A Son Forced - The College Years


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His midnight blue BMW X5 glistened in the late morning sun as they approached. He had bought it when his mother and aunt neared the end of their pregnancies knowing they would need the extra space his mother's Porsche couldn't provide. Not that they still didn't drive it, just with the BMW, it allowed all of them to travel together; and he had quite enough headaches from them fighting over who gets to go with him and to where.

"Margret you're driving," Mara said, handing the keys to her daughter once Ash and Iris were secured in their car seats.

"Mmm, yes, it's time for us to spend some time with the father of our children," Scarlet said, pressing her body against Jason's right side. Pressing his arm deep into the cleavage of her bosom, allowing her perfume to drift over him as her fingers interweaved with his.

"Sure, but do save some for me," Margret whispered as she opened the driver's side door.

"Damn it," Mary hissed as she slid in beside Margret.

"What is it?" Jason asked, as he was sandwiched between his mother and aunt.

"Mom wants to leave tonight, something about a storm moving in sometime tomorrow," Margret said, reading her mother's text. "Means I have to go home and pack real quick, I was hoping I'd have at least a day with you before we left," she said, peering back at him, smiling at the little ones, who were oblivious to what was happening behind them.

"Well..." Jason came up for air from his aunt's very forceful, passionate kiss. "You know if you want to go home and pack I don't mind driving you to her place..." His voice was cut off as his mother took command of his lips, not to be outplaced by her younger sister.

"You sure you don't mind Jason?" Mary asked, wishing she was back there with them as she watched Scarlet's head sinking into his lap.

"N...o." Jason gasped as his aunt's mouth wrapped around his cock once his mother's lips left his. "I-I-I'm... more than happy too," he said, trying not to curse in front of his children as Scarlet bobbed on his pole.

"Mmm, sister, do share," Mara purred hungrily as she stared at her son's cock as Scarlet's tongue twirled around his crown. Sharing a smirk with her sister as Scarlet took over his lips from her. Holding back her hair with one hand while her mouth and her other hand worked her son's cock. She could never figure out what it was about her son's pole that made it taste so good, yet she could never get enough of it.

"You like it don't you Master?" Scarlet whispered into Jason's ear. "Having us servicing this cock of yours, especially when our children are with us?" she asked, fighting herself from disrobing. "You know we are the only ones you ever need to..." Her eyes glanced down as her sister lifted off his cock and she didn't miss the chance.

"Yes, I think you do enjoy having us sucking and fucking you," Mara purred lightly, teasing the tips of Jason's hair as she snuggled closer to her son.

"Mmmhmm." Jason breathed heavily trying his best to hold back. Yet, like always, their skills never dulled, and their eagerness drove him to his breaking point.

"Shit!" Margret cursed from the driver's seat.

"What is it baby?" Mara asked.

"There's a traffic jam of sorts," Margret said, leaning forward to get a better look at the interstate as they waited for the light to turn green.

"Take the back roads then," Scarlet said, smiling wickedly. "We don't mind, do we sister?" Shooting Mara a very pointed look as her hands went to the button of her jeans knowing it would take an hour to reach home taking the side roads to the mansion Jason had bought over a year ago.

"Not at all," Mara said, matching her sister's smile as she too worked to undo her pants.

"You sure you don't mind?" Margret asked, looking in the rear view mirror at her mother.

"Not one bit sweetheart," Mara cooed, her tongue flicking out as she watched her sister leaning to her right presenting her bare ass and red swollen lips to Jason.

"Fuck me Master," Scarlet mouthed as she spread her left ass cheek. Showing him just how much her cunt missed him and his hard cock.

"Jason," Mara whispered to him mirroring her sister. "Don't forget about your mother," she pleaded showing off her pussy to him as he settled the head of his cock at the entrance of Scarlet's canal.

Scarlet bit back her moan as her paradise welcomed Jason home as the head of his cock breached her canal. Her hand gripped his thigh as he slowly fucked her due the cramp space they were in. Her blue eyes shot towards him as Jason ran his hand down her dancefloor. Her hand flew to her mouth to keep her moans contained as Jason rubbed slowly and teasingly on her clit. She didn't want to alert little Ash that his father was about to make her cum.

"Jason, I'm going to..." It took all her will not to scream out in bliss as she creamed her nephew's cock. To not let her son hear his mother beg for more as her hips rolled against his, as she wanted Jason's cock in the deepest parts of her womanhood.

"My turn Jason, mama needs her son's cock right here," Mara purred, pulling her left lip up showing him how needy her pussy was for that cock of his. Hissing in pleasure as Jason eased his cock into her eager cunt. "That's it baby fuck your mother, fuck her with the cock she gave birth to," she whispered, her right hand reached up caressing his right cheek. Bringing his lips to hers as... her eyes peering around his head as Scarlet rose from her seat as Iris began to cry.

"Don't worry she just dropped her pacifier..." Her grip tightened on the back of the seat she was leaning over as Jason sent two of his fingers deep into her cunt. "Yesssss," Scarlet hissed softly. Thrusting backwards on those wiggling appendages as they danced within her cunt. "Oh god," she moaned softly, her knees almost buckling out from under her as Jason rubbed on her G-spot.

"That's it Master take care of the subs who have missed you so much," Mara whispered as her lips pulled away from his. Squeezing her folds with every thrust of her son's cock to get the most out of the cramped space. Her nose wiggled as hers and her sister's sex began to fill the car, and she loved it! This was how it was always meant to be; them servicing their Master, and in return, he gives them all the orgasms they could stand. Nodding her head as she felt that twitch of her son's cock. Knowing her pussy was always where her son's cum should rest if it wasn't in her mouth.

"Jason I'm going to cum... again!" Scarlet yelled unable to hold it back any longer as her orgasmic juices surged out around her nephew's plowing fingers. Smiling down at her son; who just stared quizzically at his mother, yet his innocent eyes stared at her breasts thinking of his next meal. "Sorry baby," she whispered in a motherly voice as she placed a kiss on Ash's forehead, which earned her an infectious giggle from him. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head as Jason pulled her ass cheeks apart and ran his tongue up her saturated lips before darting his tongue into her hot pussy. "That's it baby taste me all you want," Scarlet cooed rubbing her mound against his face. Sticking her tongue out at Margret as she rolled down the windows to air out the SUV. "You better be cumming inside of me once you get home from taking Mary to her mother's," Scarlet stated with a sigh as she rested her head on Jason's shoulder. Feeling how saturated her panties were getting as they rode in blissful silence.

Jason glanced up as the gate to his estate swung open as he teased his mother's and aunt's breasts. He still couldn't believe he owned the place. While he loved his childhood home, he knew it would never be able to fit his growing family. He just wondered how many more children would be running through those grand halls in the years to come. Watching his sister pulling the SUV to a stop behind his mother's Porsche.

"Jason?" Mara called to him as he lifted the rear door. Her fingers trailed along the side panel as she neared the rear.

"Yeah Mom," Jason answered watching Margret and Mary unbuckling Iris and Ash from the car seats.

"Here, I'll take him so you can go pack," Scarlet said, sweetly, holding her arms out to her son. Shooting Jason a lewd filled gaze nodding to the other two to give Jason and Mara a little time.

"What's up?" Jason asked, sitting on the bumper of the BMW, spreading his legs, allowing his mother to fill the gap. Watching how she rested her hands on his shoulders, then moving them down his arms, taking hold of his hands bringing them up and placing them on her breasts.

"I love the feeling of your hands on me Jason. I love the feel of your touch on my... body," Mara said, feeling her body heating and trembling beneath her son's hands.

"O-okay," Jason said, drawing out the word. "Where is this going?!"

"I'm getting to it, be patient Master," Mara said, loving how that word rolled off her tongue. "I know you're plans Jason," a wicked light formed in her eyes at his startled look, "you know you can't hide anything from me anymore. I'll admit she is very loyal to you, and you should have that in a wife," she said, a smile formed on her lips. "I just wanted you to know you have my blessing in taking her as your wife; it's a wise choice as she is already a part of our unique lifestyle. While technically Scarlet, Margret and I can't marry you, that doesn't mean we don't think of ourselves as your wives. Mary will continue to provide cover for us, because you know my beloved Master," Mara said, sweetly. Her thumb brushed along her son's right cheek gazing lovingly at him. "We will never leave you, even if you order us too. We just love you so much, that life without you in it... well I think you get the idea." Her cheeks heating as those amber eyes peered up at her. She just didn't tell him that he mumbled about the ring in his sleep. Hugging her son tightly to her chest, gently stroking his hair as his head rested against her breasts. Inhaling the scent of the shampoo he had used as she placed a kiss on top of his head.

"Now come," Mara said, pulling him up. "Iris wants to see her daddy."


"Mmmhmm," Mara nodded pulling out her phone, "see?" Pulling up the video of Iris' first mumbled word as Jason grabbed the bags from the rear of the SUV. Enjoying the smile she saw as he watched their daughter voice a very garbled "Da-da."

"Then I guess I need to give her some love," Jason said, lowering the rear door.

"And then maybe later... the mother of your child can show you some love," Mara said, sensuously, her fingers slyly dipping below his waistband as she closed the gap between them. Her tongue curled within Jason's mouth as the noonday sun peaked.


"I'm so going to miss you!" Mary said, as her arms wrapped around Jason's neck as they sat in front of her mother's townhouse.

"I'm only a call away Mary," Jason said, rubbing her back. Keeping his plan a secret, his eyes flickering over to the red sedan that belonged to her mother's newish boyfriend. He wanted to surprise her and he couldn't really pick up the ring and hide it in the house without her finding it.

"But it's not the same Jason," Mary pouted. Her eyes darted down; her cheeks began to sport a deep red hue as she remembered how this all started for them. Knowing how she once took him for someone she wouldn't have bothered to speak to, only to find out he was a famous author. Knowing how once upon a time she would have slept with him just for that, not bothering to get to know Jason. Although she was glad that she did, glad that she got to know the real him that he barely showed while at school. Glad she was able to be with him, to fall in love with him. She didn't know what fate had in store for them, yet she did hope she would play a huge role in his life in the years to come. She loved being with him, loved being with the others, loved being a part of his family, and especially she loved and adored Ash and Iris. "Promise me Master," Mary said, her eyes glancing up. "Promise me that you'll think about what we talked about," she said, her hands going to her stomach. She went to every ultrasound, every shopping spree, every birthing class with Scarlet, both baby showers. She knew how much Margret wanted to be with child, yet held off until she finished college, while she too wanted to wait, Mary wanted to know if he wanted that with her. To have that connection that would forever tie them together. "Please?!"

"Okay Mary, if it means that much to you, I promise," Jason said sincerely.

"Good!" Throwing her arms one last time around his neck pulling him into a very long and passionate kiss, hoping that would sustain her for the rest of the weekend. "I'll text you the moment we get there," Mary said, sticking her head in the open passenger window once she got her bag from the rear of the car.

"Alright. Let me know where you're staying," Jason said, he needed to know that much, at least, if he was going to surprise her.

"Oh?! It's my uncle's house on the beach. So you don't have to worry about too many boys hitting on me. They don't hold a candle to my Master," Mary said, flashing him an amused smile after blowing him a kiss. "I'll text you the address once I get inside. Mom wants to catch up since I moved out and started school. I love you, Jason."

"I love you too," Jason said, watching how her face blushed hard as she walked towards the front door of the townhouse. Waving to Beverley when she stood on the stoop. With her new boyfriend almost constantly around he tended to keep his distance due to what they did on a weekly basis. While he did enjoy fucking her, he wasn't that horny, or cold, to ruin whatever she saw in that man. Nevertheless, he certainly didn't enjoy how the man eyed Mary. While he wanted to confront the asshat, Mary had talked him out of it; telling him he would never lay a hand on what was his. Sighing as he pulled off, shaking the thought from his head. He had somewhere to be, and he couldn't think about that man.

Walking into the Mon Coeur custom jewelry store where he had commissioned the ring before he left for Cincinnati. The interior had a feel of the late '20s to it as the brass bell rang over his head as he entered. Yet it might have that old timey feel to it that didn't mean the store didn't have the modern security means that kept all the valuable jewels safe from thieves.

"Ah, Mr. Windham I was wondering if you be showing up today," the beautiful black woman said, as she sauntered out from the rear of the store. She reminded him so much of Darla. While he was pleased that she could flee across country away from her father, he was sad to see her go. He did hope they would see each other sometime in the further, however, he had a feeling he wouldn't. If he was her, he wouldn't come anywhere near this city, especially after how she was treated by her own father.

Hearing her keys jingle as she unlocked the safe that stored the pieces that cost over ten thousand dollars. His amber eyes watched how her blue silk blouse detailed her breasts as she rose. The way her slender, delicate fingers set the black velvet tray on the glass case. Watching how the five-carat emerald cut diamond, bordered with a french-set halo, platinum engagement ring caught the light of the case below it, making the diamonds in the band and the center stone sparkle.

"Do you think she'll like it?" Jason asked, picking up the seventy-five thousand dollar ring, examining it under the lighted magnifying lens.

"Mr. Windham," the sales lady purred, her satin touch danced along the back of his hands bringing his attention up to her beautiful face. "If I was given such a ring, and if you were... never mind that, if you gave me that ring... I'd be down on my knees so fast, you're cock would be down my throat before you could utter a word," her eyes dipped low peering through the glass wondering what he had in those pants of his. When he had first come to her about the ring, she nearly fell out of the chair, laughing madly at this teenager buying such an expensive ring. Nevertheless, Jason didn't once let up in his sternness of what he wanted. The moment the balance cleared her jaw jumped like a stone. Since that moment she had never once belittled his choices, or what he wanted done to the ring.

"Good to know," Jason said, flashing her a coy smirk. "It is size six, yes?"

"Of course, the jeweler followed your instructions to the letter," she nodded, yet in the back of her mind she wondered who could have been lucky to land someone so young and rich. Her rich, plum rose rued lips puckered as she debated with herself if she could scratch off a bucket list item off. She always wanted to know what it was like to be fucked by a rich man, but she had no desire to crawl onto the dicks of wrinkly old men. "Does the ring meet your expectations?" she asked, trying not to rub her thighs together in front of him.

Rolling the ring around, giving it one last look over, ensuring everything he asked for was on the ring, "Yes, indeed it does," Jason nodded.

"Please follow me then," her finger beckoned him over her shoulder as she walked to her office, "we use very special boxes for such high end items," she said, swaying her ass, causing her skirt to tightly contour to her backside as she led Jason to her windowless office. She knew with the seventy-five thousand for the ring, and the five thousand two hundred and fifty dollars on the sales tax she was looking at a sizable commission on the piece. That in and of itself was all the reason she needed to do what she was about to do. "Please if you would," she said, gesturing for Jason to enter office.

Jason closed the lid of the ring box as he stepped out onto the street. His hand reached down repositioning his slick cock as he pocketed the ring. Sliding into the driver's seat of his mother's car, pulling out his phone, opening the text he had gotten from Mary. Copying and pasting the address into Goggle maps to see where exactly on the beach her uncle's place was. A sneaky smile spread across his lips once he ran a search for homes that were rentable for the summer, and what do you know there was just such a home for rent two homes down from her uncle's place.

"Yes, hello, is this..." Jason spoke into his phone with the owners of the home. "Yes, I was wondering if I could rent your place for a few days. I know this is all sudden," he said, nodding along as he listened to the woman's exasperation. He knew the place was perfect after taking a virtual tour of it. "Yes, I am willing to pay extra seeing how this is so sudden. I can imagine you are quite busy given this is the start of summer. When? I was hoping it could be ready by tomorrow morning," Jason said, his thumb brushing along the box in his pocket. "Yes that's fine," he nodded when the woman rattled off the price for renting the home, the extra cost for the rush cleaning. Typing the address into his mother's navigation system to see how long the drive was. "Yes that's fine we'll be there at nine," Jason agreed before ending the call.

Starting the SUV, placing his phone in the cup holder, his fingers drummed on the steering wheel as he waited for his chance to pull out. Humming to himself as he headed home, wondering how little Ash and Iris would enjoy their first time at the beach.

The car door closed in a soft kiss; the gravel crunched underfoot as he walked around the car. His children's laughter drifted on the air as they played outside in the play area he had paid to have built for them. When they were older he would have it converted to a little park just for them. A warm smile rose on his lips as he listened to his mother's, aunt's, and sister's voices as they cooed and awed as he rounded the corner of his home.

"Jason!" Margret cried joyfully jumping up, the ring he had bought her in New York flashed in the sunlight as she ran into his arms. "Come join us," she said, once her lips pulled away from his. Ignoring that she felt something hard in his pocket.