing up Scotty for updates. But he refused to divulge any details. All he replied was that Dave was not in any imminent danger.

Sherry rushed inside the hospital with Stella close behind. She was received by Scotty who led them into the room where Dave was recuperating. The doctor was there when they entered the room.

Sherry choked when she saw Dave. His head was covered in bandages, bloodstains colouring them a deep red. Tubes were running out from his nose and mouth. Wires were attached all over his body. His eyes were closed and he seemed to be under sedation.

"How is my husband?" cried out Sherry in despair.

The doctor peered at them from over his glasses and then took them side. He cleared his throat and began talking.

"The hit he took in the head from the pipe has given him a concussion. It has caused haemorrhaging and swelling that was putting pressure against his optic nerve. It may take a couple of weeks to heal. The other doctors were considering surgery, but because it could be risky, we ultimately decided to use medication and time to deal with it for now."

"The blood loss from the chest wound almost killed him, but turned out to be far less serious than the concussion. The cut wasn't too deep, so there wasn't severe muscle damage," he added.

"Now I only request that the patient should get a complete rest. We don't want him under any kind of stress."

With that, the doctor left for his rounds and Sherry was left alone with Dave as Scotty had gone out to check about the prescriptions.

She held her husband's hand and began to weep uncontrollably. Her Dave had been a victim of a carefully wrought plan that involved nothing but pure greed. Susan and her husband desperately wanted to bag the Wilbur Smith Housing Project. For that they were willing to commit even murder. And it seemed they had succeeded. Although Dave had escaped with his life, there was no way he was going to go back to the Orbit Mall and see its completion.

"That bitch must be celebrating with her husband and God knows how many other men," thought Sherry bitterly as she lovingly caressed her husband's cheeks.

As she watched the IV fluid flow into her husband's veins through the needle piercing his wrist, she began to feel an anger welling up inside her against the injustice wrought upon her husband, her family.

"Oh God, he was just doing his duty, just working his ass off to give a better life to his family. Oh, why does this all happen with the good guys while the bad and the ugly go scot free" she sobbed.

Suddenly her face jerked up. The hand lovingly stroking her husband's cheeks went still. Her eyes had a far way look in them. With a slight nod of her head, she again began stroking her husband's cheeks. She placed her head near her husband's face, but her eyes continued to remain open for a long time, till sleep and exhaustion finally won over her grieving body.

To Be Continued ...



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AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

All of the chapters should be removed. Missing chapter 5 leaves the whole story useless.

LonesomeBoy60LonesomeBoy60over 1 year ago

Where is Part 5? Did I miss something?

discreetonediscreetonealmost 2 years ago

For those wondering, Chapter 5 was removed and the author stopped coming to Lit, because they were caught plagiarizing at least one other story. Not sure about the other chapters or other stories, but chapter 5 was straight up copy/pasted from another story, pretty much word for word with just names changed. Been so long ago I don't remember what story, another comment below mentions author S-Des so maybe from one of theirs. I remmeber being surprised because all the rest of the story (and other stories) were pretty good, so why plagiarize?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Still no chapter 5

john_sixfooterjohn_sixfooterover 2 years ago
Chapter 5?

I hope you can recreate Chapter 5!

Great story!

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