A Solitary Man Ch. 01


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She never actually touched him, but would use the cane on his cock as well as the strap on his buttocks. Not so hard as to cause him damage, but hard enough to make him wince and bring tears to his eyes. Quite often he would ejaculate as she caned his cock. If she wanted to really humiliate him, she would reach under her skirt and remove her knickers and make him hold them to his nose.

Brian noticed how wet they were and he guessed what it meant, but he played the game without saying anything, pretending to be humiliated. When it was over she would always end it the same way.

"Let that be a lesson for you," she would say, before sending him to bed.

They never talked about it. He wouldn't have known what to say anyway.

Just before his 36th birthday his mother had a massive heart attack at work. She died almost instantly by all accounts.

Brian was heartbroken. His uncle Clive was there for him and helped with arrangements for the funeral and subsequent grief. For the next few months he taught Brian how to manage the bills and finances. Everything was transferred to Brian's bank account and relevant direct debits set up.

He took the bare minimum of time off work. He loved his job and the loss of his mother didn't change that.

Unknown to him, his mother, like his father, had life assurance. That along with her pension fund, savings and other settlements, meant Brian came into a substantial amount of money. She left everything to him in her will. It didn't really mean that much to him though. Brian had never really been interested in wealth.

It took time to adjust. Especially at night or when he had to cook his own meals. She'd raised him to do other chores though. So washing, ironing, cleaning and the like weren't a problem.

Eventually he cleared her clothes and other personal effects, but not her knickers. He kept those in the same drawer as they'd always been and he moved into her bedroom.

In all this time his masturbation never decreased. It was his sole consolation. Now he could do it whenever he chose to at home and in whatever room he wanted to. He still used his mothers panties too and he left the strap and cane hanging from the mantelpiece.

His sudden wealth didn't cause him to spend. He carried on as he always had, save for the purchase of a PC. Then, in spite of his social awkwardness, he enrolled in a short course in how to use it.

That one single purchase opened up a whole new world to him. For the first time in his life could view hardcore pornography, some of which he'd never even thought about. He learned about chat rooms too. He could actually "talk" to other people without ever having to meet them face to face.

As soon as he got home from work he'd fire up his computer, grab something to eat and barely notice anything else until the early hours.

Like most people he settled in to searches that fed his particular kinks and chatted to other men who shared them. He really liked chatting with men. It was also around this time that he became aware that he had a large cock compared to many others. He already loved his cock, but the knowledge he was big just made his love affair with it even greater.

He had formed an online friendship with 2 particular guys. They shared his passion for masturbation and underwear. They would chat for hours and he enjoyed hearing about their experiences. He never told them about his mother though, just about what he did at work. Both had asked about his cock at some point or another. Even telling him their respective sizes. He didn't really understand why they were interested but he liked the thought they wanted to know.

So he took his mothers sewing tape measure and meticulously sized his cock. 9 1/4" in length. 7 1/2" around the base. 6 1/2" circumference under the glans and 8" around the widest part of the helmet. Well just under 8" but he just rounded it up.

When he typed the measurements to his friends they were quick to say they didn't believe him and asked to see proof. He was excited by their reaction and opened his webcam to show them. It led to regular displays of shared wanking and he enjoyed watching them cum just as much as they enjoyed watching him do the same. It didn't matter that they were smaller. He just enjoyed seeing another man hard and cumming.

It couldn't replace what had happened with his mother however and he eventually started to look to relive those memories. It was easy to find a professional Domme online and after a few weeks of fantasising he contacted one.

He didn't need to explain why he liked what he wanted to do. She was only interested in his custom. So he made his first visit. He was nervous, but somehow the fact he was paying for the service made it eaiser for him. She had a dungeon with all manner of whips, canes, crops, paddles and straps that adorned the walls. On a shelf along one wall stood an array of dildos in varying sizes along with a few stap on dildos too. Underneath were hanging leather cuffs, metal handcuffs, hoods and leather blindfolds. A couple of benches with padded tops stood to one side and a St Andrews cross was attached to the far wall. Brian didn't feel particularly comfortable surrounded with all the paraphernalia, but he was there and was determined to experience what he'd come for.

It went quite well. She re-enacted the scene he asked for. Him naked, his buttocks strapped and his cock lightly caned. She was an older lady in her 50's, but unlike his mother she was very curvy. She wore a black leather corset with matching leather thong and thigh high boots. She was heavily made up and her black hair was tied in a bun.

He visited her 3 more times and each one went a little better than the last. Mainly because he felt more comfortable with her. It satisfied his needs to some extent but it was clinical. There wasn't the same connection he'd felt with his mother.

On the last visit she surprised him by adding another male to the scene. It was her husband. He knew that because he'd read on her webpage that she sometimes involved him. At an additional cost of course. He didn't question her doing this, he was too afraid to and the cost wasn't an issue. So he went along with it.

He was wearing a leather hood with cutouts for his eyes and mouth when he walked into the room. Brian found this very exciting. Not seeing this mans face yet knowing his own could be seen added a dimension Brian hadn't anticipated. Not only that. The man's body was completely hairless. His cock and balls looked amazing like that too.

He felt a huge rush of excitement seeing another man's hard cock in real life for the first time. He was much smaller but Brian liked it very much. He was also uncut. It looked so different to his own cut cock. That along with being shaved made Brian's cock twitch erratically.

She ordered the hooded man to remove her leather thong and for the very first time he saw a woman's naked cunt. She was also shaved and her large lips hung down from the slit between her thighs. The hooded man held the thong to Brian's nose and he greedily sniffed the heavy odour as his senses spiralled. He was surprised at how different the smell was to his mothers.

Then she ordered Brian to kneel and suck the cock of the hooded man, encouraging him with the cane to his erection. It was a changing point for him. He found he liked the taste. He had seen men sucking men on the internet and tried to emulate that. He wasn't particularly accomplished however and he gagged a lot.

The hooded man finished by squirting his cum over Brian's cock. It was an experience he knew he would want to repeat. He produced a lot more spunk too and the feeling was incredible. Brian rarely shot that much cum, probably because he wanked so much. She then had the man watch as she dealt with Brian. It didn't take much effort from the Mistress before he orgasmed himself. He was entranced as he watched his spunk covered cock shoot.

Over the following weeks, months and years Brian spent most of his online time wanking with his friends on webcam and searching more and more for information about Dominant men. His fantasies began to revolve exclusively around having a Master. Somehow he felt more of a connection with the hooded man than he had with the Mistress.

He didn't return to see her again. It wasn't what he wanted. Somehow it felt as if he was souring the special thing he'd had with his mother. It just wasn't the same.

He carried on sniffing his workmates underpants and taking glances in the showers though. Even making up fantasies of sucking them as he had the hooded man. He kept his mothers panties as a treat and only used them once a month.

When he was 42 he began subscribing to a contact magazine that specialised in BDSM. He had the thought that maybe he might find a Master or dominant man to make contact with. He hadn't had much luck online. Just about everyone he spoke to suddenly disappeared or stopped communicating with him. The magazine had been recommended to him by one of his online friends, suggesting most people who advertised in them were usually pretty genuine.

It was mainly photo type adverts with box numbers to write to. Many of which were Pro Dommes or couples. Very few were Masters looking for single men. He saw nothing suitable in the first issue. It did provide good material for masturbation though.

When he received the following issue he excitedly scanned through the pages. Most seemed to be repeat adverts from the previous issue. However, right on the last couple of pages there was a new service the magazine ran. It was telephone adverts. The type where you phone a premium rate number and get to listen and respond with a message of your own. Each advert had its own specific number. He had no idea how the person who placed the advert got to hear any replies, but it seemed a lot quicker than writing to a box number.

They were split into headings and he immediately began to read through those under the "Men seeking Men" section.

His cock stiffened when he came across one that was actually in the same county he lived in. A younger married fully bisexual Dominant. He read the words over and over. The wording etched into his mind. He couldn't help but wank himself off.

He went to bed that night thinking about the advert. His mind raced and he fantasised. He felt nervous. Excited. The way it was worded made him very hard and he broke his rule and used a pair of his mother's knickers to orgasm into.

He wasn't good at speaking, but the following evening he reread the advert and practiced his reply. He did so until he was sure he could go through with it and then dialled the number. He heard a mans voice on the recording. It was exactly the same as the printed version. The man sounded nice. Sensible and his voice full of confidence.

Just as he'd read, the voice explained he was searching for an older submissive male. It was important that he was single and could accommodate. The man could also accommodate though and Brian wondered how so given he was married. He listened until the recording stopped, then followed the instructions to leave a response. He did his best to repeat what he'd practiced feeling he may have messed it up, but made sure he was clear when he left his home number and the best times to call. He could hear the nerves in his voice as he spoke into the receiver.

After hanging up he wanked himself off.

In fact he wanked off twice each day for 4 days imagining getting a call, but nothing happened. So he began to think it wasn't going to happen. Maybe he hadn't come across very well. Perhaps the advertiser just didn't like the sound of him. It could be any number of reasons. After another 3 days he'd given up and went back to his usual routines.

Then on the following Tuesday evening at 7pm exactly, his telephone rang. He remembered the day so well. Surprised for some reason that it was a Tuesday. In his mind he'd expected it to be a Friday or Saturday.

It was him. His name was Robert. He sounded just like he did on the recording. Brian's cock immediately became erect. The conversation was quite short as Robert preferred to speak to prospective submissives face to face. He lived closer than Brian anticipated and after agreeing to meet at 8pm, Brian hung up and raced around in excitement.

He showered and put a pair of his nice trousers on along with a shirt, tie and his best shoes. He wanted to make a good impression. He also wore one of his favourite pieces of underwear. A shiny, very tight red thong. He had no expectations it would be seen, but it gave him confidence all the same.

He arrived at the given address slightly early. It was only a 15 minute drive away. It looked like a nice neighbourhood and the house itself was detached, possibly a 3 bedroom property. All quite normal and gave Brian no reason to feel concerned.

He waited until exactly 8pm before he nervously knocked on the door. He guessed as a Dominant, Robert would expect him to be punctual.

His heart was beating so very hard as he waited the 30 seconds or so before the door swung open.

"You must be Brian," Robert greeted him, then invited him inside.

Brian was immediately taken back by Roberts attire. A black, tight fitting rubber T-shirt style top with matching rubber shorts. He was barefoot and asked Brian to remove his shoes before he led him to the living room. They shook hands and as Robert asked him if he'd like anything to drink, Brian's head swirled as he took in the young man facing him.

Robert was very tall and very well defined. The rubber top clung to his body, perfectly defining the physique underneath. His almost black hair was swept back and stylishly cut. Clean shaven, with dark eyes and a strong jawline. He was very attractive. Brian immediately felt out of his depth.

As he left to get drinks Brian saw how muscular Robert's legs were. The big round buttocks barely contained in the shiny rubber shorts. He also noticed the lack of hair on his arms or legs.

He waited where Robert left him, his nerves jangling and his mouth dry. The room was well appointed with a dark green leather covered sofa and matching armchairs. The cream coloured carpet was deep and plush and in pristine condition. A stainless steel surrounded modern gas fire built into the wall was unlit and above was a large flatscreen TV attached to the wall, not a cable in sight.

In the middle of the floor was a large, very heavy looking American oak coffee table. Again, in a modern style and in keeping with the rest of room. The walls were painted in teal and grey and each had photos or artwork neatly arranged on them. He was quick to notice the wedding photos that hung to one side of the TV. He also noticed the very attractive woman in her wedding dress standing next to Robert in all of them.

"That's my wife Claire," Roberts voice brought him to attention.

He handed Brian a glass of cola and invited him to sit in one of the armchairs evenly placed opposite the other, either side of the fireplace.

Robert controlled the conversation, which was a relief for Brian. He learned that he was 28 years old, his wife 25. He had always been bisexual and Claire was fully aware of what he was doing. They had an open marriage to some extent, but he'd tell Brian more about that if all went well and he passed the interview stage.

Robert had quite a lot of experience as a Master and proceeded to give him a brief outline of that. He questioned Brian as to his experience too. Why he had answered the advert. What he was looking for. His personal situation and what his long term hopes were. Brian struggled to look at Robert directly and his answers were a little short initially. He was extremely nervous and Robert could see that. He could also see that Brian was not confident socially. Definitely an introvert.

As the evening progressed Brian managed to relax and began to feel more comfortable. He felt Robert understood him and gave him time to phrase his responses, much like his uncle Clive always had. Most importantly he was honest with his answers and Robert appreciated that. Even in that short time they seemed to like each other. Brian certainly felt a connection.

"So Brian," he said calmly. "I think its time for you to get undressed."

Brian flushed and his nerves kicked back in. He'd expected this might happen, even hoped it would, but now it was happening he faltered.

Robert just sat and waited.

So he stood up and began to undress. He still couldn't believe that someone like Robert would be interested in him. As he removed each item Robert told him to fold it and place it on the coffee table, until he was wearing just the tight red Lycra thong. He was too nervous to be erect and he felt vulnerable.

He noticed Roberts expression. He could see the look in his eyes. It reminded him of the way his mother used to look at him.

Robert asked him to turn around and then face him. He complimented him on his body and his choice of underwear before asking him to remove the thong.

He did as he was told and Robert took the thong from his grasp, watching as Brian's cock stood to attention. The same look as his mother. It was uncanny and it made Brian feel like he was home.

Then Robert did something that he couldn't have anticipated. He raised the thong to his nose and sniffed.

"I hope you don't mind," he said. "But I love the scent of a man."

To be continued...

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