A Special Summer Ch. 02


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Christie left work and met a group of friends, including Maddi, for drinks and dinner. The group included Susan, who she had been out with a couple times and thought there might be something there. Between dinner and the group hanging out to watch a band after, she realized that Susan wasn't interested, at least not in her. She was interested in the blonde at the next table, that was obvious. Christie was a little hurt, so she decided to head home. She thought about seeing if Maddi wanted to come over, but Maddi was hooking up with what appeared to be a couple, so she said her goodnights and left.

Andi got home before Christie and sat down in front of the TV to catch up on texts and other things on her phone. Christie came in about thirty minutes later, tossing her purse on the counter. "You OK?" Andi said, looking up and seeing the look on her face.

"Yeah, fine," Christine said curtly.

"You sure?" Andi said.

Christie took a deep breath and replied, "Yeah, nothing you need to worry about, I'm fine."

Andi patted the seat beside her on the couch, "Come on, sit and unload, it's always better to get these things off your chest," she said.

Christie smiled and said, "OK, but don't say I didn't warn you," as she crossed the room and sat down next to Andi.

"OK," Christie began, "I went out with this woman, Susan, a couple times. She's friends with some friends' kind of thing. We had fun, nothing serious, but I thought there was a chance it might turn into something."

"Is she hot?" Andi asked with a grin.

"Um," Christie thought before answering, "I'd say she's cute in the right light."

Andi nodded and grinned, "Go ahead."

"Anyway, she was with the group I was out with tonight," Christie continued, "and she barely spoke to me and then started flirting with this woman from the table next to us."

"Well fuck her," Andi said angrily.

"Well, that was kind of the plan," Christie said with a giggle, "But that's not gonna happen now, which is why I'm so frustrated."

They both laughed and Andi put an arm around her and hugged her. "I'm sorry Aunt Christie, that kinda sucks," she said quietly.

Christie leaned her head on Andi's shoulder and smiled as she said, "Thanks, Hun, I appreciate it. You're right, it's nice to get it out and let it go."

They sat together quietly for a couple minutes, then Andi said, "Aunt Christie, can I ask you something personal?"

"Sure, Hun," Christie responded, "But if you're gonna ask personal questions, you're gonna have to stop with the Aunt Christie stuff, just call me Christie."

"Yeah, that kind of makes sense," Andi said, then continued, "So, Christie, what's it like to be with a woman?"

Bells and sirens were going off in Christie's head as she responded, "What do you mean, Hun, why do you ask?"

Andi turned away a bit, her arm still over Christie's shoulder and said, "Well, the last few months, I have been feeling interest in other girls, I kissed one at a party one night, but that's as far as it went. When I found out you were, um, sorry, not sure what you are, I mean, um.."

"I'd say Bi, sweetie," Christie said to help her out."

"Thanks, when I found out you were Bi," Andi continued, "I thought you could help me to understand what I'm feeling. Obviously, I can't talk to my mom about this, so I didn't know who to go to."

Christie turned to look at Andi, taking her hand as Andi took her arm from her shoulder and said softly, "All I can tell you is you should focus on what makes you happy, and not worry about what anyone else thinks or feels."

"How did you know?" Andi asked.

Christie thought for a second, then said, "Not sure I really knew anything. Maddi was actually the first woman I was with. And just so you know, she was the woman Steve caught me with."

Andi's eyes got wide, "Really?"

"Yeah, we are what some call Friends with Benefits," she said.

"Fuck buddies," Andi said with a giggle.

"Yeah, that too," Christie replied, "I guess it made it easy for me, I had someone I knew and was so close to that I could explore with to help me figure things out."

"That's what I'm struggling with," Andi said, "I'm terrified of what will happen if I end up with the wrong person."

"Having someone you trust and care about is the most important thing," Christie said, "just like the first time you were with a boy."

Andi cringed a bit as she said, "Well, yeah, that didn't work out so well. He was a prick and bragged about it to everyone. Which is what I'm worried about."

"I can see how that would worry you," Christie replied and squeezed her hand.

Andi leaned forward and laid her head on Christie's shoulder. Her mind was racing, what about her, there is no one she trusted more, someone that was experienced, and she could trust no matter what. It was her aunt, but so what, incest laws were because of genetics, right? There is nothing wrong with two women, they can't have babies. All these things were flowing through her mind, but she couldn't get up the courage to vocalize them.

Many of the same thoughts were flowing through Christie's head as she comforted Andi. Who would be better to help her explore her sexuality than someone she can trust without question, someone who has been through this and who loves her unconditionally. If only she knew that Andi was outside her door because she was interested in her, but she couldn't risk it if she wasn't sure, the downside is too great.

"Anything you need from me, Andi. Anything," Christie whispered. "No matter what it is, anything I can do to help you explore who you are and your sexuality, I'm here for you." She felt like that would open the door enough that if Andi was interested, she could broach the subject without fear.

Andi hugged her aunt tight, then pulled back and said, "I'm tired, I think I'll head off to bed." She squeezed Christie's hand, "Thank you for being there for me Aunt Chris..., I mean, Christie." She smiled awkwardly.

Christie leaned in and kissed her forward softly and whispered, "You're welcome. I'm here for you."

"Oh, I almost forgot," Andi said as she started to get up, "My friend Karen, from work, is going to come over to go to the pool tomorrow, if that's OK."

"That's great," Christie replied, "Maddi is coming over too at some point."

Christie watched Andi go up the stairs, then straightened things up a little and went up to her room. She got ready, dressed in her nighty and climbed into bed, knowing she wasn't going to sleep anytime soon, her mind wasn't going to let her.

Andi went through her nighttime ritual, pulled on her sleep shirt and went to bed. She felt more conflicted now than before. It felt like Christie wanted more, but that could be her seeing what Christie said through the lens she wanted to see it through. If she was wrong and did the wrong thing, it could ruin their relationship and she'd lose her again. She lay there and thought about Christie, then began imagining Christie and Maddi together. Had they fucked the other night when Maddi was over for dinner? Images of Christie and Maddi together began rolling through her mind and her hand absently slipped down to her small breast. Her fingertips teased her nipple lightly as she imagined Maddi on her knees between Christie's legs. She pulled her hand back and rolled over onto her side, closed her eyes and tried to sleep.

Christie's mind was spinning as she lay in her bed and stared at the ceiling. What had started out as a fantasy about a beautiful young woman that was never going to be real, was suddenly transformed into something different. She wasn't sure what that was, but she saw in Andi all the things that she had gone through in college. Who knows what would have happened if Maddi hadn't been in her life to provide her with a safe place to explore and discover who she was. Even with that she had married Steve, who was a wonderful man and someone she dearly loved, because it was "the right thing to do" despite not wanting that life. Andi needs to be free to be who she wants to be, not what her family or the rest of the world wants her to be. She needs a Maddi in her life, 'A Maddi, not the Maddi,' she thought with a smile.

Sleep wasn't coming, as a matter of fact, for Andi it was getting further away as she lay there unable to get the images of her aunt and her aunt's best friend and fuck buddy out of her mind. She finally gave up, or maybe more accurately, gave in, and reached into the drawer in the nightstand and pulled out her new toy. She spat in her hand and rubbed the saliva over the main arm of the toy, then slid off her panties and began to tease her clit with it. She turned it on but decided to tease herself a little before using starting one of the patterns.

Rubbing the length of the toy along her clit, she moaned softly and felt a warm sensation spreading between her legs. Pulling her legs back, she let the toy glide between her folds, then moved it to her mouth and ran her tongue along it and tasted herself. "Fuck," she said under her breath. Moving the toy back down to her pussy, she slipped it in slowly, exhaling softly at the feel of being penetrated.

As Christie lay there trying to sleep, she heard the strange alert tone on her phone again. Picking up the phone, she saw the notification that a device was trying to pair. Unlike the previous night, it didn't immediately go away, she assumed because Andi had paired it to her phone. This time, the request to pair stayed active as she watched it. She watched it for a couple of minutes, expecting the request to turn off when Andi paired it with her phone, but it didn't. So, she hit the button to pair the toy with her phone. Once she did, the app on her phone opened and presented her with controls for the toy. She remembered using it before, she could change the vibration of either arm or the movement of the main arm. She also remembered that being able to hear the person whose device you were controlling was important so that you could know how it was making them feel, experiences both while talking to her on-line partner and not were very different.

She slipped out of bed, putting aside the part of her brain that was screaming at her to stop, and moved silently down the hall to the door to Andi's room. She could hear soft moans coming from Andi's room, which excited her even more. She touched the control on her phone and started the rotation of the main arm, starting low and slowly increasing it.

The toy began to move as it sat inside Andi's pussy, the main arm began rotating and Andi moaned loudly as the rotation increased. She sat up in surprise, what had happened, had she hit a button to start it up or was someone controlling it, she knew it could be controlled by a remote user over the internet and she hadn't gone through the settings, could someone see it was on and just anonymously control it? She started to reach for her phone to find out, then stopped, so what, it felt good, amazing in fact, and the thought of someone randomly controlling it excited her.

Christie heard her moans stop, she didn't know what to do, what if Andi came to the door, fuck, she really hadn't thought this through, Andi was probably going to freak out when the toy started on its own. A few seconds later though, she heard the sounds again, soft moans of pleasure. She turned on the vibration on the main arm, left it fairly low then increased the rotation to near maximum. Andi's moans increased so she left the rotation there and began slowly increasing and decreasing the vibration.

Andi's hand was on the toy, keeping it in place, her feet on the bed with her knees raised as the toy worked away inside her. Her other hand was on her breasts, pinching and tugging on her small pink nipple. The feelings were intense, but not urgent, made her want more, then were suddenly reduced. She whimpered softly as the toy softly rotated inside her, then squealed when the smaller arm started vibrating hard on her clit. She got closer and closer to the edge, her moans and squeals getting more intense, then suddenly everything stopped. "No, no, no, no, please, no," she whimpered.

Outside the room, Christie smiled, her left hand had moved between her legs, and she was softly stroking her pussy, but her real focus was on her phone and Andi. She left everything off for a few seconds, heard Andi's pleas, then began the main arm rotation and vibration again, low setting at first, but quickly increasing to near the maximum again. She heard Andi respond, then pushed the small arm to full.

"Fuck, Oh GOD, FUCK, OH GOD, OH GOD, FUCK, FUCK!!!!" Andi squealed as the toy exploded on her clit. She could feel herself getting close again, wanted to cum so bad, then again it stopped. She whimpered, "Oh please no, don't stop, please, please." She waited, hoping whoever it was hadn't decided to quit, the wait seemed like forever, and she started to think she was going to have to do it herself when the toy lit up again, everything on full power, she screamed out, her hand moving from her nipple to cover her mouth and muffle her screams.

Orgasm denial was one of Christie's favorite things. Denial was a bit strong, she always made her partner cum, eventually. But she loved to make her partner beg for more, to bring them right to the edge, then take it away. 'Maddi was right, she was kind of a bitch,' she thought as she dropped the power of all three actuators to very low again and heard the obvious disappointment and pleading again. She left it like that for nearly a minute, Andi's pleas became more urgent, this was it, she was going to make her cum this time. She pushed all three controls to maximum again and leaned against the door jamb, slipping a finger inside her own pussy and slowly fucking herself.

Andi squealed again and her body pressed into the bed as the toy hit full power once again. She thrashed and squirmed as she pleaded, "Oh YES, PLEASE YES, FUCK, OH GOD, FUCK, FUCK." Her body began to shake, she kept waiting for it to stop again, but it never did, and she reached an amazing orgasm, feeling her hand soaked with her cum. The toy kept going for a few more seconds, then began to ease back until it was off. She lay there panting, trying to catch her breath.

The sounds of Andi's pleasure had Christie ready to explode. She needed to fuck herself but knew she couldn't do it there. She slipped slowly down the hall to her own room, then unpaired the toy from her phone. She grabbed her own vibrator and shoved it into her pussy and quickly brought herself to a leg shaking orgasm. She set the vibrator on the nightstand and rolled onto her side. Her mind was a little calmer and she eventually was able to fall asleep.

As Andi began to get control of herself, she realized that the toy had stopped almost as soon as she had cum, then thought about the fact that she had been close to cuming each time it had slowed or stopped. How was that possible, how did the person controlling it know. Was it a coincidence? Seemed unlikely. She pulled the toy out of her pussy and looked at the power light, it was blinking blue, which she thought she remembered being the indicator it was trying to pair with a phone. She grabbed her phone and opened the control app, it wasn't paired with her phone, nor did it show anyone as controlling it.

She set the phone back down, turned off the toy, set it on the nightstand and rolled over to try to sleep. She was a little creeped out, but it had been amazing, it must have been just a setting in the toy with time settings. Since it wasn't paired with her phone, no one could control it remotely. That made her feel much better, it never crossed her mind that it could have been paired with another phone. 'I need to find that setting and use it again,' she thought. She closed her eyes, feeling satisfied and was soon asleep.

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

It a real pleasure to read thank you

Sex_CrazedSex_Crazed5 months ago

Keep em cumming

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