A Small Mistake, Big trouble Ch. 12

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A Time for everyone.
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Part 12 of the 12 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 04/20/2015
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Kristi entered Mr. Robinson's office, confidant, sure of herself, and a little nervous. She knew this was a big step but she was positive it was the right one. She dressed for the occasion. After spending some time the night before, she picked out a navy blue skirt and matching blazer. Her white blouse was open out the top and showed just a little bit of her cleavage. Her gold earrings, bracelet, and necklace added a simple but elegant touch. She looked liked woman but also a person could do the job.

"Good morning, Ms. Clark," Mr. Robinson said rising from his seat behind his desk. "Have a seat."

Kristi realized from the start that this meeting was a little more formal than the last. "Thank you, sir," she said as she sat.

"I'll get right to the point," Robinson began. "We believe that you would be right for the position and we feel it would not only be right for the company but right for you. Have you come to a decision, Ms. Clark?"

She sat up in her chair and looked him straight in the eye. "Yes, sir I have," she said with determination. "I decided to take your offer and accept the position."

He rose from his chair and walked around his desk. "Let me be the first to welcome you aboard." He stuck out his hand. "We'll get H/R to get all the paper work together. I think you will be impressed with your new office and some of the perks. You will be the first woman this company has had as a director and we, I am confidant we made the right choice.

Shaking his hand, Kristi smiled, "Thank you, sir. I'll do my best."

"Please, call me Bill and I know you will. See Miss Richards on you're way out. She has all the paper work for you." Again he stuck out his hand. "Congratulations!"

As Kristi exited his office, Robinson smiled as he watched her go. "Brains, looks, and determination, she is going to be a force in that meeting room. At least a different approach and a ray of sunshine!"

As Kristi took a bite of her salad, she reflected on her first week of work. It was so different than she was use too. People came to her with all final reports and ideas. She attended more meetings than ever and was called upon for more decisions and opinions than ever.

She could also feel a little hostility in those meetings. She wondered who exactly thought she was the right person for the job. She wondered if it was the right person or the right woman? A few of the men seemed to treat her with respect but others were condescending towards her. Some were just a little too correct. Bill Robinson gave her his 100% support and the President, Mr. Morgan, seemed to be fine with it. She decided it didn't matter, as it was her chance to do well and to hell with them.

Kristi was waiting for Maggie Wilson to show for lunch. Maggie called her Wednesday and said she would like to meet for lunch, that there was something she wanted to discuss. It was like Maggie to be late.

"I'm sorry," Maggie said as she sat down. "Damn pool boy took his time today." She waved the waiter over. When he arrived, she ordered a drink and a salad. "My, you are looking well," she said turning to Kristi. "Heard you got a big promotion."

"Why, yes, I have. Thank you."

Maggie put her hand on Kristi's. "You are doing quite well for yourself. Who would have thought that in high school?" She took a sip of her drink. "We were such jerks back then." She laughed.

Kristi smiled, thinking maybe you were.

Maggie carried most of the conversation, carrying on about high school, her life, etc. It was light talk until the end of lunch.

"I want to thank you for getting me out of that little problem I was having. Things have turned out fine. No better than that. It's great."

"I'm glad to hear that," Kristi replied.

"There is something I would like to ask you. A business proposition." Maggie slid around, moving herself closer. She removed a photo album from her purse. "I want you to take a look at this."

When she opened the album Kristi saw a picture unlike anything she expected. A statuesque, auburn hair woman posed, wearing a black leather and chain bathing suit-like outfit. The links were draped over her naked breasts; the supple leather caressed her hips and belly. On her hands she wore soft elbowed length, black leather gloves and her legs were covered with thigh high patent leather boots with five-inch heels. The woman's hair hung softly across her chest with one curl surrounding an erect dark brown nipple. In one hand she had a short black leather-riding crop. Her make-up was heavy, with bright red lipstick and exaggerated eye shadow and liner.

Kristi looked at her, confused. "I don't get it."

Maggie turned the page.

The picture on the following page was of a woman with pale white-blond braids that hung down in front of her dress. She was turned slightly sideways, looking shy and vulnerable and dressed in a school uniform, an adult version of a dress a high school girl might wear. Her white ankle socks were neatly cuffed and her patent leather shoes gleamed. Her face, artfully made up with soft rouge and pale pink lipstick, looked youthful and familiar. As Kristi examined the face more carefully, she gasped, "Oh my God, that's you." She flipped the page back. "So is this one!"

"Turn the page."

The pictures that followed were all of Maggie in various costumes; a harem girl with a transparent veil covering the lower half of her face, a prim grey-haired woman in a white high-necked blouse and sensible shoes, a voluptuous female pirate wearing short shorts that showed the half moons of her ass peeking beneath and a blouse unbuttoned to the waist, and a woman in a black satin teddy standing over a man whose arms and legs were secured to the frame of a brass bed with lengths of heavy linked chains and padlocks.

"Wow, Maggie, I'm speechless. Ok, but why are you showing this to me?"

"I call the album The Satin Touch and it is really a menu. Selected people get to pick their...shall we say entrée and I provide the dessert."

"You're trying to tell me that you're a hooker now?"

"I prefer to say I'm a very selective, high priced escort."

Kristi was stunned. What could she say?

Maggie spoke, her voice a bit tentative. "No condemnation? No 'how could you?'"

"I'm too much in shock to say much of anything."

Maggie smiled. "I have been enjoying every bit of my secret existence for about a month now."

"Aren't you afraid you might get something? AIDS?"

"I thought about that a lot when I started. Many of my friends- that's what I call them, my friends don't want actual intercourse. They are all older men and they want oral sex, toys, and/or mutual masturbation. And those who do want to have intercourse must wear condoms. Many are business men from out of town who just want female companionship."

"What does this have to do with me," Kristi asked.

"Let's just say I have many friends now with many different fantasies. And there are other women who feel like I do." Maggie said. "Why give it away. It's all about power and money. We know what men want."

Kristi nodded. "So what does your husband think?"

"He doesn't know about and I don't think he would care. All he knows is I'm not asking for money from him. He thinks I'm finally living within my budget. He is actually getting more sex than he has in long time so he's ok with that too."

"I see." Kristi nodded again.

Maggie moved closer and said, "I'm just getting started and I could use your help. You know, with the basics."

"What?" Kristi said a little too loudly. Some people turned to look. "If you think I would do anything like this, you're nuts!" She lowered her voice to a whisper.

Maggie raised her hands. "No, nothing like that. I wasn't even thinking that. Knew you weren't the type." She quickly put her hands on Kristi's arm. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean it that way. I already have a few "colleagues". I need business help and that's when I thought of you."

"Ok but I have to ask. How much do you charge?"

"It depends. There are some things I won't do no matter how much they offer. Lots of men have fantasies that revolve around control, controlling a woman. One wanted to tie me to the bed. Not my thing."

Kristi frowned. She wasn't sure if she wanted to get involved in this. "They want to tie you up?"

"Yes, some of them want to tie me to the bed and have their way. I've said no to that but I know some of "colleagues" who are ok with it. From the look on your face," Maggie said, "I think you might be interested in helping but you're not sure. I promise you won't be involved in this except on the business side. I could make it worth your time. I known of someone who is already interested in trying my service and he'll pay $1000 for one night."

"Holy..." Kristi said, suddenly realizing that she was more than a little interested in Maggie's offer. "So you have others who are willing to do this?"

"Yes. Let's just say a number of others. I don't have to be a mind reader to guess what you're thinking," Maggie smiled, "but I realize that this isn't for everyone. You have to have strong, good feelings about yourself and you have to enjoy sex. The money is just extra. The fact that it is secondary to me is what makes me an entertainer, not a whore. Therefore you won't be a pimp!"

"Listen," Kristi replied, glancing at her watch, amazed it was almost 2 o'clock. "I have to get back to work and do a lot of thinking. When do I have to make up my mind?"

"How about the end of next week? Relax. If you say no, I'll understand. Just think about. I think you are the right person for this."

Kristi spent the rest of the time at work and during the ride home thinking about Maggie's offer. It intrigued her on so many levels and it bothered her on about the same number. She tried to be honest with herself and weighed the pro and cons. Would she be a business consult or actually involved in the business? She saw possible big trouble if the latter. It was extra money but did she need it? Not really. With her new job and salary, she was making good money. Wasn't she really a pimp, no matter what Maggie said? Making money off of someone else having sex sure sounded like it.

She was also upset as to why Maggie didn't ask her to join her as a "colleague". It was stupid to think this way but in a way she was hurt. She wouldn't do any thing like what Maggie was doing in a million years but didn't she 'have strong, good feelings about yourself and you have to enjoy sex.'? Christ, she loved sex right now and strong feelings about herself? She was strong enough to get her new job!

By the time she got home, she was angry with Maggie, at herself, and even work. How many times was she going to hear she was the 'right person' She thought she'd scream if she heard it again. Good thing no one was home because she'd be mad at them too. Kristi went to the refrigerator, took out some Rocky Road ice cream, and went upstairs. She took her clothes off and tossed them on the chair. She looked herself over.

"Damn!" she thought," I'd give them their money's worth."

She crawled under the cover, turned on the TV to some mindless dribble, and dug into the ice cream. As she ate, her mind wondered to something else Maggie said. She also read about it in that book Darlene gave her. Why would anyone want to be tie up for sex? She didn't understand that. Sex was about sharing and playing, not hurting someone. It was different if you used your body but to tie someone up bothered her. She didn't understand that kind of lovemaking.

"Oh well," she thought, putting the empty container on the nightstand. "I need my beauty rest." She turned out the light and rolled over.

When the cloth was removed from her eyes, Kristi blinked several times, then glanced around the room. The mahogany table felt cold against naked body. Her ankles were being held open by two men who sat so they had full view of her wide open pussy. Another man sat in a chair, intently watching her face. One sat near her hip, his head propped on his hand. Kristi quickly figured that there were about ten to twelve men in the room. Most had removed their clothing and were sporting erect cocks which some were slowly stroking. Looking around, she began to recognize their faces. They were the same men with whom she sat around this very table with. They were all the directors of the company!

Kristi tried to move but her arms were tied to the table and the men holding her ankles were too strong. She tried to scream but with the gag in her mouth, she could only mumble. She could feel numerous hands were everywhere, rubbing, probing, stroking.

"She has the most fantastic boobs," a voice said. Someone squeezed her full breasts. "These are so big, so full, so firm," the man whispered.

She heard a voice say, "Yes, she is the right person for the job. Bill, you have made an excellent choice. She is a lovely."

A number of the men moved closer to her. They had their erect cocks in their hands and were fondling their straining shafts. One caught Kristi's eye and grinned, licking his lips.

Kristi fought against the restraints to no avail. "This can't be happening to me!" her brain screamed out.

"Prepare her!"

The hands holding her ankles pulled her to the edge of the table. Her arms, still tied were stretched above her head. She lifted her head.

Grabbing a fist full of her hair, Mr. Robinson looked Kristi in the face. "Good girl, we are going to make you cum and you will have no choice. All of us are going to watch your hips buck and watch your face as your orgasm fills your body. You cannot resist."

"A final act. Mr. O'Brien, are you ready?"

Kristi's eyes grew wide as she saw Mr. O'Brien. He was an older man who's body seemed thin and tired. Two men supported each arm as he shuffled towards her. She recognized him as the President and owner of the company. What caused her to stare in horror was rising from the hair between his legs was the biggest, thickest erection she had ever seen. It stuck obscenely out in front of him. It made Tim's seem small.

"You have done well, Mr. Robinson."

She tried to resist but to no avail. Her cries became mumbles and seemed to be drowned out by the rising voices of the men in the room.

He was going to fuck her with that monster, here in front of everyone.

Two men held her ankles, spreading her wide until the tip of his cock touch her pussy.

"No! No! NO!" she screamed.

Kristi bolted up, covered with sweat. Her heart was racing. "What the hell?" she thought. She reached for the light and turned it on. "What was going on?"

She lay back down on her bed and caught her breath. Her body felt clammy and wet. Her bed sheets were torn from the bed and tossed wildly around. They were wet with her sweat. Gathering her thoughts, she swung her legs around and sat up. "That was crazy. No more eating Rocky Road before I go to bed."

Kristi got up and walked to the bathroom. She looked in the mirror as she splashed some water on her face. "That was some dream."

She headed back to her bed. Looking at it she realized she didn't want to climb into it in that condition. Turning off the light, she headed for Tim's room. Slowly she opened his door. She saw him lying in bed and tiptoed over to it. She lifted the covers and slid in. She nestled her back against him, feeling his naked body.

"Mom?" Tim mumbled.

"Yes, baby," she whispered.

"You ok? You feel cold."

"Yes, I'm ok. Just put your arm around me and hold me."

Tim put his arm around his mother's waist and pulled her close. She snuggled up against him. "Night, son."

"Night, mom." Tim replied as he kissed the back of her neck. He heard her sigh.

Kristi did two things when she got into work. First she called Maggie.

"Hello, Maggie," she said, " Hope I didn't wake you but I've decided not to take you up on your offer. Thanks any way."

"Are you sure?" Maggie replied. "That was an awfully quick decision."

"Yes, I'm sure. Good luck but the answer is no. Sorry."

"That's ok. The offer still stands if you change your mind."

Kristi hung up the phone. "Now number 2," she thought.

She walked into Mr. Robinson's office. "Here are the reports you wanted, sir."

"Kristi, please sit down. Relax. You seemed uncomfortable at this week's meeting. Any thing wrong?"

"No, I don't think so," she said as she sat down.

"Look," he said moving around the desk and sitting on the corner. "I hired you because I think you have the right personality for this job. I want to hear from you new ideas, new ways of doing things. I want your view. Don't let the people in there intimidate you. You are just as good, if not better." He tossed her reports on his desk. "Now tell me what is in those reports. I can read but I want to hear it from you."

Kristi took a deep breath and started. She told how she thought the new acne medicine wasn't as good as they hoped. It worked but really no better than others on the market. She wasn't sure if it was a good idea to spend money on a medicine in an all ready saturated market.

"Now to the male enhancement drug." She noticed a change in his face. She smiled to herself. She wondered how he felt hearing a woman talk about it. "Initial tests are showing some good results. Our test subjects are reporting hardness and even an increase in sex drive and in size. The response time seems to be acceptable. Taken as prescribed, it is doing well."

Robinson moved back behind his desk and sat down. "Any side effects?"

"Yes," Kristi continued. "If taken over a longer period, the change in size may be permanent. We need more data on that. Also it seems to stop acne too."

Robinson leaned forward. "Really? It may cure acne. That's different."

Kristi could tell from his face and body language that he was more interested in the size side effect. She got up and leaned on the desk. "Yes, it seems that way. On the size issue, it seems that those who used it frequently noticed their penises seemed larger and remained that way. There is some very interesting data in my report." She moved to open it.

"That's all right," he said quickly. "I'll read that. Anything else?"

"Yes, there is. It seems that our male enhancement drug works on women too. It seems the women have reported an increase in sex drive and in sexual response to stimuli." Kristi moved to the side of the desk. Again she leaned over. She was wearing a beige blouse today with a green skirt. Nothing out of the ordinary but leaning over had opened up her blouse a little. Robinson could see the white lace of her bra. "So it seems we may have stumbled upon something greater than we thought. I think we need more tests, more data on this, don't you?"

He fumbled for her report. "Why yes, by all means. Why don't you put in writing and present this to the Board next week?"

"Thank you. I'll get my people right on it. Any thing else?"

"No thank you, Ms. Clark."

Kristi left his office. "Well," she thought. "If you think I'm the right person for the job, then you'll see just how right I can be."

Kristi was all ready for tonight. Work had been a bear all week. Her presentation to the Board had been rock solid. She really did her homework and with Amy's help, nailed it. Robinson was on board with it in the beginning but it was Kristi who convinced the other of the idea to look in another direction. She told them about using the male enhancement pill for women. She had done her research into the need for such a pill and the possibilities that were open to the company if they were the first in the market. As the meeting broke up, Fred Malone, part the advertising department, came up to her. "Very nice job, Ms. Clark. I can see where this might go and there are some great avenues to look into." Even one of the finance guys congratulated her. Mr. Robinson smiled and nodded as he left.